Chapter 288

"Dongfang, why do you insist on me going down the mountain?" Luo Hanyi curled up like a cat on Dongfang Lianren's peak leader's seat, closed his eyes and felt Dongfang Lianren's gentle fingers.

"Guess." Dongfang Lianren exerted a little force on his hands.

"Hiss—" Luo Hanyi took a comfortable breath, and then opened his eyes, which were filled with mist: "That, Dongfang, is poisonous."

"I don't give an answer." Dongfang Lianren nodded her head: "I make you disobedient."

"Be obedient, be obedient, listen." Luo Han's clothes softened.

If it was her before, even if she was threatened like this, she would not compromise, but after a round of carrot baptism, Luo Hanyi began to act like a baby again.

"You." Lian Dongfang brushed her ears, pointing at her, "Open your mouth."


Red lips and white teeth.

Then a trace of green energy entered his throat, Luo Hanyi swallowed it, and then his complexion improved a bit, and then he seemed to lose his strength, and leaned lazily on the seat.



She has a headache.

"Yes, aunt." Lian Dongfang shook her head, and then continued to press her temples.


After enjoying it for a while, Luo Hanyi closed his eyes and continued to ask the question: "Dongfang, why did you drive me down the mountain? Why?"

"Who drove you down the mountain." Dongfang Lianren said angrily, "If I really want to drive you down the mountain, I'll just throw you down and see who dares to rescue you."

"...Hehe, hehe." Luo Hanyi laughed sarcastically upon hearing this.

Indeed, if Dongfang Lianren just threw her down and then let her go, no one would dare to save her.

And Dongfang Lianren is just afraid that this girl will start to break down when she cries, and then she will bring disaster to Luoyan City...

"Well, it was Senior Sister Feng who said to let you go down the mountain today." Dongfang Lianren thought for a while and said.

Push the pot to Luanfeng.

"Senior Sister Feng? Why?" Luo Hanyi didn't understand.

"Because I don't want you to know what's going to happen today." Dongfang Lianren said in a calm tone, stating the facts.

"..." Luo Hanyi was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, and she didn't ask why.

Mentally very clear.

Instead, Dongfang Lianren started talking.

"The atmosphere on the mountain today may not be very good... I mean the few of us." Dongfang Lianren rubbed his fingers softer and softer, Luo Hanyi closed his eyes, and Dongfang Lianren continued: "Hanyi, don't you It will make it difficult for me."

After a long time.

"...Mmm." Luo Hanyi nodded.

"Do you want to know?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

It's just a question, of course she won't say anything.

Luo Hanyi nodded, then shook his head again.

"No, I don't want anything." Luo Hanyi was a little panicked.

Many Lingshan people kept things from her about Lingshan, because Luo Hanyi, who has an innocent and kind personality, is actually not suitable to be a Lingshan member, and the core of Lingshan will inevitably come into contact with some dark things.

Like counting some people who were once close - other shrines or something.

The senior sisters will deliberately avoid her in these matters, Luo Hanyi knows it very well, so she usually turns a blind eye to it.

Luo Hanyi doesn't have female scheming, but everyone else does.

Maybe Han Xue didn't either, she was the only one among the crowd who was younger than Luo Hanyi... Then she left home and went to the Xuanjing Division, Chu Qishui was one reason, the other was probably because she didn't want to use her brain, compared to some cumbersome things The "simple" thing like subduing demons and eliminating demons is suitable for her.

Han Xue is the most chivalrous among the disciples of Lingshan.

Luo Hanyi's words...

In fact, Li Zhuzi is more suitable for the position of peak master than her, and she is even more suitable for being the peak master of the first peak than Luanfeng... But she is really too lazy. Li Zhuzi has done the heaviest job after "graduation" , is to modify her life to the appearance she likes... That kind of life that steals half a day's leisure is more suitable for her.

Although Li Zhuzi's cultivation level is high, everyone in Lingshan understands what she wants, so they never force her.

However, Li Zhuzi was getting further and further away from the path he wanted. He didn't bear the burden of the peak master, and his life was not easy... This is all due to a girl.

The latter ate a ruler and was in a school, bowing his head and admitting his mistake.


"Well, I usually don't ask you to leave the mountain, but if you can't find a sister today, you should be curious." Dongfang Lian shook his head.

How could it be so difficult in previous years, she just thought about it, and the matter still happened to Li Wangsheng.

His appearance made Luo Hanyi think that what they wanted to hide had something to do with the elder sister... although it was true.

