Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 320 Lu Ling's Disaster

Chapter 320 Lu Ling's Disaster

If you want to attack a girl, you still have to start from a young age.

Like Tang Keyu, it was easy to gain Lu Ling's trust. Similarly, Lu Ling gained the love of Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng with just a little sincerity.

This kind of investment is guaranteed to make money in Lingshan.

No matter who it is, as long as you start from a young age, she can't run out of your palm, she is as cold as Shen Gui, when she first entered the mountain, she didn't even look at Shen Canghai, and now she is also running all over the mountain to help her daughter Master wiped his ass.


"Sister, do you think this headband looks good?" Tang Sheng smiled happily at this time. She was wearing a floral bracelet, her shawl was long and her hair was over her ears, and the light red headband was on her head, like wearing two a small ear.

"It's okay." Tang Zheng was not idle either. She fiddled with the toys that Lu Ling took out, picked up a small figure, put it down after touching her hands, picked up a stereotype, and then put it down again.

It was as if nothing was to her liking.

In fact, it's not that Tang Zheng doesn't like it, but likes everyone. Now she is like a bear picking up corn, always thinking that the next one is the best.

There is no way, she only has one quota left, and she can see clearly the snacks that Lu Ling put in the cabinet before, there are three bags in total, and she agreed that each person can only take four... That's why she chose so seriously.

Of course, Lu Ling wasn't that mean, and wouldn't care how much Tang Zheng got, but Tang Zheng couldn't help but feel sorry for her—she was a very good girl in essence, and she said four things and four things.

At the same time, Lu Ling was also picking out some interesting things—Liu Fufeng bought too many toys, she couldn’t see them all, and Lu Ling didn’t like toys very much. There is no place to put it, and she doesn't think there is any fun in a wood carving, and it can't be deformed.

Therefore, Lu Ling's main attention was on the pile of masks on the bed, and all she saw were serious and scary masks, mostly black and white, hideous like devil masks.

She thinks this kind of mask is very handsome, and it is also very heroic to wear. As for those funny or cute masks, Lu Ling doesn't even look at them, and directly passes them.

"En... this one is not bad." Lu Ling picked up a eerie mask and put it on her face, then nodded in satisfaction.

This mask is somewhat similar to the one she put away.

She thought of her junior sister again. At that time, her junior sister forcibly put a mask on her face, said that she liked her, and "forced" her to make a promise to rely on the other party.

It's really domineering, obviously she is the senior sister.

Wearing a weird mask, Lu Ling stood up and walked to the mirror, looking at the slender figure in a red dress with a high ponytail... The girl in the mirror had long legs, exposed clothes, and a ghostly look on her face. The mask, leaving only a pair of lifeless eyes that were as black as ink, not only made people suspect that this girl was a walker who had returned from hell, but also that the red skirt was not dyed, but blood.

It's really fun.

Lu Ling looked at herself in the mirror, obviously she just covered her face, why did her whole temperament change?She has become what she likes, this kind of her can no longer be said to be heroic, she is simply the embodiment of horror, the kind that can scare people to death when walking on the road in the middle of the night.

"Ah Zheng." Lu Ling turned around and lowered her voice.

"What are you doing?" Tang Zheng looked up, and then saw Lu Ling wearing a mask. For a moment, she seemed to be struck by lightning, and the wooden sword in her hand fell to the floor with a clang.

There was a trace of fear in the big eyes.

Hearing the voice, Tang Sheng also looked over, and then turned into petrification. As expected of sisters, they all had the same expression.

"Lu, Sister Lu..." Tang Sheng was startled, and then swallowed without looking at Lu Ling's face.

"Is it that scary?" Seeing the two little girls looking like they had seen a ghost, Lu Ling scratched her head, then took off the mask, revealing the delicate face of her daughter's family under the mask.

Where there is even a little bit of horror, even a little bit of seriousness is assimilated into charm by the beauty mole on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, but because her figure is not good enough, this kind of charm becomes cute on her body.

"Phew..." Seeing this, Tang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, the same Sister Lu looked much prettier.

"Sister Lu, what mask did you's so scary, it's not cute at all." Tang Sheng was really scared just now, so he complained directly.

"Is there any? I think it looks pretty." Lu Ling threw the mask back on the bed, and picked up a half mask with flowers printed on it: "How about this one?"

"En...that's very beautiful." Tang Sheng nodded.

"It's average." Lu Ling looked in the mirror and shook her head.


