Chapter 310
"Senior Sister Qin." Luo Xian walked up to Qin Qin and bowed slightly.

"Junior Sister Luo, I'm causing you trouble..." Qin Qin avoided it a little, then walked up to Luo Xian and gave her a big hug.

The relationship between the two of them is not bad.

"I didn't expect Ah Ling to be so popular with the little ones." Qin Qin glanced at Lu Ling who was sitting on the stone beam, and spread her hands.

"I can understand a little." Luo Xian shook his head, then looked at Lu Ling: "Is this Lu Ling... My master and I like her very much..."

"Is Uncle Luo not here?" Qin Qin asked.

"Not here, I was picked up by Uncle Dongfang..." Luo Xian said helplessly.

"Today is a very strange day... My master has also left the customs..." Qin Qin said: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's pull A Ling out of the little guys... Otherwise, sister Ke Yu will have to wait Anxious."

"En." Luo Xian nodded, walked behind Lu Ling, and looked down at the group of little guys in the water.


Because Luo Xian was barefoot, there was no sound when walking, and Lu Ling was a little tired now, so she didn't realize that there was an extra person behind her.

She hung her head and shook her feet.

However, those fish that were so excited before all suddenly got under the water surface, swimming nervously.

what happened?

Lu Ling was still wondering when she found a shadow on the water in front of her.

Someone behind her?
Lu Ling tried her best to look up.

Because of the angle, the first thing I saw was the girl's graceful figure, but now I couldn't make her look sideways.

"Hello." Lu Ling climbed up the stone beam with some difficulty, and stood up staggeringly.

"A Ling." Luo Xian stretched out his hand to support Lu Ling, looked at her water-stained appearance, raised his hand to wipe off the water droplets on Lu Ling's face: "The little guys are causing you trouble..."

"Ah?" Lu Ling hadn't reacted yet.

Who is this young lady...

She looked at Luo Xian in front of her.

She doesn't look pretty, she can only be described as delicate and handsome, a bit petty, but she has a good temperament, and the clothes add a lot of points, the hem of the pure white skirt gradually turns red, like a blooming amaryllis flower.

The most important thing is her hair, which is very long. Proportionally speaking, it is only a little shorter than her own,

"Who are you?" Lu Ling straightened her drenched skirt and asked suspiciously, at the same time, she glanced at Qin Qin beside her.

"I'm the senior sister of these little guys." Luo Xian pointed to the spirit tribes in the water.

"..." Hearing Luo Xian's words, the nearby fish surfaced and nodded humanly.

Then dive back into the water, like a child who has made a mistake.

"Senior Sister..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment.

Does the fish also have senior sisters?
But she immediately realized that this is the world of cultivating immortals, and anything can happen, so there is nothing to be curious about.

"No, it's not troublesome." Lu Ling roughly understood what happened now, and smiled: "They are very good."

Although she is a little tired from being entangled now, she had a good time playing before, and these little guys are very cute.

"Okay?" Luo Xian shook his head: "I saw them haunting you, and they still don't want to leave."

"..." Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

To be honest, she is really tired now and wants to find a place to have a good rest, but when she sees the pitiful eyes in the water, she can't help herself.

"Okay, Junior Sister, go and rest, don't get too used to these greedy little things." Luo Xian waved.

"A Ling." Qin Qin pulled Lu Ling to her side, looked at her little confusion, and shook her head.

This drenched skirt... Let's change it at Sister Yu's house later.

Although she can help Lu Ling dry it directly, wouldn't it be weird to wear it that way?
And if you don't need spiritual power, you don't need it.

At this time, although Lu Ling had already stepped back, she could still feel the sense of anticipation coming from all directions, and the Spirit Race still did not "let go" of her.

That's right, those little fishes have been waiting for so long...


Lu Ling's heart softened again.

However, Luo Xian spoke before her.

"I don't want to see this kind of scene again in the future, you know?" Luo Xian's voice was soft, and all the spirits in this water area could hear it.

"It's okay to get close to her a little bit, but you absolutely can't come so much all at once. Junior sister doesn't have that much energy. I don't care how you negotiate with yourself, but you can't appear... um..." Luo Xian stretched out his hand and drew such a circle: "There can't be more than so many people, or I'll be angry."

