Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 299 Busy Liu Fufeng

Chapter 299 Busy Liu Fufeng
Sleep is the best way to solve the problem, not to let Lu Ling escape, but on the spiritual level, effective rest can make Lu Ling's brain clearer.

At least I won't think about it anymore.


"Hmph, hum, hum..." Qin Qin was busy humming a little tune.

"Zizi..." The oil was put into the pan, and the flames rose.

Yu's hands flew up and down, and the small dishes on the chopping board were cut into transparent strips. She didn't cheat, this was pure knife skills, although it could be done with spiritual power, but that would be boring.

"Keng Keng Keng Keng Keng Keng..." There was a crisp knocking sound.

With a serious look on her face, Qin Qin cut up all the vegetables on the table and categorized them, then pinched a small handful of seasonings and sprinkled them on the vegetables, then turned her head and waited quietly for the flavors.

The current Qin Qin is not the fairy on the piano stage at all, but a housewife, not only in temperament, but also in clothes.

She took off her light green Baishui skirt and put on a cook-like dress, with a small white hat on her head.

"A Ling, you will definitely like it, right?" Qin Qin smiled confidently as she looked at Lu Ling who was sleeping soundly behind her.

Then turn around, take out the onion, ginger and garlic, chop them into pieces, and then...


Putting the red pepper into the oil pan, Qin Qin's eyes were fixed on the oil flowers and peppers in the pan, not caring at all that the oil stains in the pan might splash on his face.

It's now!

The moment the chili seeds turn golden, turn off the heat and add a few drops of the seasoning.

"Zizi..." Like water boiling, the oil rippled, and then a rich aroma permeated the air.

"En~~~" Qin Qin sniffed, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"It smells so good... I don't know if you can eat spicy food, A Ling, so I didn't put too much chili pepper, but a little taste is always good. Junior sister Liu can't eat meat, so you probably won't be able to eat it. I'm going to prepare it today The onion and garlic are ready, I planted these myself, you may not believe it, they are listening to my piano every day, and they seem to have spirits..." Qin Qin usually does not forget to speak while cooking .

and Lu Ling.

"It's just the beginning of spirituality. I don't know how many years before the birth of spiritual wisdom. The spiritual root is so bad, but it can't live for so long, so it's better to eat." Qin Qin licked her red lips, showing a seductive look. human expression.

"Anyway, it's meant to be eaten, isn't it? Think about Master Li, that clear bamboo is quite old, and it's a top-notch tree root, unlike onions and ginger... Wasn't it chopped off by Master Li?" Make you a walking stick." Qin Qin held a wooden shovel and flipped up and down in the pot, and at the same time put down the vegetables in proportion, doing extremely delicate work, but his mouth still didn't stop.

"Well, I don't have such good things for you, A Ling, but I know you are very greedy. Come to think of it, you will definitely like me more, right?"

Lu Ling: "..."

She was knocked out now, she was sleeping soundly, and she couldn't hear what the chatterbox in front of her was saying at all, and if Lu Ling was conscious at this time, she probably would have to complain about it.

what?Shouldn't sleep be in the bedroom?

Even if it's not the bedroom, it's fine to lie on the table... I'm looking at her now...

Floating in the air, covered with a layer of transparent light green spiritual power.

Qin Qin insisted that Lu Ling be with her...and she was so happy to be there alone.

With such a talkative personality, I don't know how he usually gets along with Shen Gui...wouldn't he be suffocated to death?

Qin Qin didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did. Her spiritual power made her sleep more comfortable than the bed, and although she wanted Lu Ling to accompany her selfishly, it was not unreasonable.

Her spiritual power is placed under Lu Ling's body, it can penetrate into her body, soothe Lu Ling's restless soul, treatment, treatment understand?
As for why she keeps talking... It's really a matter of personality, usually no one talks, she is really going to be suffocated... After finally catching a little girl, is she still not allowed to talk? Really.

"Aling, tell me, is my senior sister meaningless at all? Violent lunatics can't afford to joke..."

"My master is the same. He is just a girl. He doesn't know what to write all day long. He wanted to kiss me secretly today, but I slapped him...hehehehe..."


While cooking, Qin Qin talked to herself in words that Lu Ling could not hear at all, creating a lively illusion.


Luoyan City.

Liu Fufeng is very busy. She just got a house, and she can't make a doctor's appointment right now. There are a lot of things that need to be prepared.

