Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 294 Lu Ling's Choice

Chapter 294 Lu Ling's Choice
"Give me two, good things should be shared."

Li Zhuzi's idea of ​​stocking up was raised aboveboard.

It's fine if she doesn't know, but now that she knows, she must do something for her apprentice.

"..." Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, then took a bite of the pastry in his hand: "Ke Yu, you..."

"Me?" Tang Keyu tilted his head: "Zhuzi, didn't you say that Asheng, Azheng, and Lu Ling should go to learn together? The two little girls in my family are not like the one in your family. They are full of aura and are about to overflow. Zheng just managed to gather the spiritual power to break through the condensed energy, but Ah Sheng still has a long way to go."

Lu Ling's talent is very good. In comparison, although Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng can also go to the next stage of cultivation, they are much worse.

Of course, the preliminary spiritual cultivation doesn't actually use much spiritual power, Tang Keyu said this just to...make his behavior seem more reasonable.

"Forget it, here you are." Li Zhuzi shook his head helplessly.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng's cultivation is really not as good as Lu Ling's. The latter's dantian has already been fully saved, and his foundation is extremely solid and thick. The two little girls in front are quite different, so let's make up for it.

Li Zhuzi originally didn't want to use this kind of natural and earthly treasures for students, and now it's time to rely less on foreign things, no matter whether there are side effects or not, it's not a good thing.

But since Tang Keyu herself doesn't care, she doesn't care.

"Thank you Bamboo." Tang Keyu took a sip of bitter tea and raised the corners of his mouth.

Compared to Li Zhuzi, she is very "poor", but of course she is not that poor. At least a few Fenghua lotus seeds are enough to eat, and the reason why she asks for it is just a coincidence.

Li Zhuzi's lotus seed cake is famous, even if it didn't have the effect of improving her cultivation, she would order two.

The two little girls have been very greedy recently, and they often said in front of her that they wanted to eat snacks... They said that they were tired of eating snacks on this mountain, which made Tang Keyu want to go down the mountain...

But now that Lu Ling has taken over, she can't go down the mountain.

Getting some bamboo-colored lotus seed cakes for his little girl is considered an explanation.

"Okay, it's almost time." After drinking the bitter tea in his hand, Tang Keyu waved his hand.

There was a space fluctuation visible to the naked eye, and two little girls appeared in front of her.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng were still angry at each other just now, Tang Sheng was useless to comfort him, and finally he felt wronged, but the stalemate between the two did not last long, and they felt blurred before their eyes, and then appeared in Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu were in front of them.

"Master, master..." Tang Zheng was suddenly transferred over, feeling a little guilty.



With two knocking sounds, Tang Keyu hit the foreheads of the two little girls one by one.

"Master..." Tang Sheng was in pain, covering his forehead with tears in his eyes.

"Have you guys had enough trouble? I'm going to get down to business." Tang Keyu straightened his black and white robes and said.

"Enough is enough." The two little girls were very tactful, not to mention Li Zhuzi was still watching from the sidelines.

"Bamboo, tell me." Tang Keyu waved his hand.

"Okay." Li Zhuzi nodded: "Tomorrow, yours will not be used by me."

"Ah?" Tang Sheng was taken aback.

Then, Li Zhuzi explained to them the next arrangement related to cultivation, and their arrangement is the symbol of Lingshan cultivation - to be taught by their master.

Lu Ling is very "poor" and can only squeeze into other people's teams.

"It means that in the future... Master, you will be our teacher?" Tang Zheng nodded and said, "Hello, Teacher Tang."

The corner of Tang Keyu's mouth twitched when he heard this, he raised his hand and slapped Tang Zheng on the head.



"Teacher, teacher, right, Teacher Tang, huh? Teacher Tang!" Tang Keyu was so angry that he cleaned up Tang Zheng: "Who is not big or small with anyone, but also Teacher Tang, you girl wants to be angry kill me?"

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Li Zhuzi held back his laughter, but he quickly adjusted and went up to fight.

"Okay, Ke Yu, stop beating, you're not smart in the first place."

"Hum." Tang Keyu suddenly became angry as a child, and after realizing it, he stopped and snorted coldly.

Tang Sheng didn't dare to move, but just watched.

When my master is not talking, she is really a perfect woman, gentle and skilled, and the most charming thing is her pair of eyes that are as clear as water, no worse than her sister Lu... But when she loses her temper, all of them go away.

