Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 316 Longevity Fruit

Chapter 316 Longevity Fruit

When Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's chest in a daze, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng came over carrying two large baskets of attractive golden fruits, and carefully placed them on the ground.

The two girls were very tired. Tang Zheng was sweating profusely in a cotton coat, while Tang Sheng had already taken off his cotton coat and looked very slender.

"Master, the three trees you mentioned are all here." Tang Zheng looked at the fruits in the basket, swallowed and said.

"Well... almost..." Tang Keyu nodded, and then said seriously: "Ah Zheng, you didn't steal it, did you?"

"Who, who would steal it..." Tang Zheng glanced at Lu Ling with a blushing face, and quickly explained.

"Sister didn't eat it, I can testify." Tang Sheng raised his hand and said, "It's not Master, you said that this fruit must be processed before eating, otherwise will it cause stomach pain?"

"Well, I said so." Tang Keyu froze for a moment, then nodded.

Tang Zheng Tang Sheng: "..."

Suddenly there is a bad feeling.

Sure enough, next Tang Keyu picked up a golden gourd fruit, rubbed it and took a bite.

Immediately, a strong fruity fragrance permeated the air, sweet and mouth-watering.


With three swallows of saliva, the three girls present were all attracted by the strong sweet scent.

[Master... this fruit... has a problem. 】

【poisonous? 】Lu Ling was shocked.

【of course not. ] Xuechen twisted in Lu Ling's arms: 【It smells like the owner. 】

【It's strange that you don't smell like you are on me. 】Lu Ling turned her back and pinched the paw of the cat in her arms.

[No, I mean, the fruit smells like the master. 】

【what? 】

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, what do you mean, how can a fruit have its own taste...

Lu Ling continued to look down with curiosity.


"Master, you can't eat it directly?" Tang Zheng was dissatisfied.

"Ah... yes..." Tang Keyu slurred his words, swallowed the crispy flesh in his mouth, and said, "To little girls like you, too much aura is not a good thing, you know?"

"Oh." Tang Sheng nodded. Anyway, what Master said was right, and he had to endure it if he wanted to eat it.

If you really have diarrhea, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

"Ruoyan, do you want to try it?" Tang Keyu threw the fruit he took a bite out of to Qin Qin.

"Ah?" Qin Qin was a little distracted. After taking the fruit, she took her attention away from Lu Ling and put it in the palm of her hand.

"It's so fragrant... Sister Ke Yu, the new breed you researched?" Qin Qin took a bite of the back that Tang Ke Yu had bitten, and was full of admiration.

Crunchy but not hard, sweet but not greasy, slightly sour, very thirst-quenching, and most importantly, the ice-type aura in this fruit is abundant and unbelievable.

Shen Gui would definitely like such a fruit.

Although her nose is good, she is not as sensitive to spiritual power as Xuechen, and she can't feel the so-called smell of Lu Ling.

"Well, a new species, the seed given by my master." Tang Keyu nodded.

"The seeds given by the master? Experimental product?" Qin Qin was stunned for a moment, looking at the golden gourd in his palm, the white core inside was soft and very attractive.

"Yes, a test product." Tang Keyu nodded: "But now it seems that it is quite successful."

"That's it?" Qin Qin looked at the orchard behind him: "It's estimated that if you throw it into Qifeng, it won't make a splash. Will our girls in Erfeng not be able to eat it?"

Ice-type girls have the largest number of second peaks.

"Don't worry." Tang Keyu waved his hand, frowning: "There is no way to plant it on a large scale for the time being. There are some problems with this fruit... It's not easy to get it right now..."

There is something in Tang Keyu's words.

"What do you mean?" Qin Qin looked at a large area of ​​fruit trees behind him: "Aren't there a lot of them?"

"Ruoyan, these are all planted on the same day, do you understand what I mean?" Tang Keyu said.

"On the same day?" Qin Qin frowned as she looked at the thumb-sized blue fruit hanging not far away.

"The period is very short, but the source of spiritual energy is very problematic..." Tang Keyu kept tapping the fishing gear in his hand: "Just such a basket of fruits, using more than a dozen pieces of ice-type natural materials and earth treasures... now in this space , basically no ice-type spiritual power..."

Qin Qin: "..."

"Sister Qin, it used to be very cold here...but now it's very warm." The way Tang Sheng took off his cotton coat at this time was very convincing.

