Chapter 296

Where is Qin Qin's home? Lu Ling remembers it, and she went there with Liu Fufeng too... But the younger sister ordered her to bring this universe bag to see Qin Qin after she came back...

You should listen to what your junior sister says.

But, if I remember correctly, that incomparably nasty little sister with short hair lived with Qin Qin, right...

Lu Ling buried her body under the water, leaving only her hair floating on the water.


Curled up in the hot water, Lu Ling opened her eyes.

go with!
Isn't it Shen Gui?

Can she still eat herself?

Standing up from the water, Lu Ling began to wipe her body.

"It's not dirty at all..."

The arms were all red from rubbing, and there was no stain at all. Lu Ling wiped her body formally, and stopped washing.

Taking a bath or something... It's just a matter of bubbles...


so comfortable...

tender feeling...

Lu Ling closed her eyes, immersed in the stimulation brought by the hot water, her consciousness gradually blurred.

Due to her physical condition, Lu Ling couldn't feel the cold, but she was very sensitive to heat. The sensation brought by warm water to her skin would be multiplied, and now the hot water was wrapped around her body... for a while, Lu Ling felt Sinking into the land of tenderness, unable to extricate themselves.


I don't want to think about anything anymore, Shen Gui or doesn't matter anymore.


After a while, Lu Ling curled up in the barrel, hugged her knees, and fell asleep.

And slept soundly.

The whole body and long hair were submerged in the water. Lu Ling could breathe in the water. She opened and closed her small mouth, spitting out bubbles like a goldfish.

In the cold winter, being able to soak in a hot really the greatest enjoyment in the world.


Lu Ling fell asleep here, but Xuechen didn't.

She yawned and stood up gracefully from the bed.

At this time, she was supposed to go to find Lu Ling in her dream, but she didn't sleep, but had other things to do.

With a light leap, the cat appeared above the edge of the tub, stuck out its head, looked at Lu Ling who was sleeping soundly, and swallowed.

Like master, like, like.

But still held back, the cat just looked at Lu Lingsleep without blinking.

Lu Ling didn't know if she dreamed of something good, with a happy face.

After a while.

Lu Ling frowned, as if she was not very comfortable.

It's now.

Xuechen moved, she jumped out of the tub, and transformed into a young girl, holding a bucket of hot water carefully stepping on the air to climb up, and then adding hot water into the bucket little by little.

As the temperature around her body rose, Lu Ling's furrowed brows gradually eased.

She curled up her mouth and slept comfortably.

Seeing Lu Ling smile, the little girl was very happy, she just hung by the bucket, continued to look at Lu Ling's sleeping face, and then repeated the action of adding water.


The atmosphere of Ninth Peak is extremely harmonious and warm.

Not so elsewhere.

second peak.

A woman stretched out from the room, squinted her eyes, the tyrannical spiritual power flashed across her body, and then dissipated in an instant, returning to her harmless appearance.

He licked his red lips.

After tidying up the skirts and stepping out, the figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was in an antique room.

There is a faint fragrance in the room, and the room is full of exquisite furniture. There is a guqin in the south, and there is a layer of light green piano clothes on the wall.

The woman walked to the bed, looked at the sleeping girl on the bed, and gave an evil smile.

leaned over.

The target is the girl's crimson red lips.

Just when she was about to succeed, the girl suddenly opened her eyes and waved her hand.


A loud slap.

Then the whole room fell silent, dead still.

The murderous aura permeated, and then dissipated, leaving only stunned on the girl's face.

"Master, Master?" Qin Qin was stunned for a moment, then couldn't laugh or cry.

"...It's me." Shen Canghai twitched the corner of his mouth, a palm print on the right side of his handsome face was faintly visible.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted, and I blame you, Master, what are you doing secretly." Qin Qin complained a few times, then stood up from the bed, put on her coat, then turned her head and said: "Master, I can't do it. "

"Cut." Shen Canghai was obviously unwilling and spat out.

"Wait, Master, aren't you retreating? Have you broken through?" Qin Qin put on his clothes and belt, and asked at the same time.

"Breakthrough? No, even if I break through, I have to change places, otherwise a few thunderstorms will destroy you." Shen Canghai said casually.

"Then what are you doing here?" Qin Qin felt helpless: "Are you hungry again? I'll cook for you..."

What kind of habit does my master have? He agreed to retreat, but ended up coming out for a walk every now and then.

