Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 289 Li Zhuzi's Weakness

Chapter 289 Li Zhuzi's Weakness
Now Lu Ling believed it, and Li Zhuzi was really not angry. While he was relieved, his face was not good-looking.

Although she was only hit once, the palm of her hand still felt burning and painful.

It shouldn't be a simple fight, Li Zhuzi must have used some tricks she didn't know about.

Li Zhuzi's ruler is the scariest thing in this school, every girl is afraid to death.

After being beaten once, it hurts for two or three days.

Tang Zheng had been beaten a few times and was already in shadow. Tang Sheng was similar, sitting obediently with her head bowed. However, she was far away from Lu Ling and was blocked by a screen, so she didn't know what happened inside.

"Tsk." Li Zhuzi tried the butterfly button, and finally shook his head in disappointment.

She remembered Diekou, but her hair was still messy, and she couldn't get Lu Ling's usual smoothness.

Are you really a woman?
Can not help but have such doubts.

It is estimated that even Shen Canghai is stronger than her... Although Shen Canghai is unreliable, but he has his own style in dressing, at least ten thousand times stronger than her.

"Sir..." Lu Ling suddenly said.

"Huh?" Li Zhuzi glanced at the time and continued.

Lu Ling was a little puzzled.

From the beginning, Li Zhuzi was playing with her hair, Lu Ling thought that the husband was trying to scare her, but it didn't seem to be the case, it seemed that the husband was really just dressing her up.

And what Lu Ling wanted to complain about was... Li Zhuzi's technique was really bad, not to mention hurting her, but also piercing so ugly, it was so uncomfortable.

Is there anything you are not good at, sir?

The bamboo carvings in Mr. Mingming's bedroom are so exquisite, and the bamboo stick she gave her is also very beautiful... It stands to reason that a gentleman who can possess such craftsmanship should be a person with ingenuity...

Who knew it was so clumsy now.

"Do you want to get it for me?" Lu Ling held her long hair in her hand from behind and said uncertainly.

"Yes." Li Zhuzi said angrily: "You look like this, won't you embarrass me later?"

Look at Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, one is lively and the other is quiet, and they are neatly dressed, they are very sensible at first glance, where is Lu Ling?
I don't know which wolf den she thought she escaped from.

Li Zhuzi is also a person who needs face.

But she has nothing to dress up for Lu Ling here, as for this red-headed rope, it was left on her bed by Lu Ling before, and it has been left here without throwing it away.

"That's it..." Lu Ling nodded half-understanding.

It means that my disheveled appearance will embarrass my husband?
How about that.

She can't embarrass her husband by embarrassing herself...

Lu Ling became more energetic.

If it's because of disheveled clothes, wouldn't it be better for her to come by herself?

She can't embarrass her husband, she should be proud.

"Sir, otherwise, I'll try it myself?" Lu Ling thought for a while, she still wanted to save some face for Li Zhuzi, so her voice was very low.

"You?" Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, not quite trusting Lu Ling.

This girl has always been the one who was taken care of by Liu Fufeng. In Li Zhuzi's heart, Lu Ling wanted her to teach her how to speak, and it was even more impossible for her to teach others.

It also involves eating, like a different person, and other times it is a salted fish.

In fact, she almost regarded Lu Ling as mildly mentally handicapped.

"Try it." Lu Ling nodded, then turned her back and signaled Li Zhuzi to help her untie it.

"..." Now Li Zhuzi didn't believe it even more.

Lu Ling couldn't even untie the butterfly button, and she still had to do it herself. In Li Zhuzi's mind, if Lu Ling could do it, why would she appear to her dressed like this.

She never thought that Lu Ling would be too lazy to go to bed without taking off her clothes... Otherwise, Lu Ling would probably be beaten again.

But Lu Ling's idea was very simple.

She probably couldn't untie Li Zhuzi's buckle.

It's all mechanical... This level is about the same as when Liu Fufeng first taught her.

Believe it or not, Li Zhuzi still did it. She pulled the butterfly button that she made with some difficulty.

"Hiss—" Lu Ling took a deep breath as she pulled the root of her hair.


Resentful eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'll be gentle." Li Zhuzi was expressionless, but he was actually a little embarrassed.

I even thought about asking Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng to help... But these two girls are not even ten years old, so it's still too embarrassing.

Then, the strength in Li Zhuzi's hands became much weaker.

Then, the butterfly buckle was opened, and Li Zhuzi handed the red rope to Lu Ling.

"No, I'll use this." Lu Ling rejected Li Zhuzi's red string that she had thrown away before, touched it in her bosom, and pulled out a red string.

A piece of silk fabric, as soft as autumn water, with pointed ends and long and wide arms.

This was bought in Luoyan City before, and Lu Ling was going to use it this morning, but she didn't make it in time because she got up late.

