Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 323 Spirit Clan and Tiangui

Chapter 323 Spirit Clan and Tiangui


After an unknown amount of time, Lu Ling yawned.


See it here today.

After closing the book and raising her head, Lu Ling froze for a moment.

In front of him, Tang Sheng was held in Tang Keyu's arms, looking sluggish, Qin Qin was very energetic, and Tang Zheng was not there.

"Senior Sister Qin?" Lu Ling finally realized that the place where she was studying seemed wrong, so she asked cautiously, "What time is it..."

Because there was lighting in the courtyard, Lu Ling could not judge the time very accurately.

"A Ling, you are really eager to learn." Qin Qin raised his finger to the bright moon hanging high, with a half-smile.

Lu Ling entered the state without end. They waited for about an hour and a half. During this period, Tang Zheng couldn't hold on and went back to sleep early. Tang Sheng didn't say goodbye to Lu Ling and was unwilling to leave. .

"Ah~~ Sister Lu, are you finished?" Hearing Lu Ling's voice, Tang Sheng rubbed his eyes, his eyes were full of confusion.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Seeing this, Lu Ling repeatedly apologized, and at the same time felt a little embarrassed.

"No need..." Tang Sheng was a little delirious at this moment: "Sister Lu, I'll... go back to sleep first, goodbye."

Struggling and waving his hand, he fell into Tang Keyu's arms.

"Wait a minute, I'll send Ah Sheng to the bed." Tang Keyu whispered, then walked away.

There were only two people left in the courtyard.

"A Ling, do you always look like this every time you study?" Qin Qin asked casually.

"Well, I can concentrate more when I'm alone." Lu Ling thought for a while, as if she was a little irritable when she was punished by Li Zhuzi for copying ten times last time, but she restrained herself at that time.

From then on, she can concentrate on doing what she wants to do, sometimes it is easy to forget the time, if she reads for too long, Liu Fufeng will force her into bed.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Qin, for keeping you waiting for so long." Lu Ling was very embarrassed.

"It's all trivial." Qin Qin waved his hand, and then leaned closer to Lu Ling with his chin: "A Ling, did you feel this way when you were practicing?"

"What do you feel?"

"I'm the only one left in the world, time flies so fast...and then a little Zhou Tian passed in the blink of an eye?"

"Well, Senior Sister Qin..." Lu Ling shrank her neck when she heard the words, and asked tentatively, "Isn't cultivation like this...?"

Qin Qin: "..."

Her smile froze on her face for a moment, then turned into a wry smile.

In Lu Ling's eyes, the state that she and others dream of is normal... This girl's talent is too good.

"Senior Sister Qin, what's wrong?" Seeing this, Lu Ling suddenly became nervous. Cultivation is not like reading and writing.

"No, she's very good, a girl who makes people jealous." Qin Qin raised her hand and tapped Lu Ling's forehead, making her lean back.

She is a heavenly companion in terms of rhythm, and she is also very talented in cultivation. Did this girl save the world in her previous life?

But it was jealousy, but in fact Qin Qin was happy for Lu Ling, and after all the hardships, this girl has almost suffered.

Of course, regarding cultivation, she still has to suffer in the future.

"By the way, Ah Ling." Qin Qin pointed to her chest.Signaled Lu Ling to look over.

"..." Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head away with a blushing face.

Qin Qin's figure is very good. At this time, she was wearing a light green white skirt to set off her chest very full. Lu Ling took a look and thought of Xuechen's dislike of her small breasts...

A little shy.

"Why are you blushing?" Qin Qin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and walked over to stand beside Lu Ling: "A Ling, you can't just put things in a girl's corset, and you can't just put things in there just because the space is big and there are rope holders. In a corset...although it is indeed more secure, but it looks very...unsightly."

"Ah?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qin Qin wanted to say.

"Ah Zheng told me that your Qiankun bags are all placed in your bra...that's not good." Qin Qin said seriously.

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth.

That incident was an accident.

But no one believed it.