"Eat? Okay, okay." Shen Canghai raised his hands in agreement, but then hesitated for a moment: "Don't eat, I still have something to do."

"Oh, I see." Qin Qin nodded.

If she doesn't want to eat, that's okay, save trouble.

"Where's Gui'er?" Shen Canghai closed his eyes, but couldn't find Shen Gui's breath at home.

"Her?" Qin Qin curled her lips: "I just got up, how would I know."

"I guess it's time to go to the training ground again."

"That's fine, I'm leaving." Shen Canghai just asked, and there was nothing wrong with looking for Shen Gui.

"Wait." Qin Qin stopped her and stepped forward in three steps.

"It must not be a trivial matter to get you out of the retreat, Master, and you must not embarrass us."

Qin Qin was arranging Shen Canghai's clothes while talking.

The Taoist robe that was open and the gully on her chest could be seen was tightly buttoned by her, the messy clothes were rearranged, and the scattered long hair was tied into a neat high ponytail.

"Trouble, trouble." Shen Canghai said, but his body did not resist.

Let's dress more formally today.

"That's enough." Looking at the handsome woman in front of her, Qin Qin nodded in satisfaction, all her aura was restrained, and all that was left was heroic and leisurely.

"By the way, Master, what are you going to do? Can you tell me?"

Qin Qin was a little curious and asked directly.

"I, I'm going to suppress the place, okay, I'm leaving." Shen Canghai narrowed his eyes, and then the whole body was full of sword energy, tearing the space and disappearing.

"Suppressing the market? Tsk." Qin Qin shook his head, and then looked at the wound on his finger that was cut by Shen Canghai's sword energy, which did not heal for a long time.

Put it in the mouth, hold it for a while and take it out, the wound disappears.

"Just don't get into trouble."


third peak.

main hall.

A group of women gathered here, serious, and a heavy atmosphere filled the entire hall.

A group of serious women, and a neat and handsome young man dressed in white.

At this time, the woman in red came in from the outside.

"Dongfang, are you back?" Seeing this, Luanfeng asked.

"En." Dongfang Lianren nodded: "I have already sent the cold clothes to Luoyan City."

"Okay, I got it." The leader, Luanfeng, sighed: "Next, let's go to the Sixth Peak, Zixu should be ready, and then... Senior Brother Li, you wait here first, it's not convenient to go together."

"Understood." Li Wangsheng nodded and stood in the corner.

Luanfeng also respected him as senior brother... with some emotion.

At this time, Li Wangsheng looked completely different from Shan Xia's scruffy appearance, as if he was a different person, extremely energetic. Of course, there was still a wine gourd hanging on his waist, but at this time the wine gourd was filled with fruit wine.

Her favorite is fruit wine.

At this time, everyone was ready, but obviously, the atmosphere was not so harmonious.

There has always been a lot of contradictions about the big sister, and with the addition of a group of women... things are even more chaotic.

"I said, Li Wangsheng is here this time, why don't you inform that woman Chu Qishui?" a Taoist nun asked.

"Don't be weird here, if you have the ability, go directly to the Ninth Peak to find her."

"Why, do you think I dare not? After so many years, Chu Qishui has never appeared at the elder sister's ceremony, and I am not allowed to say a few words? If you want me to say, the masters shouldn't be soft-hearted. Wouldn't it be good to just drive her out of the mountain?"

"I agree, if it wasn't for her, Eldest Sister wouldn't be..." Dongfang Lianren echoed.

She has always been on Zixu's side.

"That's too much."

"How is it too much? Are you talking about how it is too much?"


Someone raised the topic, and the atmosphere exploded instantly.

It's the only thing that can make this group of high-ranking Lingshan people quarrel.

"Okay, don't talk about it." Master Luanfeng was a little helpless, but her voice was swallowed before there was a wave of quarrel.

"Elder Sister... woo...Master Sister..."

Someone is already crying.

Crying, arguing, and a lot of noise, like a vegetable market.

Someone is even going to do it.

"Be quiet." Luanfeng raised her voice a little, but it still didn't work.

She pinched her eyebrows, a little helpless.

The elder sisters are all sisters, but as long as Chu Qishui is mentioned, things will develop out of control.


Li Wangsheng closed his eyes as if he didn't hear the noise in his ears.

If you shouldn't watch it, don't watch it.


