Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 324 Reason and Sensibility

Chapter 324 Reason and Sensibility

Lu Ling went up to the second peak, and was led away by Qin Qin while a group of girls watched.

"Junior Sister, is Senior Sister Qin taking Lu Ling home? It's so late..."

"Senior Sister Qin probably wouldn't do anything to her..."

"With Uncle Cangjian in front, who can say for sure."

"so envious……"

"What are you envious of?"

"I went to Senior Sister Qin's house, doesn't that mean I can see Senior Sister Shen..." said a girl with a sword on her back.

"That's right, Senior Sister Shen is very attractive... But if you want to get too close to her... No, no, forget it."

The Taoist nun shook her head again and again. She knew Shen Gui's temperament best if she had known him for a long time. It was fine from a distance, and she was also very gentle when she met on the road occasionally, but if she was allowed to live with Shen Gui...

Sure enough, I still can't do it, I draw my sword at every turn, and then I have an overbearing personality, and the overbearing person Uncle Cangjian...

It's really hard for Senior Sister Qin.

"What you said is fine." Although the sword-carrying girl liked Shen Gui, she did not deny the fact: "Senior Sister Qin is indeed very powerful, in various senses."


Qin Qin raised the corners of her mouth slightly as she listened to the discussions surrounding her.

Her little junior sisters are really cute and smart, as they said, living with Shen Gui and Shen Canghai is very tiring, if it were someone else, they would probably have been driven crazy.

Not to mention that Qin Qin is still a woman with a normal sexual orientation, and she has to be on guard since she was a child. One day when she opens her eyes, she will see herself being stripped into a little white sheep by her master... It's really tiring.

The key is that in the early years, Shen Canghai really did this kind of thing... Before she met Shen Gui, she had always been a meat eater, that's why Li Zhuzi told Shen Gui to look at Shen Canghai , to prevent the seedlings of Lingshan from being murdered.

Of course, now that Shen Canghai is under the care of Shen Gui, he has indeed restrained himself a lot, and Qin Qin grew up with Shen Gui after all, so he knows this senior sister better than anyone else.

She is definitely not just Shen Gui from the front, but she can start from the side, so that she can occasionally take advantage of Shen Gui, although it is only a little bit, but it can make her happy for a long time.

Generally speaking, after getting used to life with Shen Gui, it is not as scary as other people think. Of course, Qin Qin also knows that this kind of thing is limited to herself. Tolerating her does not mean tolerating others.

"A Ling, what do you want to eat tonight?" Qin Qin lowered her head and asked Lu Ling after thinking about it.

Although it was quite late, Lu Ling had been studying under her nose all afternoon, and she hadn't eaten at night, so she must be hungry. This happened to pass by the food hall, so she could take some ingredients home.

"I..." Lu Ling pondered for a while. She was shy and didn't think too much because she had been watched by many young ladies. Qin Qin said that she seemed to be a little hungry.

You're welcome...

Lu Ling hesitated for a moment, she said she was going to sleep with this young lady, so it shouldn't be too much to order some of her favorite food.

"You're welcome, just order whatever you want, as long as you can eat it." Qin Qin seemed to have seen through Lu Ling's mind, and added.

Hearing this, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fish...the fish at noon is delicious." Lu Ling lowered her head and whispered.

"No problem." Qin Qin held Lu Ling's hand a little harder: "As long as you say you want to eat, let's go, let's get some."

"By the way, Ah Ling, that friend of yours...doesn't want to eat something?" Qin Qin suddenly remembered something, and pointed to Lu Ling's pocket.

"She..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, she didn't know what to say, Xuechen ate her spiritual power, Lu Ling really never thought that she would eat...

"Little sister?" Qin Qin squatted down and asked Lu Ling's pocket.

Since he is a Spirit Race, it is always right to call him sister.

"..." There was no movement.

【Xuechen, Senior Sister is calling you, don't be rude. 】Lu Ling frowned.


Obtaining Lu Ling's order, a small paw protruded from her pocket and shook it three times in front of Qin Qin, signaling that she would not eat anything.

"Is this not eating?" Qin Qin stood up and thought for a while. For the spirit clan, it's fine if you don't want to. You can't force it. She thought that with her cooking skills, this little guy should be more polite to her. .

"Senior Sister, there's no need, just fish." Lu Ling said, she just remembered that cats should like to eat fish... Although her Xuechen is a sword, her avatar is a cat.

"That's how it is." Saying that, Qin Qin led Lu Ling into the dining hall.

At this time, because it was almost midnight, the entire dining hall was empty, with only three or two figures.

However, Qin Qin's expression suddenly became strange, she frowned, and led Lu Ling into the depths.