As for why it is red again... Of course, I have to ask Liu Fufeng. Lu Ling originally liked light green and sky blue, but Liu Fufeng decisively rejected it, and then bought the red silk from that shop.

A whole store.

Lu Ling felt that she could use one for a long time if she changed it every day.

"'s pretty." Li Zhuzi compared the thin rope in his hand, and threw it into the air, a flash of light flashed, and the red rope disappeared.

Compared with the transparent silk in Lu Ling's hand, this red rope is indeed a bit stingy.

But is this girl okay?
Li Zhuzi has no confidence in Lu Ling.

For Li Zhuzi, the rope is difficult in hell... This is obviously a higher grade of Hong Ling, and she gets a headache just looking at it anyway.

Li Zhuzi also has things that he is not good at.

Then, she immediately knew if Lu Ling could do it.

Skilled, Lu Ling pulled up her long hair, wrapped the red silk between the thumb and ring finger of her right hand, tied a flower, and raised her left hand, ready to wrap her long hair.

This posture is quite skillful... Li Zhuzi was a little surprised.

She really felt that with Lu Ling's IQ... anyway, it was a surprise.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling and nodded.

Then, Lu Ling failed.

The moment he touched the hair, he withdrew his hand suddenly, as if getting an electric shock, and the long hair spread out again, his willow eyebrows twisted together, and he bit his lower lip tightly.

"What's wrong?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak, but just stretched out her left hand and spread it out in front of Li Zhuzi.

The palm is bloody.

After being slapped, the skin seemed to disappear and became extremely sensitive.

It hurts.

"Forget it, make an exception." Li Zhuzi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he held Lu Ling's hand, and then a green light flashed.

"All right."

The blood color disappeared, Lu Ling's hand returned to white and tender, and the burning pain also disappeared.

"Thank you sir." Lu Ling showed joy, then picked up her hair and brushed it to one side.

Li Zhuzi was stunned by the next action.

Proficient and smooth.

Lu Ling put both hands behind her head, the blue silk threaded through the red silk, and then bent her arms, just pulling.

The ponytail is fixed.

It was a high ponytail, the heroic one, and the red silk was also pulled into a circle, leaving only a wisp of red silk at the tip hanging down and shaking with the ponytail.

Lu Ling shook her head, frowned, felt a little uncomfortable, adjusted Hong Ling's position, and then showed a satisfied expression.


A swallow-shaped ponytail hangs down neatly, and the temperament of the whole person has changed.

It's like magic.

Li Zhuzi was stunned. Although she is Lu Ling's teacher, she doesn't pay attention to her daily life. Lu Ling is so proficient in things that are difficult for her...

Of course, these are all the results of Liu Fufeng's training, taught by hand.

"And..." After tying up her hair, Lu Ling thought for a moment, took out the hairpin from behind her ear, pushed the bangs on her forehead to one side, and then stuck it on.

"Okay." After clapping her hands, Lu Ling turned around and said, "Sir, how are you doing?"

"..." Li Zhuzi was in a daze.

"Sir?" Lu Ling waved her hand.

"Yes." Li Zhuzi came back to his senses, and subconsciously wanted to rub her head, but seeing the neat hairstyle, he finally gave up, raised his hand and tapped Lu Ling's nose: "Very good, you are very good."

Much stronger than she imagined.

Li Zhuzi blushed a little as he looked at the pretty girl standing in front of him.

As a woman, she is undoubtedly unqualified, and her ability to tie her hair is not as good as Lu Ling... It feels like all these years have been wasted.

Makeup or something is even more of a shortcoming.

But Lu Ling was very happy.

Li Zhuzi praised her.

This should not embarrass Mr.

"Okay, let's sit outside." Li Zhuzi picked up the teacup on the wooden table and took a sip, hiding his rosy complexion.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded and walked out of the screen.

In the school.

"Sister Lu..." Tang Sheng watched Lu Ling walk out, was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed joy.

I also wonder why I was in a mess before, but now I have finished dressing up when I come out.

But I didn't ask, Sister Lu is so powerful, tidying up her appearance is not a piece of cake, unlike me, she needs master's help to tie her hair. As for her sister... Tang Zheng has short hair and doesn't need to tie it up.

"Are you okay?" Tang Sheng asked.

Lu Ling sat down in front of her and said, "It's all right."

"It's fine, I'm scared to death." Tang Sheng said in a low voice with a scared look on his face.

"Ms. Li was so scary just now."

"Have you?" Lu Ling said that she didn't feel it... Later, she really didn't feel it, so she wasn't lying.

"Sister Lu is really amazing." Little stars appeared in Tang Sheng's eyes.

It was the first time she saw that after Li Zhuzi was angry, some students were as calm as Lu Ling, and it seemed that they were not punished.

