Chapter 302 Induction
After Qin Qin's kiss, Lu Ling was a little confused.

Things seemed to start to develop in a place she couldn't expect.

It's strange, although she has met Qin Qin several times, but the relationship between the two is actually not good. To be precise, they haven't even spoken a few words. This young lady has always been in contact with her junior sister...

How do you treat yourself so well now?

not understand.

Could it be that she was under Liu Fufeng's favor?
Can't figure it out, but in order not to be molested by Qin Qin, Lu Ling buried her head in her arms, leaving only a pair of ears exposed to the air.

"Well, what are you being shy about?" Seeing this, Qin Qin burst out laughing.

It was just an ordinary kiss, and this girl's ears turned red. If she saw her master's deeds, she would die of shame.

All right, stop teasing her.

Qin Qin returned to her position in a few steps, took out the calender in her hand, and stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound.

"A Ling, don't you want to listen to it?"

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling moved her ears, raised her head cautiously, and glanced at Qin Qin.

"Let's say it first, I'm not very good at this, it might be ugly." Qin Qin shook his hand, and Ling Zang twirled flexibly in his palm, attracting Lu Ling's attention.

Lu Ling nodded, her eyes under her bangs were full of curiosity.

"Well...then I'll give it a try. For the song, I'll use yours, A Ling. But for Ling Jie, there are some things that need attention and modification..." Qin Qin frowned, and then looked at Lu Aya: "I've changed a little bit, it's okay."

"En." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

"Let me stroke it..." Qin Qin closed her eyes, and tapped her slender fingers in the air according to the rhythm. The fingers pressed down, and between the fingers, aroused the air turbulence visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, that's it." Qin Qin stopped, picked up the calender in her hand, and laid it across her face.

Lu Ling stared at her without blinking.

She took a closer look at that stone tooth just now, it is very thin, its material is like jade, and its whole body is emerald green, accompanied by blood-like things...some of it looks like a flute, and some of it even looks like a slender dagger, and Qin Qin now That is, two hands are staggered to hold the hilt of the sword, and the end is covering her red lips.

no holes...

Lu Ling was still very strange.

Both the flute and the flute have holes, but the Linglong just now is completely a whole, how can it make a sound.

At this time, when it comes to the music she likes, all the shyness and self-doubt before have disappeared completely, leaving only the love and curiosity for the rhythm.

Qin Qin moved.

Lu Ling couldn't see her mouth from this angle, but only saw Qin Qin's fingers moving slightly, beating the beat slowly, as if playing a flute.

Then, the quaint tone that Lu Ling was familiar with pervaded.


Lu Ling's eyes lit up.

This is the kind of nice voice she heard next to Mr. School.

The familiar melody was exactly the one she liked.

Lu Ling closed her eyes and felt the sound of this instrument called Shiya with her heart.


This was Lu Ling's first feeling. She didn't even feel that Qin Qin had changed his breath. The sound of this instrument was relatively low and continuous, unlike the tinkling of the piano.

It's a very mysterious feeling.

The bass part of the tune floats melodiously, reverberates continuously, lingers with infinite reverie and longing, and slowly soars up.

The whole thing involved Lu Ling's heart.

Just when she thought that the simple and vast bass was the timbre of this instrument, the sudden sobbing made Lu Ling startled and woke up instantly.

During the passionate part of the song, Qin Qin took a few steps back and put her feet on the edge of the cliff.

The loud, melodious, intense, roaring voice rippled back and forth on the edge of the cliff, and finally disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

got windy.

Song strike.

Qin Qin sat down, her pretty face was a little red, she had used too much force to play just now.

"A Ling, how is it?" Qin Qin asked expectantly.

"..." Lu Ling was dumbfounded.

"A Ling?" Qin Qin looked at her suspiciously, and after finding that Lu Ling's eyes were still dull, the corners of her mouth curled up.

very satisfied.

This girl's love for music is even higher than she imagined... It seems that she must be firmly tied to her chariot. Expanding the influence of piano music in Lingshan is what she wants to do. It was also the reason why she wanted to train Lu Ling.

Qin Qin didn't speak, just looked at Lu Ling, waiting for her to wake up naturally.


Lu Ling feels very good now.

The voice in my ear brought her to a beautiful environment, sometimes like the silence in the ocean at night, sometimes like the stormy waves in the storm, I like it very much.