Here, Tang Zheng withdrew from the fear brought to her by Lu Ling, picked up the weird mask that Lu Ling had just worn, compared it with the wooden sword he had chosen for a long time, and put down the wooden sword without hesitation.

That's all.

After making up my mind, the last gift is this mask.

She had seen the mask before, but she didn't think it was fun, but Lu Ling tried it on for her, and it immediately matched Tang Zheng's point. She likes this kind of serious and scary things.

Because it looks mature, doesn't it?
This is probably a bad habit from the past. The two sisters depended on each other for life. Compared with being Tang Sheng's older sister, the one who took care of Tang Sheng felt that it would be better for her to be a boy, so she kept her hair short.

Tang Sheng likes what girls like, idealistic music, and beautiful things, but Tang Zheng is different. She likes long swords and weapons. In the future, she wants to choose the road of martial soul, and she doesn't even think about the soul of literature Pass.

Probably also with the idea of ​​protecting her sister, Lu Ling's mask accurately hit Tang Zheng's thoughts, she is very small, and her face is very cute like Tang Sheng, but if she wears a mask...

Put on a mask—

Thinking about it, Tang Zheng picked up the mask Lu Ling had just used, put it on his face, and tied it with a rope.

Take a deep breath, there is still the smell of Lu Ling on the mask.

Turning around and looking in the mirror, there is a girl with short hair, no face visible, not as chilling and terrifying as Lu Ling, but at least she is not cute.

"I want this." Tang Zheng turned to Lu Ling and said.

"Oh?" Before Lu Ling could speak, Tang Sheng spoke first: "Sister, why do you want this, it's not cute at all, it's so ugly, change one for another."

"I want this." Tang Zheng looked into Lu Ling's eyes.

"Sister, you don't want to wear this to scare me..." Tang Sheng doubted.

Tang Zheng ignored her and still looked at Lu Ling.

"If you like it... I'll give it to you." Lu Ling felt a little uncomfortable, not because she was reluctant, but because she had worn this mask before, and it always felt a little too intimate.

"En." Tang Zheng nodded when he heard the words, took off the mask, carefully kept it in his small cabinet, and then sat on the bed obediently, not looking at those gifts from Lu Ling.


Does this girl like this mask so much?After getting it, I am not interested in other things... Lu Ling looked at Tang Zheng who "has no desires and desires", with question marks all over her face.

"Well, do you want to see other masks?" Lu Ling suggested that if Tang Zheng likes masks very much, it is no problem to get a few more.

"No more." Tang Zheng shook his head, then looked at the selected Tang Sheng, and said, "Thank you, Sister Lu, put them all away."

"I've chosen it too!" Tang Sheng shook the bracelets, headbands and a series of things he had just chosen, very excited.

"Is it too little, take some more?" Lu Ling said, there are too many toys, so you don't have to be polite at all.

"No need." The two sisters said in unison.

"Sister Lu, put it away, I have to make the bed, otherwise Master will be angry when he sees it." Tang Zheng pointed to the mess on the bed.

"Oh." There was no way, Lu Ling waved her hand to accept a lot of presents.

After Tang Sheng fiddled with the bracelet for a while, she also kept it well. It was a gift from her sister Lu, and it was very commemorative.

"Sister Lu, what fun is there down the mountain?"

"I remember……"

The conversation between the girls started.


Not long after, Tang Keyu came in, looked at Lu Ling and Tang Sheng who were chatting happily in the room, and Tang Zheng who was lying on the bed listening with his ears up, and nodded.

The little girls get along quite well... Lu Ling is quite good at playing with children.

Tang Keyu's nose moved, and then he looked at the bedside table.

That was Tang Zheng's cabinet.


Cosmos bag...

Seeing the Qiankun bag on Lu Ling's waist, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Indeed, this is a good way to get closer.

Tang Keyu clapped his hands.

"Go wash your hands and eat!"

"Here we come! Sister Lu, I'll take you to the water's edge..." Tang Sheng readily agreed, and pulled Lu Ling out the door.

Tang Zheng got out of bed slowly, but was stopped by Tang Keyu when he passed by.

"Master, Master..." Tang Zheng shrank his head.

"Ah Zheng, you haven't eaten too many snacks, have you..." Tang Keyu narrowed his eyes.

"No, I just ate a little..." Tang Zheng squeezed his fingers.

" are telling the truth." Tang Keyu was a little surprised: "Ah Zheng, your concentration is good, not bad, I thought you couldn't walk when you saw food. I can't use it anymore, I borrowed it from bamboo."

Tang Keyu shook the white jade ruler in his hand, and gave Tang Zheng a kind look.

