Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 325 Two Sisters

Chapter 325 Two Sisters
Lu Ling was looking at her, and the woman was also looking at Lu Ling.

"We meet again, little girl." She gave Lu Ling a "gentle" smile.

The woman was dressed very similarly to Shen Gui, they were all solemn black Taoist robes, but she was obviously not as serious as Shen Gui, the buttons on her chest were buttoned in twos and twos, revealing a lot of spring, her shoulder-length hair was tied into a capable high ponytail, Without a crown, a chic and unrestrained air rushed towards his face, and he was graceful and cynical in his laziness.

It's not something that can be described as a woman's beauty, it's closer to a man's handsomeness.

On the face of such a temperament, there was an emotion called "gentleness".

This emotion made Lu Ling's hair stand on end.

"Evening... good." Lu Ling unconsciously shuddered.

【Master, this woman... is dangerous. ] Xuechen reminded Lu Ling.

【I can feel...】 Lu Ling replied.

"Can you feel it? What can you feel?" Shen Canghai bent down suddenly, staring straight into Lu Ling's eyes, a little curious, what is this girl thinking about?
"No, nothing..." Lu Ling was startled, and subconsciously closed her eyes.

【Master, don't respond to me, this woman is very powerful, I can hide it from her, but you can't, master. 】

"..." Lu Ling didn't think about anything after hearing this.

Now, Shen Canghai had no choice. She straightened up and hugged Qin Qin's arm, and said to Shen Gui: "Guier, don't bully her."

"I haven't." Shen Gui said calmly.

"Qin'er, does it hurt..." Shen Canghai pressed half of his body on Qin Qin, and at the same time, a green light flashed across Qin Qin's arm. Unfortunately, the effect was minimal and the recovery was very slow. Shen Gui's sword energy is deeply inherited by her, but it is not so easy to cultivate.

What Qin Qin said, it is not an exaggeration to say that she needs to recuperate for a week after scratching her face.

"My spiritual cultivation is too bad..." Shen Canghai twisted his neck, then took Qin Qin's hand: "I'll take you to find bamboo..."

"Hiss—" Qin Qin took a deep breath when his arm was pulled, and then shook off Shen Canghai's hand: "No need, Master Li can see how decent he is."

If Li Zhuzi knew that she had quarreled with Shen Gui in front of Lu Ling, she would definitely be angry given how much Li Zhuzi loved Lu Ling.

"I'll go back and find my own way. It's just a small injury." Qin Qin said.

"But..." What else would Shen Canghai say, she would put away that excessive character only when facing her two apprentices.

"No but." Qin Qin still had a cold face.

"Then you can handle it yourself... If it doesn't work, please tell me, I'll go to the bamboo for medicine." Shen Canghai said, and then looked at Qin Qin: "Qin'er, why didn't you fight back? Gui'er is so over the top, you don't have to suffer Let's go."

Hearing Shen Canghai say that she was going too far, Shen Gui remained expressionless.

"Fight back? I can't beat her." Qin Qin curled her lips: "This is not about the dojo, and only senior sisters can fight so unscrupulously."

There is an inviolable rule in Lingshan, that is, disciples are not allowed to fight anywhere other than the dojo, no matter if it is a sparring or something.

If she didn't fight back, it wouldn't be a fight.

Think so.

"Shen Gui, come here." Hearing this, Shen Canghai glared at Shen Gui.

"Master." Shen Gui walked over, she was only a little shorter than Shen Canghai.

"Let me tell you, you don't know the severity of your strikes, do you? Is that what Zhuzi taught you before?" Shen Canghai reprimanded Shen Gui for a while, acting like a teacher.

During this period, Lu Ling just looked at it like this, and felt that Shen Canghai was a very responsible person.

Little did she know, she was deceived by Shen Canghai. At this time, both Qin Qin and Shen Gui could feel that her master was just taking this opportunity to "bully" Shen Gui.

There was no hiding the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shen Gui knew it, but he didn't want to say it. The master asked her to say a few words. As Shen Canghai said, she was too much... But she didn't want to hurt Qin Qin, it was the younger sister who bumped into her.

Obviously, in the past, junior sisters would never do such stupid things.