But there is one thing wrong, that is, when she was in the teacher's school, she couldn't hear the melody of the voice next door, but she just thought it was very nice, and she always felt that the time passed very fast, and she even felt comfortable from the inside out after listening to it.

Qin Qin's did not, although Lu Ling was in a daze, she was just thinking, and she had already woken up.

This piece was familiar to her, and it didn't have so much connotation. Compared with the famous songs from the ages in her memory, it was "vulgar" and not so elegant, just like Qin Qin's music.

But Lu Ling likes this layered feeling.

I like it very much.

I like it more than anything.

Compared with that kind of mysterious music, Lu Ling found that she prefers this kind of catchy feeling. Of course, she is still a deadly hypocritical person, maybe called Zhong Er.

The story behind the song will have a lot of bonus points.

He opened his eyes and looked at Qin Qin.

Want to learn.

If she could learn it, she would be able to play her favorite tunes to her junior sister, instead of always "humming", she is not a pig.

Also, being a "musician" is nice, isn't it?At least you can realize your own "value" without fighting. Just look at Qin Qin. She is so popular that many people like her.

Lu Ling also wanted to be like this. If this is the case, the junior sister will feel proud when she mentions her outside.

Nice to have one more goal.

"A Ling? Do you like it?" Seeing that Lu Ling had recovered, Qin Qin asked.

"I like it, I want to learn." Lu Ling said directly.

When it comes to rhythm, Lu Ling doesn't think about getting close to Qin Qin anymore. Unlike wanting to learn cooking, the idea of ​​learning an instrument has already filled her heart, and even overflowed.

As long as this young lady is willing to teach her, she can do whatever she wants.


"Want to learn?" Qin Qin nodded and narrowed her eyes at the same time: "A Ling, what do you want to learn?"

The tone is a little low.

Qin Qin was very unhappy.

Lu Ling actually told her that she wanted to learn Linglong, and it almost felt like she couldn't wait...

What, she is a qin party, but Lu Ling is so eager for Ling Jie, how can Qin Qin be happy.

If Lu Ling said that she wanted to learn piano with her, then she would be happy to take Lu Ling up for a flight...


Qin Qin has a high level of attainment in guqin, relatively, she doesn't know much about Lingjie. Although out of respect for the rhythm, she played this piece with all her strength, but her strength is not enough. Later, with the help of spiritual power, she only slightly There is a little artistic conception of the song.

In fact, the whole song has a lot of flaws, and her level is probably not even considered to be below average in this Lingshan.

How did he become so fascinated by a girl like Lu Ling?

This is what Qin Qin doesn't understand. Lu Ling just likes this kind of feeling. She doesn't like that kind of perfect, perfect feeling that makes people fall into it. For Lu Ling, music is music, and liking is liking. I don't have that much insight, and I don't like things that are too deep.

Entertainment, of course, the more simple the better, as long as you are happy, nothing is important, of course, now Lu Ling is no longer the girl who used to be happy, and now she is trying to satisfy the people who like her On the basis of doing what you like.

What kind of musical instrument is this? It is very similar to a flute. When Qin Qin plays, she is also very temperamental and heroic, which is exactly in line with Lu Ling's requirements for herself, so she is so hungry.

"Senior Sister, is it okay? I want to learn." Lu Ling's eyes sparkled.

"Yes, of course..." Qin Qin twitched her lips and nodded hesitantly.

No way, there is no way, I really like Lu Ling like this, how can she bear to disagree, and even if she disagrees, this Lingshan just pulls out any senior sister or sister who knows how to teach Ling Cun, compared to handing over For others, holding this girl in their own hands can make her feel at ease.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling was very happy, her eyes were full of joy.

In an instant, Lu Ling felt that the relationship between herself and Qin Qin was much closer.

It's really great that Senior Sister Qin is willing to teach her.

"Well, Ah Ling..." Qin Qin's face was full of "happy": "It's not impossible to learn, but do you want to try other things, such as Qin... Didn't you say you like it?"

"Yes, I like it." Lu Ling nodded.

Hearing this, Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked cautiously.

"Then do you want to learn the piano?"

"I..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment. She likes the piano, but it doesn't mean she wants to learn it.

Lu Ling likes more handsome musical instruments, such as flute, Xiao...

Piano or something, it's something that pretty girls should learn.