At this time, Liu Fufeng had already moved out from the Zuixian Building. The small building given by the shopkeeper of the pharmacy was very big, and the room was quite clean. It could be lived in after a little tidying up. Zhao Yingge also moved here, but she hadn't asked for it yet. Signs of waking up, Liu Fufeng fed her some porridge and let her rest alone.

At this time, Liu Fufeng directed some small workers, sweating profusely from the work. Although the Liuxian skirt on his body was not stained, it was still deformed.

"Yes, the Yellow Cedar is on the far right, together with Ke Yinghua..."

"Put this counter at the front, yes, slow down, slow down... just put it here..." Liu Fufeng directed a group of small workers to place tools.

As for Luo Hanyi...

Standing aside in a daze, at a loss.

She was sent over by Lianren Dongfang, Liu Fufeng accepted it with a nod, and then let her "play" by herself, ignoring her.

I came down to see that girl... but Liu Fufeng seemed very busy.

Wouldn't it be nice to bother her now...but standing still is boring and looks silly.

At this time, a bed was brought in, and dust was splashed on the ground.

"Ahem..." Luo Hanyi subconsciously jumped away, and then coughed a few times.

"Well, Qianjin, can you step aside a little bit?" Xiaogong was a little embarrassed when he was blocked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Looking at the man beside him, Luo Hanyi was startled, bowed his head repeatedly to apologize, and then fled to the side.

"???" Xiaogong looked at Luo Hanyi's back, feeling a little strange.

He looks like a scary person, but is he so timid?
He doesn't understand the world of Qianjin.


Staying in the corner, Luo Hanyi watched Liu Fufeng commanding and directing, almost bored to death.

Take courage.

Walking to Liu Fufeng's side, he tugged at the corner of her clothes.

"Martial Nephew..." Luo Hanyi opened his mouth, and then realized that he couldn't call him that in the secular world, so he changed the term: "Sister Liu..."

"Go and buy me some bandages and come back... huh? What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng instructed Xiao Gong, then turned his head and glanced at Luo Hanyi.

She didn't know Luo Hanyi, but Dongfang Shishu said she was her junior sister, so he was also Shishu, and said that something happened that needed her to take care of... and Dongfang Lianren told her... Luo Hanyi's head is not very good So... now it seems that there is indeed a little bit.

I'm too busy to take care of her, so I'm a bit neglected...

It's not good to let the uncle do this all the time.

"Sister, put this on the chair for me." Liu Fufeng handed the heavy goods to Luo Hanyi.

"Ah, I, it's not..." Luo Hanyi was about to say something, but Liu Fufeng ignored her and went to direct again.

Looking at the goods in his hands, Luo Hanyi had a bitter face, but he still started to work for her as Liu Fufeng said, and as soon as he delivered them, Liu Fufeng handed them over again.

"On the table."

"Yes." After taking the herbs, Luo Hanyi continued to run errands.

Well, now is not as good as before.


In front of the door, a girl in black and red gauze stood.

According to the information, Xifeng found Liu Fufeng's place, saw her decorating, froze for a moment, and stepped in.

"Sister..." Before she finished speaking, Xifeng saw a package flying towards her, and reached out to take it, smelling like medicine.

"It's just in time, help me." Liu Fufeng didn't care whether she was familiar with her or not, she was in need of someone now: "Well, Xifeng, right, help me take this medicine outside to dry, sugarcane grass can't get wet Don’t you know? Why is there a medical center across the street..."

After talking long-windedly, I went to work again.

Xifeng: "..."

Holding the herb, I was stunned for a while.

what is this?
Forget it, who told Liu Fufeng to save her...

Go to the door honestly, open the package and spread it evenly.

The damp herbs smelled very bad, and Xifeng's black and red gauze was stained with bad smell, but it was finally done.

At this time, a handsome young man walked over.

"That, my daughter..."

"It's you? What are you doing?" Xifeng raised her head and found that it was the young master of the Zhao family whom she had taught her before. She froze for a moment, looked at the gauze in his hand, and said with a half-smile: "Why, I'm not reconciled when my finger is broken. Came here to find a place?"

"My daughter was joking." Mr. Zhao bowed, and then put his hands behind his back: "It's because I don't have long eyes, and I violated my daughter, and my daughter is magnanimous. It's too late to be grateful, so how dare I offend you? I came here today to atone for my sins, and my daughter has magnanimity." Say whatever you want."