"Wouldn't it be good to hang something like a Qiankun bag on your waist?" Qin Qin is still trying to correct this "bad habit" of Lu Ling.

"I'm not...I didn't..." Lu Ling explained.

"Then what's in your bra now?" Qin Qin shrugged.

Qin Qin wouldn't believe that the girl would develop something if she didn't see her for a while.

"This..." Lu Ling hesitated for a moment.

Then he realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Li Zhuzi also knew about Xuechen, as long as her Xuechen didn't transform into a human, it would look like an ordinary pet.

" my pet..." Lu Ling pursed her lips, carefully observing Qin Qin's expression.

"Pet? What pet?" Before Qin Qin could speak, Tang Keyu had already come out and stomped his feet.

"Apart from these underwater little guys, are there any spiritual creatures in my yard?"

"Aling... what kind of pet are you talking about?" Qin Qin was also very surprised. She knew that there was something hidden in Lu Ling's chest, but she never thought it would be a living thing, because she didn't feel angry at all.

"Xuechen, come out." Lu Ling leaned forward slightly.


The little cat poked its head out, and then was about to retract, but Lu Ling dragged her out before she finished her movements.

Lu Ling also felt that this was a bit inappropriate, this damn girl really knew how to find a place to stay.


Seeing the little guy held in Lu Ling's palm, Tang Keyu and Qin Qin were stunned, and they could see each other's disbelief when they looked at each other.

"Xuechen, get bigger." Lu Ling said.


The cat obeyed, and gradually changed in Lu Ling's palm, returning to its normal size, and then jumped onto Lu Ling's shoulder, leaning against her neck, with a lazy expression on his face.

When Lu Ling is studying, she usually rests.

Xuechen didn't even look at Qin Qin and Tang Keyu, because they couldn't see anything. In this world, except for that RBQ sister, how could anyone else see through her disguise.

"Sister Ke Yu... what kind of spiritual race is this?" Qin Qin asked Tang Keyu for help. She directly ruled out the possibility that Xuechen was an earthly animal. She knew at first glance that this little guy was definitely not a mortal creature, with an ice-blue phantom tail. It is gorgeous and gorgeous, like a snow elf, and Qin Qin recognized that Xuechen can change its size freely.

The Spirit Race, definitely the Spirit Race.

Because she felt a little bit of disdain from Xuechen's lazy eyes...

She is a proud girl.

Because she is from the Spirit Race, Qin Qin described Xuechen as a girl.

"Spirit Race..." Tang Keyu frowned, she stayed in Qifeng all year round, logically speaking, Qifeng knew the most about the Spirit Race, but she had no impression of Xuechen's appearance at all.

The cute and fluffy appearance of the three-petal mouth is impossible to forget once you see it.

"I haven't seen it either." Tang Keyu shook his head, then glanced at the direction of the first peak and said: "There are so many spirit races in the world, even that one may not know all of them."

"So cute!" Qin Qin looked at Xuechen, excited like a girl, and then felt a little disappointed: "This girl doesn't seem to like me very much..."

"Well, Sister Qin, she has such a temper." Lu Ling glanced at Qin Qin apologetically.

"It's nothing, nothing." Qin Qin waved his hand, and then looked at Lu Ling with jealous eyes: "A Ling, you really have everything you want... This is the first time I have seen such a noble spirit race."

Qin Qin liked Xuechen's appearance very much.

"Where did you meet her?" Qin Qin hurriedly asked, "Is there anyone else of the same family, think about me..."

She watched Xuechen look at her full of arrogance, turned around and rubbed Lu Ling's neck, not to mention how envious she was.

I want a friend like this.

Don't you think this character is very similar to Shen Gui?They are all ice type.

"Where am the Ninth Peak, there should be none of my fellow clan." Lu Ling told a little lie, she couldn't tell Qin Qin that she met him in Shushan, but in a sense, this It's not a lie either.

"Meow~" Xuechen rubbed against Lu Ling, then bared her teeth at Qin Qin, the two little tiger teeth were very cute.