The sound of the ruler before was probably an illusion.

Sister Lu is so good, how could she be beaten.


Tang Sheng worshiped blindly, but Tang Zheng didn't think so.

The sound of the ruler before was very clear... She still wanted to wait for Lu Ling to come out and laugh at her.

Why is there nothing wrong with her?Still more glamorous than before?
Not satisfied.

Tang Zheng stood up, wanting to see Lu Ling's palm.

If you are beaten, you will definitely leave a mark.

"Hey, show me your hand." Tang Zheng said bluntly.

"Huh?" Lu Ling wondered, what's so interesting about her hands.


"Sister, what do you want to do?" Tang Sheng tugged at the corner of Tang Zheng's clothes in dissatisfaction.

"She must have been beaten by Teacher Li, and now she pretends to be so calm." Tang Zheng said.

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling trembled, and then her face was expressionless, as if she didn't hear it.

"No way, look at Sister Lu's appearance, don't think about it." Tang Sheng was dissatisfied, did her sister have some brain problems?

"I don't believe it, unless she shows me." Tang Zheng shook his head, she insisted on breaking Lu Ling's glorious image in her sister's heart, and let her know who is her real sister.

"Sister, don't do this, or I will get angry." Tang Sheng was very dissatisfied.

It's too much for my sister to target sister Lu like this every time.

The important thing is, what should she do if the sister Lu she likes hates her because of her stupid sister...

"You don't show me, are you guilty?" Tang Zheng said, she was very sure of the sound of the ruler she heard before, it was definitely not an illusion, Mr. Li would not beat herself - it could only be Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi's ruler, everyone knows that it won't heal within a short time after being hit, and with the severe pain, Lu Ling can pretend to be indifferent in front of her sister, but the mark on her hand will never deceitful.

"..." Seeing Tang Sheng questioning her, Lu Ling twitched her lips.

Speaking of which, how did she offend Tang Zheng... She has been targeting herself since the first day...

Lu Ling wasn't angry, she just thought it was weird, and... In fact, she liked the angry Tang Zheng very much, this little girl definitely didn't know how cute she was.

Lu Ling is also used to being chased and "hammered" by her.

"Sister!" Tang Sheng was angry.

Everyday, because of Lu Ling, the two sisters would have a conflict.

"You let her show me..." Tang Zheng was stunned before he finished speaking. She saw Lu Ling spread her hands, which were white and tender, without any red mark.

Coupled with the innocence on Lu Ling's face, Tang Zheng felt that the world had collapsed.

Actually not.

"Bad sister who makes trouble for no reason." Tang Sheng pushed Tang Zheng away and moved a place to the side.

I don't want to sit with my bad sister.

"I..." Tang Zheng was also a little confused.

Actually not.

Lu Ling withdrew her hand, then turned back, took out her book, and prepared to review what Li Zhuzi taught her before.

Molesting the little girl once a day is enough, now is the time for self-study, she doesn't want to give a bad impression to her husband.


Here, Tang Zheng was very dissatisfied, Tang Sheng actually pushed her, and said she was a bad sister... She was also a little angry.

She selectively forgot that she had "wronged" Lu Ling, and leaned towards her sister.

make a fist.

Find my own embarrassment on my sister, think so.

As an elder sister, it's not too much to teach her a little lesson.

"What are you doing..." Feeling the malicious look in his sister's eyes, Tang Sheng panicked.

"I'm your older sister, of course I'm teaching you a lesson." Tang Zheng shook his fist, his younger sister always turned her elbows outward, she couldn't stand it anymore.


"Who do you want to teach?" a gentle voice.

Tang Zheng was about to start, but he felt that he couldn't move, his body was stiff, only his eyes could move.

A figure appeared behind her, and what Tang Zheng saw from his sister's expression was surprise.


Then, Tang Zheng felt himself being held by the neck and placed on the table, and then——

His pants were ripped off.


The clear voice was accompanied by the girl's groans, her face turning red.

She was spanked.

 I just like Xu Song. What's wrong, "Su" is not mainstream?Do you really understand? "Cooling" is Shulai's diary?
  The two red boats on the river are just good rivers and mountains?
  I don't understand why I like to label it.

  I said Socrates had no bottom, but you told me that Aristotle was wicked.

  Also said I was stingy.


  Forget it, non-mainstream is non-mainstream, anyway I like it is not mainstream, if those songs on the charts are mainstream, I am sorry I can’t listen to them, I choose non-mainstream, as for the V family... Forget it, online Fortunately, I don't want to try again with the feeling of being disgusted by people around me.

  Just hide yourself as a baby.

  Too much talk, this is the last time recently, not to mention the discomfort in my heart, but to say that he is very comfortable not being able to see, anyway, I am narrow-minded.

  I like.

(End of this chapter)

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