Chapter 300 Purpose
If you are not in charge, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Liu Fufeng now knows how troublesome it is for him to open a medical clinic.

Fortunately, it was only temporary, otherwise I would really be exhausted.

This is still because she is not prepared to take money, otherwise the price would be a big problem...

It is still relatively simple to practice medicine, and you can get medical treatment wherever you go.

"Hey, help me buy another bed and put it behind the screen, yes." Liu Fufeng took out the silver and asked Xiaogong to do it.

I really can't rest for a while.


Compared with opening a medical clinic or something, raising Ah Ling is relatively simple. You only need to cook and wash clothes every day, and you can also enjoy the satisfaction that Ah Ling brings to yourself...

Thinking of Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng paused.

She misses her Aya.

If Lu Ling was by my side at this time... not to mention sleeping for a while, as long as she hugged and kissed her, she would definitely be resurrected with full blood.

Forget it, don't think so much, it's important to do business.

Liu Fufeng gritted his teeth, and started to go around again.

"I, what about me..." Luo Hanyi looked at Liu Fufeng's back, and stretched out his hand to grab something, but in the end he couldn't put it down.

The nephew is so busy, she better not cause trouble.

What Luo Hanyi wanted to say was, it's time for lunch... She didn't even eat in the morning.

Of course, Luo Hanyi's wish must have come to nothing. According to Liu Fufeng's plan, she probably won't be able to relax until evening.


On the Ninth Peak, the cat is lying on the bed, a mirror is opened in front of it, and Lu Ling's face is reflected in it.

The master is very strange today, she has to watch a little more.

Fortunately, I met Qin Qin later, and now that the master is sleeping soundly, she can rest assured for the time being.

Xuechen stared obsessively at Lu Ling's sleeping face in the mirror, her eyes hazy.

second peak.

Lu Ling was fast asleep.

She saw Junior Sister, who had been comforting her... It seemed that her troubles had disappeared a little, because Junior Sister said she couldn't do without her, she was not useless at all.

Then frown.

Someone is rubbing her face.

Is it the junior sister?

At this time, Lu Ling's consciousness was a little blurred, she was still immersed in her dream and did not come out, thinking that she was staying with Liu Fufeng.

The nose moved.

So fragrant...


Belly rumbling.

It's time to eat.

Junior sister ready to cook?

smell good……

The aroma of the food instantly aroused the glutton in Lu Ling's stomach.

When did Junior Sister cook so deliciously? There is progress...

Lu Ling closed her eyes, yawned, and then sat up.

"Junior Sister, have you eaten yet?" Her tone was soft.

Opening his eyes, he was startled.

where is this?
How is she floating in the air?


He didn't turn his head around for a while, and then saw Qin Qin standing aside.

Then disappointed.

Not junior sister.

Since it wasn't Liu Fufeng, there was nothing else to care about.

It doesn't matter where I am... So it's just a dream... By the way, my junior sister didn't go home with me, she's still staying in Luoyan City.

I was going out for dinner...and then fainted?

Lu Ling rubbed her temples.

My head hurts.

Then, as Qin Qin thought, she was in a very bad mood now, but at least she had degenerated from self-loathing to self-doubt, which was still mild.

The current Lu Ling is amazing, but she is a little bit lost. Suicide is impossible.

However, someone is more lost than her right now.

Qin Qin.

Qin Qin stood aside blankly.

Lu Ling opened her eyes and glanced at her, then the emotion she showed was disappointment.

What do you mean... is she that unlikable?
She had prepared a lot of excuses to deal with Lu Ling's doubts, but it seemed that they were useless.

"Well, Ah Ling, I saw that you were not comfortable in the cafeteria, so I took you over." Qin Qin stammered, a little embarrassed.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling nodded her thanks, then jumped off Qin Qin's spiritual cushion, and stood up with the stool.

Lu Ling's unconventional playing of cards made Qin Qin flustered for a while.

After all, she didn't know Lu Ling very well. At the beginning, she made things difficult for Lu Ling, but later on, she had a better relationship with Liu Fufeng... If you really want to talk about Lu Ling... Shen Gui is even closer to her.

Now the little girl's thinking is very sensitive, if I accidentally leave a bad impression on her, it may be a lifetime thing.

So Qin Qin was very careful.

"Then" Qin Qin was a little nervous, and then his eyes lit up: "A Ling, are you hungry, let's eat."

