Chapter 311 Orchard
The road in Qifeng Township is very complicated.

Lu Ling didn't believe it at first.

5 minute later.

Believe it.

Stepping into the town from the entrance of the town, there are water huts connected by stone beams, and they are basically on the first floor, rarely on the second floor. The paths overlap and twist back and forth, like a maze.

Because she had to memorize the route, Lu Ling tried her best to concentrate her attention... Unfortunately, the effect was not very good, because there were many streets and crowded streets...

Everywhere she went, people greeted her, and there were even a few young ladies who sat in the black boat and played chess, tempting her to eat with snacks.

Of course, how could Lu Ling be tempted by such a little thing? Her attitude was very firm and she would not go.

In fact, it was because she had just eaten the lunch made by Qin Qin, so snacks were not very attractive to her. It is said that women have two stomachs, one for eating and one for snacks... But Lu Ling is not.

She has only one stomach.

"A Ling, the one in front is Sister Ke Yu's house, have you seen it?" Qin Qin said.



Aren't the houses in front of us all the same?Made of wood, it sits on the water... Who knows which one Qin Qin is talking about.

Qin Qin: "..."

Forget it, it's normal, it's really difficult to know the way for the first time, and this girl's IQ is not high, so I need to be tall.

"Then Aling, do you remember the route?"

"Route..." Lu Ling closed her eyes and fiddled with her fingers: "Getting started, right, left, left, right...left? Right? Left?"

The further back, the more confident Lu Ling became.

"Didn't remember?" Qin Qin sighed.

"I didn't remember." Lu Ling lowered her head, a little embarrassed.

"If you can't even remember..." Qin Qin was a little embarrassed: "The road from Sister Keyu's house to the school is even more difficult for you, Ah Ling."


Lu Ling's face turned purple.

Co-authored, isn't it in the class at Mr. Tang's house?But all she saw along the way were private houses...

It's like playing a maze game, is it interesting?

"Yes, the school, Qifeng's school is next to the central hall, and we have to walk for a while..." Qin Qin explained casually while thinking.

"Well, if you don't remember it, don't forget it. At worst, I'll get up earlier every day and take you to school." Qin Qin stroked Lu Ling's hair.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, but she was very puzzled in her heart.

Send her to school?

What do you mean?
Are you going to pick her up at home?Or meet at Mr.That's not good……

As expected, she was still very useless, and she couldn't even remember the route...but Lu Ling couldn't refuse Qin Qin's kindness, after all...she really needed Qin Qin's help, otherwise she wouldn't be able to take this class.

It is estimated that she can play in this small town for a day, and she will be tempted by monsters (Miss Sister) in the middle.

Life is so hard.

At this time, Lu Ling would never have thought that when Qin Qin said to send her to school, she didn't mean to go to her home to pick her up, but to let her live directly in the second peak.

To be precise, he slept with her.

Of course, if Lu Ling wants to sleep with Shen Gui or Shen Canghai, she has no objection either.

One may die, one proper rbq.

I believe that Lu Ling will have a choice.

The corners of Qin Qin's mouth turned upward, and he began to think about how to get Lu Ling into his hands, during which time he walked to Tang Keyu's courtyard.

A water garden, there are about four or five huts and a main house. The water surface is three inches below the floor of the yard, but because of the magic barrier, there is no heavy humidity in the yard.

Qin Qin didn't regard herself as an outsider, and directly led Lu Ling to open the door and went in.

After entering, Lu Ling took a deep breath... with a look of satisfaction on her face.

The air in the yard is very fresh, with a slight fragrance of flowers.

Planting flowers on the water... also has a special flavor. There are two quilts drying in the middle of the yard... small, with cute flower patterns printed on them.

It should be... Tang Zheng Tang Sheng's?

Lu Ling guessed.

After all, this is their home.

Is it still quite simple...

Lu Ling looked around the small yard and nodded.

The size of this yard is equivalent to cutting out the area around her thatched house, then building four houses, and finally getting a gate.

Same thing.

Maybe it's not as good as her home, which has a stream and hot springs.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Ling was in balance.

It turns out that not everyone's home is the same as Qin Qin's Shen Gui, so luxurious, a lacquered wood corridor takes 15 minutes to walk...

