Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 317 The Possibility of Longevity

Chapter 317 The Possibility of Longevity

Tang Keyu opened the barrier to separate Lu Ling and the others, so Lu Ling couldn't hear anything, but she didn't ask Xuechen to help relay, so Xuechen didn't bother to say anything.

Lu Ling didn't expect that there was a cheat that could be used, while Xuechen was pure disdain.

From her point of view, Tang Keyu and Qin Qin are just like two bumpkins, stealing a little bit of her master's power and merging it with spiritual fruit will make them treasures, without any knowledge at all.

Of course, she does not deny that her master's power is a treasure, and that kind of extreme coldness is a treasure for ice-type races.

However, this kind of treasure can only be enjoyed by her alone.

Tang Keyu said that the lack of ice-type aura is actually easy to solve. The cold air overflowing from her master is enough to catalyze the entire orchard, but why?
The master is so honorable, how can her power be used to plant trees, of course only she can enjoy it.

Therefore, the cold air on Lu Ling's body was completely absorbed by the cat in her arms, and there was no overflow. Otherwise, the orchard would have begun to grow rapidly by now.

The human race is really a bunch of useless animals.

Xuechen twisted in Lu Ling's arms.

"Don't move." Lu Ling pinched the cat's ear and pulled it out with a look of anger.

Hearing this, Tang Sheng turned his head and asked in confusion, "Sister Lu? What did you say?"

"Ahem, it's okay." Lu Ling turned her body slightly, blushing a little.

"Oh." Tang Sheng nodded, and continued talking to Tang Zheng.

"Sister, how is your quilt? It's all your fault that I have to dry it..."


Tang Zheng pulled Tang Sheng away a little, and the two sisters talked with their ears.


Xuechen stopped being a demon here, she narrowed her eyes.

Does longevity matter?Like her, lifespan is infinite.

So what... longevity fruit, right longevity fruit.

She hadn't seen it before, but last time she helped the master steal this fruit from Li Zhuzi, because of the rich spiritual energy inside, she never thought that it could increase her lifespan.

Of course, she was sent back by the master in the end, and it was a pity that after a while, if Lu Ling ate the fruit at that time, Shushan must be very interesting now.

Well... With Master's temperament, she has already gone too far. If she had really done something more outrageous at that time, maybe she would not be recognized by Master.

Xuechen closed his eyes, feeling the temperature of Lu Ling, with a look of happiness on his face.

Master is so skinny...

In my memory, I obviously have a good figure, but now I have the flat figure of a child...not as comfortable as before.

Girls in this world should have developed well at Lu Ling's age, but Lu Ling is probably not as good as Tang Sheng now, and Tang Sheng has already developed into a small purse.

Xuechen didn't fall off completely by Lu Ling's clothes, otherwise it would really be a straight plate.

Then, Xuechen opened his eyes, a dangerous cold light flickered in his vertical pupils.

She thought of the reason why her master was so thin.

It's all because a group of human races who don't know life and death dare to do that...

gritted teeth.

Such an insult to her master.

All humans deserve to die.

Xuechen, who integrated Lu Ling's memory, understood how her master was treated, most of them were boys, and some men, rangers, bastards...

When being ravaged has become commonplace, this memory cannot be erased, and her master hides it in the black box deep in the memory and never touches it.

Didn't Lu Ling forgive these people, how could she forgive, that kind of excessive treatment... She just didn't even want to think about it, she could only accept it if she couldn't accept it, as if nothing happened, she now has Fufeng Chong, Li Zhuzi hurts, why do you want to make life difficult for yourself with these things.

I never thought of killing...

She didn't want to, but Xuechen couldn't bear it, so she waved her hand and sentenced the boys who had escaped from death to death. It was extremely painful and inhumane, and of course she was still puzzled.

There are also some men... At that time, there was not enough time to find them, but the pain Xuechen they gave to their master will eventually be repaid a hundredfold. Once she held her master's dignity in her hands and kneaded it, she must be ready to die .

What?Enter the wheel of heaven and earth?

For those who do not exist, being killed by the fairy sword is equivalent to being "erased" by the world, and there is no possibility of survival.

She didn't feel cruel at all.

[Snow dust? 】Lu Ling felt some strange emotions and called out tentatively.