"..." The fish on the edge nodded frantically, causing waves in the entire water area, but at the same time they also sent some information.

"Alas..." After a while, Luo Xian sighed, with a somewhat doting and helpless tone: "I know that Junior Sister is very attractive to you, but if you don't allow it, you don't allow it, I said it."

During the period, Lu Ling watched Luo Xian communicate with these little guys, and found it very novel.

Qin Qin sensed Lu Ling's curiosity, and explained softly in Lu Ling's ear: "These little fellows are also disciples of's just special..."

Although the Spirit Race and the Human Race have a good relationship, [-]% of the Human Race here is talking about Lingshan. The special spiritual power of Lingshan can resonate with the natural spiritual power of the Spirit Race, and some cultivation methods can also be used by the Spirit Race, which can also help these people to be favored by heaven. The early awakening of the spiritual creature is accompanied by supernatural powers.

In addition, Lingshan is a group of girls, quiet and inactive, which is in line with the nature of the spirit tribe, so there are actually many spirit tribes scattered in Lingshan.

It's not a secret, but it's very important news for Lu Ling.

Yu'er is also a disciple?

Could it be her senior sister?
Since he is a disciple, he must not be a fool...

Then she just teased him as a mentally handicapped animal...

Lu Ling's face turned red, and she hid behind Qin Qin, not looking at the little guy in the water, but also choosing to ignore the eyes that were still on her.


"That's all I said, it's all gone." Luo Xian straightened her long hair and said.


After saying a word, the blackness at the entrance of the town dissipated like a cloud, and a row of black lines left from the water in all directions. In just a few minutes, the water at the entrance of the town became much clearer.

However, there are still some who are unwilling to leave, and those who are unwilling to leave account for one-third. Most of them are those who will soon be able to touch Lu Ling, and have been waiting for a long time.

They are not reconciled.

After Luo Xian felt these emotions, she was silent for a while, and then sat down in Lu Ling's place.

"You expect me to be used to you?"

Luo Xian seemed to be laughing, her long hair fluttering in the wind.

But there was no wind at this time.


"A Ling is a girl my master likes very much, don't bully her." Luo Xian raised the hair stuck in her collar by her ears, and her voice became softer: "What are you waiting for?"

Putting his finger into the water, a violent spiritual power spread across the entire water in an instant, making the group of spirits tremble with fright.

"Hurry up and go back to your own place, wait until I send you back? I can't control you anymore, can I..." Luo Xian half-closed his eyes, and his tone became more fluent, but there was also obvious anger.

"You all want to go to Sister Huang's place as a 'guest'?"

This time it was really windy.

The senior sister is angry, flash forward...


The spirit clan met and then left the town at a very fast speed. Even the fishes that lived in the waters of the town also left first to avoid the limelight, or they would be caught by Luo Xian Absolutely no good fruit to eat.

At this time, there is no time to think about Lu Ling.

Like wind and clouds, in just a few seconds, the black clouds under the town's mouth completely dissipated as if fleeing for their lives, making this water area quiet, without any ripples, like a pool of stagnant water.

"Really, I don't even want to listen to my words." Luo Xian stood up, annoyed in a low voice, then lowered her head, looking at the little turtle slowly crawling towards Lu Ling under her skirt.

"Where do you want to go?"

Under the skirt, the tortoise stopped, and subconsciously retracted its head, but then poked it out timidly.

"Don't look up! Go back!"

"Walk slowly, I'll give you time to count to three." Luo Xian said coldly, "One..."

Before counting to two, the little guy below disappeared from Luo Xian's vision at an extremely fast speed as if a generator had been installed.

And still shrunk his head.

Lu Ling opened her mouth and looked at this side.

What's this?
What's more... the little sister told the little turtle not to look up, is it because the little turtle is under her skirt?

Speaking of which, the red skirt made her look familiar, but she didn't catch the flash of inspiration.

Then, Luo Xian came over, stopped in front of Qin Qin and sighed, with a weak expression on his face.

"Hey... these little things are getting more and more difficult to manage... it doesn't give me any peace of mind."

"Is there? I think it's quite obedient." Qin Qin said.

"En." Lu Ling nodded aside, the fish just now was indeed very obedient.

"Be obedient? Forget it." Luo Xian's lips turned pale, and his face looked sad.

