Chapter 321

What kind of shameful play is this...

Lu Ling thought of the horrible performance just now... her head buried even lower.

How did she play the piano in front of thousands of senior sisters on the second peak with the cheek to feel good about herself?
Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that people know me everywhere I go... After losing such a big person, it's strange not to know her.

"Lu..." Tang Sheng was about to speak when Tang Keyu covered his mouth.


Tang Keyu shook his fingers and whispered: "Let your sister Lu rest for a while..."

"Oh." Tang Sheng nodded half understanding.

"Tsk." Tang Zheng rarely saw Lu Ling's weak appearance, but at this moment he couldn't bear the thought of mocking her. He focused his gaze on the girl playing the piano seriously at the projection, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

She admitted that Lu Ling was better than her, and it was normal for Tang Sheng, who liked music, to worship Lu Ling.

After a while.

Lu Ling's performance was over, and Qin Qin took the stage instead. The long, ups and downs of the piano sound flowed through the cabin like running water, washing everyone's hearts and making people extremely peaceful.

"..." Lu Ling was also affected, and her restless heart was washed away by Qin Qin's simple melody. She raised her head secretly, and found that everyone else present had their eyes closed, enjoying the beautiful sound of the piano after lunch. Qin Qin's eyes were on her.

But when Qin Qin saw Lu Ling raised her head, she immediately closed her eyes understandingly.

"Huh..." Seeing this, Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief, completely freed from the black history, and closed her eyes to enjoy the music played by the magical crystal ball.

It's like listening to it live, I don't know where it is higher than what the sound is.

Why is it so powerful... Lu Ling glanced at the fairy on Gaozuo Qintai, her green fingertips moved slightly, and a Qing song flowed from above... It was really beautiful.

Then he focused his gaze on Qin Qin in front of him. Now Qin Qin was leaning on the chair, with one foot slightly padded with the sound of the piano—although she was still beautiful, she was completely different from the one on the piano stage.

At the end of the song, several people woke up.

"Ruoyan, you won't get tired of the piece you play with your heart no matter how many times you listen to it." Tang Keyu sighed.

"Sister Ke Yu, are you saying that I was not serious before?" Qin Qin was dissatisfied.

"Probably." Tang Keyu didn't shy away, and took a look at Lu Ling: "Although my piano skills are far behind Ruoyan's, I can still hear it... I have improved my skills, but my heart is confused. "

"What about now?" Qin Qin's face was a little hot, and she had indeed done such a stupid thing as throwing away the root and chasing the end.

"Now? Isn't it good." Tang Keyu shrugged.

"Well, I still have to thank Ah Ling." Qin Qin said.

"Me?" Hearing this, Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment and shook her head again and again: "Thank me for what..."

"Oh, she said thank you and you just go on, why are you being polite." Tang Keyu shook his head, it was indeed the credit of Lu Ling, after listening to Lu Ling's music, Qin Qin's impetuous heart completely sank to the bottom of the water, now Qin Qin It shouldn't be as lonely as before.

There was no bosom friend in Lingshan. Ruoyan was very lonely at that time, but Tang Keyu knew he couldn't help Qin Qin, and she was not qualified to be Qin Qin's bosom friend. Everyone knows how arrogant this talkative girl in front of her is. Sometimes she suspects that Qin Qin has two personalities... After all, the gap between her on the Qin stage and her in real life is too great.

But after checking, Qin Qin didn't show signs of splitting her mind... It can only be said that it is her own style.

"A Ling, the piano piece you created is called "Gu Fan"." Qin Qin looked at herself in the picture, and she was sitting quietly on the high platform at that time, sorting out her thoughts.

If I remember correctly, the next step is to play the piece composed by Lu Ling.

"It's Gu Fan, that's right..." Lu Ling stumbled and said, "But I didn't compose it, and it's not a piano song..."

"Oh?" Qin Qin raised her eyebrows when she heard that it was not a qin song. Although she knew that the single guqin was difficult to play when she first heard this style of music, she still felt uncomfortable after hearing what Lu Ling said.

Tang Keyu paid attention to another point: "It's not you?"

She thought of Li Zhuzi and what she said about Lu Ling's life experience.

"Then tell me who it is?" Qin Qin also became interested.

"I...I...I don't know what to say..." Lu Ling was a little incoherent: "But I like her music very much..."

The more Qin Qin listened, the more confused she became.

【Master, who are you talking about? 】 Xuechen is also very curious. Although Lu Ling's thoughts are open to her, there are some parts that she cannot see. She also wants to know where her master found these wonderful ideas.

[I...] Lu Ling blushed anxiously at this time, and she didn't know how to reply to Xuechen. On the one hand, she didn't want to lie, on the other hand... coming from another world is her biggest secret, and she must never say it... ... Lu Ling has a feeling that it will be very bad if such a thing is said.