"Oh? Not in the front yard?" Qin Qin looked through every room, but did not see Tang Keyu's shadow.

"It's probably in the backyard... Ah Ling, let's go and see what Sister Ke Yu is going to do... Speaking of which, I don't know that we have to prepare something for us, and it's not the time to eat..." He said, Qin Qin pulled Lu Ling and went to the backyard.

The backyard is almost the same as the front, the house and the like.

When she came to the backyard, Lu Ling realized that the yard was not as small as she had imagined. There was an orchard behind the three wooden houses, yes, an orchard of unknown size, because there was only one entrance, so I couldn’t see how deep it was. Trees and infinite space.

"..." Lu Ling.

Does this work too?
But when she looked outside, it was clearly just a small yard, where did such a big place come from...

and many more.

Lu Ling remembered.

The canteen she had been to before seemed to have a similar structure - it looked like a slightly larger house from the outside, but after entering it had an infinite space, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

The yard should be about the same.

That's right... I am in the Xianjia sect...

After Lu Ling realized it, she was a little helpless.

Although there are many unusual things in Lingshan, because there is no difference between some things and the world, she always likes to use her common sense to understand things. Sometimes she can, but sometimes she is always inexplicably surprised.

Someone like Qin Qin would not be surprised.

This is Lingshan, if you don't use some tricks, it will be crowded.

The spiritual vein is so big, but the place remains the same. These girls who pay attention to the quality of life cannot accept it, so they spent a lot of money and resources on this method of expanding the space.

For this reason, I don’t know how many magic weapons of space attributes were sacrificed. They are completely prodigal. Even Qionghua Holy Land, which has always been rich and powerful, dare not play like this. Ruined just to live more comfortably... Only these crazy women are willing to do it.

Thinking about Shushan, as a senior brother of Venerable Ye, it takes a lot of time to get a small Qiankun bag, but Liu Fufeng directly received one for free in the Shaodian...

This is the gap.

Lingshan is also full of rich women. After all, daughters need to be rich, and these Lingshan disciples are daughters.

What Lu Ling doesn't know is that the most precious thing in Lingshan is that the most valuable thing in her understanding is not magic weapon, but land.

Shen Canghai's land was basically snatched by using the power of the peak master and his own "notoriety". Said it was very small... She didn't even expand the space.

If you want to get a good land, you must not only have strength, but also popularity.

For example, Li Zhuzi.

Although the place where she lives is not on the nine peaks of Lingshan Mountain, climbing to Lingtai is no worse than any other peak, and she can get the bamboo forest, path, and even a hot spring that she wants among many people...

The difficulty is very high. In order to help Li Zhuzi fight for it, Shen Canghai put in a lot of effort, but even so, he still only won a small piece of land in Nanyuan...

Shen Canghai originally wanted to grant the entire Nanyuan to Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi has the strength of a venerable, that's all, let alone others.

Although the space expanded by the magic weapon of destruction is similar to use, but the spiritual energy is much thinner, so it is naturally not so comfortable to live in - of course, if there is a better suppression of the magic weapon, it will be similar.

Lu Ling is a very good "humanoid" spirit treasure. In this kind of space, the cold air she emits can be well preserved.

If anyone has the ability to "hang" her at home, the expanded space is no worse than any secret realm. If it hangs for ten or eight years... I guess even the best ice-type secret realm in the Seven Holy Lands will not be as good as one of them. half.

However, it may not be possible to hang up, but with Lu Ling's personality of a house girl, it is not impossible to create a secret realm.

Here, Lu Ling looked at the orchard behind the yard, with jealousy written all over her face.

She has always had a hatred of the rich, and it was the same when she saw the rich businessman who moved in Luoyan City.

No, her family really fell behind.

Lu Ling tightly held the edge of the skirt, her eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

At her age, it's normal for her to like comparisons.

At this time, Lu Ling felt that her home was too small and she had to take care of it, but she didn't know that she and Liu Fufeng had the best resources in the entire Lingshan. She only saw the surface and didn't see anything else.

Li Zhuzi couldn't even approve a piece of land, but now she has the entire spiritual vein of the Ninth Peak. Chu Qishui likes Liu Fufeng and recognizes Lu Ling, so he can let these two apprentices do whatever they want.