"They must not listen to you without Master Luo." Qin Qin looked at Luo Xian with a half-smile, this "offender" was well-known in Lingshan.

"Senior sister, don't make fun of me." Luo Xian blushed, and pushed Qin Qin's waist: "I don't want to either... But Master doesn't care about anything, and..."

Luo Xian's voice became smaller and smaller.

"She's not as worrying as the little ones."

"Well..." Qin Qin showed a smile of understanding: "Uncle Luo has that kind of temperament, and those who are capable will work harder, so I will work hard for you, sister..."

"That's what you say... Master Dongfang came to take Master away today, and I still have a lot of things to tell her... Forget it." Luo Xian shook his head and took a few steps back: "Senior Sister Qin, little Junior sister, I still have some things to do today, so I will go back first... I will sit down with you next time..."

"Okay, okay." Qin Qin waved his hand: "Why are you being so polite with me, go get busy."

Although she and Luo Xian are not as close as Tang Keyu, nor can they be regarded as best friends, but they are both direct disciples and have a good relationship.

"Okay, Senior Sister, then I'll go first, bye, Junior Junior Sister." Luo Xian blinked at Lu Ling, then turned around and disappeared.


Qin Qin looked at the place where Luo Xian had gone, and smacked her lips in admiration.

This girl is really looking more and more like a senior sister, she should be regarded as a strong enemy...

Don't get me wrong, it's not her rival, but Shen Gui's.

You know, the elder sisters of each peak of Lingshan Nine Peaks may be very good friends and sisters, but there are some things that need to be clearly distinguished even between sisters...

So far, this year's senior sister's position is still vacant...

The outside world may think that this year's senior sister will be one of Shen Gui and Xu Xu, after all, their cultivation is the highest, but it is not the case.

Inside Lingshan, the senior sisters in each peak are excellent. For example, Luo Xian, although not as good as Xu Xu and Shen Gui, is more proficient in Lingshan business than the previous two, and has a talent for management, so he may not necessarily lose. To Xu and Chen.

In contrast, the teachers and sisters of other peaks also have their own advantages, so they are called "rivals".

The reason why the elder sisters have not been selected is because they are all too good now, and there is no one who can really suppress the other sisters and convince these proud fairies.

Not every session has Lingshan Qingjue who can crush his contemporaries in all directions.

" has nothing to do with me." Qin Qin shook her head.

She has Shen Gui on top of her, she has never thought about what a senior sister is.

Speaking of...

Shen Gui, who has always been competitive, has no idea of ​​being a senior sister. On the contrary, Xu Xu, who regards being in harmony with the light and dust as his life creed, expresses very strong emotions towards the position of a senior sister. I don't know why.

However, Shen Gui didn't want to be a big sister at first, but Xu Xu wanted to, so she refused to let her go, and fought fiercely with Xu Xu.

It is also evil fate.

In the Nine Peaks of Lingshan, besides Xu Chenluo, there are five senior sisters who want to challenge for the position of Senior Sister. It is not known which peak will be won in the end.

There is no competition on Lingshan, and this is probably the only "jewel crown" worth fighting for by a group of girls.

and many more.

Feng Jiu, why are there only eight people...

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Qin couldn't help smiling, and glanced at Lu Ling beside her.

This Ninth Peak... probably has no chance.

Not necessarily, other people can't tell the winner in a short period of time, and with Junior Sister Liu's's not hopeless.

Here, she didn't consider Lu Ling. Although Lu Ling was very talented, she really wasn't temperamental for a senior sister, so she was directly excluded.


At this time, when the wind blew, Lu Ling, who was soaked all over her body, felt a chill down her spine, and her whole body shivered.


Lu Ling sneezed and rubbed her nose.

Strange, does she have a cold too?
"Okay, let's go, Sister Ke Yu's side should be almost done." Qin Qin put away his unrealistic thoughts, and took Lu Ling's hand: "Although you are from the ice department, Ah Ling, you look like you , it is really possible to catch a cold..."

Qin Qin also found it inconceivable that Lu Ling would sneeze.

"I don't know if Sister Keyu's house has any clothes that suit you... By the way, Ah Ling, please remember the next road carefully. The road to Qifeng Town is very complicated." Qin Qin reminded.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

Then, Qin Qin took Lu Ling towards Tang Keyu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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