Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 314 Relationship Improvement

Chapter 314 Relationship Improvement
What... her sister is not good enough for her.

Tang Zheng felt worthless for his younger sister. Looking at Lu Ling, no matter what Tang Sheng said, she would nod her head, quietly, thinking that she was his master's apprentice.

Tang Keyu is really a lady at ordinary times, when she is alone, she is basically in a daze.

The master seems to have a lot of things hidden in his heart. When Lu Ling is silent, she looks like her master.

Tang Zheng felt very conflicted. On the one hand, he didn't like Tang Sheng being too close to Lu Ling, and on the other hand, he felt that Lu Ling's reaction to her sister was too flat.

After watching it for a while, Tang Zheng felt that his dislike for Lu Ling seemed less serious...

As Qin Qin said, looking at Lu Ling from a different angle, Tang Zheng put himself in the "master" seat and looked at Lu Ling who was a "guest", and he really couldn't feel disgusted.

Of course, there is still a little bit of jealousy, but at least her psychology is not as dark as before.

Lu Ling...

Tang Zheng looked at Lu Ling's legs, and slightly tipped his toes.

Lu Ling is really too quiet, does it have something to do with her being crippled?

Now that I think about it, apart from the factor of my younger sister, a quiet big sister like Lu Ling really seems to have nothing to criticize, but I usually hate it.

Tang Zheng felt that if someone always provoked her in her life, she would definitely not be able to look at this person with a normal heart like Lu Ling, and she would probably be annoyed to death seeing her.

But Lu Ling is different, no matter how she targets Lu Ling, the latter always looks like a gentle big sister...

Tang Sheng always brags about how powerful and gentle Lu Ling is at home. Tang Zheng has never taken it seriously, thinking that Lu Ling has lied to her sister, but now that he is careful, Tang Sheng may not brag about Lu Ling.

are facts.

The whole of Lingshan knows about the piano music, Tang Sheng is not the only one who likes Lu Ling, many children like it, including the bad friend who likes to call her "stupid sign".

Hard work and so on... Tang Zheng also saw it. When she first met Lu Ling, she couldn't even speak or understand. Now she is almost the same as a normal person. Although she stutters a bit, But the words are clear.

It is obvious how much effort and persistence Lu Ling put in during this period. People who are persistent will never be despised.

Tang Zheng remembered that as long as Lu Ling didn't ask for leave, she would always be the first to arrive at the school, and Tang Zheng also worked hard to get up early, but no matter which time, no matter how early she got up, when she came to the school full of hope, Lu Ling was always sitting in her seat and reading, so that Tang Zheng had already conceded defeat in this matter, and she resumed her normal routine, but Lu Ling was still the first to arrive at the school.

During class, she was distracted and Lu Ling was reading a book. After class, she was playing with the snow and Lu Ling was still reading and writing. Of course, Lu Ling sometimes went out. She followed her out once and found Lu Ling standing in a I was in a daze in front of the gate, listening to the slight sound of calender.

Even the entertainment she chooses during the break is so ladylike.

Tang Zheng remembered the snowball on his face when he was hit last time, and the way he was lying in bed with a cold, his face was hot and dry.

Besides, Lu Ling's character...

In the school, as Tang Sheng said, he was very gentle, although sometimes he seemed more innocent than her, but it was different when facing Teacher Li.

Tang Zheng still remembers that when she saw Lu Ling for the first time, both she and Tang Sheng were taken aback by Lu Ling's pale skin and eyes gleaming with terrifying sword light, especially Tang Sheng, who did several times in a row. Day of nightmare.

Lu Ling scared her sister, which should be the reason why she didn't like Lu Ling at first.

But after a period of time, they found that Lu Ling was not a terrible person. On the contrary, she seemed to be suffering from a physical illness, her legs and feet were inconvenient, her voice was hoarse, and she had large and small scars on her body.

It wasn't intentional to scare them, and when Lu Ling realized that she had scared the children, she seemed very disappointed. Since then, Tang Zheng discovered that Lu Ling had never faced their sisters again—until Lu Ling changed.

Her skin returned to normal color, her iceberg-like eyes gradually melted, and her hoarse voice became more delicate. To match, her big sister's gentle personality gradually surfaced.

At that time, her younger sister was already obsessed with Lu Ling. She also competed with Lu Ling in various ways, but always failed, but Lu Ling never showed any impatience towards her. It is inclusive.


