Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 318 Tang Zheng's Injury

Chapter 318 Tang Zheng's Injury
Can live for a long time, who doesn't want to.

[What is the longevity fruit?It looks very powerful, can you get one for my junior sister? ] Lu Ling asked.

【Good stuff, don't worry, master, I have a solution. ] Xuechen said: [The specific effect will be known when the owner eats it. 】

[That's it...] Lu Ling nodded, glanced at Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng beside her, and slowly narrowed her eyes.

[Don't steal it. 】


Xuechen: […]

She poked her head out cautiously, looked at Lu Ling's confused eyes, and then retracted her head into her clothes.

[Promise me, no stealing, you hear me? 】Lu Ling said seriously.

She is not a fool. Changsheng fruit or something, as soon as she heard it, she knew that it was definitely a very precious thing.

What can I do with this cat that needs her to feed even food?What can be done?Nothing more than stealing.

When using characters, you must ask clearly, if you don't ask, it is stealing.

【Master...】 Xuechen was very embarrassed.

If you don't steal it, there is really no way to get that longevity fruit. There are only two on Lingshan now. Li Zhuzi is the master's favorite gentleman, so he must not move it. The other one will be used to study this little longevity fruit...

After much deliberation, I can only go to other places to steal.

She had even chosen the place.

Go to Shushan...

With a little effort, under the cover of Hong Ling, she should be able to get two longevity fruits from Shushan...

[I said, no, do you hear me? ] Lu Ling repeated, with the same serious expression.

No matter how her junior sister would eat something stolen, she would not accept it herself.

【……knew. ] Xuechen felt a little lost after Lu Ling found out his thoughts, but he still obeyed the master's orders.

【But master, I don't use this method, I can't get the longevity fruit...】 Xuechen was also very helpless.

[Is it a very precious thing? 】

【Yes. 】

【Well...then I don't want it anymore. ] Lu Ling said so.

The cat in her family has always been fearless. Even she said it was precious. It must be a big treasure, so she still doesn't want it.


[No but. ] Lu Ling said firmly: [I don't like things that are not obtained through formal means, and my junior sister will not care about them either. 】

This is Lu Ling's life creed all along, to take the big road, not the small road, so even learning words is a step by step.

【I see. 】 Xuechen nodded, and gave up the idea of ​​going to Shushan to cause trouble. Lu Ling invisibly helped Shushan solve a big problem. Their Shushan is just two longevity fruits. If they disappear, they will probably explode.

[By the way, master, there is an honest way. 】 Xuechen suddenly remembered something and said excitedly.

【any solution? 】Lu Ling is also interested, Changshengguo, such a domineering name, she said it is impossible not to be interested.

[The next time there is a martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu, as long as the master stands out, he can get a longevity fruit. 】

The origin of the longevity fruit is controlled by the seven holy lands, and how to distribute it is also a problem. In the world of cultivating immortals... Sure enough, it is still a competition in terms of cultivation, and whoever wins will get.

【Oh, next one. 】When Lu Ling heard this, she was immediately poured a basin of cold water.

Just like her, go to fight with others?Isn't that embarrassing in the past?

[Master, don't be discouraged, martial arts is divided into levels, venerable and venerable, one generation and one generation, second generation and second generation...] Xuechen roughly explained the rules of martial arts to Lu Ling.

In order to prevent some high-end combat power in the Holy Land from winning all the longevity fruits, it is staged, and the battle between the disciples is also very important. The difference is probably that the venerable won three in a game, and the disciple only won one.

This meeting is also a way for the seven holy places to communicate.

[But I can't even beat Tang Zheng now. 】Lu Ling still has self-knowledge, even this little girl can't be defeated, let alone other disciples of the Holy Land.

【Master, please correct me. Among the two little girls, the one with long hair is stronger. On the contrary, the one with short hair has physical injuries and cannot adapt to high-intensity cultivation. 】Xuechen said.

[Tang Zheng... is injured? ] Lu Ling thought for a moment about that lively girl, and was taken aback for a moment.

It seems to be like this... Tang Zheng's physical strength is very poor. Tang Sheng ran over in the morning without panting, but Tang Zheng was panting and couldn't even stand still.

Just as Lu Ling was about to ask, Xuechen spoke first: 【Master, don't be afraid that you won't be defeated. With your talent, you will definitely be able to crush the new generation of the human race. Besides, what about me? 】

That's the point.

After all, she is also a fairy sword, with Xueluo Qianhan by her side, not to mention the new generation of disciples, even if they really meet Shen Gui, there is not no chance.

[Let's talk about it, it's far away. 】Lu Ling's mind is now full of things that hurt Tang Zheng. Where can she hear any longevity fruit, she waved her hand, left a sentence that she would work hard and walked towards Tang Zheng.