"It's gone... It's a pity." Qin Qin was very disappointed: "Then Ah Ling, you must get along well with her."

The relationship between the human race and the spirit race is close, especially in Lingshan. If Ninth Peak met, it would definitely be of great help to Lu Ling.

"I know." Lu Ling nodded, and then she was silent for a while and said, "Senior Sister Qin, Xuechen said that she is sleepy and needs to take a rest."

Mao'er nodded, she really didn't want to be judged by these two big-chested and brainless women.

"That's good, that's good." Qin Qin couldn't take his eyes off the delicate ice blue for a moment, and his eyes were full of love.

"Go." Lu Ling whispered.


"It's not there." Pulling out the cat who wanted to keep hiding in her bra, Lu Ling opened the pocket of the red dress above the little skirt, and patted: "Be obedient."

"..." Xuechen showed a dissatisfied expression for a moment, then shrank obediently, and stayed quietly in Lu Ling's pocket without moving.

"Cute, you're cute at first glance with Ah Ling." Qin Qin touched Lu Ling's face.

"..." Tang Keyu didn't speak, she looked at Lu Ling a little strangely.

If it is a spirit race, then with the arrogance and arrogance that Xuechen is showing now, it must be a very talented spirit race, and they may even have awakened companion supernatural powers.

Although they are animals, they are actually equal to human beings.

But Lu Ling said before that this Xuechen was her pet... This is not equality, but a master-servant relationship.

Xuechen looked at her with disdain before, but he obeyed Lu Ling's words, and was not dissatisfied with being kept as an ordinary pet. Let her stay in the pocket and stay in the pocket...

She looked deeply at Lu Ling.

Why is this girl so charming?

The noble spirit clan likes her, Li Zhuzi likes her, Qin Qin likes her, Shen Gui likes her, Tang Sheng likes her very much, Tang Zheng didn't like her at first, but looking at today's appearance, he is not far from falling.

Ha ha.

The corner of Tang Keyu's mouth curled up, and he turned to look at the quiet girl beside him, the silver earrings were shaking, and then he raised his hand to fasten the messy red silk behind Lu Ling's head again.

Why is she not?

Lu Ling made her like her very much in a short period of time, she was really amazing, this girl must have been born with full charm.

According to Tang Keyu's recent observations, Lu Ling is so cute that people can't wait to rub her into her arms. When she is serious, she can study for an afternoon. When she treats girls younger than herself, she also has the demeanor of a big sister.

Zhishu Dali is very similar to me, and I think this girl is very quiet when she is alone.

Compared with this pleasing personality, cultivation talent is not so important.

The day after tomorrow, what should she teach Lu Ling first?

Tang Keyu pondered, and then said: "Okay, let's stop here today, I'll go back to rest first, Ruoyan, you can take Lu Ling with you."

"Okay." Qin Qin nodded.

"Goodbye, Teacher Tang."

Tang Keyu left.

The moonlight fell, and there were only two people left in the yard.

"A Ling, this...forget it." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling letting Xuechen stay in her pocket like a pet, wanted to say something and finally gave up.

I don't know but it's okay. After knowing that this is a spirit clan, or a powerful spirit clan, Qin Qin felt that Xuechen's shoulders were tired, and there was nothing wrong with Lu Ling's chest... After all, both of them were girls, so There is nothing to be taboo about.

Moreover, the chest is where the heart is, the center of the human body, and staying there can also reflect Lu Ling's respect for her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ling directly opened the pocket and ordered her to go in... The key point is that the latter did not even resist, and was very obedient.

People are really mad at people.

Qin Qin had nothing to say. She didn't know where Lu Ling got her so much charm... She was just a little girl, and if she grew up, she might become the most popular person in Lingshan.

The development mentioned here is not only physical development, but also cultivation and spiritual development.

Qin Qin didn't know where her confidence came from, she just felt that Lu Ling was powerful, and the coldness like Shen Gui was also conquered by Lu Ling?

