Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 293 Bamboo-colored Lotus Seed Cake

Chapter 293 Bamboo-colored Lotus Seed Cake

In the following time, the two adults sat at the table, drinking tea and chatting.

The main reason is that Li Zhuzi still has some things about Lu Ling that he wants to mention to Tang Keyu, things about character and learning.

"Zhuzi, in my spare time, I'll teach her music theory, and then tap the little girl's potential in that okay?" Tang Keyu asked after taking a sip of bitter tea.

She doesn't really like drinking tea very much, but Li Zhuzi likes it, so she just drinks a little.

That's what Li Zhuzi likes about her.

Some people are unwilling to try no matter what she says, but Tang Keyu is willing to try everything.

Well, in fact, it is to accommodate her.

Is a very good, very good friend.

Of course, Li Zhuzi also knew about Tang Keyu's hobby - temperament.

Lu Ling is also talented here, so it is understandable that her old friend is eager to fight.

"Of course." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"That's good." Tang Keyu was happier, and then shook his head uncomfortably. There was a phoenix hairpin on it, but a pair of earrings were missing.

I always feel like something is missing from my ears...

But it doesn't matter, there are other things you can use when you go back.


At this time, the pair of banjos was in Lu Ling's hands, and she looked down.

The shrunken one, I don’t know if it’s made of silver or something else... It’s very light, non-reflective, and has five strings on it, but Lu Ling didn’t dare to fiddle with it. Dial off.

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to wear earrings or something?

Lu Ling touched her ear subconsciously, then shook her head violently.

Forget it, she doesn't need such fancy things, her goal is handsome girls, how can there be a coquettish woman in a skirt and earrings on the battlefield - no, no, no.

But I have to admit...

She still likes delicate gadgets and shiny gems.

This pair of earrings is beautiful and love it.

Then naturally, the affection for Tang Keyu in my heart increased a little - as Li Zhuzi said, it is really very simple to get close to Lu Ling, as long as you are nice to her.

Now she's really naive.

"Well, it's useless, let's give it to my junior sister later." Lu Ling put away a pair of earrings.

There is no place to hang things on her ears, and she doesn't have that habit... What is she doing with such a beautiful dress, and who is she showing it to? Really.

What's more... It seems that many people gave her gifts, and then they changed hands and gave them away... Think about it...

The big brother in Shushan gave a red gemstone to Mr. Wang, who seems to like it very much.

The short-haired young lady gave a blue gem to Liu Fufeng. The junior sister didn't know if she liked it or not, but she did carry it with her.

Lu Ling doesn't know the value of these things, but one thing is certain, these precious or non-precious things are really useless to her.

It's better to give it to someone you like than to keep it yourself.

That's why I accepted this pair of exquisite earrings. I think her junior sister should look very beautiful when she wears them.

And anyway, if she really needs something, someone will help her solve it.

For example, my junior sister has been helping her with various things, and so is my husband. It wasn't the bamboo she gave me, so I still use jumping to walk now.

Even if I know it's a magical thing, I don't think it must be kept to myself, it's not necessary.

Smiled, opened the book, and prepared to continue studying.

At this time, a small hand pressed on Lu Ling's book.

Lu Ling raised her head.

It's Tang Sheng.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ling asked.

"Sister Lu, what's wrong with you?" Tang Sheng asked cautiously.

Before Lu Ling was in a daze, it was hard for her to open her mouth. If she didn't ask now, she would have no chance when Sister Lu started to read.

Why did my master call Sister Lu over just now, and then I couldn't understand it.

Because it was far away, I couldn't hear what was said, but what is certain is...

Just now, Sister Lu cried.

Eyes are still red now.

Tang Sheng asked because he was worried.

In her heart, Lu Ling is a very quiet and perfect sister, but now she is very worried about the red eyes.

Could it be my master who bullied Sister Lu...

Think so.

"I, I'm fine." Lu Ling blushed, and then felt a little embarrassed.

How should such a thing be explained?

You can't tell the little girl that she misunderstood that Li Zhuzi wanted to abandon her, so she cried...

She is shameless.

"All right?" Tang Sheng didn't believe it.

"Well, don't ask, okay?" Lu Ling rubbed Tang Sheng's head and said.

The tone was gentle, with a little helplessness, and even blushed because of embarrassment...

Tang Sheng stared blankly at Lu Ling, and nodded unnaturally.

Such a sister Lu...