It just so happened that at this time, Lu Ling felt Tang Zheng was looking at her, and turned her head to give her an apologetic smile.

Although Lu Ling didn't know how she had offended Tang Zheng, it was the right thing to let the child down. Don't say she was wrong, even if she was right, it was she who should apologize.


It was irresistibly tender.

Tang Zheng spat, his little face turned red.

She suddenly understood why her younger sister liked Lu Ling so much... and probably also knew why Tang Sheng scolded her every time she provoked Lu Ling.

This young lady, perhaps before going up the mountain, had been treated even worse than the sisters experienced... When they met for the first time, the bruises that Lu Ling showed inadvertently were shocking.

Still limping on one leg.

Being so miserable but having such a gentle character, working hard and making progress, is really outstanding.

After temporarily letting go of his dissatisfaction with Lu Ling, everything became clear.

It turned out that my sister didn't hate Lu Ling because of her, but she did something wrong.

"Hmph." Tang Zheng wrinkled his nose.

Even if she was wrong, she would not admit it.

The younger sister is hers, and no one can take it away from her, not even the master, not even Lu Ling.

"Hello." Tang Zheng walked up to Lu Ling and Tang Sheng, looked into Lu Ling's eyes, and called out.

"En? What's wrong?" Lu Ling looked at Tang Zheng with doubts in her eyes.

Is this cute girl going to attack her again?

A little helpless... but not upset.

Seeing this, Tang Sheng stood in front of Lu Ling and pouted.

Her elder sister must be dissatisfied with her sister Lu again... Really, can you stop doing this kind of thing... Tang Sheng is very unhappy. Tang Zheng's behavior may first lower her status in Lu Ling's heart, and second... …Tang Zheng will really disappoint her and make her feel that her sister is too much.

Although she is still young, but she is more than ten years old, her mind is already sound, she is already sensible, and she knows what to do and what not to do.

"Sister, don't go too far." Tang Sheng stared at his sister.

"I, I haven't done anything yet." Tang Zheng flattened his lips, and then pulled Tang Sheng to his side.

"Sister..." Tang Sheng muttered.

"Lu, Sister Lu." Tang Zheng twitched a bit, but still called out.

This time, Tang Sheng was stunned.

Did she hear wrong...

Lu Ling was also surprised for a moment, but she still nodded: "Yes."

"Well... Master will probably take a while. Tang Sheng and I will go to prepare the fruits first. Sister Lu, would you like to come with us? Picking fruits is quite interesting." Tang Zheng invited Lu Ling.

Hearing this, Tang Sheng opened his mouth wide, as if meeting Tang Zheng for the first time.

Is this still her stingy sister?But Tang Sheng immediately nodded and agreed: "Sister Lu, picking the fruit is indeed very interesting. If it's not convenient for you, you can pick it with my sister, and you are responsible for holding it."

"On top?" Lu Ling looked up.


"Then...forget it, I'll wait for you below..." Lu Ling shook her head.

"That's such a pity." Tang Zheng took a step back.

"En..." Being rejected by Lu Ling, Tang Sheng felt a little lost.

"Then let's go pick it, or Master will probably be angry." Tang Zheng said, pulling the reluctant Tang Sheng away.


Seeing the backs of the two sisters leaving, Lu Ling stepped back and found a fruit tree to lean against, feeling very strange.

Did Tang Zheng take the wrong medicine?
The sudden change in Tang Zheng's attitude made Lu Ling feel weird, but she could feel that Tang Zheng had indeed changed compared to before, at least she didn't have the glaring hostility on her face, even when Tang Zheng didn't speak, She looked at her face was still a little red, Lu Ling had the illusion that Tang Zheng was actually Tang Sheng.

After all, they are twins, except for the length of their hair, everything else is exactly the same.

But after Tang Sheng opened his mouth, he could clearly feel that Tang Zheng paused, and then changed back to the little hedgehog Lu Ling was familiar with.

"En..." Lu Ling smiled, this was the Tang Zheng she was familiar with.

But no matter which Tang Zheng it is, she can accept it.

very cute girl...


" do you..." Tang Sheng looked at his sister beside him, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he was very happy.

This time her sister didn't find fault, which made her feel sweet.

After all, one is the elder sister who loves her the most, and the other is the elder sister Lu whom she likes... If the relationship between the two is not good, Tang Sheng will naturally not be happy.