Shen Gui couldn't understand Qin Qin's thoughts, but her face was still calm.

"You two, you two didn't even know where to look when you quarreled. Is this the place where you quarreled?" Shen Canghai moved away.

At this moment, in the dining hall at the back, a group of young girls were surrounding them, pointing in the distance. Seeing Shen Canghai turn around, they immediately found a seat and sat down.

"It is estimated that by tomorrow morning at the most, the news about the two of you will spread." Shen Canghai said.

"Cut." Qin Qin shrugged, as soon as it spread, it spread, she didn't care anyway.

Shen Gui also thought the same way.

"Also, who did you two learn your temperament from? Why don't you know how to think about others, and always only think about yourself, Qin'er, you are so bloody when Lu Ling is still by your side... I didn't expect Xiao Will the girl be afraid?" Shen Gui said seriously.

"..." Qin Qin froze for a moment.

This is getting to the point, as for who she learned this character from... Qin Qin glanced at Shen Canghai, shook her head and remained silent.

As the master said, she was wrong, she forgot to bring Lu Ling with her.

"A Ling, I'm sorry, I took you home as a guest and had such an unpleasant fight with my senior sister, which embarrassed you." Qin Qin knelt down and said to Lu Ling.

Although Qin Qin has a selfish personality, she has one advantage, that is, she will not run away when she finds out that she is wrong, no matter who the other party is.

"'s okay, it's okay, Senior Sister Qin, your hand..." Lu Ling comforted Qin Qin, feeling uncomfortable at first, but she thinks the most important thing now is Qin Qin's hand—still bleeding Well, you need to hurry up and get treatment.

"It's okay." Qin Qin raised her hand and nodded on her shoulder, and then covered her arm with a layer of film, covering up the bloody wound.

"Okay." Shen Gui said, and walked in front of Shen Canghai.

When she came home today, she found that Shen Canghai was not there. What about the retreat that she agreed to?Why are you running around?

And this dress, she couldn't tidy it up ten thousand times, but now there is a man in Lingshan... Shen Gui stepped forward and buttoned Shen Canghai's button.

"Master, where have you been?"

"Me? I went to town." Shen Canghai grinned and gave Shen Gui a bright smile.

"..." Shen Gui took a deep look at Shen Canghai, the latter was still cynical, but she couldn't hide her seriousness from himself and his junior sister.

"Senior Sister... Forget it, for Master's sake, I won't quarrel with you." Qin Qin naturally felt that something was wrong with Shen Canghai, and was not in the mood to continue talking with them, and walked to the seat before Shen Gui. , raised his hand and sent a table of dishes to the young girls watching from afar.

"Junior sisters, my senior sister hasn't touched this yet, let's go home and eat now, don't waste it."

"No problem." A group of young girls nodded as if they were pecking at rice.

"A Ling, come with me to the back kitchen, let's go first." Qin Qin waved at Lu Ling, and Lu Ling followed.

"Heh." Before leaving, Qin Qin gave Shen Gui a look with obvious meaning.

I said, if I don’t let you eat, I won’t let you eat.

"All right, all right, let her go." Shen Canghai held Shen Gui's hand that was about to move, then collapsed on the seat, and yawned.

"I'm really exhausted today..."

"Gui'er, let me tell you, this group of Lingshan people are getting more and more difficult to take care of every day, a sacrificial ceremony made it so..." Shen Canghai closed his mouth after speaking, shaking his head in silence.

"Master, go back and rest when you're tired." Shen Gui said.

"I'm tired, I'm a little tired." Shen Canghai stood up slowly: "These old women are more able to cry than one another, and their tears seem to be free of money... It makes me feel very bad."

Shen Canghai raised his head and looked in the direction of the Sixth Peak, the bright moon hung high, and the cold moonlight shone down.

Master sister...

I was indeed not as good as her back then, and I am not as good as she is now.

The expression was solemn for a moment, but the frivolous color immediately returned.

"Guier, I'm very unhappy today, and I don't want to practice anymore. Otherwise, if you sleep with me all night and hold you, I will definitely be able to... ummmm—" Shen Canghai half-spoken, a pair of chopsticks just stuck in like this in her mouth.