"It's such a waste... I really can't afford it." Qin Qin shook his head, then looked at Lu Ling, his eyes lit up: "Sister Keyu, the most indispensable thing on Lingshan is the element of ice element... "

"It can't be used." Tang Keyu saw Qin Qin's thoughts at a glance, and shook his fingers: "Where do you think this fruit came from? This is a new variety cultivated by master and uncle combined with the sudden heavy snowfall in Lingshan. Now it is very difficult for this kind of seed to absorb the spiritual power from outside, it is not absorption, it is assimilation, besides, the rich ice-type spiritual energy outside can be directly absorbed, why bother."

"That's right." Qin Qin shook her head: "But since the cultivation has already started, sister Ke Yu, what can you do? Spending so many ice-type magic weapons to plant trees...will people call you stupid?"

"It's fine if it's delicious." Tang Keyu narrowed his eyes: "I'm also thinking of a way...Zhuzi said to help me look up the information...Ruoyan, go back and help me look through the classics of your two peaks to see what's about A substitute for ice-type spiritual power."

"Is it necessary?" Qin Qin took a bite of the fruit in his hand, it was just a new variety, and with enough spiritual power, there was no need to bother.

"It's not necessary? Heh." Tang Keyu raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and cast a barrier to block Tang Sheng, Tang Zheng and Lu Ling: "Girls, wait a moment."

"It can't be." Qin Qin poked Tang Keyu's barrier, not knowing what to avoid these girls.

Tang Keyu heard the words, the silver earrings shook slightly, and said: "You are eating this longevity fruit, do you think it is necessary? Is it necessary?"

Qin Qin was stunned for a moment.

"Cough cough cough..."

Then he choked on the pulp in his mouth.

"Long long long fruit?"

Looking at the fruit in his hand in disbelief, sure enough, the white core in the center is very similar to the legendary longevity fruit.

Longevity fruit, the heavenly seed, is a top-notch spiritual root in the entire world of cultivating immortals, and its production is extremely rare.

Human race, the only shortcoming is lifespan.

Longevity fruit... As the name suggests, although it cannot make people live forever, it can change the key nodes of soul power and prolong the activity of human souls.

A longevity fruit can add 200 to [-] years to the lifespan. If there are no disciples from Lingshan, carrying a longevity fruit is undoubtedly an extra life, and it contains huge spiritual power. After decades of cultivation They are all small. Of course, compared to lifespan, spiritual power is not very important.

"Don't choke, you're almost forty, why are you not stable at all?" Tang Keyu patted Qin Qin's back and said angrily.

"..." Qin Qin twitched the corner of his mouth, and after swallowing the pulp in his mouth, he ignored the topic about his age: "Isn't this because the longevity fruit is too expensive?"

Many seniors with the title of venerable have never eaten it.

The longevity fruit belongs to the heavenly root, but only the first one eaten in a lifetime can prolong life, but it is precisely because of this that it is extremely precious, and it exists as a necessity that is extremely rare in production. The monks who eat the longevity fruit and Those who haven't eaten it are far short of the limit lifespan.

It is worth mentioning that Li Zhuzi's longevity fruit is currently owned by Lingshan, and there are only two remaining.

And she has never eaten it herself. Li Zhuzi feels that she has no need to prolong her life... at least for the time being, and she has no desire to eat. The roots were put together with a bunch of snacks, and even Lu Ling almost stole the snacks...

One of Li Zhuzi was randomly placed in the cabinet, and the other was collected by the high-level officials of Lingshan for emergency needs, but now a small part of this treasure has been taken down and turned into this large orchard.

"Longevity fruit is the most spiritual energy. A while ago, there was a sudden snowfall on Lingshan Mountain..." Tang Keyu glanced at Lu Ling. The master didn't make it clear, but it probably had something to do with this girl.

"And then?" Regarding the longevity fruit, Qin Qin became serious.

"Originally, the long-lived fruit in my collection had shrunk, but it was supplemented by this strange spiritual energy... After research, the masters gave me some experimental products..." Tang Keyu waved his hand and pointed to the orchard behind him.

"That's all..."

The tone was a bit arrogant, she was not very cultivated, she was just an ordinary school teacher, but she had her own experience in planting, after her improvement, these fruit trees grew very smoothly.

"This fruit..." Qin Qin felt a chill in his dantian at this moment, as if a menstrual event had come. After a while, his face gradually turned rosy...