"A Ling, you are so beautiful..." Qin Qin touched Lu Ling's ponytail down, and then put her arms around her waist: "When I grow up, I will definitely be a beautiful beauty..."

Licking his lips.

"In order not to let my master spoil you... why don't you leave it to me first... just kidding." Qin Qin waved her hand under Lu Ling's confused expression: "It's too early now, and Ah Ling, you must not Become like Uncle Dongfang, you can't get married like that, men don't love, women don't love."

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak. She couldn't talk about such a topic, but Qin Qin was a talker, so she could continue the topic without Lu Ling talking.

"Don't become like my senior sister, you don't have any femininity at all." Qin Qin stroked Lu Ling's long hair: "Actually, I think Senior Sister Xu, or Junior Sister Luo have a very good temper, gentle and generous...they Only Shen Gui can represent us, Lingshan, you don’t know, thanks to Shen Gui, our Lingshan girls have given the outside world the impression that they are violent, domineering, and more masculine than men.”

Qin Qin's tone was very dissatisfied, and then changed his tone: "There is nothing wrong with men...but men who stalk them are very annoying."

Obviously, she has been pestered by many men too.

All Lingshan disciples are liked by others, Shen Gui is no exception, but now no one dares to pursue Shen Gui, the reason... of course is because of her good master Shen Canghai, after Shen Canghai knew that his apprentice was liked by men , as if the sky had fallen, he held his sword and went to Zhufengliu——the unlucky one who announced his love for Shen Gui in a high-profile manner was Zhufengliu's disciple.

As a result... hide the sword, hide the sword, what if the sword can't be hidden?

Anyway, no one dares to pursue Shen Gui openly now, but private comparisons are still indispensable, and there are not one or two men who compete for who can win Shen Gui's heart.

"My senior sister's stinky temper is liked by others, Ah Ling, your words... will definitely fascinate those men to death, hehehe..." Qin Qin thought, and chuckled: "Beauties are trouble, beauty is trouble. "

Then she looked at the tablet on Lu Ling's chest and thought about it.

"It's too peaceful... But I know a lot of recipes, I haven't tried it myself, but seeing the changes of my senior sister over the years, it should be useful..." Qin Qin raised her hand and patted Lu Ling's shoulder: "So You are still a little girl."

"..." Lu Ling still didn't speak.

"By the way, Ah Ling, did Junior Sister Liu tell you...something about girls?" Speaking of development, Qin Qin had one thing to ask.

"One, some?" Lu Ling raised two question marks on her head.

"For" Qin Qin pointed her fingers on her chest, followed her yin veins down, and finally stopped at her lower abdomen.

"????" Lu Ling still didn't understand, she was a little familiar with this route, so she spoke instinctively: "Jianyanjue, the route it operates is like this..."

"Oh! What a shock, really." Qin Qin raised his hand and knocked on Lu Ling's head, and said angrily.

She was talking to Lu Ling about girls, and this girl is still thinking about practicing. Speaking of Jing Yanjue, she dare not practice such a pure yin technique, Lu Ling... um... Xiaochangsheng fruit is fine after eating so much , there shouldn't be anything wrong, otherwise Master Li wouldn't let her learn at ease.

So Qin Qin took his thoughts away from Lu Ling's exercises.

"It seems that there are no more." Qin Qin shook her head. There is no doubt that the current Lu Ling is not qualified as a girl. Ling's absence should be related to her poor physical condition. Although she felt distressed, seeing Lu Ling's dazed look now made her a little angry.

Junior Sister Liu also rarely failed.

Seeing Lu Ling's bewildered look, she knew that Liu Fufeng must have never told her anything... Then if one day Lu Ling's Guishui came and the girl was defenseless, wouldn't it be embarrassing, of course, This kind of thing is very common in Lingshan. Generally, no one will laugh at the little girl Guishui, and most of them will send her home immediately.

They are all girls, who hasn't experienced it yet.

But with Lu Ling's introverted personality, if she made an embarrassment in public... she would definitely die of shame, and might become a psychological shadow.