"Food?" Lu Ling looked at the sumptuous dishes on the table, and her heart moved a little.

But she was picked up by Qin Qin to cause trouble for her, and now she is eating other people's food... not good.

"I made it specially for you, Ah Ling, you will definitely like it." Qin Qin organized his words and said.

She is sweating.

Dealing with the overly sensitive Lu Ling is more troublesome than Shen Hui.

"Special trip?" Lu Ling's eyes darkened upon hearing this.

She was still so useless, and Qin Qin was still so kind to her, but now the better she treats herself, the more uncomfortable Lu Ling feels.

She fainted and was rescued by Qin Qin, and she had to cook for herself.

Very uncomfortable.

And Qin Qin immediately noticed the change in Lu Ling's mood, and realized that she had said something wrong. She only knew that this girl had become very sensitive because of the soul-splitting state, but she didn't know where her sensitivity was.

"Aling, I'm a friend of Junior Sister Liu. If you don't eat, she will be worried." Qin Qin went to Lu Ling and squatted down, looking into her eyes: "Besides, if you don't eat, so many dishes But it’s a waste, wasting food is a very bad behavior.”

The tone of coaxing children.

But unfortunately, Lu Ling is doing this now.

Wasting food?

That doesn't work.

Every time the younger sister has a meal, she will repeatedly emphasize that it must not be wasted.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling raised her head and thanked in a low voice.

Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and waved his hand to remove the gas mask from the table.

"Aling, let's eat and taste how it tastes."

Two people are at the table.

Lu Ling was indeed hungry, and after taking a bite of food, she couldn't stop.

No matter how uncomfortable she feels, no matter how much she can't eat, when the food really enters the mouth of a foodie, her body will reflect the most authentic appearance.

"Mmm... delicious." Lu Ling narrowed her eyes, revealing a little bit of happiness.

It's really great!

The taste is refreshing and soft, as if it is about to melt away. Every time you chew, your mouth will be filled with fresh juice, and at the same time, the slightly numb and slightly spicy flavor will gently stimulate your tongue.

The spiciness and the sweetness of the vegetables are perfectly combined, without any loss of water, and the juice will splash with every bite.

I feel better.

"You can eat more if it's delicious." Seeing Lu Ling's expression, Qin Qin instantly dispelled the haze in her heart. If Lu Ling likes it, it's worth all her effort.

After this meal, the favorability should increase by about ten points.

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling who was about to eat her tongue, and thought to herself.

"Senior Sister, have another bowl." Lu Ling ate the rice quickly, a little embarrassed.

Even though she knew it was not good for her, she really couldn't bear it, if she could still resist when she didn't eat... Now that she had eaten half of it, no one could stop her.

Self-loathing or something... where to go, let's talk about something when I'm full.

This is the instinct of a foodie.

Then it entered Qin Qin's rhythm. She was afraid that she would not be able to talk to Lu Ling. Now that Lu Ling was eating comfortably, her heart was in her stomach.

After handing the new meal to Lu Ling, Qin Qin also began to eat. If Lu Ling eats and she watches, Lu Ling will definitely feel awkward.

During the meal, when Lu Ling was eating happily, Qin Qin took a mouthful of rice, chewed it slowly, and said carefully.

"Aling... where did your senior sister go?"

Qin Qin felt that this matter really needs to be clarified first, not to mention anything else, she was also a little worried about Liu Fufeng when she saw Lu Ling's state, after all, what Liu Fufeng should do to bring Lu Ling down the mountain was mostly her idea. .

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling paused.

"You didn't come back with me, you stayed at the foot of the mountain." Lu Ling swallowed the meat in her mouth with some difficulty, and said.

"Temporarily?" Qin Qin added.

Lu Ling nodded.

It turned out to be the case.

Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief. From Lu Ling's expression, it could be seen that Liu Fufeng was definitely fine, but was delayed because of some things.

Then Lu Ling's current state is understandable, she is so introverted and dependent on Liu Fufeng, now that Liu Fufeng is not around, and she is catching up with the trial of the Soul Separation Realm...Under various factors, it is not surprising that anything happens.

But Qin Qin also knew one thing, that is, Liu Fufeng is not here, and he won't be back in a short time.

My mind became active.

The Ninth Peak has only two disciples, plus a master who doesn't care about anything. Now that Liu Fufeng is not here, it means that Lu Ling is at home alone.

"A Ling, do you live with Master Li?" Qin Qin asked.