"I'll go back first." Shen Gui said, turned and disappeared.

"Bah." Shen Canghai spat out the foreign object in his mouth, shaking his head dissatisfied.

A man sat on a chair for a while.

A lot happened today.

When she met Li Wangsheng, a sacrificial ceremony reminded her of many things she didn't want to think of... If only the bamboo was by her side now.

Shen Canghai felt a little cold, he tightened his body, and then looked across the space to Lu Ling.

"Lu Ling..."

The corner of the mouth curled up in a dangerous arc.

Today she learned something interesting from Li Wangsheng.

The ice bloodline, and the new guardian will definitely be a sense of accomplishment...and the little girl is also very cute, she is her favorite.

But there is an obstacle before that - Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling is Zhuzi's favorite student now, so it is probably quite difficult.

Shen Canghai stood up, passed through a group of girls, and went to the Lingtai.

Go find Li Zhuzi.


Lu Ling accompanied Qin Qin to take the food and returned home.

After that, Qin Qin treated the wound briefly, changed into a cook's clothes, and went to the kitchen by herself, leaving Lu Ling to wait outside.

She looked at Qin Qin's wrapped arms and felt worried... But there was nothing she could do, she could only sit obediently.

On the chair, Lu Ling sat cross-legged facing the door, resting her chin and looking at the bright moon outside the door.

It's not easy for Senior Sister Qin, she got into a fight, got hurt, and now she has to cook...


The senior and junior sisters who grew up together, as well as Xuechen and Hongling...

Lu Ling raised her head: [Xuechen, did the sisters' relationship get better through the noise? 】

【Master, I don't understand this kind of thing. 】 Xuechen waved his hand.

"Oh..." Lu Ling lowered her head.

She and Liu Fufeng had never quarreled... let alone such an excessive scene like today...

Sister relationship without friction, is it good?

Lu Ling began to think about such a question.

But she and Liu Fufeng really had no possibility of friction.

After all, she still misses Liu Fufeng.


Only friction will not get better, and reconciliation is needed, and after a certain level of improvement, it will not go up.

Qin Qin finished the meal, but she didn't see Shen Canghai, and walked to Shen Gui's room alone.

"Sister, it's time to eat."

After saying a word, he turned and left.

After a while, Shen Gui came out wearing a light gauze and went to the front hall.

When Shen Gui came back, Qin Qin and Lu Ling had already eaten half of their meal. Lu Ling was hungry and devoured it. She noticed Shen Gui and felt a little uncomfortable, but she still ate her own food.

Qin Qin, who used to be a chatterbox, didn't say anything today. After Lu Ling finished eating, she took Lu Ling back to the room. There was a lot of food left in the hall, but Shen Gui was the only one.

She still ate very slowly, elegantly eating all the fish and apricot vegetables on the table.

Most of what Qin Qin made was what she ordered in the canteen before.

Swallowing the last mouthful of rice, Shen Gui wiped his mouth and said something to the empty room.

"I went back to bed and it smelled good."

Say that every day.

Turn off the lights and leave.


In the room, Qin Qin is showing Lu Ling around.

"A Ling, how is my room?" Qin Qin asked.

"Very beautiful." Lu Ling nodded, then moved her nose.

The smell is also very good, there is an aroma that I don’t know what it is. At the same time, the color of the whole wooden house is very bright, and there are various furniture.

It was completely different from Shen Gui's room. Lu Ling still remembered that Shen Gui's room only had two stools, and it was so empty that it covered such a large area.

"It's fine if you like it. From today on, Ah Ling, you will sleep in the same bed with me." Qin Qin picked up Lu Ling and threw her into the sky amidst her exclamation. After an arc, she landed firmly on the ground. bed.

"It's a big bed, right?"

"En." Lu Ling felt that she had landed on a soft quilt, and a scent of virginity was radiated from her hands. At the same time, the bed was so big that she could roll on it unscrupulously.

Living with this young lady... Maybe it will be much more comfortable than I thought?

If there is no Shen Gui.

"Okay, let's stop here today, I'll take you around tomorrow, it's time to rest!" Qin Qin suddenly opened the curtains and picked Lu Ling up from the bed.

