Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 322 Cold Qi Fruit

Chapter 322 Cold Qi Fruit
Now Shushan has entered the winter ahead of schedule, and the two sisters are shivering all day long and are reluctant to go out. They wish they could carry a stove in their hands. The two petite girls look very bloated in cotton-padded clothes.

They are afraid of the cold.

Tang Sheng was very unhappy. They were not like her sister Lu, who could still run around in short skirts in this weather... The little girl looked at her master and Qin Qin with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Qin Qin was wearing a water-green Baishui skirt, and Tang Keyu took off his Taoist robe and put on a simple black long skirt. They were both very slim.

They are a group of masters who are not afraid of the cold.

"Master..." Tang Keyu looked at the ice sticks in front of her and pouted her mouth. She doesn't want to eat such an ugly fruit, it's all ice slag, what if she has diarrhea.

"Master, why did you lie to you?" Tang Keyu shook his head helplessly, and shook his fingers: "This fruit is very cold, and you really can only eat processed things. Ruoyan looks good, but you wait for your stomach to eat it." It hurts."

"But..." Tang Sheng compared the two plates, and had nothing to say.

"All right, all right." Tang Zheng dragged Tang Sheng aside by the collar: "You can eat this if you give it to you. There are so many words."

"Sister..." Tang Sheng looked at Tang Zheng and stopped talking.

Tang Zheng was obviously not happy, she was much more greedy than Tang Sheng, but Master would not lie to them.

"Okay, let's taste it." Tang Keyu said as he picked up a piece of pulp, and his red lips were water-colored, very attractive.

"Okay." Tang Zheng nodded, and took the lead to tear off a piece of frozen fruit from the plate, carefully putting it into his mouth.

The moment the ice bar entered, she shivered unconsciously. It was the expected coldness, and Tang Zheng felt himself awake.


Tang Zheng, who didn't dare to chew yet, stuck out his tongue and exhaled. In the winter, white mist rose, whether it was cold air or hot air.

"Bite." Tang Keyu waved his hand.

"Hey." Following Master's order, Tang Keyu closed his mouth and started chewing.

His complexion was not very good-looking, as if he had been frozen, and his facial features were distorted.


Tang Keyu's performance gave Lu Ling and Tang Sheng who were watching from the side a bad feeling.

Qin Qin, on the other hand, was quite happy eating: "Sister Ke Yu, can't you make them look better? If you want to do this, I don't want to eat it either."

"Cold air is also spiritual power, it's not good to waste too much." Tang Keyu didn't change his face.

"But I think Ah Sheng is very unhappy..." Qin Qin looked at the pitiful Tang Sheng who was rubbing the hem of his clothes, and couldn't bear it.

"She will eat it." Tang Keyu swallowed the fruit in his mouth, and then put one hand on his lower abdomen, urging his spiritual power to relieve the cold.



At this time, Tang Zheng's expression changed, his face gradually became more relaxed, and then his movements became louder, as if he was familiar with the cold feeling, chewing the fruit that should have been soft.

"Gudu." The moment he swallowed, Tang Zheng shook violently, then opened his eyes and breathed out lightly.

"Sister, how are you doing?" Tang Sheng ran to Tang Zheng's side and asked nervously.

"Well... Although it's a bit cold, it's still delicious, sweet and sour..." Tang Zheng said truthfully.

When Lu Ling heard this, she was determined. From just now, Xuechen told her that the fruit was a good thing, so she let her eat it freely... But the appearance is too bad, she can't say it, and now she has an experimental subject. Lu Ling was relieved, and she also tore off an ice strip.

After the entrance, Lu Ling's expression was not as rich as Tang Zheng's. She took a bite and her eyes lit up.

good to eat!

Fruity, sweet and sour, the nose is full of fragrance after one sip, and because it is iced, there is no water, it tastes crunchy...

Lu Ling had never tasted some ice cream like the one she had seen in her previous life, and now her wish was fulfilled.

As for the cold...

Well, she couldn't feel it, not even a little bit of coldness.

"It's delicious, thank you, Teacher Tang." Lu Ling swallowed the fruit, and then said to Tang Keyu.

"A Ling, it's fine if you like it." Tang Keyu nodded: "You're welcome."

"Yes." Nodding respectfully, Lu Ling began to eat.

[Master, aura, aura! 】 Xuechen yelled frantically.

