Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 301 Homosexuality and rapid heating up

Chapter 301 Homosexuality and rapid heating up

cliff edge.

Qin Qin took Lu Ling for a walk, and met many female cultivators along the way, who would greet Qin Qin whenever they came.

What puzzled Lu Ling was that everyone would bring her with them after talking to Qin Qin.

"Junior Sister." "Junior Sister Lu" called, which made her very strange.

is she famousWhy does it seem like everyone here knows her...

The answer is yes, I don’t know about other places. In the second peak, Lu Ling is really famous, because the young lady next to her will pull her up to mention it every time she plays the piano...

That song has also become Qin Qin's repertoire. Of course, this song has also been optimized by her to make it more suitable for Feng Mingqin's tone.

There is one more thing, Lu Ling felt very lucky, she only realized now that she slept at Shen Gui's house just now, and then ate...

I didn't meet her, but it's okay.

Now that she is out for a walk...then she will never go back.

Shen Gui or something, it's too scary.


On the edge of the cliff, in front of the stone table.

"A Ling, take a break, I've been walking for a long time." Qin Qin sat down first.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, she was still thinking about how to get close to this young lady.

But thinking is thinking, doing is doing.

Lu Ling's skin was too thin, and she couldn't open her mouth. She was okay walking on the road before, but now she sat facing each other, and Qin Qin's scorching gaze made her feel uncomfortable, as if there were nails under her buttocks.

I am really too cowardly.

Lu Ling called her introversion cowardly, and there was basically nothing wrong with it. It was a sign of lack of confidence, but now that someone was by her side, she didn't have the mood to loathe herself.

After being confused, Lu Ling found her next learn cooking.

So until her new goal fails, she should not fall into the previous state again.


This young lady is so beautiful...

Lu Ling met Qin Qin's gaze, and felt completely melted by Qin Qin's enthusiasm at that moment.

It was instantly killed.

With bright eyes and white teeth, he rested his chin and gazed thoughtfully.

The long hair like a waterfall is scattered, the elegant water green dress, the standard oval face, and the playful temperament, so that Lu Ling can't believe that this is the young lady who made things difficult for her on the piano stage.

The long and narrow eyes were half-opened, revealing a small half of them, with a smile in them, just looking at her like that.

Lu Ling couldn't stand being stared at by her. The key point was that Qin Qin just looked at her and didn't speak... This was really embarrassing. She herself was not the kind of person who talked a lot, and she really had nothing to talk about with Qin Qin.

It's impossible to mention Liu Fufeng with her... Such a way to strike up a conversation is really too stupid.

There was no other way, Lu Ling could only pretend that she didn't see Qin Qin's "cannibalistic" gaze, and put her gaze on her side.

In the abyss.

She is afraid of heights, but the second peak in this situation is really artistic, Lu Ling can't see any reason, she only knows that it is spectacular.


The sea of ​​clouds is like a dense fog, covering those strange peaks and scenery without a trace. When the strong wind blows, the mist drifts away, and all kinds of wonderful scenes are happily displayed in front of you. Looking from a high place, it looks like a rolling sea, and only one green hill is exposed. The top of the mountain, like a small island in the sea, appears in the clouds and mist from time to time.

Wonderland on earth is just that.

The sea of ​​clouds does not have the blue of the sea, nor the earth-shattering whistling of the sea, but it has the vastness and momentum of the sea.

The scenery of the second peak is the most majestic among the nine peaks of Lingshan Mountain, and it was also chosen by Shen Canghai herself. She herself likes this kind of open and close atmosphere, and the place Qin Qin brought Lu Ling to is Shen Canghai like.

Her master often brings some young girls here to flirt.

Now it's her turn, she brought Liu Fufeng here once before, and now it's Lu Ling again.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that she wants to open a harem, but the scenery here can really calm a person's mind.

At least it is now effective for Lu Ling.

Lu Ling closed her eyes and felt the breath of clouds blowing on her face, which was refreshing. When she opened her eyes and looked at the infinite sky, she fully realized her insignificance.

Just small, no inferiority complex.

But not confident either.

She is very stupid, unlike Liu Fufeng, after seeing the sea of ​​clouds once, she developed a transformation and self-confidence, realized something, and transformed into an ordinary one step by step.