The best.

When she came back to her senses, Lu Ling had already opened the book and started studying.

It's too late to ask.

Forget it, Sister Lu doesn't want to say it.

Tang Sheng gave up.

At this moment, her head was full of Lu Ling's face, and she was a little fascinated.

"Tang Sheng, don't you think her appearance just now is embarrassing?" Tang Zheng's butt hurts at this time, but even so, he still doesn't forget to speak ill of Lu Ling.

"Sister, shut up." Tang Sheng shouted back.

Now she can't bear anyone to speak ill of her sister Lu, no one else.

"But just now... well, I won't say anything." Tang Zheng was halfway through speaking, when he saw the angry eyes of his younger sister, his heart froze and he was scared.

If it was normal, she would go back, but now she has just been taught a lesson by the master, if she conflicts with Tang Sheng again... the master will definitely beat her to death.

And Teacher Li is also...

Mixed doubles or something, I'd better be quiet.

"Hmph." Seeing that his sister was quite sensible, Tang Sheng turned away angrily and left a sentence.

"If you want to talk about embarrassment, you are more embarrassing, sister. Sister Lu is so beautiful, and crying is also very good. It doesn't look like you."

"You..." Tang Zheng's face darkened, and he was suddenly angry.

Does my sister mean that she is ugly?
"Hey, we both look the same." Tang Zheng reminded.

"Whoever said that, I don't want to be like you." Tang Sheng shook his head, his long hair rippling like water.

"It's so ugly." Tang Sheng pointed at Tang Zheng's short hair and stuck out his tongue.


Tang Zheng was silent.

I didn't speak for a while.




Continue to be silent.

At this time, Tang Sheng felt a little uncomfortable, and secretly glanced back, only to see his sister sitting blankly.

This is not right...

In the past, my sister would not be so quiet...

Did you say too much?
It should be too much.

It really is too much.

When Tang Zheng didn't speak, Tang Sheng panicked, and a layer of guilt gradually arose in his heart, which tended to worsen.

He glanced back again.

Her sister was still blank, not knowing what she was thinking, as if she was angry.

This will not work.

Tang Sheng got up from the stool, walked in front of Tang Zheng, and tugged on her sleeve.

"elder sister."

Tang Zheng didn't respond.

Indeed, her sister's words hurt her heart. The fact that they look the same is what she likes to show off the most...Because they are sisters, this appearance has always been her pride since she was wandering down the mountain.

Because it can be said with certainty that they are sisters, relatives, the only relatives in the world.

But now he is rejected by his sister?
My sister really hates herself.

Tang Zheng's nose was a little sour, and his eye sockets gradually turned red.

His consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he didn't pay attention to Tang Sheng's words.

Then, he felt someone tugging on his sleeve lightly, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Tang Sheng's face full of self-blame.

"Sister, I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, I was joking...don't be angry..." Tang Sheng stood there weakly, bowing his head and apologizing.


Tang Zheng smiled, what was she thinking.

A sister is a sister.

"Huh, apologize to me now, it's too late." Tang Zheng knocked Tang Sheng on the head: "Go and find your sister Lu, what are you doing with me?"

"Sister..." Tang Sheng blushed, and then felt a little relieved.

It's good that my sister is not angry.

"Sister Lu is studying."


"Then you come here to bother me, right? I don't want to be a plaything that is remembered only when I'm not around." Tang Zheng sneered.

Tang Sheng's face turned from red to white.

I apologized to my sister, but she said something like this...

"It's too much..."

Eye circles are red.


Seeing this, Tang Zheng's heart skipped a beat. She said a few more words because of her dissatisfaction, but obviously, she got carried away with complacency.

After a second.

Tang Sheng burst into tears, as if the reservoir had opened its gates, and it couldn't be stopped.

"Sister is too much..."

With a crying voice.


Seeing this, Tang Zheng glanced at where Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu were, and found that they were still chatting freely, but still very scared.

"Be quiet..."

She was afraid of being taught a lesson by Master again.

"Woooo..." Lowering his voice, Tang Sheng's lovely face was covered with tears, Tang Sheng reached out his hand clumsily for her to wipe.

"I was wrong, don't cry, I was wrong..."

Little consolation.

I really owed her in my previous life.


One side.

"Keyu, don't you care?" Li Zhuzi said.