[Yes, master. 】The girl's immature voice sounded in Lu Ling's head: 【Speaking of which, the master is really too thin, so he needs to eat more. 】

【I don't want to either...It seems that I only eat but not gain weight...Junior Sister said that it will take some time to take care of my body and let me adapt. I always look thin and not heroic at all. 】Lu Ling was a little distressed, but immediately froze for a moment: 【You damn girl, what are you thinking? 】

Lu Ling connected Xuechen's consciousness, and her face became stiff instantly.

Did Xuechen dislike her for having small breasts?
[What's the use of that kind of thing?If that's what you think, I'd rather be like this forever...] Lu Ling's sentence was a bit confusing: [You have to know, your master, I used to... Well, I used to be a boy, boy, do you know? 】

[Master calm down, I just think about it casually. ] Xuechen comforted Lu Ling first, and then after Lu Ling's complexion improved a bit, she spoke again: [Boys...]

Lu Ling also revealed some news about reincarnation to her. She didn't understand, but there were still some things she understood.

【Yes, boy, I remember it very clearly. 】Lu Ling vowed.

【However, master, can you elaborate, what is the difference between a boy and you now? 】

[Of course, the difference...the difference...well...] ​​Lu Ling stopped while talking.

Damn, she really didn't know the difference.

When she woke up, she just had a bunch of inexplicable memories and a little bit of common sense.

For example, she is a man, for example, she should be shy when seeing a girl's body... But this is just instinct, and she doesn't know anything about other things. If Lu Ling is asked to say something about girls, she will know a lot, such as sitting down. From time to time, one hand would hold down the short skirt, such as how to protect herself - it was all taught by Liu Fufeng.

【Then master, now you are taking a bath with sister you still feel shy? 】 Xuechen hesitated for a moment, and settled on a name for Liu Fufeng.

Compared to Hong Ling, Liu Fufeng who treats Lu Ling better than her obviously has the right to call her a big sister.

【Junior Sister...Of course I will. ] Lu Ling nodded, but felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that I am used to it...

【Master, do you want to wear beautiful clothes? 】 Xuechen asked.

[I...] Lu Ling blurted out that she didn't want to, but she didn't say it.

She didn't believe it herself.

Under Liu Fufeng's coercion, she has gotten used to wearing red, and she has already learned how to dress herself up, and her clothes have changed from trousers to the current small skirt...

Of course she wanted to look more beautiful.

[Heroic, heroic, do you understand, I raised myself as a game character, daughter, daughter, do you understand...] Lu Ling's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped.

How can I raise myself as a daughter...

[I probably understand, the last question. 】 Xuechen glanced at the two women in the barrier who were about to end the conversation, and asked: 【If you were to become a man now, Master, would you be willing? 】

【I...】 Lu Ling took a deep breath.

This dead girl looks small, like a young girl, and every question she asks is heart-wrenching.

【I do not want to. 】When Lu Ling said these words, she seemed to be discouraged and a little decadent.

Yes, she doesn't want to.

For her, men only existed in her consciousness, while women are what she looks like now. Compared with her previous body with only empty memories, this little girl now carries many precious beauty——and Liu The memory of Fufeng, the memory of Li Zhuzi, the memory of Qin Qin, all kinds of delicious food, and everything that Lingshan has experienced.

All of this is experienced in the female body.

Moreover, under Liu Fufeng's education, Lu Ling squatting is also a girl's etiquette, including Li Zhuzi, teaching Lu Ling some things that girls need to know.

She's an actual woman now, and she's been from the beginning.

As for the attitude towards men... Lu Ling's eyes dimmed a little.

Nasty, very nasty.

Probably because of some bad memories she recalled after awakening, boys or something... She just wanted to stay as far away as possible.

[So, master, don't worry about your gender in the future, the master is the master. ] Xuechen said in an old-fashioned tone: [As for girls, if they are too poorly developed, they will be despised by others. At that time, they will think that Sister Liu didn't feed you well...]

[My junior sister?It's not her fault, it's my fault. 】Lu Ling explained again and again.