No matter what, this kind of thing should be made clear with the little girl in advance, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Just like Lu Ling's previous life, many girls didn't know about it. When menarche came, they were mostly frightened and afraid, thinking that they had terminal illness.

If it was placed on Lu Ling, she probably thought she had suffered internal injuries...

Tiangui is a symbol of a woman's beginning to develop, and it also has its own special meaning in cultivation.

When a girl is seven years old, her kidney qi is strong and her teeth grow longer.

On the twenty-seventh day, the day is guizhi, the Ren pulse is open, the Taichong pulse is strong, and the menstrual events are at present.

Panax notoginseng has average kidney qi, so true teeth grow and grow extremely.

If the Qiqi Ren meridian is deficient, the Taichong meridian weakens, and the Tiangui is exhausted, then the tunnel is blocked.

The first arrival of Tiangui indicates that the girl is about to become mature. At the same time, the spiritual door of the body is opened, which can better absorb the spiritual energy of the world and nourish the soul. The elementary skills of Lingshan will keep the girl's body at fifteen to At the age of 20, although the age is constantly increasing, in fact, only the soul is aging. Even if the realm is high in the future, and the age can be controlled independently, it will only look old. As long as the soul is not destroyed, the body of the Lingshan woman will always be at its peak.

Women in this peak period can practice Lingshan the fastest, and even when Tiangui comes to practice, it can get twice the result with half the effort.

As for the inconvenience... Although there is, there is no way to do it. The current Lingshan Kungfu system has been perfected, and everyone has come here like this, so just bear with it.

Like Shen Gui, he still hasn't stopped menstruation.

From the competition between her and Xu Xu, it depends on whether there are ice elements in the world, because at this time, she still needs to use her body as a medium to absorb spiritual energy into her soul. Her buffs are gone, and her menstruation will stop at that time.

Including Liu Fufeng, she has extremely poor inspiration but high talent, and she still needs to work hard to improve to this level. When she can directly use her soul to practice, her inspiration will be useless. At that time, Liu Fufeng was like a phoenix screaming , soaring into the sky, but if Liu Fufeng cuts off the Guishui at this time, it is estimated that he will not be able to condense his breath in this life.

Her inspiration is really bad.




"Okay, I don't know if you don't know, let me teach you if Junior Sister Liu is not here now." Qin Qin showed a playful smile: "At the Young Hall, I reminded Junior Sister to prepare some white silk for Junior Sister Liu... In the days when Junior Sister Liu is not around, I will definitely take good care of you."

"Take care of me?" Lu Ling froze for a moment.

"That's right." Qin Qin took Lu Ling's hand: "A Ling, you go to my house and sleep with me, anyway, you will be alone when you go back, right?"

"But..." Lu Ling still struggled.

"Just stay with me, I will promise you whatever you want." Qin Qin approached Lu Ling, her eyes met.

"Gudu." Lu Ling swallowed, as if she couldn't refuse.

One is that she is really alone when she goes home, which is not interesting, and the other is that she really needs Qin Qin's help, piano skills, cooking skills, and even daily wayfinding...

Lu Ling felt as if there was a rope around her neck, and the other end was held in Qin Qin's hand.

Can only appoint, who let her ask for it?
Of course, the most important point is that Lu Ling doesn't hate Qin Qin, and even has a high opinion of Qin Qin, otherwise, based on her character, she probably wouldn't go there even if she died.

"Then, well, I'm sorry." Lu Ling nodded.

"A Ling, you are so easy to talk! Chirp." Qin Qin was very happy, she did not expect Lu Ling to agree so decisively, she held Lu Ling's face and kissed her on the forehead, and then brought Lu Ling back to the second peak went.


At this time, Lu Ling only cared about her own plan, but forgot something.

For example, the wine for Qin Qin is still in the universe bag, for example...

Shen Gui.

 Thank you book friend 161228165630449 for your reward, Baige Daoluan, and novel reading poisoning for your reward, thank you!By the way, I don't care, the torn recommendation ticket is glued back to me!
(End of this chapter)

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