Chapter 312 Jealousy
Because of Lu Ling, Lingshan ushered in the winter ahead of schedule. She herself had a special reason and couldn't feel the cold, so she still wore small skirts, but Tang Zheng and other little girls couldn't do it. They could only wrap themselves in thick cotton clothes and shiver in the cold winter .

At this time, Tang Zheng squatted on the ground covering his head, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

In winter, it hurts to hit it like this. Now Tang Zheng feels that the back of his head is broken.

"No, it's okay..." Lu Ling was a little worried, and whispered.

This time, she felt pain.

"... Huh, I want you to take care of it." Hearing Lu Ling's words, Tang Zheng got up from the ground, raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and pretended to be nonchalant.

Although Qin Qin didn't know the grievances between the two little girls, but as far as this first meeting was concerned, Lu Ling was completely victorious.

"Ah Zheng, what's wrong with you? You made it like this." Qin Qin pulled Tang Zheng over, removed the leaves from her short hair, and then wiped Tang Zheng's face lightly with his right hand.

The scraped bloodstains gradually disappeared, and Tang Zheng's face returned to pink and tender.

"A girl must know how to protect her face...does it hurt?"

"Senior Sister Qin, I..." Tang Zheng was blushed by Qin Qin's tenderness, but he glanced at Lu Ling next to him, and immediately gritted his teeth.

This Lingshan is so big, how could she meet Lu Ling everywhere... It used to be a school, but now Lu Ling has invaded her home?

The master said that there was a guest, and he took their sisters to pick fruit. Tang Keyu didn't have many friends, so the two sisters guessed that it should be this sister Qin, and now it turned out to be her.

But he didn't expect to see Lu Ling.

It's really frustrating.

Originally, she was also happy because she could eat the spiritual fruit she had grown.

"It's nothing, just being rubbed by the fruit tree, it doesn't hurt very much." Tang Zheng turned to Qin Qin and said, the scar on her face was because she was too excited to climb the tree to pick the fruit.

"That's good, where's Sister Ke Yu?" Qin Qin nodded and asked.

"Master is still picking fruit. I'll find something to send to her. Senior Sister Qin, are you waiting here or going with me?" Tang Zheng glanced at Lu Ling when he said this, with disgust on his face. .

Lu Ling met Tang Zheng's channel.

Tang Zheng means, don't you take her to play?

It's strange... Lu Ling has always thought that she is a very peaceful person, she has never offended anyone... Why did Tang Zheng target her so much from the beginning, did he forget something important?

It's head-scratching.

"Ah Zheng, go get busy first, don't make sister Ke Yu wait." Qin Qin said.

"En." Then, Tang Zheng trotted out of the backyard.


After a while.

"A Ling, do you have a good relationship with Ah Zheng?" Qin Qin was very curious: "I have the impression that Tang Zheng is quite a sensible girl..."

Tang Zheng's dissatisfaction with Lu Ling was written all over his face... Qin Qin couldn't understand it.

"I, I don't know." Lu Ling also looked at a loss. She really didn't know what she did wrong, so she hesitated and said, "Maybe I did something...forgot..."

"Forgot?" Qin Qin smiled and shook her head.

Ah Ling is indeed a very gentle girl, she still takes the responsibility on herself at a time like this, it's really cute.

Qin Qin, who knew about Lu Ling's situation, naturally knew that although Lu Ling looked two or three years older than Tang Zheng, her mental age should be very young, but now Lu Ling's performance in all aspects seems to be a qualified Senior sister, it actually surprised her a little.

She thought Lu Ling was just a greedy and stupid girl.

Can't help but think of Liu Fufeng.

Junior Sister Liu's "tutoring" is really strict.

At this time, Tang Zheng came in from the front yard with a quilt embroidered with flowers. The quilt was so big that it wrapped her whole body up. The little girl was in a hurry. After entering her bedroom, she came out in a hurry. Take the task Tang Keyu entrusted to her.

Collecting a quilt is more important than completing the task of the master...

Qin Qin noticed the blush on Tang Zheng's cheeks, and couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

Tang Zheng's face is still so thin.

Here I have to mention Lu Ling. Lu Ling has condensed her energy for ten days, and her talent is extremely high. No matter what she eats, no impurities will be left behind. Her body will automatically decompose the impurities.

In contrast, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng are just ordinary girls, and she probably has to wait until the next level if she wants to transform.