He went home yesterday and told his father and grandfather about the matter. After listening to the two, not only did they not teach him a lesson, but they praised him for doing the right thing. Naturally, the importance of the city lord Xifeng's future woman is needless to say, although Mr. Zhao got into trouble On the crested head, but haven't you been forgiven?Now, while the other three major families are not aware of this matter, if they can win the favor of the future mistress of Luoyan City, the prosperity of their Zhao family within a hundred years will be guaranteed.

So, as soon as Xifeng appeared on the street today, he followed suit.

Now he is Xifeng's servant.

"You? Where should I stay?" Xi Feng curled her lips, then smelled her own hand, and frowned.

Ignoring Mr. Zhao, Xifeng re-entered the door.

She came to find out the details of Liu Fufeng, not to help, she was going to make it clear to Liu Fufeng.

Mr. Zhao was not angry, he just stood in front of the door and waited quietly.


Inside the house, Xifeng found Liu Fufeng who was carrying medicinal materials, his eyes lit up, and he walked over.

"Sister, I have something to do..."

Not finished yet.

Liu Fufeng's eyes lit up when he looked at her, and he interrupted her: "You've finished it, thank you, and I need to dry it, it's troublesome."

Then he put a large bag of herbs in Xifeng's hand, and left again.

Xifeng: "..."

what is this?
"That, and mine, thank you." Luo Hanyi came over and made a mend, put a small bag of Fuling grass on Xifeng's parcel, and followed Liu Fufeng.

Xifeng's facial muscles twitched, resisting the urge to hit someone, and went out with the herb in her arms.

Then in a blink of an eye, he saw Mr. Zhao standing stupidly by the side, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "You, come here, and dry these, remember to dry them well."

"Yes, daughter."

Then Mr. Zhao took a large pile of medicinal herbs, spread them on the brocade and started working, not caring at all about the wounds on his hands.

"Cut." Xifeng found a stool to sit on, watched Liu Fufeng busy in it, and spat.

What does this fairy disciple want to do?Open a shop?practice medicine?

I really can't understand her.

But she is here to see what Liu Fufeng is going to do.


Over here, the store is very busy.

There was also a crowd of onlookers gathered outside.

"I said, there is a new store here, but I haven't heard any news." A rich man waved a fan and sat in the private room of the opposite restaurant, looking at the dusty scene below, feeling a little strange.

This street is one of the top three busiest streets in the inner city. It is not easy to open the door to do business. It involves the interest chain of the four major families... As for the city lord... the city lord doesn't care much about wealth, he These things have always been ignored, his old man is only responsible for reviewing.

"This small building is under the name of your medical clinic." The rich man knocked on the wall, and the next door to this is the medical clinic that Liu Fufeng negotiated with.

"I don't know either. The shopkeeper said that Heijia was involved. It's a thousand-dollar idea." Another young man sitting opposite was also a little puzzled: "Besides, it's not our family's medical center. The old guy just took some commission."

"Daughter? What nonsense, but there's nothing you can do about them, who made this place Luoyan City." The rich man shook his head.

"Otherwise, I'm going to test it out? What is it that this medical clinic opens opposite our house?" The young man was a little dissatisfied. The more the old man made, the more money he could draw every month. What?Qianjin can't do that either.

"I can...take a look at...that person first." The rich young man was stunned for a moment, then pointed downstairs.

There was also a young man there, sweating profusely, squatting on the ground, fiddling with medicinal materials clumsily.

"Young Master Zhao?" The two looked at each other, and they both saw the incredible emotion in each other's eyes.

Who is the owner of this hospital?Such a big face?

Unlike their small shrimps, Mr. Zhao is the son of the top four families, the kind who can crush them to death with one finger.

Although, now his fingers were chopped off by Xifeng, it is still very easy to crush them to death.

"Are you still going?" After a long silence, one person asked.

"I didn't see anything." The young man who was going to test him was discouraged.

Just kidding, where Mr. Zhao can bend, they really don't even have the qualifications to test.


"Huh, I'm exhausted." Liu Fufeng put down the big bag of herbs in his hand, and wiped the sweat from his brow.

At this time, she smelled of medicine and dust all over her body.

Looking up, Liu Fufeng looked at the blue sky.

I don't know if Ah Ling is eating well...

Worried for a while, continue to work.

She didn't know if Lu Ling had lunch, she couldn't eat it herself.

(End of this chapter)

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