Pity my sister, she was beaten again... No, not pitiful, she is purely brainless.

It's so strange to be called by Master... It deserves it.

Tang Sheng looked at Tang Zheng with a mentally retarded expression.

"Master, that's what I said..." Tang Zheng's eyes filled with tears, and he felt very wronged.

I was beaten so many times this morning, what should I do if I was really beaten... and the weather is very cold now, it really hurts...

"Why don't you miss Teacher Tang? Teacher Tang! Teacher Tang!" Tang Keyu gritted his teeth and wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Li Zhuzi.

"Okay, okay, calm down."

This girl Tang Zheng is also very pitiful.

"Forget it." Tang Keyu coughed twice, and returned to his ladylike appearance: "You two's lessons at Zhuzi are over, and I will teach you next."

Tang Sheng was stunned for a moment, glanced at Lu Ling who was studying beside him, and said, "Master, then..."

"I know what you want to ask, sister Lu, right? Your sister Lu will be with you from tomorrow and learn from me." Speaking of this, Tang Keyu glanced at Tang Zheng, who bowed his head weakly: "You should call me Teacher Tang, It's your sister Lu, not your real sister."

"Great!" Tang Sheng jumped up happily.

The relationship between her and Lu Ling has only become a little closer, and she is afraid of being separated from her. Now that she has received such good news, she is very happy.

"..." Compared to Tang Sheng, Tang Zheng was very unhappy.

"No matter where I go, I can't do without her..." He muttered.

Then Tang Keyu looked over, and she immediately shut up.

"What evil did I do..." Tang Keyu took a deep breath, and then asked, "You didn't eat anything this morning, did you?"

"Yes, Master." Tang Sheng nodded: "Yesterday, Mr. Li told me to come over early...but we got up late, so we didn't have time to go to the dining hall."

At this time, Tang Zheng added: "I didn't wake you up, I called you more than a dozen times, otherwise how could you miss dinner..."

Showing off and ingratiating in her tone, what she wanted to say was that her sister was called out by herself.

"Shut up." Who knows, Tang Keyu didn't appreciate it, she said angrily: "Isn't it right to be a sister? If Tang Sheng calls you, don't be your sister."

"...Yes, yes." Tang Zheng said awkwardly.

"Okay, if you haven't eaten, I'll have some snacks." Li Zhuzi reached out and took out two wrapped pieces of light green lotus seed cake from the air. It was steaming in this cold weather, and the sweet smell permeated instantly.


Two swallowing sounds.

The eyes of the two little girls were fixed on Li Zhuzi's snacks on the table.

I was hungry without eating...and it still smells so delicious...I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"A Sheng, yours." Tang Keyu took one, and opened the outer packaging, revealing the soft green and white pastry inside.

There are three layers of lotus seed cake, the top layer is soft lotus seed paste, the middle is light green rice cake with a faint bamboo fragrance, and the bottom layer is white soft mixed noodle cake, which is crystal clear and mouth-watering.

"Thank you Teacher Li, thank you Master." Tang Sheng nodded obediently, took the lotus seed cake, carefully licked the lotus seed paste on the surface, and then his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to take a bite.

Warm in the mouth, soft and sweet, and because of the fragrance of green bamboo, it is sweet but not greasy.

It was the best thing she had ever eaten... Tang Sheng had a happy face as he tasted his own breakfast.

"Master..." Tang Zheng swallowed.

"Want?" Tang Keyu took the other piece and waved it around in front of Tang Zheng. The fragrance was like his nose, and Tang Zheng's stomach began to howl.

"I want it." Tang Zheng nodded frantically.

"Master, I was wrong."

Now is the time to apologize first.

"You girl." Tang Keyu was angry and funny, then thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

"Scent me, and I'll give it to you."

"Master..." Hearing this, Tang Zheng blushed.

"Okay, of course, I don't mind if you don't want to eat." Tang Keyu smiled.

Usually, her big apprentice is very shy, she never makes out with her, and she is no better at coaxing people than Tang Sheng.

"I—" Tang Zheng hesitated.

"Sister, it's delicious." Tang Sheng sent an assist at this time.


Isn't it just a kiss?

"Here." Tang Keyu bent down, pointed at his cheek, with a look of waiting.

"En." Tang Zheng closed his eyes, leaned over, the moment his lips touched Tang Keyu's smooth skin, it was like an electric shock, and they separated instantly.