Lu Ling is the kind who just looks at it, there are many things in her chest that she wants to stretch, but she can't say a word, she can only hold back.

If she is a poet, it must be very appropriate to write a majestic poem on the spot to express the emotion of seeing the vastness of the world in her chest.

It's a pity that Lu Ling's current literary level and the poems she can say are probably not much better than the sea, you are all water.

So after holding it in for a long time, the momentum finally returned.

She is really stupid, she doesn't even know how to copy, and now all she can think of is that she will be the top of the line and look at all the mountains and small things.

And there are no small mountains here to show her... The most important thing is that she still doesn't know how to translate this sentence into a language that Qin Qin can understand... so the whole person is very aggrieved.

"A Ling, what's wrong with you?" Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling fidgeting, as if he was holding back something, a little strange.

"Stomach upset?"

"No, no." Lu Ling blushed, then shook her head, then buried her face in her arms, her cheeks were hot.

I finally tried to pretend once but failed, it was really too weak.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Qin Qin's eyes flashed with suspicion, and then he calmed down: "A Ling, what musical instrument do you like to listen to?"

Before going to the piano house, try it out and warm up.

"Music...instrument?" Lu Ling didn't understand it at first, but she understood when she saw Qin Qin pull out a tubular object out of thin air.

Such instruments, which look like flutes and flutes, are actually completely different instruments, except that they are all tubular, and have no similarities.

"Would you like to listen to it?" Qin Qin twisted the bamboo tube in his hand into a flower, then put it across his mouth, and gave Lu Ling a playful look.

"Yes!" Lu Ling became interested in an instant.

Besides eating, her favorite thing is music.

Perhaps, my love for music is more than eating, but because I don’t understand the rhythm, I have been enduring it until now.

So far, she has only heard the melody performance of this world twice. The first time was at Qinqin's concert. Although she was confused by the classical music at the beginning, she was overwhelmed by the clear spring-like sound of the piano. Surprised, not to mention the tune, this young lady is definitely at the master level in terms of single round piano art.

Thinking of Qin Qin who was able to weave pictures in her mind with a song as a needle, Lu Ling even adored her a little bit.

Then there was no news about the rhythm, until that day, the voice came from the alley on the side of the teacher's school.

The flute-like sound made her extremely intoxicated, and it had become her habit to go out to listen to the music in that courtyard between Li Zhuzi's classes.

Now that a new musical instrument appeared, Lu Ling was extremely excited.

"Just like it." Qin Qin had such an expression, she knew that the girl who was so serious on the Baiyu stage at that time must really like the rhythm.

"Aya, do you know this?"

Lu Ling took the tubular object.

She was a little surprised when she got it. She thought it was bamboo at first, but it didn't seem like it. It seemed to be a stone, and it seemed to be a bone... It was a bit heavy, and it was completely different from the flute she knew, Xiao.

Can this thing really blow loudly?

"I don't know." He shook his head.

"Then let me introduce you first..." Qin Qin paused, then looked at Lu Ling.

The little girl changed her introverted and shy appearance before, and looked straight at her, not shying away from her eyes at all. Even her big watery eyes were full of longing and curiosity written on her face. A shadow of the shy little girl from before.

Sure enough, his direction is right.

Qin Qin laughed heartily, and then began to explain to Lu Ling.

"Its name is calender, also known as Shiya, and it is a very popular musical instrument in Lingshan."

"Stone...tooth?" Lu Ling touched the green tubular object with a little bit of red in her hand, her eyes flickered.

This jade-like warm touch, is it a stone or an animal's tooth?
So he raised his head and continued to look at Qin Qin with hungry eyes.

"Calendar is a plant that grows in rocks. It is very popular because of its unique material, good endurance, and the ability to withstand Lingshan." Qin Qin explained.

Lu Ling nodded, actually listening in a daze.

"Of course, this kind of musical instrument is unique to our Lingshan, because stone teeth only grow on the nine peaks of Lingshan. They like it." Qin Qin said: "It is the most popular musical instrument in Lingshan, not one of them, and ninety percent of the younger sisters who like music are learning calender."

"Ninety percent..." Lu Ling looked at the delicate stick-like object in her hand.

most popular...


He raised his head and said innocently, "What about Qin?"