Sure enough, not long after walking, she saw a familiar figure.

Wearing a black Taoist robe and short hair, it was Shen Gui.

"..." Lu Ling also recognized Shen Gui, and after being taken aback for a moment, her little face instantly turned ashen.

She remembered, isn't sister Qin's home the same as Shen Gui's home?

Turning around, she wanted to run, but was held tightly by Qin Qin. She had no choice but to hide behind Qin Qin and not look at Shen Gui.

"Senior Sister." Qin Qin walked up to Shen Gui, slapped her hand on the table, and made a loud sound.

Then Lu Ling behind her trembled.

Lu Ling felt a sword aura, a very sharp sword aura, which filled the surroundings of her and Qin Qin at this moment, as if it might penetrate them both at any time.

"What are you doing?" Shen Gui raised his head, his broken hair covered one eye.

She ordered the food, and as soon as she picked up the chopsticks, she felt Qin Qin and Lu Ling. Now Qin Qin is acting provocative...

"Let me tell you, Senior Sister, what did I do wrong? Just tell me, what are you doing here in the canteen? Don't you think the food I cook is not delicious?" Qin Qin's voice became louder and louder, looking very dissatisfied .

"Junior Sister, it's time for Hai." Shen Gui replied indifferently.

"What's wrong with Haishi?" Qin Qin looked aggressive, "Didn't A Ling and I not eat at Haishi? Didn't you promise me before, sister, at least wait until Zishi?"

It's twelve o'clock at midnight.

"..." Hearing this, Shen Gui glanced at Lu Ling who was hiding behind Qin Qin, and turned his gaze back to his dinner: "I don't want to wait today."

Pick up the chopsticks again.

Don't want to wait?
Qin Qin wasn't that angry at first, she just felt uncomfortable and came to ask, but now Shen Gui's remark that she didn't want to wait was annoyed her.


Qin Qin slammed the token on her waist to fetch ingredients into Shen Gui's bowl, filled with spiritual power as if she wanted to penetrate Shen Gui's entire body.

"Bang." With a soft sound, Shen Gui lightly caught Qin Qin's token with one hand, and then gently placed it on the table: "Junior Sister, have you stabilized your strength?"

Shen Gui is at the peak of the Void Transformation Realm, and Qin Qin was half-step into the Void Transformation yesterday. When I saw him tonight, Shen Gui found that Qin Qin's aura had become much more solidified, and she was sure that Qin Qin would do it. arrive.

"Cultivation, cultivation, you know the cultivation." Qin Qin was completely angry, and the water-green white skirt was agitating slightly in the room. She waved her hand and snatched Shen Gui's chopsticks, looking at the so-called dinner in front of her.

"Fish, Xingcai, you are just for this, and you don't want to wait for me?" Qin Qin broke Shen Gui's chopsticks under Lu Ling's horrified eyes, and threw them in front of her with a "snap".

"Eat it!"

So said.

Lu Ling: "..."

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, not out of greed, but out of fright. She never thought that this gentle-looking Senior Sister Qin would be so scary when she got angry. Of course, the point is that the other party is Shen Gui. People who have said that they are not easy to get along with.

I won't do it...

Lu Ling felt uncomfortable now, but she couldn't run anymore, she was caught between the two sisters.He could only beg that Shen Gui didn't see her.

And Shen Gui did not pay attention to Lu Ling.

After seeing Qin Qin folded her chopsticks, she remained expressionless, and even the black Taoist robe on her body didn't fluctuate at all. However, Lu Ling felt even more frightened by such a return.

Sword Qi, countless sword Qi.

Lu Ling found that the sword energy that was pointing at her had dissipated, but this did not let her breathe a sigh of relief. Instead, she raised her heart, because the sword energy was all directed at Qin Qin now, and the transparent sword energy was like a heat wave The air was distorted, and Qin Qin was completely imprisoned in this small square space. The latter's light green white skirt was shredded by the sword energy and scattered on the ground.

"I said, you are dissatisfied, come to me with a sword." Shen Gui stood up, his slender figure was much taller than Qin Qin, and his tone was still calm: "But I didn't bring a sword when I came out, so that's it, Junior Sister Calm down, there is something to say after I finish eating."

Then he sat back in his seat and took out a pair of chopsticks.

【Master, I like this girl. 】After seeing Shen Gui, Xuechen, who had been sluggish for a long time, regained his energy in an instant.

【Heh...hehe...】Lu Ling laughed dryly: 【Xuechen, what should I do now? 】

[What to do, let's go to the theater. 】 Xuechen patted Lu Ling's waist through the pocket: 【Master, why are you so afraid of this girl...】

[Don't be a girl...] ​​Lu Ling mentioned something, and then said: [You don't understand. 】

Afraid that Shen will return and need a reason?
However, others are afraid of Shen Gui, but Qin Qin is not, at least she is not afraid now.