"Gudu." Tang Zheng looked at the ruler, some cold sweat broke out on his head, and then he left the room as if fleeing.

"Little girl." Inside the house, Tang Keyu tidied up the beds and quilts of the two apprentices, and went out.



Outside, Tang Zheng followed behind Lu Ling who had just washed her hands, looking at her back, he was full of gratitude in his heart.

If Lu Ling hadn't put away the snacks forcefully, it is estimated that my master's meal of the ruler would be indispensable. With her character, she would definitely let me kiss her during the punishment...

What a shame.

Fortunately, Lu Ling was there.

Because of Tang Keyu's behavior, Tang Zheng's favorability towards Lu Ling increased a lot.

Except for the reason of her own sister, Sister Lu really makes people feel safe...

"En? What's the matter? Is there anything on me?" Sensing Tang Zheng's gaze, Lu Ling turned around and asked in doubt.

"No, nothing." Tang Zheng turned his head away from looking at Lu Ling, and casually said something perfunctory.

"But..." Lu Ling was about to speak when she was pulled aside by Tang Sheng. Because of her sister's abnormality, she felt a great crisis again.

"Oh, sister Lu, you don't need to worry about her, she must think she can eat like this." Tang Sheng said with a look of disgust, and then held Lu Ling's hand: "Sister Lu, sister Qin's cooking is very delicious , you must try it."

"En." Lu Ling nodded. The meal she ate at noon was made by Qin Qin. It was a delicacy that could only be found in heaven. Of course, she would not miss this fish meal. If you can't eat it, it means it tastes good Well.

Think so.

If God gave Lu Ling a chance to choose again, she would flee here now, because what she would face next was—public execution.

It's a pity she doesn't know.



After dinner.

The table was in a mess, there was only a little oil and water left on the plates, not even the fish bones, and the remains of these fish were piled up in front of the three of them.

Tang Sheng, Tang Zheng, Tang Keyu.

A pile of garbage in front of one person.

At this time, except for Lu Ling and Qin Qin, the rest of the people couldn't move, especially the two little girls, who were motionless while clutching their stomachs, their faces full of happiness.

I didn't know I thought I was pregnant.

"Ruoyan, has your level improved..." Tang Keyu also collapsed on the chair, touched his flat belly, and said lazily.

"Delicious." Tang Sheng gave a thumbs up.

"Praise." Tang Zheng seconded.

"Hehe, so-so, so-so, I'm very happy if you guys like me." Qin Qin waved his hand modestly, in fact, the word "happiness" was written all over his face. No chef would dislike others praising his craftsmanship, just like Qin Qin .

The atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

But there is one person who is out of tune with this atmosphere.

Lu Ling was sitting on her stool at this time, and there was almost no shortage of rice in the bowl in front of her. She seemed to be fixed, motionless, and if you looked carefully, you could see Lu Ling's bloodshot ears. You can still see her tearful, mosquito-repellent eyes.

She is escaping reality.

"Ruoyan, is this girl so thin-skinned?" Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling and asked in a low voice.

"Well, Ah Ling has always been like this, if you don't believe me, you can ask Tang Sheng, it will be fine if you get used to it." Qin Qin said.

"That's right." Tang Sheng nodded, although she didn't know why she became like this, but Sister Lu didn't seem to like watching her own performance very much... Obviously she thought that Sister Lu was very dazzling at that time.

Look away.

At this time, there was a crystal ball on the dining table, and a picture was projected, unfolding behind Lu Ling.

It's almost the end.

It was a scene where a young girl led a girl to play on the Baiyu stage.

On that day, Qin Qin made things difficult for Lu Ling, and the latter made a piano song on the spot, which was clumsy but full of emotion. This recorded video was Tang Keyu's favorite, and it cost a lot of Lingshi to get it.

It was also because of this scene that Tang Sheng initially fell in love with Lu Ling.

"What's there to be shy about? You're obviously acting so well, cut." Tang Zheng looked at Lu Ling, who had become a sculpture from the beginning, and couldn't understand.

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling's ears twitched, and then turned redder.

Tang Zheng didn't care, but Lu Ling was different. That stumbling performance was recorded and widely circulated, and at that time she was still a "mentally retarded" wearing long trousers.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a black history.

Coupled with her thin skin, this is simply a public execution for her, and it is already a shame for Lu Ling to faint without shame.

 Thank you book friend 161228165630449 for the 2000 reward! ^_^, I fell asleep many times while writing this chapter. Speaking of which, I want to write short stories recently to relax...

(End of this chapter)

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