"Hey...wait! Sister Qin, what are you doing..." Lu Ling panicked under the control of others for a moment.

"Don't resist...hehehe..." Qin Qin "smirked" a few times: "A Ling, you have already slept in my bed, but you can't escape..."

Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling in her arms, rubbed her hands hard a few times, and then stretched out her hand to unbutton Lu Ling.

Lu Ling's one-piece skirt was untied, and only the inner garment was left on her body in an instant. Seeing this, Xuechen crawled out of the pocket of the skirt and looked at Qin Qin dissatisfied.

"Senior Sister Qin, what are you doing here?" Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, and retreated a little bit, and quickly retreated to the corner under Qin Qin's pressing step by step.

"Of course I bullied you." Qin Qin blew on Lu Ling's ear and whispered.

"...Don't, don't make trouble." Lu Ling's face turned red when she heard this.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Hearing this, Qin Qin stood up and muttered, "Living with a girl is indeed much happier than me alone, but you are still cute enough, A Ling."

It is not so easy for her to fight with Shen Gui.

"Qin, Senior Sister?" Lu Ling stood up, picked up her little skirt, and looked like she had been violated, her long hair was messy.

"Okay, take off your clothes." Qin Qin turned around, and then the green white skirt fell off, revealing her plump figure underneath.

"Take a bath, Ah Ling, don't you take a bath before going to bed?" Qin Qin took off her clothes, let her hair loose, and asked back.

"Washing is washing..." Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth.

"You don't want to be with me?" Qin Qin pouted when she heard this.


"What more to say, Ah Ling, I'll show you the place where I take a bath. I'll sprinkle some red flower petals for you today. It's a luxury..." Qin Qin took off her clothes, leaving only her underwear and the wrapped arms around her body. bandages.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Forget it, I'll carry you." Qin Qin said, carried Lu Ling out of the door, and went to the bathroom.


in front of the house.

Qin Qin and Lu Ling were covered with a layer of brocade, and at the same time, there was a cat lying on Lu Ling's shoulder.

"It's here." Qin Qin opened the door with a surprised expression.

It hasn't changed since childhood. The bathroom in their house is shared. When the curtain is opened, a gust of hot air blows in.

There was a large spring in the house, and the water mist filled the air. With the fragrance, Lu Ling squinted her eyes because of the mist.

so warm...

This was Lu Ling's first thought.

"Okay, let's go, be careful." Qin Qin led Lu Ling forward cautiously. When they reached the spring, Lu Ling tested the temperature and sat in.

Wrapped in hot water, the water vapor filled the room, Lu Ling couldn't see clearly what was one meter away, but her expression was very satisfied...

Sure enough, taking a bath is the best thing.

Qin Qin sat down beside Lu Ling, with her short hair coiled on her head. After fully submerged in the water, she removed the brocade from her body, and sprinkled some red flowers in the water.

"Safflower, relieves fatigue, slows blood, very suitable for girls."

"How is it here?" Qin Qin asked.

"It's very comfortable." Lu Ling nodded, squinting her eyes, and didn't want to move. The fog was so heavy that Lu Ling couldn't even see Qin Qin's face. However, she sat facing Qin Qin's right arm. Gauze was still tied on it, and there were some blood streaks in the water.

After thinking about it, I still didn't ask.

She can't do anything, so why ask.

Enjoying the warm water, Lu Ling didn't feel uncomfortable at the moment. Although she was a little shy with Qin Qin for the first time, she didn't resist, and she was almost used to it.

They're all girls, and she didn't take off her clothes by herself, so there's nothing to be shy about.


As time passed, Lu Ling's body turned red, and she slipped into the bottom of the water unconsciously. She was about to get up when she suddenly felt her feet touch a piece of cold and slippery.

Stop your feet now.

Wake up instantly.

Senior Sister Qin is sitting next to her, and the one opposite is...

Lu Ling came out of the water and looked carefully at the opposite side of the spring, and saw a figure looming in the mist.

Sure enough, there are people.

She didn't find out before...

