Chapter 315 Memory
Although they are still alive, the eyes of these fish are cloudy and they have no intelligence at all.

It didn't even have the nimble look that the fish should have in Lu Ling's memory.

It was far worse than the small animals in her impression.

This world is like this, she is stingy, and seems to have allocated it when she created things. Those spiritual things are all top-level creatures. It was arranged by her.

The top ones are Hong Ling and Luo Qianhan, they are the daughters of the world, they are loved by the world, they have the strongest spiritual root in the world, they live the same life as the world, and the longevity of the sea clan is in the completely unsealed fairy sword Under the edge, it is as fragile as a piece of paper.

Moreover, even if she violated the "Rule of Heaven" and intervened wantonly in the battle between the three races like Hong Ling, and acted from the standpoint of the human race from an unfair perspective, she did not receive any punishment from the world.

There are many species of longevity, such as the phoenix and phoenix on the Lingshan Mountain, such as the high priest of the sea clan, such as the eternal queen of the demon clan... Why do these top-level existences seldom take action? , They were restricted to death by this world.

In fact, Huang can no longer be called the spirit clan, including the queen of the demon clan. Their strength has surpassed the categories of "spirit clan" and "sea clan".

Ever since they escaped from the shackles of strength, they have become an independent race, a race with only individuals.

Such a long-lived species is the strongest creature on this plane.

However, the human race is limited by their lifespan, and there is no such strong person as the kinship of heaven and the jealousy of heaven at the same time.

It doesn’t matter if there is or not, because Huang and the queen have become independent individuals. As “foreigners”, if they are involved in the wars of the three or even four clans...the strong force of cause and effect is enough to take them from the outside world. This world is completely wiped out, and no one can compare with that supreme, illusory "world". This was already known when they took that step.

But Xianjian is not in the ranks of this control.

Luo Qianhan is okay, she is not perfect after all, and she is not the opponent of the Queen of the Demon Race, so she will not disturb anything, but Hong Ling is different, she and her first master turned this world upside down. All races except the human race are suppressed by one's own strength.

Including all kinds of immortality species, no immortality species dare to face Lihuo Hongling's blade...will die, fight against the immortal sword, will die.

To be precise, Hong Ling's master is the first and only one of the human race so far.

Being able to conquer Hong Ling, this strongest person is naturally not a waste that can only rely on foreign objects, but she has escaped the sanctions of the world, but she has not escaped the life limit of the human race... and because she suppressed the other three races strongly, even There is no chance of reincarnation.

This is the price the human race needs to pay to become the strongest.

The punishment was so severe that the world even took the initiative to restore the advantages that Master Hong Ling had brought to the human race, which made it difficult for the human race at that time.

Red silk, Shushan.

The daughter directly came out to contradict the world, and with the help of Shu Shan, pushed the human race back to its current position, and has been doing things that disrupt the balance.

Going so far, Hong Ling's behavior is already directly violating the "rules of origin". According to the rules... there are no rules, and other creatures probably have such thoughts as soon as they are repaired and obliterated.

Hong Ling did not, she was her own daughter.

Not only was he not punished, he didn't even pay a price.

Xianjian was supposed to be a fair judge, but now he has entered the game, and is doing unfair things from the perspective of a "player".

A referee has selfish intentions but is not "fired" or even punished. This is enough to show that the "organizer" loves her.

...Maybe he was punished.

At least Hong Ling will never see the person who is most important to her.

Hong Ling couldn't afford such a price.

But as a punishment for provoking the supreme rule, she could only accept it silently.

She has already endured the pain of losing her master once, and she must not let her sister follow in her footsteps.

Although the Snow Maiden was strong at that time, it was undoubtedly an idiotic dream to challenge the entire demon race head-on. Perhaps it would be possible to gather the power of the human race, but the Xue Nu was single at that time, and no one believed her.

But the Snow Girl is the Snow Girl, and she stepped into the sealed land of the demon clan with one sword.

"In this world, as long as you are here, you can go anywhere." The snow-haired girl always accompanied Luo Qianhan by her side, giving the world a surprise.

It indicates that a fairy sword is about to awaken.

Then, the balance was broken, Luo Qianhan was not perfect, and the most powerful man made a move, and Xue Nu was defeated.

Luo Qianhan took Xue Nu to ask for help, but Yu Shushan was turned away by Hong Ling, and the sisters parted ways from then on.

It's not that Hong Ling didn't want to save her. Although Xue Nu was about to die at that time, she was punished, so she entered reincarnation at most. Luo Qianhan still had a chance to see her... Although the soul was broken, the chance of getting out of reincarnation was almost It is zero, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is necessary to seize it.