If this instrument is of the same level as "emperor" in Lingshan, what about other instruments?

This young lady can play the piano, isn't there a lot of people watching it?
"Qin..." Qin Qin paused for a moment, showing a wry smile: "A Ling, whether it's a banjo or a lyre, the popularity has never been very high. Maybe there are many people who like it in other places, but Lingshan..."

Qin Qin shook her head.

"The calender is a very good musical instrument after any processing, but the piano is different. If you want to have a pure sound, the material, strings, and angles are all very important. Anything less is not so perfect. So far, the only thing that has satisfied me is the Fengmingqin..."

Moreover, compared to calender, qin is also more difficult to master, and more or less girls in Lingshan can play calender, which influences each other, and as time goes by, the status of qin is getting lower and lower.

After all, even if some disciples wanted to learn the piano, they couldn't find a way.

The starting point is high, but the popularity is low, so the current situation is also normal.

As for Qin Qin herself... She learned the art of Qin from a teacher a long time ago... Let's consider that woman a teacher.

She liked the piano very much when she was very young, she had her own thoughts, and she also meant to inherit the mantle of the teacher. Qin's name is to fold the piano, and her will can be seen.

However, this Lingshan is not as friendly as Qin Qin thought, and her love for the qin has been impacted by another instrument called Shiya.

It seems that no one likes the piano, and even if there are, it is only a handful.

This mainstream musical instrument from the outside world seems to be unpopular in Lingshan.

Later, with her hard work and superb piano skills, the influence of the piano in Lingshan has increased a little, but in fact, the mainstream instrument in Lingshan is still calender.

Those seniors and sisters who usually come to listen to her play, although they like her music very much, but only one out of ten of them really understand the piano.

What she likes is not recognized by others... She feels very sad.

This is also the reason why Qin Qin was so flustered when she found out that her piano music was not liked by her junior sister.

During that time, she presumptuously disrupted her rhythm to cater to the preferences of her juniors, and polluted her piano music into a disfigured appearance, so that she was actually "educated" by Lu Ling in public at that time.

Of course, now she has thought about it.

The qin is one's own qin, and it is hard to find a bosom friend, and there is no need for everyone to abandon "calender" to like the five-stringed qin, which is meaningless.

Of course, she doesn't care about others, but Lu Ling must like Qin, and she is not allowed to like anything else.

It doesn't matter to others, Lu Ling must like it!

This is also the reason why she introduced Culcan to Lu Ling in advance, so as to be inoculated.

"Not very popular?" Lu Ling seemed to understand, she recalled the appearance of Qin Qin playing the piano at that time, and then nodded.

"but I like it."

It doesn't matter whether others like it or not, she can be sure that she likes the sound like the sound of a clear spring.

"I like it very much." Looking at Qin Qin's eyes, she nodded vigorously.

She could hear Qin Qin's emotions, so she followed suit.

Of course, there is one thing she didn't explain clearly, that is, she likes Qin, but she also likes Lu. If it is really what Qin Qin said, then the unique voice she heard in Mr. School should be this "Shiya" produced by musical instruments.

I also like the unique antique flavor.

like it all.


But Qin Qin didn't know. After hearing Lu Ling's confession, she was stunned for a moment, and then excited.

Aya said she liked it?
She said she likes it!

My own efforts were finally not in vain.

"A Ling." Qin Qin stood up, walked to Lu Ling's side, and looked at her with burning eyes.

"En?" Lu Ling swallowed, her smile stiffened.

She seemed to see that idiot again.

"I like you too." Touching Lu Ling's ear, Qin Qin whispered.

"I like it... I like it..." Lu Ling's face turned red.

She said that she likes Qin, but this young lady suddenly said something to herself...

The little face was hot, and Lu Ling wanted to find a crack to get in.

Then, she felt a soft touch on her face.

"I like it as promised, but don't change it." Qin Qin kissed Lu Ling on the side of the cheek, then raised her head and said with her hands behind her back.

"..." Lu Ling lay on the stone table without saying a word.

Are people so selfish these days?Just shut your mouth.

Besides, what she said was that she liked Qin, not this young lady...

Of course, in Qin Qin's heart, Lu Ling's liking for Qin made her happier than liking her.

The Qin name is Dieqin.

(End of this chapter)

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