But before she could open her mouth, the other party came out of the water. With the sound of water, the man put on a black coat, then took out a small bottle from his pocket and threw it at Qin Qin.

Qin Qin didn't go to pick it up, the small bottle fell into the water with a plop, and the water splashed on Lu Ling's face.

"..." The man didn't speak, and put on his clothes.

Just when the person was about to open the door, Qin Qin suddenly said, "Senior Sister, good night."

The figure paused for a moment, then replied in a low voice: "Ann."

then left.

"...What a dishonest guy." Qin Qin stretched his waist, then fished out the bottle of ointment from the water, opened it, smelled it, and raised the corners of his mouth: "I still have a conscience, knowing that I can't cure it by myself." , mixed with some spiritual power."

Qin Qin's mood suddenly improved.

"Senior Sister Qin...that person just now is..." Lu Ling swallowed, and another guess came to her mind.

"My senior sister." Qin Qin said nonchalantly, "Didn't you notice? I thought you saw her. She was here when we came."

Lu Ling: "..."

Ten thousand muddy horses galloped by in her heart, well, she just spent half an hour with that short-haired lady, face to face...

[Xuechen, why didn't you remind me? 】

【I thought you saw it, Master...】 Xuechen was also very wronged.

【never mind. 】Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that Shen Gui didn't trouble her, but today's incident also reminded her, since she lives in Qin Qin's means that this kind of thing will happen again in the future.

She needs to study Shen Gui's temper well, don't make her angry.

"A Ling, come here and help me... Hiss, it hurts like hell." Qin Qin touched the gauze on her arm, and blood overflowed in an instant, and she grinned in pain: "I don't know who I learned this sword energy from, and it will heal no matter what. not on."

"How to do it..." Lu Ling panicked.

"Just apply some medicine for me, hurry up..." Qin Qin gritted her teeth.

"Okay, okay." Lu Ling opened the bottle and applied the ointment evenly on Qin Qin's arm, but the wound did not heal.

"No, it's useless..." Lu Ling said anxiously.

"It works." Unlike Lu Ling, Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief. She changed into a gauze and wrapped it up again. As long as Shen Gui's sword energy was eliminated, with her body's self-healing ability, it is estimated that she would recover tomorrow morning. .

"Okay." Qin Qin looked very happy, and Shen Gui took the initiative to deliver the medicine, which can be regarded as a disguised resignation.

"Aling, let's soak for a while, I just endured the pain and didn't relax..."

"Okay." Lu Ling nodded.

No wonder Qin Qin didn't speak before.


at the same time.


Earlier, Shen Canghai forcibly pulled Li Zhuzi up from the bed, saying that he was chatting with her.

At this moment, the two of them were taking a bath together in the hot spring in the backyard, but Shen Canghai and Li Zhuzi were separated by a long distance, and Li Zhuzi didn't give her any chance to take advantage of it, but for Shen Canghai, it would be nice to be able to enjoy the eyesight .

"Zhuzi, tell me, how long can we hide that matter?" Shen Canghai spoke first.

"Keep it a secret, at least not let Han Yi know." Li Zhuzi took a bite of the fruit, and said, "Why do you care about this? I said don't go to the ceremony, and make trouble for yourself."

Then he said seriously: "For some things, the past is the past, so why hold on to it."

"You're right." Shen Canghai laughed, half of his body shrank into the water: "But I'm very unwilling... There was no winner at that time, why did she leave?"

"You are not her opponent." Li Zhuzi shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true." A flash of sword light flashed in Shen Canghai's eyes, and then he saw a bloody spike resting on her chest.

"If you cause a catastrophe and blow me up, you will die, Cang Hai." Li Zhuzi put away the Soul Devouring Nail as he said.

"Hehe." Shen Canghai smiled awkwardly, but immediately the girl's personality improved, and she puffed up her chest and said, "You try it, I won't resist."

"Bah." Li Zhuzi spat at her.

"By the way, Zhuzi, that student of yours is at my house now." Shen Canghai threw out a message lightly.

"You mean Ah Ling?" Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment, then his face turned livid, and he couldn't sit still for a moment, he got up and asked.

"Shen Canghai, what did you do to her?"

The soul-devouring nail in his hand shone coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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