On the contrary, if she is saved, then as the judges, they will not be punished for favoritism, but Xue Nu cannot.

There is a high probability that she will end up the same as her master.

She will not let her sister be alone like herself.

Of course, Hong Ling at that time would never have imagined that Luo Qianhan would give up his power of tens of thousands of years in exchange for Lu Ling.

Under the influence of the rules, whether the current Lu Ling is the Snow Girl from back then... Hong Ling is really not sure.

Lu Ling does not have the dominance of Xuenv, but has a lot more of the gentleness, hypocrisy, kindness and weakness of a daughter's family - on the surface.

There are other things - in Hong Ling's view, Lu Ling is actually more like a combination of negative emotions, but it is very contradictory, she has a sense of righteousness.

It was Lu Ling's fate that the soul did not explode directly.

Although Xue Nu is confident, she is not crazy. Lu Ling is different. In a certain scene, she is a hysterical, uncontrollable, crazy devil.

Hong Ling has no way of knowing what the Xue Nu experienced in the wheel of heaven and earth back then, but...Lu Ling is not Xue Nu, and Xue Chen is not Luo Qianhan back then.

But one thing remains unchanged, that is, Xuechen is her younger sister.

So she has to protect her.

Even if you break the rules, you don't hesitate.

The world is never fair, and Hong Ling can be proud because she is the daughter of the world.

However, all creatures in this world are, strictly speaking, children of the world.

The world is eccentric, and those who like it are infinitely pampered, but for those who are inferior, she is really unwilling to reward them with any gifts. The beasts are okay, and they still have a little consciousness of themselves. The birds and these aquatic species are really raised by stepmothers. Yes, there is no life span if you want life, and there is no spiritual root if you want spiritual roots.

They are born to be eaten.

Even if such a fish is kept in Lingshan Lingquan for 100 years, it will not be able to produce wisdom, and its roots are not as good as the onions and garlic grown by Qinqin.

"It's boring..." Lu Ling stopped looking at the fish in the bucket. She likes to eat fish, and originally thought that if it was too cute, she would put something in it...

Forget it now.

These guys are as good as dead if they are alive, they don't even struggle a bit in the bucket...Eat them as soon as they are eaten, no matter what they are dead, they might as well let themselves fill their stomachs.

Looking at this group of lifeless "salted fish", Lu Ling didn't even have any appetite - after eating this kind of salted fish, she wouldn't become a salted fish too.

It didn't matter before, but now she is determined to become Liu Fufeng's pride, and to be a salted fish would really disappoint her junior sister and husband.

Looking at the group of "salted fish" in the bucket, Lu Ling's thought of saving them disappeared along with the dead fish.

This is probably the Holy Mother...but it's just kindness.

Like an ordinary girl, she eats happily when she can't see the killing, but feels cruel once she sees it.

People like her will definitely be eliminated in the world of cultivating immortals, and before they are eliminated, they will probably be squeezed out of their final use value.

There is nothing wrong with kindness itself, but when it appears where it should not exist, it will bring disaster.

For example, in this world, whether it is the world of cultivating immortals or various races... kindness will only be a burden.

Lu Ling probably knew about it, but she didn't want to change it.

Even if she becomes a mercenary in the future, becomes someone she doesn't like now, becomes a coquettish bitch... But at least she used to be innocent and kind.

She is headstrong.

She is entitled to be willful.

Lu Ling's support comes from Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi, and Lingshan.

There is also a support that she doesn't know, there are still two daughters of the world standing behind her.

For Lu Ling, in this cage where her cultivation is everything, maybe she is really the special one—it doesn't matter what her cultivation is or not.

If Lu Ling knew what was standing behind her, would she feel lucky now?
No, it's disgusting.

She was useless, but she really didn't want to rely on others, Liu Fufeng saw this most clearly, so she forced Lu Ling to make a promise.

A promise to depend on her.

Liu Fufeng knew Lu Ling better than anyone else, including the two referees behind him.

Head held high.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling lowered her eyes as she looked at the pair of sisters who cooperated tacitly on the fruit tree in the distance.

Tang Sheng had Tang Zheng, Qin Qin sat with Tang Keyuzuo, and she was alone.

She missed Liu Fufeng.

Shaking her head, Lu Ling spat at herself.

How can he just go back to the mountain like this, Liu Fufeng will have to go for a month or two... Now he can't hold on, and the days after that will really be useless.

Lu Ling forcibly pushed out the thoughts of Liu Fufeng from her mind.

She forgot that longing is often the hardest at the beginning... I really got used to it and that's it, no one in the world can't live without someone.