She pretended not to see Lu Ling taking Yueyingcao. Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng took a bath in the Ninth Peak Spring, and she acquiesced.

Treating Yimai spring as a private property, this kind of treatment cannot be found in Quanling Mountain, not to mention, the so-called "prime forest" on the mountain is not an ordinary forest, without rich aura, how can these trees grow It is a hundred times larger than ordinary trees.

There is also a fairy sword hidden on it.

The current Ninth Peak can be said to be full of treasures.

It is because of the lack of development, and the matter of Chu Qishui that the development of the Ninth Peak has been suspended. Otherwise, even if Lu Ling became a senior sister, she would not be treated so well. It is also something that Lingshan people acquiesced.

Of course, it’s also because the current Lingshan area is enough. Eight peaks plus a climbing platform are enough, and if Yifeng gets too much popularity, the aura will be diluted. If we keep it and don’t develop it now, there is also the meaning of “raising” inside.

It's a pity that Lu Ling didn't know how to cherish Baoshan while holding Baoshan, but she was still envious of the steamed buns in other people's hands.

What happened to living in a thatched cottage?It's fine to change someone else to live on the cliff.

Sitting on the entire Ninth Peak of Lingshan Mountain, even if it is only temporarily, it is not too much to say that Lu Ling is the richest woman in the world, she is always greedy.

In fact, even if the entire Ninth Peak is taken away, Lu Ling is still the richest person in the world, not one of them.

Luo Qianhan's loyalty is comparable to all the treasures in the world.

This is about Luo Qianhan, not Xuechen.

But after all, this is external wealth, not spiritual.

What Lu Ling wants is spiritual abundance, life experience, people she likes, people who like her, delicious food, and the whole world she wants to explore.

Luo Qianhan couldn't give her these things, but Liu Fufeng could.

Lu Ling is just so hopeless and hopeless.

Even if she knew the preciousness of what she had, she would still be envious of Qin Qin's gorgeous and exquisite room.

This is Lu Ling.

Short-sighted, only like what you like.

She is still that Lu Ling.


"When did Sister Keyu build an orchard at home?" Qin Qin was a little surprised, but she hadn't been to Tang Keyu's house for a long time, because there were two small troubles at home, so even if the party was at the second peak or Lingtai .

"Sniff..." Qin Qin's nose moved.

As a good cook, Qin Qin is very sensitive to smells, and her nose is also very good... For example, she smelled Lu Ling's smell and her aura before.

But at this time, he couldn't smell what it was like in the orchard.



Green fruit?

Not like.

Although he doesn't know the variety, Qin Qin can be sure that this smell is the fragrance that the fruit will only emit when it is ripe.

"Hiss~~~It's so fragrant...and the spiritual power fluctuates very strongly." Giving up thinking, Qin Qin licked his lips: "A Ling, it's better to come early than coincidentally. It seems that these fruits have not yet matured. Today we I have taken it orally."

"Gudu." Hearing that there was something delicious, Lu Ling immediately put her dissatisfaction with the house behind her, and her eyes became straight. .

She closed her eyes, wrinkled her little nose, and took a deep breath.

Sure enough, there was a faint sweet smell coming from the orchard behind the house, like the smell of sugar water. If you didn't smell it carefully, you might think it was an illusion.

Lu Ling opened her eyes and continued to swallow.

By the way, this Senior Sister Qin has a pretty good nose, and a dog... 咖咖咖.

Meeting Qin Qin's half-smile eyes, Lu Ling blushed and turned her head.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the orchard, very light, like a child.

Qin Qin and Lu Ling just stared at the door until the figure came out.

It's Tang Zheng.

At this time, Tang Zheng was wearing a cotton coat, with some bloody scratches on his face, and a few light green leaves stuck in his short hair, he was in a panic.

"Bah." Spit out the leaves in his mouth, Tang Zheng walked out, and saw Qin Qin and Lu Ling head-on.

She knew Qin Qin, a good friend of her master's, and she should be the guest she said to entertain today.

But Lu Ling? ? ?

"Why are you!" Tang Zheng jumped back, his eyes full of vigilance.


Before Lu Ling could speak, Tang Zheng hit the door frame of the orchard with too much force.

He squatted down covering his head.


(End of this chapter)

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