"I don't like her." A little further away, Tang Zheng turned his head away to explain: "It's just that she is a guest this time, don't think too much, and..."

"And?" Tang Sheng knew his sister well, so he ignored the iconic arrogance and asked in confusion.

"Besides, I have no reason to hate her for the time being." Tang Zheng gave Tang Sheng a "vicious" look: "Whoever made you like her so much, you have forgotten that I am your real sister."

"Hey..." Tang Sheng smiled embarrassedly.

Is it obvious that she likes Sister Lu...

If Tang Zheng knew, he would definitely nod his head vigorously. As long as he was not blind, he could see her sister's little thought for Lu Ling.

"Sister, you are my elder sister..." Tang Sheng stuck to Tang Zheng, hugged her arm, and said coquettishly.

"Huh." Tang Zheng shook his hand: "If I quarrel with her again, I guess I won't be your sister."

"Sister..." Tang Sheng blushed, and his arms holding Tang Zheng tightened a bit.

If it was in the past, she would definitely feel wronged when Tang Zheng made such a joke... Now, because Tang Zheng didn't quarrel with Lu Ling, it was mostly a joke.

"Okay, okay, don't get tired of me, pick the fruit." Throwing Tang Sheng away, Tang Zheng climbed up the ladder first.

"Oh." Seeing Tang Zheng climbed the tree, Tang Sheng's face collapsed.

Now she was a little unclear whether her sister was really angry or joking. She had no choice but to climb up the ladder with a small basket on her shoulders, and then saw her sister stretching out a hand towards her with an awkward look.

Tang Zheng turned his head and said, "Give me the basket, and I'll pull you up."

"..." Tang Sheng felt relieved now, smiled and held her sister's hand, climbed up the tree together, and started her "work" carefully.


Seeing the two sisters walking on the huge fruit tree, Lu Ling couldn't help but sweat.

If you step on the ground and fall, even if you don't get hurt, you will have a psychological shadow...

Tang Sheng is alright, the little girl walks very slowly, she usually picks a fruit on tiptoe when she is close to the main trunk and puts it in a basket, but Tang Zheng is different, she jumps up and down on this tree as if desperate for her life, no After a while, the hair was covered with leaves again.

But this time she paid attention to her little face, and it was not scratched again.


What now, wait?
Lu Ling looked at the golden gourds on the fruit tree. After swallowing, she stopped looking at the two sisters.

I can only watch but not eat, it is really tormented.

Lu Ling focused her gaze on the two people not far away, beside the lake.

Tang Keyu didn't move from the beginning, as if she was asleep, and from Lu Ling, she didn't catch a single fish. On the contrary, Qin Qin sat beside Tang Keyu with her legs crossed, and caught several fish in a short time fish.

Well, fish.

Lu Ling always felt weird.

Because she just saw a group of fish, they are all disciples of Lingshan...

Lu Ling thought it was strange to think that there were all kinds of fish that could be eaten in the food hall in Lingshan.

Wouldn't these little guys mind?

This is why Lu Ling thought too much. As one of the four major races in the world, the Spirit Race is fundamentally different from those birds and beasts in the mortal world. They are higher-level existences.

Although they look similar, they are not the same kind of existence at all, and they don't care that Lingshan disciples eat these creatures that look like them.

The Celestial Spirit Race, a high-existence race, is not only superior to ordinary people, but even higher than human monks. Within the Spirit Race, there are many immortal species like the Sea Race.

Without exception, they are top powerhouses.

On Lingshan, there is a long-lived species that survived from ancient times, the legendary phoenix, the phoenix.

It is said that she experienced the First World War and is a living fossil.

If it weren't for the fact that the spirit race's fertility is so poor that they can't reproduce at all, there might be no human race in this world.

It is worth mentioning that this year's newborns of the Lingzu and Shui tribes are basically all on the seventh peak.

From this, we can see how many Spirit Races there are...

Standing alone for a while was a bit boring, Lu Ling tried to walk towards Qin Qin, and after leaving a line of footprints of different shades on the ground, Lu Ling jumped behind Qin Qin and looked at the fish in the barrel.

Sure enough, although these guys are also very energetic, their eyes are all cloudy, which is completely different from the agility of the little guys outside.

Although they are alive, they are a group of dead things.

(End of this chapter)

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