[I know, I know. 】While eating the small Changsheng fruit, Lu Ling stimulated the icy aura in the meridians, patrolling in the body like an army, and wiped out all the cold air that had newly entered the body.

These are all done by Lu Ling independently, and on the surface she is still eating fruit.

"..." Seeing that my sister and Lu's sister had eaten, Tang Sheng was about to eat too. She touched the ice bar and retracted her hand.

"Hiss, it's so cold..." Tang Sheng shivered.

Then she saw a small hand pinching the finished fruit, and the medium-sized pulp was lying in front of her.

"Open your mouth." Tang Zheng said.

"Ah~~" Seeing this, Tang Sheng obediently obeyed.

Tang Zheng stuffed the pulp into his sister's mouth.

The next step is very simple, Tang Sheng's expression is similar to Tang Zheng's first time eating, and he gets used to it after eating.

Soon, a plate of fruit pulp was eaten up.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Lu Ling wiped her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Sister, I feel very cold now... I don't have a stomachache..." After Tang Sheng finished eating the fruit, he shrank into a ball with the cold, and Tang Zheng hugged her from behind.

"What are you afraid of? Don't you still have me with you if you have a stomachache?"

At this time, more than half of the fruit that Tang Keyu and Qin Qin ate together was left, and they ate very slowly, especially Qin Qin, who had to carefully defuse the cold while eating. If you look carefully, Qin Qin's face is not flushed anymore, probably Exhale is now icy.

The fruit she ate was not processed, the extreme cold entered her body directly, and it was very difficult to absorb all of it, while the little girl ate the fruit that had been evacuated from most of the cold air.

"You guys." Tang Keyu shook his head helplessly, he was afraid of diarrhea even if he had food from heaven and earth.

"Look at your sister Lu, the gap." Tang Keyu pointed at Lu Ling.

"Sister Lu, what's the matter..." Tang Sheng was so cold that his teeth were fighting, and he turned to look at Lu Ling.

Unlike Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng who huddled together and complained after eating the fruit, Lu Ling was leaning on the chair at this time, squinting her eyes as if she was asleep, but in the eyes of Qin Qin and Tang Keyu, Lu Ling was just practicing now. Actively absorb the power of the small longevity fruit.

"Sister Ke Yu, Ah Ling is so powerful." Qin Qin said.

"There is something wrong with the method, probably because of the instinct of the body. Lu Ling is really a genius in cultivation." Seeing Lu Ling's talent, Tang Keyu was very pleasantly surprised, and then pulled the two little girls who had shrunk into a ball with the cold.

"Let me help you, let's see what you're going to do." Tang Keyu scratched Tang Sheng's nose, and then put his hands on the hearts of the two girls, channeling their weak spiritual power to eat away the cold air in their bodies.

With the help of Tang Keyu, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng still seem to be chewing slowly, absorbing at a speed like a turtle, but their cultivation is indeed growing.

Different from these two little girls, Lu Ling was much bolder. Her power rushed through her meridians, devouring all the power she could see one by one, and no trace of external power could escape.

In just a few minutes, Lu Ling digested everything she had just eaten.

[It's so comfortable. 】

Opening her eyes, Lu Ling's cheeks were slightly flushed.

Now she feels warm and comfortable all over her body, as if being filled, and she is also very energetic.

At this time, Lu Ling was the first to wake up, Qin Qin was still fighting against the coldness of the little longevity fruit, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng were still there for a long time.

【Master, your spiritual power has overflowed the Qi Condensation Realm, and you can step into the next realm at any time. 】 Xuechen reminded.

[I know, how to do it? ] Lu Ling asked.

[I don't know the details, wait for Mr. Tang to teach. 】 Xuechen said something, and then said: 【Master, these fruits are not pure enough, the cold energy fused in them has been extracted, and the effect is estimated to be reduced by [-]%, but although it is only [-]%, it does prolong the soul. activity...]

Xuechen was very excited.

[Is only one achievement so comfortable? 】Lu Ling felt that she was full of strength and energy, and then asked: 【Activity of the soul?what is that? 】

[Plainly speaking, it is lifespan. 】

【life! ! ? 】

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then became excited, looking at the shiny plate in front of her eyes, her eyes were shining: [Yicheng is so good?What about all of them?where?I want more! 】

【Master, the one in your Senior Sister Qin's hands has never been dealt with. 】Xuechen reminded, with a somewhat disdainful tone:【She definitely won’t be able to eat so much, and there will be more than half of it left, so you don’t have to be polite, master. Does the fruit need to be processed? 】

With just such a little bit of coldness, her master will be fine if she turns ten times larger. What the master is afraid of now is the natural coldness, and she is not afraid of the coldness in terms of cultivation even when the venerable comes.