"I won't be curious." Luo Hanyi nodded, such a big matter...she had better not get involved.

In the past, there were a lot of bad things because of her forcible intervention. Luo Hanyi knew it very well, and it was better for him to be obedient.

"Did you feel it?" Dongfang Lianren asked suddenly.

"En." Luo Hanyi nodded, she felt the breath of several senior sisters, and then turned around nervously: "When I come back, Senior Brother Wang Sheng won't leave."

She still misses her elder sister.

"No, it will probably last a few years, or more." Dongfang Lianren said truthfully.

"How many years?" Luo Hanyi was startled, opened his mouth wide, and patted his chest after recovering, feeling relieved.

There will be plenty of time.

Next, without Dongfang Lianren's force, Luo Hanyi stretched out his hand and tore off his own wenguan from Dongfang Lianren's waist.

"Where do you want me to go?"

"Where do you want to go?" Dongfang Lianren asked back when things went well.

"I... don't know, I'm a little scared." Luo Hanyi said honestly, she had the face of a sister Yu, but her personality was very weak: "I don't have any spiritual power, if I'm alone... I, I..."

"Leave me alone, let's go to Luoyan City." Dongfang Lianren pinched her face: "Did you forget something?"


"The girl you want is still in Luoyan City, and her injuries are not healed." Dongfang Lianren mentioned.



After a moment of silence, Luo Hanyi jumped up.

How could she have forgotten this!
"It's the girl I mentioned, right!" She asked nervously.


"It's okay!"

"It's okay, I didn't take any action, Liu Yatou cured her, and I'm going to let Liu Yatou take care of her for a while." Dongfang said pitifully.

"That's good, that's good." Luo Hanyi sat back and immediately stood up again: "Then I can just go and see her!"

"Very good." Dongfang Lianren nodded.

She knew that Luo Hanyi would not be able to return after going down the mountain in a short time, and seeing Zhao Yingge's miserable appearance, she would definitely be reluctant to leave.

When she comes back... the turmoil of the big sister should be almost over.

This is also the reason why she didn't help directly, but let Liu Fufeng go. She wasn't really lazy, it was all calculated.

How to let this dead girl who is afraid of life stay alone in Luoyan City, it made her difficult for a while.

"If that's the case, when will we leave?" Luo Hanyi played with his pass for going down the mountain, his tone was eager.

She had been reluctant to leave before, but now she couldn't wait.

"What's the rush, I'll see you off later." Dongfang Lianren flicked her forehead: "How do you go down the mountain like this?"

Luo Hanyi was wearing a light green Taoist robe at this time, with tears on his face and messy hair.

"I'll be ready now." Luo Hanyi was about to get up.

He was pulled back by Lianren Dongfang.

"You sit down."

Four eyes facing each other.

"I'll help you."

"Okay, thank you Dongfang." Luo Hanyi sat down obediently.

Then Dongfang Lianren stood behind her, arranging her hair, with rings on both sides, double rings at the back, and finally a bun in the middle of her hair.

How to make a long hair look good without procrastination is a skill.


Obviously, Li Zhuzi's technique is not good.


Lu Ling turned her back to Li Zhuzi, her hair was tied into a simple ponytail, and her hair was a little bared.

Compared with Lu Ling's funny hairstyle, the atmosphere is much more dignified.

In front of the empty school, there were four people.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng were sitting in the corner, not daring to take a breath. Tang Zheng was acting cowardly. As soon as she came in, she saw Li Zhuzi with a livid face. She almost died of fright, and thought she had made a mistake.

Fortunately, Li Zhuzi was looking for Lu Ling.

Although Tang Sheng was also very scared, she was even more worried about Lu Ling.

Lu Ling didn't think about anything now, with tears in her eyes.

If you look carefully, you will find that the edge of the palm of her clenched fist is bloody, which was hit by a ruler.

Lu Ling trembled slightly, felt Li Zhuzi's piercing gaze, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It's all because of the short-haired sister before.

Nothing good happens every time I meet her.

Lu Ling pushed all the blame on Shen Gui, without even thinking about it, she was the one who got up late, and she was the one who didn't dare to walk over. Shen Gui didn't do anything from the beginning to the end, just looked at her there .

But the blame was given to Shen Gui, and she didn't dare to throw the blame in front of Li Zhuzi, otherwise she would probably be taught a worse lesson.

At this time, Li Zhuzi just hit her with a ruler, and then told her to turn around.