"Okay, Ah Ling, let's go in and have a look first, I don't know what Sister Ke Yu has created again..." Qin Qin took Lu Ling's hand.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

She was also curious about what kind of fruit was in this orchard.

Qin Qin led Lu Ling to walk in the orchard, and what he was greeted with was a fresh fragrance. The soil under his feet was soft but not sticky, making it very comfortable to step on.

"What is this... I haven't seen it before..." Qin Qin looked at the green and unripe fruit on the tree beside him, his eyes were full of curiosity.

The spiritual energy inside is incredible, no worse than some mid-level spiritual fruits.

"It smells so good..." Lu Ling had no other thoughts. She first thought it was miraculous that there would be an orchard in such a small town on the water, and then she swallowed.

Along the way, there are fruit trees around two people tall, most of which are immature, and a little bit less.

"It should still be ahead." Qin Qin led Lu Ling forward, and she did smell the smell of ripe fruit.

The two walked for a while, and finally heard voices.After turning a corner, the new world appeared in Lu Ling's eyes.

It is no longer a green sapling. Looking ahead, in a semicircular courtyard, half of it is a lake, and the other half is full of big trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, bearing golden gourd-shaped fruits on them, and at the same time full-bodied. The fragrance spread out.

Tang Keyu was wearing a long conservative dress that covered his ankles. He was sitting on a wooden stool on the shore, with a wooden barrel beside him and a fishing rod in his hand, sitting there motionless.


Tang Sheng was stepping on a two-story ladder, carrying a small bag to pick the golden-yellow, ripe fruits on the tree. Her small body was trying to step on her feet, and her appearance made people worry that she might fall down at any time. .

At this time, Tang Keyu was fishing very attentively. With all his heart and soul, his consciousness was scattered, and he didn't notice the appearance of Qin Qin and Lu Ling.

In Lingshan, there was no one to guard against, so Tang Keyu was not vigilant at all, and was still immersed in his own world.

But Tang Sheng was different, she was just an ordinary girl, her hearing was still there, she noticed the footsteps, and she turned around muttering.

"Sister, why have you been here for so long...Come here and help..."

Then he saw Lu Ling and was taken aback for a moment.

Is it an illusion?

Wiped my eyes.

At this moment, Lu Ling was also looking at her, and waved her hand to greet her.

"Really, really, really Sister Lu...Sister Lu..." Tang Sheng panicked instantly. She looks no better than Tang Zheng now. She was careful enough not to be scratched by the branches, but her long hair was stained with some green leaves, and her face It was also dirty.

Still very embarrassed.

It's okay to be seen by my sister like this, but actually seen by her favorite sister Lu...

How to do……

Tang Sheng thought about it, and said hello first...

"Well, Sister Lu, good afternoon... ah!" Before he finished speaking, Tang Sheng stepped on the ground, lost his balance instantly, and fell from the tree with a scream.

A tree as tall as a two-story building,
Seeing this, Lu Ling was startled, and held Qin Qin's hand tightly.

Qin Qin was completely indifferent, because Tang Keyu was right next to her, and she raised Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng as her daughters, so how could she hurt them.

Sure enough, Tang Keyu responded immediately.

"A Sheng, what are you doing? Be careful." Tang Keyu said lightly, holding the fishing rod firmly with one hand, and flexing his fingers with the other hand, the fingertips were shining with white light.

I didn't even look back.

A layer of soft white light was placed under Tang Sheng's body, and she was slowly lifted from the air to the ground until Tang Sheng stood firm, and this layer of white spiritual power disappeared.

"Be careful, you know?" Tang Keyu withdrew his hand, like a sculpture, even the silver pendant on his ear did not shake at all.

"I'm sorry, Master." Tang Sheng blushed a little.

Then, Tang Keyu stopped talking and stared at the rippleless water.


She didn't see us?

Lu Ling gave Qin Qin a look.

"Sister Ke Yu has entered the state, and this state will definitely get twice the result with half the effort if used for cultivation... But she is used for fishing, really... Forget it, don't worry about her, just withdraw from her state after a while. "Qin Qin gave Lu Ling a smile.

At this time, Tang Sheng walked up a few steps, his eyes were full of panic, and his face still had the red aftertaste of being frightened before.

She tidied up the messy cotton clothes a little, and stood timidly in front of Lu Ling.

"Sister Lu, why are you here?"

"Tang Sheng..." Lu Ling thought for a moment, then turned her body slightly: "I'm with Senior Sister."