For example, Qin Qin on the qin platform, or Liu Fufeng sitting on the high platform playing the qin in Lu Ling's delusions.

As for myself... I really haven't thought about it. Lu Ling feels that she is not suitable for such a "girly" musical instrument. It is okay to let her play the flute with a sword behind her back, and she thinks it is very handsome, but she is like a gentle Jiangnan woman, dressed in misty clothes Sitting in front of the qin, she is like an old-fashioned beautiful girl or something... It's a bit difficult for others.

The most important point is that Lu Ling is a house girl who doesn't like trouble.

Compared with the flute-like Ling Cender, the cumbersome piano must be difficult to learn. They are all favorite instruments, so why not choose a simple and convenient one?
Playing the flute is faster and more convenient than playing the piano.

So the emotion Lu Ling showed was embarrassing.

"Don't want to learn?" Qin Qin saw Lu Ling's hesitation, and instantly felt as if struck by Shen Canghai's calamity of lightning, as if the world exploded.

Lu Ling said that she likes it, but she doesn't want to learn it, but in Qin Qin's case, if she doesn't want to learn it, it means she doesn't like it.

For a person like her who regards Qin as a religion, Lu Ling just doesn't like it.

Lu Ling is a bit stupid, but she is not stupid. Qin Qin's sudden change of face made her spine shudder, she seemed to have said the wrong thing.

"Well, senior sister, it's not that I don't want to learn..." Lu Ling felt that Qin Qin's piano sounds so good, she couldn't say anything bad, so she changed a tactful way: "I think your piano sound, senior sister, is very nice and very The big one sounds nice."

As she spoke, Lu Ling opened her arms and drew a big circle.

Seeing this, Qin Qin's complexion improved a little. She felt that Lu Ling would not lie. This girl's mood was written on her face, which was similar to her own.

I may have scared the little girl.

Qin Qin tried hard to soften the facial lines a little, and said gently: "And then?"

Sure enough, Lu Ling became less nervous, and she continued: "I feel... Qin is very difficult."

Lu Ling gestured to the posture of playing the piano.

"Five roots again, no roots..." Lu Ling forgot the words while talking.

"String." Qin Qin reminded.

"Yes, there are five strings and seven strings... I can't tell the difference, and it's too difficult... I don't think I can learn it..." Lu Ling stammered.

"I'm relatively stupid, and I'm a slow learner. I don't dare to think about such difficult things..." Lu Ling shook her head, her eyes fixed on the Lingzhu in Qin Qin's hand.

The meaning is obvious, the qin is very difficult, but the bamboo pipe should be much simpler in comparison.

"No way." Qin Qin's face changed from cloudy to sunny, and he smiled again.

If this is Lu Ling's concern, then don't worry about it.

"Don't talk nonsense, Ah Ling, you are not stupid at all, be more confident, you are the most talented girl I have ever seen." Qin Qin walked up to Lu Ling and looked at her closely: "Whether it is cultivation Talent, or talent in temperament, is the best."

"..." Lu Ling was suddenly praised, a little confused.

"If A Ling, you are stupid, then I am nothing. If Shi Tian Ning Qi is stupid, my senior sister is probably a fool." Qin Qin did not forget to take a black look at Shen Gui at this time.

"Besides, the last time we met, Ah Ling, you couldn't speak a single word. Can't you talk well now? How long has it been?" Qin Qin was really surprised by Lu Ling's progress: "I can't You are not allowed to say that about yourself, Ah Ling is a very smart girl, not stupid at all."

As she spoke, Qin Qin nodded Lu Ling's head.

"Acridine..." Lu Ling leaned back a bit, then sat down firmly.

"You're just too young, you're just a little naive." Qin Qin raised the corner of her mouth, "And she's a very cute girl."

"A smart person like you will learn music theory very quickly, I believe in you."

"But..." Lu Ling had something else to say.

"One more thing, Ah Ling, who told you that Qin Qin is harder than calender?" Qin Qin leaned close to Lu Ling, exhaled like blue, the fragrance sprayed on Lu Ling's face, making her lean back again and again.

"I..." Lu Ling swallowed.

"Heh, Lingju is much harder than Guqin." Qin Qin bent down, and her nose touched Lu Ling's little nose.

Four eyes facing each other.

Lu Ling didn't dare to move.

(End of this chapter)

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