[Who knows what other people will think. 】 Xuechen grasped Lu Ling's mind very accurately, and it was about Liu Fufeng, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

[Then what do you say. 】Lu Ling broke the pot, no matter what, she can't let her junior sister be criticized.

[I'll go and look up some secret recipes at that time, and I promise to make the master become... well, even better than Sister Liu. ] Xuechen assured that she could always find it in the book garden.

【…】Lu Ling stopped talking.

I always feel ashamed...

【whatever. ] After Lu Ling said something, she kept silent. Although she recognized her female identity, it is still too early for her to discuss these unscrupulously, especially with a cat. No, to be precise It was a discussion with a loli.

Disliked by young girls for having small breasts...

Lu Ling twitched the corner of her mouth.

[Don't worry, as long as I'm always by my master's side, my master will definitely become a beauty that can overwhelm the country and the city. 】 Xuechen thought about the appearance of Xuenu before, and his eyes became a little crazy.

[Beauty...] Lu Ling shook her head, she likes the kind of heroic girl, not a coquettish bitch, so she retorted: [I am who I am, and I will not become a beauty until I die. 】

[Bah, bah, how can the master curse himself, what is not dead... The master will not die. 】 Xuechen said again and again.

[However, everyone will die. ] Lu Ling mentioned something, but she didn't expect the effect to make Xuechen stunned.

People... all people are mortal?
Xuechen: […]

That's right...people are mortal...will die...

Xuechen shook, and his hair stood on end.

She herself lives forever, so she forgot about it. Unlike her, Lu Ling is mortal, and the human race's life span has not reached 1000 years...

Ordinary monks, three or four hundred years is the limit, and the Venerable can probably double it...Even if you eat the longevity fruit, you can't break through the millennium.

Qianqian, to her, is just a snap of a finger, but that is Lu Ling's life.

Then how can she stay with the master forever?
Xuechen was stunned.

Her former master, Xue Nu, was seriously injured and died at the time, but in reality, even if she was not injured, she would not be able to survive now...

There was no way she could live with her master forever.

Xuechen's brain was completely empty, trembling slightly.

No one is inseparable from anyone, but she really can't do without Lu Ling, just thinking about if Lu Ling passed away... the great fear almost made her collapse.

[Snow dust?snow dust?What’s wrong with you? 】Feeling the cat suddenly shrinking in Dao's arms, Lu Ling asked with concern, although she said that people will die, but she still has a long life now, so she doesn't think about such things.

[Master, I don't want you to die...] After a while, a crying girl's voice sounded.

[What are you talking about, who is going to die. 】Lu Ling closed her eyes, looked at the [-]% blood on her panel, and said: 【See, you are very healthy. 】

[Eternal Life...Eternal Life...] Xuechen didn't seem to hear Lu Ling's words, and muttered something.

Why is the human race.

Why is it the human race? If the owner is any other race, there is hope for eternal life.

The spirit race, sea race, and demon race all hope to be promoted to immortality, but humans cannot. This is the rule set by [Mother].

No one can rebel, Xuechen may disrespect his elder sister, but he absolutely dare not rebel against his [mother].

Eternal life... how to live forever...

The little girl quickly searched for the possibility, but she didn't have a clue in the end, but this incident also reminded her that she must find a way to make the master live forever at any cost.

Although she could protect Lu Ling from any harm, she couldn't prevent her lifespan.

Immortality is a bit difficult for the time being, but it should be possible if it is just to increase the lifespan, and I will slowly find a way in the future.

lifespan... lifespan...

Long fruit!
Xuechen suddenly thought of something and opened his eyes: [Master, longevity fruit, you must have it, and there is... small longevity fruit, these can increase lifespan. 】

She looked at the surrounding orchards and was excited.

Things that were considered useless at first are now priceless in her eyes.

It seems that she is going to assist this Tang Keyu to complete this research, as long as it can increase Lu Ling's lifespan, she will not let go of the slightest possibility.

[Longevity fruit?What, it sounds like it's pretty powerful. 】Lu Ling is very interested.

Continue life?No one is unwilling, if you can live forever, it will be great.

 Thanks to Yun Zhisheng, book friend 161228165630449 for the 1000 reward, this name is a bit flamboyant 500 reward, thank you... Speaking of which, I have been busy looking for a job recently... I am almost exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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