【Ah...】 Xuechen sighed.

The former master who was like a lunatic is really gone forever...

Then, Xuechen made a mental calculation.

There is no need to think about the longevity fruit for the time being, but this little longevity fruit... must be obtained.


"Ah Zheng." Lu Ling walked over.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, what are you, who are you..." Tang Zheng was taken aback, and then jumped to the side suddenly, his face full of panic.

Just kidding, the relationship between her and Lu Ling has never been good, but now she suddenly calls herself so close... There must be no good intentions.

Only her face was red.

Tang Zheng, who had changed his mind about Lu Ling, was flustered like a little white rabbit.

And then there was... Tang Sheng who was pinching his cuff tightly at the side.

Now it's her turn to be jealous.

What, Sister Lu has never called her so intimately before, and she also wanted Lu Ling to call herself Asheng... Xiaosheng can do it if she can't... But now her sister has taken the lead.

Then, Tang Sheng looked suspicious.

When did the relationship between my sister and sister Lu become so good?Speaking of which...her sister didn't bother Sister Lu today... Could it be that something happened that she didn't know about?

Tang Sheng was jolted, and he became sober all of a sudden, staring at Tang Zheng with big eyes.

"Give me your hand." Lu Ling walked up to Tang Zheng and looked down at Tang Zheng.

There is still a gap in height between the two, Lu Ling is still a 13-year-old girl after all.

[Xuechen, didn't you say that you couldn't see it without careful inspection?Now show me a closer look. 】

"I... don't want to." Tang Zheng put his hands behind his back.

"Creak creak..." Tang Sheng began to grind his teeth jealously.

"Hand." Lu Ling also said more, just looking at Tang Zheng like this.

Tang Zheng's whole body trembled.

This is the first time she has seen such a serious Lu Ling. No matter how much she made trouble with Lu Ling before, she always smiled... Looking up at Lu Ling's eyes, Tang Zheng remembered the horror of the pair of eyes at the beginning, and trembled again. one time.

Compared to Lu Ling, she is the real girl.


Some aggrieved hand out.

Lu Ling suddenly felt that such a scene looked familiar, a bit like the time when she stretched out her hand and waited for Li Zhuzi's ruler to "come lucky".

Smiling for a while and not being distracted, he picked up Tang Zheng's cotton coat, put his hand on her wrist, and felt her pulse carefully.

"Alas..." Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng were confused.

Sister Lu, what are you doing here?Do you want to see a doctor?

in the boundary.

Tang Keyu and Qin Qin also talked about the little girl.

"Sister Ke Yu, giving such an important fruit to you is obviously favoritism." Qin Qin narrowed her eyes.

"I'm doing favoritism." Tang Keyu smiled, and gracefully lifted the hair by his ear.

"Cut." Qin Qin stopped laughing and pouted.

"All right, all right, I don't know you yet." Tang Keyu waved his hand: "Leave some of these fruits for Master, and the little girls won't be able to eat much, so you can take the rest."

"Really? Is it possible? Master wouldn't say anything." Qin Qin said in surprise after hearing the words.

"It's all my decision." Tang Keyu nodded.

"Sister Ke Yu, I love you." Qin Qin's voice raised a little.

"No sincerity." Tang Keyu shook his head, then pointed to his own face, and gave Qin Qin a look that you understand.

"Ahem, that..." Qin Qin blushed when she saw this, and then immediately changed the subject: "Sister Keyu, how is Ah Zheng's body?"


The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

Tang Keyu sighed: "There is nothing we can do for the time being... There is a part of the congenital soul that is missing. If it was developed properly, it would have a chance to heal... But you don't know what kind of life Ah Zheng lived before. This girl is physically malnourished , how can you expect it to heal.”

"Is there nothing we can do now?" Qin Qin also put away his joking mentality.

The lack of mind and soul affects many things, the biggest one is lifespan... If it is serious, Tang Zheng may not even live to be 20 years old.

Tang Zheng's talent in cultivation is very high, but now because of the loss of the soul, his cultivation base has been unable to improve.

"There is nothing we can do for the time being...Zhuzi originally told me that she had a longevity fruit that she could give to Ah Zheng, but I refused." Tang Keyu shook his head.

Longevity fruit, for the current Tang Zheng, cannot 100% heal the soul, there is only a slight possibility, and the huge, indigestible aura will make Tang Zheng very painful, and even live in severe pain for the rest of his life.

"Master Li..." Qin Qin was stunned for a moment: "Does she have longevity fruit?"