"Senior Sister?" Tang Sheng saw Qin Qin at the side, a little embarrassed: "Sister Qin, good afternoon..."

"Good afternoon?" Qin Qin wanted to laugh a little, raised her hand and pinched Tang Sheng's small face and tore it apart: "Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Well, Tang Sheng, I've been standing like a living person for a long time before you See me... the little girl has not learned anything else, but the ability to ignore people has been learned from your master."

"Qin, Sister Qin... I was wrong..." Tang Sheng apologized with sobs.

"Hmph, I forgive you." Qin Qin let go, and then saw Tang Sheng standing next to Lu Ling with a happy face, and felt even more strange.

These two sisters have completely different attitudes towards Lu Ling, one hates it very much, but the other loves it very much... Qin Qin remembers that Tang Sheng used to say that her piano music was beautiful and liked her very much, every time she came to Tang Keyu's place as a guest , the one who is most enthusiastic about her is Tang Sheng.

Now they ignore her... "transferring love" to Yu Luling.


Rubbing his reddened face, Tang Sheng stood beside Lu Ling.

"Sister Lu, why are you here?" Tang Sheng smiled brilliantly.

"I, I'm here to find out the way. The day after tomorrow...I'm coming here to learn how to practice." Lu Ling explained, blushing a little, saying that she was looking for the way, but she didn't remember anything until now.

"That's right, I forgot." Tang Sheng stuck out her tongue, her eyes were filled with anticipation, and she would soon have a close contact with her favorite sister Lu... It's exciting just thinking about it.

"Sister Lu, where is your beautiful bamboo?"

"Forgot to take it."

"Oh... then walking will be very inconvenient, let me help you..."

"Need not."

"Oh." Tang Sheng was a little disappointed, and then he calmed down his mood: "Well, sister Lu, there are a lot of delicious food today, and the fish cooked by Master is very good, have you eaten yet?"


"I've eaten it... this..." Tang Sheng paused for a moment, then pulled himself together: "It's okay, there are still fruits, this is the first time this fruit has ripened, the master said it will definitely be very sweet, I like sweet things the most Sister Lu, do you like it?"

"Very good." Lu Ling nodded, she also likes sweet things very much.

"Sister Lu..."


Qin Qin saw Tang Sheng's enthusiasm and Lu Ling's helpless look. Looking at the two girls over here, she suddenly thought of Shen Gui and Xu Xu.

Back then, Xu Xu pestered Shen Gui asking questions like this. Although Lu Ling was not as cold as Shen Gui, they were actually similar.

Even though Shen Gui was cold when she was a child, she always looked like she was refusing people thousands of miles away, and was irritated by Xu Xu, but she was still very accommodating to Xu Xu, she was just superficially indifferent.

Otherwise, I wouldn't go to play house games with Xu Xu, and the verses left in the booklet are proof.

The flowers on Moshang are blooming, waiting to return slowly.

What kind of mentality did Shen Gui have when he wrote this sentence on the paper... Qin Qin was very curious.

If one of the two of them is a boy, this is a proper token of love.

She was actually looking forward to some sparks between the two senior sisters from the first peak and the second peak... But now it seems that there is little hope, and Shen Gui's battle-crazed appearance has angered Senior Sister Xu not once or twice. .

But the relationship between the two should still be good.

Just like the current Tang Sheng and Lu Ling, Tang Sheng is the one who pays, and Xu Xu is the one who gives.

and many more.

Qin Qin suddenly thought of something.

Tang Zheng is a "sister-controller", there is no need to confirm this point, it can be known from the month when Tang Keyu picked up the two sisters from the mountain.

In this strange place, she protected Tang Sheng like a hen guarding her cubs, she was full of vigilance towards everyone.

Now a few years have passed, Tang Sheng has not changed, but Tang Zheng has changed from a little hedgehog at the beginning to what he is now. From Tang Keyu, she has regained the innocence that a girl should have.

There is no doubt that for Tang Zheng, her sister is the most important person in her life.

Qin Qin glanced sideways at Tang Sheng who was standing next to Lu Ling, chirping like a yellow warbler, the corners of her lips curled up.

Lu Ling said that there was no conflict with Tang Zheng, so Qin Qin probably knew where Tang Zheng's inexplicable hostility towards Lu Ling came from.

This group of little girls will be jealous at such a young age.

(End of this chapter)

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