Even Xuechen said something about her past life... If she said she was not from this world, then she would definitely suffer.

Doesn't every world have its own way of heaven?It's all in the novels.

In fact, Lu Ling was too worried. Her current identity is Lingshan's disciple. In a sense, this is the mark of heaven on her, so how could she do anything excessive.

She didn't even think about it, how could a salty fish like her hide the truth from Hong Ling and Xuechen's "mother".

[Forget it, master, if you don’t want to say it, then don’t say it. 】Although Xuechen is curious, Xuechen will not embarrass his master.

"Can't say it?" Seeing this, Qin Qin nodded Lu Ling's nose in the air: "That's you, otherwise tell me who it is?"

"..." Lu Ling was in a bad mood, but she really didn't know what to say.

That's right...

Tang Keyu frowned, and if Lu Ling really told who it was, it would mean that the information Zhuzi got was false...the problem would be serious.

"Okay, don't be unhappy, if you say no, then you won't be." Qin Qin can also see it, and now she thinks it is more important to solve her own doubts.

"A Ling, I'm curious, why I can see the screen when you play, here." Qin Qin pointed to her head.

Hearing this, Tang Keyu and Tang Sheng all looked over.

"Yes, yes, I also want to know." Tang Sheng nodded violently: "The first time I heard Sister Lu playing the piano was like listening to a story, it was so touching..."

Tang Keyu nodded, and so did she. Although she relaxed her mental vigilance, she was able to use the melody to directly reflect the picture in her mind, something even Qin Qin couldn't do.

And Tang Zheng's brain circuit is obviously different from others, she muttered: "I'm curious, why are there two boys in the picture..."

If it's two women, she can understand, after all, there are such girls on Lingshan, but two men... have too much taste.

"Ah? What are you talking about..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then panicked.

No... the picture or something...

The most important thing is that only she should know the story of "Lonely Sail". Why would Tang Zheng know, and it is so clear that it is two men...

The background is that the man is good, but it is about the contradictions and differences of friendship, which is not a strange thing.

It shouldn't be...they shouldn't know...why...

Is it...

Everyone who heard that day saw a similar picture?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Ling swallowed.

This image came to her mind when she was playing the piano, would it actually be passed on?

Lu Ling looked down at her hands.

"A Ling, it seems that you don't know..." Qin Qin nodded when she saw Lu Ling's confused look.

That's right, if Lu Ling did it on her would be really terrible.

"Sister Ke Yu, do you have any idea?" Qin Qin turned her head and asked, "I can do this kind of mental exaggeration, but I'm not as strong as Ah Ling... Half of the junior sisters in the second peak fell into it that day. If it comes, it is estimated that the spiritual power will be drained in an instant."

"I don't know, it's probably a member of the spiritual department." Tang Keyu didn't have any idea, and then looked at Lu Ling with fiery eyes.

"Heavenly family of the spiritual department... Maybe it's a good seedling of Wenhun." Tang Keyu said to Qin Qin: "Just like you, Ruoyan, a song of Fengming can strengthen dozens of people... If Lu Ling can do it too... ..."

The spiritual power increase of thousands, or even tens of thousands of people at a time——


"I don't know. If you haven't practiced yet, you can't see clearly the role of this celestial being." Qin Qin shook her head. Meaning, it seems that things in the rhythm are not very important.

That is to say, this girl may have more than one kind of celestial favor—the simplest thing is that the cold air on Lu Ling's body is even better than Shen Gui's in terms of purity, and can be compared with Xu Xu's innate fire spirit body. That's it - the spirit body of the congenital fire is the top bloodline of the heavenly family.

The reason why I didn't tell Tang Keyu was because Tang Keyu was appointed by Li Zhuzi and Lu Ling's soul teacher, but this kind of teacher is generally not biased, and the final choice is made by Lu Ling.

But it's different for the people of Tianfu. No matter how much Sister Keyu doesn't interfere, she should also mention something to Lu Ling... Although the final choice is still made by Lu Ling, it is always good to have some influence.

In fact, Qin Qin was not confident in doing this. She felt that even if Lu Ling's body was really spiritually blessed, it was not necessarily stronger than ice type or swordsmanship.

She is very dissatisfied sometimes. It would be great if Lu Ling didn't have such a good talent, so she can teach her rhythm with peace of mind, but now she has to fight for it.

Near the water tower.

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling and clenched his fist.

Trick this girl into bed first...


When Qin Qin calculated Lu Ling, Tang Keyu was very excited.

She also finally met a student with amazing talent.

The people of turned out to be the people of heaven, no wonder, no wonder...

No wonder Lu Ling has been followed by so many people...and even became Li Zhuzi's student.