The master is Lihuo Hongling, who is used to losing everything. She protects her sister, but she can also endure her thousand years of deep sleep.

At the beginning, Luo Hanyi couldn't do without the elder sister, but now she couldn't do without her apprentice Luo Xian, she just had someone else to rely on.

A Yao used to follow Chu Qishui every step of the way, but now she wants her to die.

The soul of the person Li Wangsheng loved returned, and he did not die for love.

Venerable Ye has loved Li Zhuzi for hundreds of years, but it is not impossible without her.

In this world, no one is absolutely inseparable from someone.



At this time, when Lu Ling felt lonely because of the surrounding environment, a space crack suddenly opened in front of her, and a young girl's voice sounded in her mind.

Is it snow dust?
Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

Then she felt a small figure bump into her arms.

Lu Ling swayed, looked down, and found a cat's paws were grabbing her clothes and rubbing against her chest.

"Meow~" softly called.

【How did you come? ] Lu Ling asked.

[I miss the master. ] With the girl's voice in her head and the pitiful eyes of the cat in her arms, Lu Ling shook her head helplessly.

[Okay, don't let the senior sisters see you, just hide. 】

【yes. 】Receiving Lu Ling's order, Xuechen got in from her neckline.

"..." Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling the coldness in her arms, and couldn't speak, but she couldn't get angry at this scene, so she could only bear it.

Lu Ling's little sense of loneliness dissipated immediately after Xuechen made such a fuss.

Junior sister is not here, she still has this little guy.

As if sensing Lu Ling's thoughts, Xuechen rubbed his head.

"Don't...cough." Lu Ling clenched her small fists: 【Don't move around, or I'll get angry! 】

[Yes, master. 】 Xuechen curled up.

At the beginning, Lu Ling was very worried when her negative emotions exploded, but now she seems to be getting better under Qin Qin's enlightenment. In addition, she feels the loneliness of her master because she is connected with her soul, and she immediately connects to the space and rushes over.

It doesn't matter what other people think, even if it is discovered, it will be fine.

Others don't know, but Xuechen knows that she is absolutely inseparable from her master.

It's been like this ever since she was Luo Qianhan.


Lu Ling had a companion, and chatted with Xuechen in her mind without saying a word. During the period, she also asked some things related to her previous life. Xuechen also knew everything, so Lu Ling took it as a story.

As a result, I was naturally taken aback. I didn't expect that I was so good before?
But she didn't have any sense of substitution, she just felt very emotional.

Just when she was enjoying listening to it, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng slowly moved down from the ladder with a large basket of fruits, and Tang Keyu finally moved.

"Ha~~" Stretching his waist, Tang Keyu yawned.

"I seem to have fallen asleep... Oops, I forgot to fish." Tang Keyu's silver earrings shook violently, and then he suddenly lifted the fishing rod, but there was nothing on the hook. No wonder I haven't seen her fishing line since Lu Ling arrived. moved.

At that time Tang Zheng was going to get the bait.

"Forget it, just grab it." Tang Keyu was about to cheat, and the fluorescent light on his hand was immediately extinguished by Qin Qin on the side.

"Huh? Ruoyan? When did you come?"

"Sister Ke Yu, if I count on you, A Zheng and A Sheng will be hungry." Beside, Qin Qin also stretched, withdrew from the realm, and ordered a full basket of fish beside her.

"A Ling, I was distracted just now, how are you?" Qin Qin turned around.

"I'm here." Lu Ling leaned against the tree and nodded.

"...Wait." Qin Qin was stunned for a moment, staring at Lu Ling's chest, which seemed to be much bigger...


No way, this girl will develop after she sleeps?

 Thanks to Matcha丨Cake, Mo Qingyuan, Yun Zhisheng, Simei, Innocence l, Sanren Ximen, King of Shufeng, Glory in the Unknown, Jiang 159, Pinellia, Silence, Setting Sun Shuying, Magic Ritual Wind, yxmczk, Mountains and rivers are at a dead end, it's hard to say where I think about it, the wind is in Moscow, S Xia, Shang Li Qingchen, a hundred songs are chaotic, the dream has awakened/Wei Wei, the sound of learning on the run, crime and punishment and punishment and warning Yushang, book friends 161228165630449, EarthError, SpiritMiku for their support, thank you, you don’t need to donate for that, I’m very happy if you like it, the storyteller sighs that the world is full of old things, and the joys and sorrows of the listeners are nothing but a new pot of tea , memory is the most precious, and also the most perishable, I attach the long-lost Amway av1304737, "Time of Heartbeat Synchronization", all I want to say are in the song^_^
(End of this chapter)

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