Just as the quarrel intensified, a sword flew from the sky and pierced into the center of the hall with a huge sound of wind. The sound of the sword produced several sound waves that shuttled back and forth in the hall.

As the wind danced, the group of women finally calmed down, put away their arguments like shrews, and returned to the appearance of aloof fairies.

"What's the noise, what's the noise." A woman in a black and white Taoist robe rubbed her ears, walked in from outside the hall, pulled out a sword stuck in the ground, held it in her hand, and held a sword flower, and then the sword rose in the hall. gas storm.

"What day is it today? What are you doing?"

No one spoke.

No one wanted to offend Shen Canghai, a crazy woman.

"Heh." Shen Canghai put away his long sword and stood in the center of the crowd.

As she told Qin Qin, she came to town the place.

"Is it enough?" Shen Canghai looked around, wherever she looked, everyone else lowered their heads, including Dongfang Lianren.

"Let's go when you've had enough trouble..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.


Shen Canghai looked over.

A Taoist nun with the appearance of a young girl was leaning against the wall, with big tears running down her face and splashing on the ground.

"Elder Sister, I miss you so much..." The girl's sobs were unusually obvious in the hall.

Shen Canghai walked over.

A silver light flashed, and the long sword stayed an inch in front of the girl's throat. The sharp sword light left a bloody mark on her white and tender skin.

"Hiss..." In pain, the girl raised her head, then met Shen Canghai's indifferent gaze, and after sobbing a few times, she didn't dare to move.

"Shut up and cry when you get there."

"...Yes." The girl nodded weakly, put away her tears, and hid behind her companion.

"Okay, let's go." Luanfeng gave Shen Canghai a look, and then ordered.


With an order, colorful lights flashed, and almost everyone in the hall left, only Luanfeng, Shen Canghai, and Li Wangsheng remained.

"Canghai, I'm in trouble." Luanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Only she can restrain this group of lawless masters.

"It's okay." Shen Canghai waved his hand, then walked to Li Wangsheng's side, frowning.


"Li Wangsheng." Li Wangsheng raised his head and announced his family name.

"Hmph, it's you." Shen Canghai's brows stretched out, she remembered it, no wonder she looked familiar.

Her gaze was on the musical instrument at his waist, to be precise at the small bamboo leaf on the musical instrument... For Li Zhuzi's sake, she gave Li Wangsheng a face.

"You go out and wait." Shen Canghai ordered.

"Okay." Li Wangsheng turned and left without leaving a trace.

"Okay, Senior Sister Feng, let's go too." Shen Canghai put the sword behind his back, turned and left.

"Wait." Master Luanfeng came over, stretched out his hand, and patted Shen Canghai's butt.

"???" Shen Canghai froze for a moment, then narrowed his eyes.

Luanfeng coughed, and then said: "Cang Hai, there is a footprint on your butt."

"..." There was a silence.

Shen Canghai twitched the corner of his mouth, and a sword aura rose from his body.

"I'll go first." Seeing this, Luanfeng smiled, and then Huahong left.

"Cut." Shen Canghai blushed for a moment, and then patted his Taoist robe, there was still a mark left - it was Li Zhuzi's spiritual power mark.

When she came out of the house, she went to Li Zhuzi's school immediately, but she was kicked out by Li Zhuzi before entering the door.

Well, kick ass.

Bamboo is still the same as before, unwilling to participate in the sacrifice with them.

"If you don't come, then don't come, why do you move, really, it makes me so ashamed." Shen Canghai complained a few times, and then left through the space.

The elder sister's ceremony begins.

In fact, it is almost the same as in the mortal world, there is no difference, the main reason is that the identities of the participants are different, so there is nothing to say.


Peaceful Ninth Peak.

In the thatched cottage, it is very quiet.

Not a single person, just a barrel.


The sound of bubbling.

Lu Ling drank two sips of water, then opened her eyes, her eyes were blurry, as if she couldn't see clearly through a layer of plastic bags.

Surrounded by a touch of warmth.

"Gudu..." He took another sip of water.

After waking up, Lu Ling couldn't regulate her breathing.

i'm in the water

By the way, I was taking a shower before.

It was all because the water was so comfortable that she fell asleep without holding back.


Lu Ling stood up from the water, rubbed her eyes, and the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look at her body—heaved a sigh of relief.

Not soaked.

well?Was there so much water in this bucket before?

Looking at the bucket full of warm water, several question marks appeared on Lu Ling's head.

(End of this chapter)

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