The people of the heavenly family are indeed qualified to be compared with Shen Gui on the same line. Lingshan does not value talent, but the people of the heavenly family are blessed by the heavens, and their abilities are also strange. If they are used well, it will be a blessing for the entire human race.

The one who has been active recently, and the best use of the power of the heavenly family, is the Shushan Sikong Sword. He is full of righteousness and is at the border of Tianguangxu, always on the front line of the battle.

This is the power of Heavenly Families. Shushan’s uprightness overcomes the demons. Sikong Jian seems to have been born to fight against the demons. He has been fighting for decades, and he has no intention of resting. It is increasing steadily. If there is no accident, he is probably the senior brother of Shushan this year. No one in the same generation can compare with Sikong Jian. Ye Guanyue is still young, and Yun Xiao's words are worse than Sikong Jian. a little bit.

Combat experience is also the same, but there is no way, not everyone can adapt to the devilish energy at the border of Tianguangxu. Experience is a good thing, but if you stay in that place for a long time, your body will be eroded by the devilish energy, so Sikong Jian bears the righteousness of heaven , you can always fight, practice, and progress there.

In that environment, natural progress is rapid.

The reason why Shen Gui was banned from Lingshan was also related to her being too crazy. When Shen Gui was active, she exploded Sikong Sword from all angles, and her hands were stained with the blood of many demon species.

The only shortcoming is stamina. As a girl, Shen Gui lost to Sikong Jian in this one. She can't compare with Sikong Jian. Gui is still like a madman, killing wildly at the border.

At that time, Xu Xu couldn't hold her alone... It was Lianren Dongfang who forcibly took her back and then grounded her. She clearly said that she would not set foot on the border of Tianguang Ruins if she didn't stay in Lingshan for a few years.

If she is disobedient, she will not even be allowed to go to the next martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu.

As soon as Shen Gui said this, she had to accept it. She was still waiting to compete with people from other holy lands in the martial arts competition at Tianguangxu.

On the other hand, Xu Xu was implicated by her and was grounded together, but she was not like Shen Gui who was a cultivator who ran to the Taoist platform all day long, so she could only stay in the Shuyuan as a house girl.

From this, it can be seen that although the members of Tianjue are powerful, the dominance of this class is not absolute. Nowadays, there are many people in the world of cultivating immortals who are more talented than Shen Gui. The spirit crushes.

But among the disciples of the same generation, there is not one Shen Gui who dares to say that he can suppress it. A top talent like Xu Xu will be surpassed if he is not careful, let alone others.

Nowadays, the name of [Return to Come] is probably the name of the strongest Tianfu.


At this time, Qin Qin on the projection began to play.

Improved, "Lonely Sail".

At that time, she was completely showing off her skills, with silk winding strength and a breakthrough in her state of mind, accompanied by Feng Mingqin, she played the best piece of this year.

In the picture, earth, wind, water, and fire interweave and condense on the second peak, and finally turn into a lone phoenix, hovering in the sky.

The extremely gorgeous picture, coupled with the perfect piano music, is shocking.

The song is very nice, very nice.

Even Tang Zheng was fascinated, Tang Sheng also squinted his eyes and looked enjoying, but it was not enough, it didn't bring her the sense of picture like Lu Ling...

So she still likes her sister Lu the most. Tang Sheng thought about it, if her sister Lu's piano skills were as good as sister Qin's, what kind of scene would it be...

Beside, Tang Keyu listened to the music, and the more he watched it, the more he liked Lu Ling.

She likes rhythm and guqin, Lu Ling's qin etiquette is very standard, she has a pleasing personality, and now she even has such a high talent.

Tang Keyu also wanted to meet such good students as Shen Gui and Xu Xu, not out of vanity, but out of sheer desire. After all, she had been a teacher for so many years, and she really didn't have any outstanding students.

Qin Qin is probably the best student she has ever taught. It is a pity that Qin Qin's senior sister is Shen Gui, who has been suppressed in the second peak, but she is a literary soul, so it's okay, otherwise she will really be Shen Gui He was so stressed that he couldn't lift his head.

Qin Qin is not only the best student Tang Keyu accepts, but also the student with the best relationship, because Tang Keyu is usually a very quiet person, and other students have the impression that she is a gentle lady, which makes it difficult for Tang Keyu to be accepted.

Tang Keyu is different from Li Zhuzi, the former is gentle to others, while the latter is strict, but a gentle person is gentle to everyone... Few people still remember his gentle teacher, but Li Zhuzi's popularity among little girls Extremely high, even those who have been beaten still hopelessly like her.

This is not to say that Tang Keyu is inferior to Li Zhuzi, but her personality is like this, only those who are close to her will become different, and at the same time put away her ladylike appearance, for example, she often bullies Qin Qin, or teaches Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng a lesson .