Lu Ling shook her head.

"That's it..." Qin Qin smiled.

The fact that Lu Ling didn't live with Master Li meant that she lived alone.

"???" Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin who suddenly laughed suspiciously.

"It's okay, eat, eat." Qin Qin added a few pieces of meat to Lu Ling's bowl, and then started to eat by himself.



It's really delicious to cook though.

Lu Ling picked up the chopsticks again.

An idea suddenly flashed in my mind.

If my own handicraft is so good... Will my junior sister like it?
The answer is yes.



After lunch.

Qin Qin cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks with a wave, and looked at Lu Ling who couldn't move.

"A Ling, what are you waiting for?"

"Ah, it should be... probably not..." After eating, Lu Ling remembered that she was not very familiar with this Senior Sister Qin, and then she ate so much... a little embarrassed.

"It's fine, can you go out with me for a walk?"

Qin Qin said slightly excitedly.

It is her habit to go for a walk after eating.

"Okay." Lu Ling nodded, and then got down from the stool with some difficulty. She was really ashamed... eat a meal and eat herself like this.

"That's it, let's go." Holding Lu Ling's hand, Qin Qin took Lu Ling out.

There is a piano house dedicated to her on the mountain behind the second peak, and she is going to take Lu Ling there.

Today, she is going to brush up her favorability, and if possible, see if she can keep Lu Ling in the second peak temporarily... It is best to sleep with her...

There's no one home anyway, right?Leaving such a cute little girl alone at home - reckless waste will be punished by God.

Of course, she and Lu Ling are not familiar enough now, but rhythm is the best way to communicate, and Lu Ling can write such a beautiful song, and I should not let her down.

As long as she gained Lu Ling's trust, she could decide what to do afterwards.

I don't believe it, she can handle Shen Gui, and such a little girl can make it difficult for her.

Then, she didn't pay much attention to the trial of soul division, because after Lu Ling ate the food she cooked, she relaxed her mind, as if she wanted to think about it.

She didn't pursue it carefully, because it was Lu Ling's own trial after all, and no one could help her. Although she was proficient in rhythm and had special spiritual power, all she could do was to appease Lu Ling's emotions. The trial still needs to be completed by herself.

It is best to be able to think about it.

Moreover, she can probably guess what Lu Ling's thoughts are. This girl is usually very introverted, but she is not confident. In addition, Liu Fufeng is not around, so she is afraid alone, and she is magnified under the trial of the soul division. It became what it is today.

The evidence is Lu Ling's song "Lonely Sail", which fully shows the loneliness and confusion in the little girl's heart.

Qin Qin basically guessed 80.00% of Lu Ling's psychology. Although a blind cat met a dead mouse, she was heading in the right direction. Lu Ling felt very comfortable listening to her words and deeds by her side.


Lu Ling also has her own little Jiujiu.

She never felt that cultivation was very important, so even though her talent was extremely high, she still felt that she was useless, and this uselessness was mainly reflected in her life.

Lu Ling felt that as long as she could help Liu Fufeng, it meant that she was valuable.

She didn't notice before, but after eating Qin Qin's food today, she suddenly had a bold idea.

Learn to cook with this young lady.

If I can cook such delicious meals as hers, no, half, no, half is still too difficult... Then one fifth, as long as she has one fifth of Qin Qin's level is enough.

If one day she can cook for her junior sister, she will be very happy, and it is not enough to be happy, she also has to cook delicious food.

This is what Lu Ling's small head can think of, the closest to reality, and the thing that can reflect her own value.

Junior sister came back from a tiring day, eating hot meals made by was definitely the most beautiful thing in the world.

But there is also a problem, that is, although this little sister's craftsmanship is very good, why teach her, they are not familiar with it.

This made Lu Ling very embarrassed, but Lu Ling, who was talking after eating, suddenly received an invitation from Qin Qin, and someone gave him a pillow when he really fell asleep.

Lu Ling got motivated.

Her current goal is to establish a good relationship with this junior sister's friend, and then "steal the teacher".

Remember, this young lady likes music very much...

Adhering to the idea that liking music is not a bad person, Lu Ling really wants to make friends with Qin Qin.

As for how to get close... Sure enough, you can only work hard on music...

In the ice and snow, the two walked hand in hand, like a sister walking with a younger sister.

However, both of them have their own "ghost fetuses".

 Double 11, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

(End of this chapter)

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