"Is it strange?" Tang Keyu glanced at Qin Qin: "Although I am not a guardian or a timekeeper, and my level is not that high, I am not a fool. I just don't ask. Bamboo is still very powerful."

Tang Keyu and Li Zhuzi met later, they had no contact at all back then, and Li Zhuzi was a low-key person, so ordinary disciples of the same generation only knew Shen Canghai, but never heard of the name Li Zhuzi.

But she has known Li Zhuzi for many years, and she also knows how extraordinary this old friend is, so she is not surprised when she knows that she has longevity fruits.

"Ruoyan, you are Shen Gui's junior sister, don't tell me you don't know how capable you, Master Li, are."

"Hehehe..." Qin Qin laughed awkwardly, and then said: "But sister Ke Yu, if the longevity fruit is useless, what should I do..."

"I have my own way." Tang Keyu shook his head: "Isn't there a small longevity fruit? Let's grow it slowly, this is easier to absorb."

"But, if this little longevity fruit is useless..." Qin Qin hesitated for a moment, and brought up the worst possibility.

If Tang Zheng's question is ignored, she may really not live to be 20 years old.

"What are you afraid of?" Tang Keyu bent down and picked up the bucket full of fish by the river, the cloud was calm, but the silver earrings shook violently when he got up.

"I've lived long enough." Tang Keyu gave Qin Qin a smile: "Tell me, what's the use of my cultivation?"

Qin Qin swallowed and did not speak.

"Okay, Azheng and Asheng should be waiting impatiently, it's time to go out." After breaking the barrier, Tang Keyu walked out first.

"..." Qin Qin took a deep look at his sister and mentor, and remained silent.


Outside, Tang Keyu walked up to Lu Ling with a bucket of fish, and looked at Lu Ling who was taking Tang Zheng's pulse with great interest.

"Ah Sheng, what's the matter?"

"Master, I don't know." Tang Zheng shook his head, Lu Ling kept this scene for a while, and then from just now, her sister also closed her eyes, motionless like a sculpture.

"Ah Zheng has been fixed..." Tang Keyu touched Tang Zheng's face: "This weak spiritual it Lu Ling's? This girl knows how to use spiritual power before she even learned it. It's amazing..."

"What is this for? Feeling the pulse? Playing house?" Qin Qin adjusted her mood, walked over and looked at Lu Ling and Tang Zheng suspiciously.

Lu Ling didn't know any Chinese characters, so she didn't believe that this girl knew medical skills, but she could trust Liu Fufeng a little bit, Junior Sister Liu's medical skills were improving by leaps and bounds every day.

"I don't know, but the posture is quite standard." Tang Keyu tilted his head: "You said, Lu Ling really knows how to heal?"

"A Ling... I don't dare to say it. It is reasonable to say that she should not be able to, but if she is taught by Junior Sister Liu, she might be able to." Qin Qin said.

At this time, Lu Ling let go of her hand and slowly opened her eyes, her complexion was not very good-looking.

Xuechen has told her everything that Tang Zheng’s soul has a big problem, and there is no solution for the time being, even the longevity fruit, this kind of congenital problem, not to mention the longevity fruit, is those old monsters of the human race There is no way, but Xuechen mentioned that if his cultivation base breaks through to the Void Transformation Realm and Tang Zheng is still alive at that time, he may have a chance.

Another reason to work hard.

Tang Zheng is always around her, and Lu Ling also likes her very much, she absolutely cannot just watch her die like this.


Lu Ling lowered her eyes.

In the morning, she was troubled by the meaning of her existence and felt that she was useless, but now she has a lot of tasks all of a sudden, and they are all very heavy tasks...

She needs to get stronger.

After adjusting her mentality, Lu Ling looked up and saw two pairs of curious eyes.

Tang Keyu and Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's dignified appearance before, and were very curious. This girl can't really see anything.

"That... Senior Sister Qin, Teacher Tang, why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Ling asked.

"It's nothing, Ah Ling, what are you doing? How is Ah Zheng?" Qin Qin asked.

"The pulse condition is weak, some malnutrition, eat more." Lu Ling glanced at Tang Sheng who was nervous, and said.

Tell her what to say.

"...Well, I can see that this is already very powerful." Qin Qin praised Lu Ling: "I didn't expect you and Junior Sister Liu to learn a little bit. They can both diagnose the pulse. It's too good."

Tang Zheng frowned.

Tang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. She had no brains to think that Lu Ling was amazing, so she naturally wouldn't doubt her medical skills, but just now her elder sister Lu had a very scary expression. She thought her elder sister was seriously ill.

scared to death.

 Thanks to the book friend 161228165630449 for the 2000 reward, and the reward for being poisoned after reading the novel.

(End of this chapter)

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