"What do you do? Are you going to teach Ah Zheng a lesson?" Tang Keyu shook his head; "It's normal for sisters to have friction. I hit her a few times when Ah Zheng wanted to do something before. Now it doesn't matter. The relationship between sisters is always It heats up amidst the noise."

"That's right." Li Zhuzi nodded, then shook his fingertips.

The quarrel between the sisters is true. She and Shen Canghai were the same back then. They had been arguing for many years. Not only did the relationship not get worse, but it got better and better.

Of course, in recent years, she has been the one who suppressed Shen Canghai.

It is normal for sisters to have friction, so the relationship will get better and better——

Lu Ling too?
The relationship between her and Liu Fufeng is so good, but there is no friction that ordinary sisters should have, and they have always been harmonious.

It can only be said that Liu Fufeng is too used to her, or the relationship between the two is not pure sisters.

The corners of Li Zhuzi's mouth curled up.

It's really a bit like a mother and daughter...

"Zhuzi, what are you laughing at?" Tang Keyu filled himself with a cup of tea and asked curiously.

Li Zhuzi seldom laughed in the past, but today he laughed many times.

"It's nothing, I just thought of some fun things." Li Zhuzi put away his smile and stared at Tang Keyu.

Today is the memorial day of the elder sister, but obviously, to Tang Keyu, a middle-level person like Lingshan who doesn't understand the facts, it means nothing.

They don't even know that the elder sister has returned... That is to say, the sad atmosphere will only be exaggerated among the Lingshan people today... In this case, they should stay alone.

She didn't like the heavy feeling.

When the eldest sister left, she was also sad and cried... Now that she thinks about it, she has let it go, without any sadness at all.

Sometimes Li Zhuzi feels that he is a fickle person.

There's nothing wrong with that either.

"Zhuzi... why are you looking at me like this..." Tang Keyu was a little flustered by Li Zhuzi's stare, and said after taking a sip of tea.

"It's nothing, I'll just be dumbfounded if I post it." Li Zhuzi came back to his senses, reached out and grabbed a few pieces of pastries from the void, and handed them to Tang Keyu.


"Thank you." Seeing the food, Tang Keyu diverted his attention and nodded: "Although I came here for dinner, but Zhuzi's dim sum is very good, so I will not be polite."

Pastry entrance.

"'s still so good." Tang Keyu covered his cheek with one hand, narrowed his eyes, then moved his throat slightly, and swallowed.

"good to eat."

Licking the corner of her mouth, her red lips seemed to be covered with rouge.

"Bamboo, or did you make it yourself?"

"Well, I did it this morning." Li Zhuzi nodded.Then I took out the pastry by myself, took a bite, and felt the mellow fragrance of the food bloom in my mouth, and then took a sip of tea, the bitterness mixed with a touch of sweetness.

Could not be more comfortable.

"You are really good." Tang Keyu's clear eyes showed a little envy, and then said: "Zhuzi, do you still have that bamboo-colored lotus seed cake?"

"Lotus seed cake?" Li Zhuzi thought for a moment, then nodded: "A Ling has eaten all the lotus seeds of snow lotus, but today I made some Fenghua lotus seeds, which are not so sweet."

Originally, I kept a snow lotus for myself...and then Lu Ling ate it last night. When she was not around, I still felt distressed.

"Fenghua lotus seed? That's even better." Tang Keyu was still a little disappointed when he heard about it, but he didn't expect there to be a better one.

Snow lotus is just an ordinary flower, and lotus seeds are just delicious, but Fenghua lotus seeds are different. This is a treasure, nourishing blood, invigorating the heart, restraining blood, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Most importantly, it is one of the few that can be used directly. An elixir that increases the storage of aura without any side effects.

Absolutely good stuff.

Liu Fufeng's inspiration is poor, and the accumulation of spiritual power is very slow. If she uses some Fenghua lotus seeds, one is estimated to be comparable to her several months of cultivation.

"Better?" Li Zhuzi shook his head: "No, Fenghua lotus seeds are not sweet enough, and snow lotus seeds are better. I have no choice but to use Fenghua lotus seeds instead."


"It's too extravagant, it's too wasteful." Tang Keyu strongly condemned Li Zhuzi's behavior of only knowing how to satisfy his appetite... Then he looked at the two apprentices beside him, Tang Zheng was still comforting Tang Sheng .

"Give me two, good things should be shared."

Li Zhuzi's idea of ​​stocking up was raised aboveboard.

(End of this chapter)

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