The relationship between Tang Keyu and the students is not good. It's not that no students are willing to approach her, but she is unwilling to accept others... Qin Qin is an exception. She has been honored by Gu Qin. As a fellow student, Qin Qin has become Tang Keyu's best friend. This is the power of love.

Now, Lu Ling perfectly fits the appearance of an apprentice in Tang Keyu's heart.

Genius in temperament, like Guqin, little girl, soft personality...

She wished she could hold Lu Ling in her arms and ravage her.

At this time, Lu Ling's attention was all on the projection behind her, and she didn't notice Tang Keyu's cannibalistic gaze.


The end of a song.

The gazes of the little girls were still on the projection, on Gu Feng who was constantly circling in the sky.

The fiery red solitary phoenix neighed, and Lu Ling stared straight at it.

At that time, because of the angle, she didn't realize that the phoenix was so beautiful... proud and lonely, like a slim young girl.

It must be the role of Fengming Qin... Lu Ling still remembers Qin Qin's excessive guqin with an unknown number of strings.

Then, it's time to spoil the scenery.

The dragon roared in the sky, and at the same time, the huge sword light flew into the sky, bringing with it an ice-blue afterimage.

With one blow of the sword, the red solitary phoenix was cut into several sections, and then shattered into countless powders like colored glass, which disappeared with the wind.

Feng Luo.

Projection ends here.

The three little girls still looked like they still had something to say.

"No matter how many times I watch it, Sister Qin and Sister Lu are so good..." Tang Sheng murmured.

"Mm...Master, your Lingshi is not a loss." Tang Zheng said, this projection crystal was bought by Tang Keyu from Lingshan disciples with a lot of money.

"That's it." Tang Keyu was a little proud.

[Senior Sister Qin... so amazing...] Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin with envy all over her face.

However, Qin Qin was not very happy.

Her lonely phoenix was shattered by Shen Gui, she almost forgot about it, but now she remembered it again.

This lonely phoenix is ​​actually Qin Qin herself in a certain sense, because her musical journey is lonely... Qin Qin was expressing her emotions at the time, but the incarnation was directly chopped off by Shen Guiyi's sword...


That's why Qin Qin was so angry and went to find Shen Gui for a theory... The result... Naturally, the theory didn't yield anything, and he was told to hold a sword and then reason with her.

But it made her very angry.

Shen Gui is Shen Gui, she doesn't care about anyone in anything she does... You know, the phoenix she transforms is based on a senior who temporarily lives on Lingshan.

Phoenix, Phoenix.

Even her phoenix cry that day even aroused Huang's response.

In the end, Shen Gui killed as soon as he said he would.

This is the disadvantage of learning swordsmanship, irritable temper like this, be careful of menstrual irregularities.

Qin Qin cursed Shen Gui crazily in her heart, then looked at Lu Ling with firm eyes.

The little junior sister must not be allowed to learn swords from Shen Gui. If A Ling is also trained by Shen Gui to have the same personality as her...don't think about being able to play a good tune.

Piano players, first of all, you must have peace of mind.

"Why are you suddenly angry?" Tang Keyu was the first to feel Qin Qin's displeasure, and she said softly: "Shen Gui's should be considerate."

"I know." Qin Qin nodded, but her mood was still depressed.

When will her senior sister be more understanding...

The family is not something to worry about... Qin Qin thought of Shen Canghai, raised his hand and rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache.

"That's enough, I don't want to think about it anymore, I watched the projection, and it's almost time to serve dessert." Tang Keyu cleaned up the table and brought out two plates of fruit.

The cut, golden-yellow flesh looks sweet and delicious.

There is an obvious difference between the two plates. Although they are all pulp, one plate seems to be particularly cold, as if the whole plate is frozen on the plate, and the fruit juice underneath is frozen, while the other half is very fresh, soft and jelly-like , looks delicious.



The sound of swallowing.

Under the eager eyes of the little girls, Tang Keyu placed the plate of frozen, poor-looking fruits in front of Tang Zheng, Tang Sheng and Lu Ling, and continued.

"This, yours."

Then the plate was handed over to Qin Qin.



Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng looked at each other, both were dissatisfied. Although Lu Ling was not very happy, it was not appropriate for her to speak now.

"Master...what is this..." Tang Sheng acted like a baby.

"It's useless to be coquettish." Tang Keyu picked up his own, put the soft flesh into his mouth, and said with a look of enjoyment: "You have to eat processed ones."

"Deal with..." Tang Zheng looked at the ice cubes on the plate and shivered.

There is still snow outside now, obviously the ones that have been treated are more prone to diarrhea!
 Thanks to book friends 161228165630449 and Baigexuan for their rewards!Happy, by the way, today 6000 is considered to be an update, but there is still only one update... Let me ask, do you think it will be released in three updates, or that's it... And I said that writing short stories is serious, just write some stories.

(End of this chapter)

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