When she is snowing and cold, does she eat fire?
As the master of the Yin Sword, she would have been frozen into ice cubes without any ice resistance, so Lu Ling was born to be her master.

【my power? 】Lu Ling doesn't quite understand, but now she wants to eat something delicious, and it can prolong her life... But she doesn't believe Xuechen's saying that she can eat whatever she wants, so it's better to ask Senior Sister Qin about such a precious thing.

She has eaten a lot, but she can't be greedy.


Sensing Lu Ling coming to her side, Qin Qin opened her eyes, exhaled a sharp breath of cold air, her face was a little pale, her physical body could not bear such a heavy cold air.

Human race's soul cultivation, the body has little effect, the body is just a medium to absorb power into the soul, of course it is not completely useless, the ratio is about three to seven, for example, the power absorbed by Lu Ling now, three points remain in the body. In the meridians, seven points have entered the soul.

This is the unique cultivation method of the human race, so compared to the soul, the human body is very fragile, stronger than Li Zhuzi and Ye Zun, and the same is true. What they can do is not to be injured. very fragile.

Except for the Great Sad Valley, most other places do not practice body training.

"A Ling? What's the matter?" Qin Qin asked.

"Senior Sister Qin, are you... are you okay..." Lu Ling was a little worried when she saw Qin Qin's not looking very good.

"It's okay, it's just daily practice." Qin Qin bit her finger and smeared a layer on her lips, then the coldness in her mouth receded, and her complexion returned to normal.

She temporarily suppressed the chill in her body, otherwise she would not be able to talk to Lu Ling properly.

After the fruit is cored, it will absorb the ice-type spiritual power between the heaven and the earth, and the cold air will multiply. Even she can't suppress it. If it is not for the cultivation level, it is estimated that the body is covered with frost, but the effect is also significant. Qin Qin felt that her cultivation had solidified a lot.

"What's wrong?" She looked at Lu Ling and asked.

"Senior Sister Qin, I think..." Lu Ling looked at the fruit in front of her, a little shy, then waved her hands again and again: "If it's too precious, I don't want it."

"A Ling, do you want to eat?" Qin Qin saw Lu Ling's thoughts, hesitated, and asked.

"En." Lu Ling nodded embarrassingly.

"It's okay to eat, but this fruit..." Qin Qin kept silent as she spoke, because Lu Ling's eyes were full of longing.

She also knew that Lu Ling had an ice physique, but she wasn't sure if she could absorb so much cold air, because looking at it now, Shen Gui probably couldn't bear such cold air, let alone this soft girl, For the sake of safety, she asked Tang Keyu to help her deal with it.

But at this time Lu Ling wanted it so much, she really couldn't say no to it.

"Okay, you can eat." Qin Qin smiled, and pushed the fruit plate to Lu Ling's eyes with one hand.

At the same time, the hands under the table clenched their fists, and ice slag overflowed from their fingertips. The body temperature of the whole person had dropped to freezing point.

She was temporarily suppressing the cold air escaping from her body.

If Lu Ling wanted to eat, she would help her protect her. If the little girl seemed a little unwell, Qin Qin was going to immediately introduce the cold air into her body.

"Thank you." Lu Ling swallowed, then picked up the fresh pulp and threw it into her mouth.

"Hmm~~~" with a happy expression.

Different from the hard ones before, the flesh of this one is sweet and luscious, and it is full of juice after a bite, which is really amazing...

Then continue to eat, one by one without stopping.

As for why she was repairing... I didn't feel it at all, just like before, the cold air was swept away by her own spiritual power in an instant before it spread out, and the ten times cold air could not be reflected at all, because the rabbit and the lion were in front of the phoenix. It doesn't make any difference.

Qin Qin: "..."

She watched Lu Ling eat one piece and immediately reached for the second one, feeling anxious.

But now I can't speak.

this girl...

Qin Qin twitched the corner of her mouth.

Lu Ling didn't appear to be invaded by the cold air, so Qin Qin couldn't help wondering where Lu Ling ate the fruit, but she had to believe it, because as Lu Ling ate, her spiritual power was growing rapidly.

Sure enough, he is a man of heaven.