"Senior sister, what do you mean?" Qin Qin raised her head and chuckled, then ignored the sword energy locked around her, and stretched out her hand: "I said, I won't let you eat."

During the conversation, Qin Qin looked coldly. She snatched Shen Gui's chopsticks again, broke them and threw them forward.

"Junior Sister..." Shen Gui didn't resist, she looked at Qin Qin's hand and frowned.

Unprepared, Qin Qin put his hand through her sword energy and took the chopsticks from her hand. The price was that all the clothes on his right hand were shredded, and at the same time, the smooth white and tender skin was instantly torn, and the wound was dripping with blood. Horrible, but after suffering these injuries, Qin Qin didn't show any pain.

"I said, I won't let you eat."

Lu Ling was already dumbfounded, the blood was splashing on her face, could she not be dumbfounded?

At first she thought it was just a quarrel between sisters, but she didn't expect it to be for real in the end, and even Xuechen was taken aback by Qin Qin.

【Master, human beings are really strange, and women are even more strange. Isn't it just a meal? 】

【How do I know...】Looking at Qin Qin's bloody arm, Lu Ling felt distressed, and then glanced at Shen Gui.

I don't know if this young lady still has the appetite to eat, anyway, she doesn't have it now.

"It's not necessary." Shen Gui raised his head, revealing his eyes under the broken hair. His eyes were mostly puzzled. In the past, if he hurt Qin Qin's face, it's okay for her to be angry... What's the matter?

Her junior sister's Tiangui still has a while...


However, Shen Gui had her own way. She raised her hand and pressed a sword aura against Qin Qin's neck, her sharp aura was undisguised.

"You calm down."




Qin Qin took a deep breath, and then said: "Let me calm down, you use this sword energy to calm me down, isn't it too much?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling nodded in her heart.

It's a little too much.

"Isn't it? Shen Gui, you're the only one who can say that." Qin Qin was stung by the sword aura on her neck, but she didn't back down, and her tone was sarcasm: "Wait for me for a while, you won't be happy Isn’t it? Zi Shi can’t wait, ask yourself, how many days you come back late at night, I’m waiting in the living room to cook for you, why don’t you say Zi Shi, why don’t you say you’re not happy? "

"Did you tell me that if you don't want to wait, go to bed first?"

"Now it makes sense. Tell me about Haishi, Haishi... Hehe, Haishi, you can say it out loud. You can't even promise my Zishi, so you're just like that."

"Well, I have a good appetite today. Like Ah Ling, I want to eat fish, but I told you not to let you eat."

Qin Qin laughed back angrily, her dissatisfaction was written all over her face. Speaking of which, she hadn't had such an argument with Shen Gui for a long time, ever since Shen Gui's cultivation surpassed hers.

It is obvious that the other party was not pleasing to the eye all day long.

Now it is likely that she is giving way to Shen Gui.

Really angry today.

The good mood Ah Ling brought was wiped away by Shen Gui.


Hearing this, Shen Gui was silent for a while, then picked up the chopsticks again after hesitating for a moment.

"Do you not understand what I'm saying?" Qin Qin leaned forward, with countless bloodstains on her body, and ignored the sword energy around her neck, her skin was instantly cut open, and blood gushed out.

If Shen Gui didn't withdraw his sword energy, Qin Qin was going to die.

She is a person who is very afraid of pain, but she has her own bottom line. Shen Gui's behavior makes Qin Qin feel that her kindness has been fed to the dog... Although she knows that Shen Gui has this character, she is not so much like this. It's a trouble with Shen Gui, it's better to say it's a trouble with myself.

But she just couldn't help it.

In the mind of a little girl, Qin Qin might have thought that if she was injured, it would be worthwhile for Shen Gui to reflect.

At this moment, Shen Gui's face changed when he saw Qin Qin's movement, his fingertips bent, and then spread away.

Because just when Qin Qin was about to have her throat cut, a hand was placed on her shoulder.In an instant, Qin Qin felt that she was fixed and could not move at all.

"I smelled the two of you from a long distance away, and sure enough, it's rare to see a quarrel again." A female voice sounded.

"It's alright, alright, you're such a big man, Guier, you can give up a little bit of Qin'er...Qin'er, does it much blood..."

The woman waved her hand, and the sword energy all over Qin Qin's body dissipated like smoke, and then her face was full of distress.

Lu Ling turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw a somewhat familiar person.

 Thank you book friend 161228165630449 for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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