"Good boy." Tang Keyu smiled happily, and finally tricked his big apprentice's kiss, very happy.

"Here, your dessert." Handed over the bamboo-colored lotus seed cake.

"Thank you, Master, Teacher Li." Tang Zheng took the snack with a blushing face, and stood aside to eat.

He couldn't wait to take a bite, then let out a small moan, his eyes lit up, and he began to swallow in small mouthfuls.

too delicious.

It's worth a kiss.


Compared to the shy Tang Zheng, Tang Sheng's kiss was much "cheaper". Tang Keyu just got a kiss on the left cheek, but he was still not satisfied: "A Sheng."

"Yes." Tang Sheng looked up.

"This." Tang Keyu pointed to his right cheek.


He stepped on his feet and kissed his master, without blushing at all.

She's used to it.

"Tsk." Li Zhuzi watched from the side with a strange expression.

"Ah, it's comfortable." Tang Keyu looked at the two little girls eating snacks with a satisfied face.

"Ke Yu, you..." Li Zhuzi was speechless.


"Forget it." Li Zhuzi stopped talking, then glanced at Lu Ling, and then shook his head slightly.

Forget about this girl.

She is probably more introverted than Tang Zheng, so there is no need to think about such things.

"Ke Yu, what do you think of them? Apprentice?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Me?" Tang Keyu thought for a while: "When I first picked them up the mountain... I didn't feel much, then they were students, and then apprentices..."

Then he looked serious: "Up to now, it feels like I have raised two daughters."

"Daughter..." Li Zhuzi nodded, "Master thinks of us that way, too."

"That's right." Tang Keyu nodded: "My master still won't hold back when he hits me now."

"..." Li Zhuzi had never been beaten, so he didn't express his opinion.

However, Tang Keyu's performance also reminded her, and now she also has a tendency to treat Lu Ling as her daughter...

Why, is she going to compete with Liu Fufeng for the qualification of Lu Ling's "mother"?


"Aling, come here." Li Zhuzi's voice was very low.

Tang Sheng raised his head upon hearing this.

Sister Lu is studying, so she probably can't hear her... and Teacher Li's voice is still so low.

Looking up, she found that Lu Ling had already stood up. Lu Ling, who was supposed to be immersed in her own world, stood up the first time Li Zhuzi called her.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Lu Ling asked.

"Have you had breakfast?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Huh?" Lu Ling froze for a moment.

She thought it was something, but who knew that Li Zhuzi asked her to come over and asked this.

"Eat... finished." Lu Ling thought of Shen Gui, her face darkened.

Not only did he eat it, he almost choked to death.

"I've eaten, it's all right." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"But... Sir, if there is something delicious, I want it too." Lu Ling glanced at Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng who was eating snacks beside her, and said solemnly.

"Oh? What do you want?" Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth.

"Lotus seed cake." Lu Ling said.

"No." Li Zhuzi responded quickly, she called Lu Ling over, just to ask, at most ordinary pastries.

Bamboo-colored lotus seed cakes were not made a few, but if Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng were given two, she would not have any left.

Lu Ling stole a piece yesterday, but now she still wants it.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded.

"It's strange, why aren't you hungry today?" Li Zhuzi was very curious when he saw that Lu Ling didn't feel disappointed at all.

"It's nothing, it's just..." Lu Ling's nose moved, and the aroma of lotus seed cake entered her nostrils.

Not as sweet as she had eaten before.

So Lu Ling said confidently: "I still prefer the old one."

"..." Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows.

"You ghost girl has a good nose, it's really not as sweet as before."

"Really." Lu Ling shook her head, triumphantly.

What a pity.

Having eaten a better version made by her husband, she is not envious of the same type of time... Li Zhuzi's mouth is raised by Li Zhuzi.

Tang Keyu shook his head.

This girl has a good nose, but she won't be able to eat it after showing off... If she shows that she really wants it, Zhuzi might give it to her if she softens her heart, but now there is really no hope.

Yes, the current lotus seed cake may not be as delicious as the snow lotus lotus seeds before, but the current one is a treasure...

Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng had only eaten half of the food, and the aura on his body had condensed a lot, which was worth more than half a month of cultivation.

Of course, Tang Keyu thinks this way because she doesn't know Lu Ling well. If Lu Ling is really asked to choose between delicious food and improved cultivation... the answer is obvious.

Cultivation can't be eaten as food.

(End of this chapter)

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