The back is a little wet.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Sister Keyu..."

With one fruit, her cultivation has increased a lot, and Qin Qin, who has half stepped into the Void Transformation Realm, finally stands firm.

"Very powerful, right." Tang Keyu threw the fishing rod in his hand into the void, turned around and said: "The environment in which the longevity fruit grows is harsh, and it is jointly guarded by the seven holy places. It is only a little bit in 50 years, and it will not hurt if you break your head in the martial arts." Just a few... But this kind of mutant can be cultivated by oneself, although it costs a lot of magic weapons, but compared to the longevity fruit, it is a big profit."

"What's the effect?" Qin Qin felt that his state was stable at this time, and when he looked at this orchard, his eyes lit up with flames - he must let the disciples of Erfeng also taste it.

"Extend lifespan and increase spiritual power. Of course, because it is ice-type, it also has the effect of refreshing and slowing blood." Tang Keyu said seriously: "In fact, it is a longevity fruit that has been shrunk countless times, which is not even one ten-thousandth, but... "


"However, these fruits do not conflict with Changshengguo, they can be taken at the same time, and... Changshengguo can only be taken once in a lifetime, this variant, there should be no such limit..." Tang Keyu frowned: "However, I am not sure, this is For the second batch of mature ones, the first batch will take effect in about a month."

"Gudu..." Qin Qin swallowed.

Not greedy, but shocked.

One piece that takes effect every month, even if it is only one-thousandth of the original version, is a treasure, not for Lingshan, but for the entire Spirit Race——

If it can be mass-produced...

Qin Qin didn't dare to think about it.

"Who else knows about this..." Qin Qin looked back at the little girls who were waiting impatiently, and asked.

"Master, they, me, Zhuzi, a small group of Lingshan people, and you." Tang Keyu said: "There is nothing that needs to be kept secret from you... and now the ice-type spiritual power is almost used up, and it has entered a bottleneck."

"My master doesn't know?" Qin Qin asked.

"Hidden sword? She probably doesn't know... After all, she doesn't pay attention to these things... and she is busy retreating." Tang Keyu said: "Shen Gui also knows how to practice swords, so I asked you to help read the classics."

Tang Keyu said seriously: "If a substitute for the magic weapon can be found, the significance to Lingshan and the human race... is immeasurable."

"I understand." Qin Qin breathed out a breath of cold air, and after eating a small longevity fruit, she was shivering now.

"Well, you don't need to be stressed." Tang Keyu put his hand on Qin Qin's back, sent some strength to help her get rid of the cold air, and said at the same time: "Recently, there are many studies on the mountain, and the priority of the small longevity fruit is not high. , after all, it is difficult to find a substitute for a while.”

"Isn't that a high priority?" Qin Qin was puzzled: "What is Master thinking?"

"I don't know, but last time I went to Master, they were discussing the news brought back by Dongfang Lianren, about a picture." Tang Keyu thought about the Tai Chi picture he saw at that time.

"It has something to do with the man she brought back?" Qin Qin thought of something.

"Who knows." Tang Keyu raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice a little: "Man... I didn't expect it to be him, Senior Brother Wang Sheng is still alive..."

Although she was called Sister Ke Yu by Qin Qin, she was basically a contemporary of Li Zhuzi. Although she was not very familiar with Li Wangsheng, she knew him.

"Sister Ke Yu, what did you say?" Qin Qin asked.

"It's nothing, Dongfang Lianren has always wanted to marry herself off? Maybe this time..." Tang Keyu smiled.

"Then you can't bring a man home, what a disgrace." Qin Qin was dissatisfied, and returned to his uncle, not discreet at all.

"Isn't this living in Denglingtai..."

The woman chatted endlessly, looking at the woman in the barrier who only opened her mouth and couldn't hear, the three girls outside looked at me and I looked at you, but they were all at a loss.

"It's so slow..." Tang Zheng sat on the ground and rubbed his stomach.

She is hungry.

[Xuechen, what are they talking about? ] Lu Ling was a little curious.

【say what?Men or something...] Xuechen tilted his ears, and continued.

Lu Ling: "..."

Nothing to say.

[What are you talking about longevity fruit...] Xuechen twisted her body, the cat's face was full of disdain.

It's just stealing some of the master's power, and I haven't seen the world.

(End of this chapter)

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