Can't compare, can't compare.

Qin Qin closed her eyes and said: "A Ling, eat all you can, I can't eat any more."

"En." Lu Ling nodded violently, she is a little addicted now, the feeling of being filled with emptiness in her's really wonderful.

Shaking her head helplessly, Qin Qin exhaled a mouthful of ice slag. She didn't give it to Lu Ling, but she really couldn't eat it. If she ate any more, the undigested cold in her body would probably kill her. It would be a big deal if she couldn't absorb it all. .

Qin Qin's current cultivation base is not enough, she is a woman full of spiritual energy, that's why she feels cold, and now her menstruation is still as usual - just a few days later.

Moreover, the girls who cultivated in Lingshan are more sensitive than those in the secular world. Their spiritual power and body reacted, and their cultivation progressed very quickly during the few days of menstruation, which was several times the usual rate. Extremely vulnerable.

If this cold air can't be absorbed, it will really kill her at that time. She doesn't want to be unable to get out of bed with back pain.

Wait until the next level to control yourself.

Shaking her head, Qin Qin put a little attention on Lu Ling, in case she felt uncomfortable, she could feel it immediately, and then luckily, her expression gradually settled down.

The room was very quiet, only Lu Ling was still eating.




Time flies by, when Tang Zheng opened his eyes again, he felt that his body was full of inexhaustible strength, and the whole world became much clearer...

It's just that the sun is gone.

Tang Sheng also opened his eyes, feeling a little confused.

"You two will practice hard for me in the future, I'm exhausted." Tang Keyu rubbed his waist, then stood up.

It was getting dark at this time, she helped the two little girls absorb the power of the little longevity fruit for an afternoon, and she was very tired.

"Master, where is the sun?" Tang Sheng rubbed his eyes and asked.

"It's night, and there is no sun." Tang Keyu looked around, but did not see the shadow of Qin Qin and Lu Ling.

"It's getting dark..." Tang Sheng nodded, then woke up instantly.

it's dark!
"Master, where is Sister Lu, Sister Lu?"

Why is her sister Lu gone?

"Outside, haven't left yet." Tang Keyu patted Tang Sheng's little head, then led the two little ones out of the room in a daze, looking at Qin Qin and Lu Ling who were sitting in the stone pavilion in the courtyard, and said.

"Ruoyan, Ah Ling, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Sister Ke Yu, you are too slow, A Ling and I are going to be bored to death." Qin Qin complained.

"I think you are bored to death." Tang Keyu shook his head.

At this time, it was like daytime in the courtyard, a circular light point floating in the air illuminated the space, Qin Qin was sitting alone bored, but Lu Ling was different, she was reading a book aside.

Keeping it in the Qiankun bag, Li Zhuzi has been reading the poetry dictionary written for her for almost an afternoon.

Lu Ling, who has entered the state, can't feel the passage of time, and is studying very seriously, but Qin Qin who is beside her is desperate.

She is a chatterbox, but how could Lu Ling have the nerve to speak up after studying so seriously, so she just watched Lu Ling read for a few hours...

"Sister Ke Yu, Ah Ling has been watching her all afternoon...I didn't expect her to be such a serious person, but it hurt me." Qin Qin hugged Tang Keyu and did not let go, and had the urge to hold her and talk all night.

"What's wrong with being serious." Tang Keyu tilted his head and said to the two girls behind him: "You all learn a little bit, you know?"

"Yes." Tang Sheng Tang Zheng nodded.

Then the four of them sat down and discussed in low voices. They didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing Lu Ling's study. At this time, Lu Ling seemed to have seen a key point, and she was very serious.

"Sister Ke Yu..." Qin Qin held Tang Keyu's hand, looked at Lu Ling's chest, and hesitated to speak.

At this time, Lu Ling was writing something on the paper, and when she lowered her head, the skirt on her chest was a little wrinkled.

"Ruoyan, I know what you want to say." Tang Keyu gave her a meaningful look. She wanted to ask this question from the beginning, but Lu Ling deliberately avoided it, so they pretended not to see it.

But I still care about it.

What is hidden in Lu Ling's chest?It's definitely not developed, and they are too embarrassed to look through it because of their faces...


Qin Qin thought about it and decided that she must tell Lu Ling later.

As a girl, clothes on the chest are not a good place to put things.

 Thanks to book friends 161228165630449, jealous, for their rewards!Thanks! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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