Then, Lu Ling felt that Li Zhuzi was tying her hair. Because she got up late, her hair was messy.

The husband's hand seemed a little clumsy, he tied it for a long time and then untied it, and then continued.

Li Zhuzi's own short ponytail is neat, and the most spread out is shawl hair, so he is not very good at dealing with such long hair. To be precise, this is the first time in his life.

While Li Zhuzi was concentrating on tying Lu Ling's hair, Lu Ling was full of anxiety.

I was late, but my husband only slapped her once, and then tied her hair... It's weird, isn't it?
This kind of mentality of shaking M is also gone.

If Li Zhuzi knew, he would definitely be dumbfounded. The lesson is not serious, but Lu Ling is not at ease?

This girl deserves to be beaten.

"Sir, I was wrong." After a moment of silence, Lu Ling spoke tremblingly.

"En." Li Zhuzi said casually, then looked at the red rope in his hand and frowned.

How did the butterfly button work?

I don't remember clearly, the last time she used the butterfly button was when she was a minor... After that, she just put on a circle and let it go, she didn't bother to dress herself up.

A woman looks like someone who pleases herself, and Li Zhuzi doesn't care about anyone, so naturally she doesn't dress up.

Well, in fact, girls don't necessarily have to make up for others to see, sometimes it's just for themselves.

There are times when Li Zhuzi needs to show others.

She usually wears simple clothes, and she chooses the color of tree brown because she wants to make herself a little stricter in the eyes of these little girls, otherwise, if she dresses normally... she really is their "bamboo" sister.

Teacher, you still have to be more dignified.

She is different from Dongfang Lianren's "coquettish slut", she knows so many tricks, and a simple rope buckle can stump her.


The time has been spent on cultivation, and it's normal not to know how to tie your hair.

"Sir, I was wrong." Seeing that Li Zhuzi was silent, Lu Ling added another sentence.

"En." Li Zhuzi was still distracted.

In her mind, it was no big deal for Lu Ling to be late. It was normal for a girl who used to be punctual to sleep alone yesterday, so she couldn't sleep well. Moreover, Lu Ling had a good attitude of admitting her mistake, and it was over after a single slap.

She even expected Lu Ling to be in a mess when she appeared. Liu Fufeng, who was the pillar of life, suddenly disappeared. It is not surprising that Lu Ling would become like this. The reason why she took the initiative to help Lu Ling tidy her clothes and tie her hair was because Not to scare her, but to wait for a guest.

Not surprisingly, this guest is Lu Ling's teacher who has been exposed to cultural soul cultivation and next-step knowledge learning. No matter how you say it, you have to give a good impression to the new teacher, right?

Li Zhuzi subconsciously regarded Lu Ling as her own daughter. After all, she brought her out with her own hands, and it would be embarrassing for her to dress like this in front of her new teacher.

"First..." Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, ready to continue to admit her mistake.

"Turn around." Li Zhuzi interrupted Lu Ling, she gave up the butterfly buttons, and simply tied Lu Ling's hair behind her head.

"...Yes." Lu Ling turned her head, then stared at Li Zhuzi's face in a daze.

There was no anger as imagined, and there was no stern look between his brows.

Sir, it seems that he is really not angry...

so lucky?
Just thinking about it, Li Zhuzi's sudden frown made Lu Ling feel anxious again.

She looked at Lu Ling's hair and narrowed her eyes.

Seems crooked?

And it's messy.

Not very satisfied.

"That... sir, aren't you angry?" Lu Ling felt that this would not be a problem, so she asked directly.

"Angry? Why are you angry?" Li Zhuzi said casually.

"I, I'm late." Lu Ling looked up.

"Oh." Li Zhuzi continued to recall the method of the butterfly button, and she was going to do it again.

"Didn't I beat you?"

"Is this the end?" Although her palms were burning with pain, Lu Ling still couldn't believe it.

Li Zhuzi's attention finally moved away from Lu Ling's head, a little funny.

Is she usually too strict?

"Why, you think one is not enough, that's good, stretch out your right hand too." Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth.

"..." Upon hearing this, Lu Ling subconsciously drew her right hand behind her back, and then, remembering Li Zhuzi's "order", stretched out her right hand timidly and opened it.


Li Zhuzi raised his hand and patted her on the head lightly, then shook his head: "Excellent."

"Turn around."


 mlxg×blank, such a cute couple, is the game the day after tomorrow considered an official payout? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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