Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 327 The Path and Progress of Cultivation

Chapter 327 The Path and Progress of Cultivation

"I-I don't know..."

Lu Ling lowered her head, looking a little disappointed.

She really didn't know what to learn, she only knew that it was the next step of cultivation, but what to practice?
Completely clueless.

Li Zhuzi taught her the first stage of cultivation step by step. At that time, she knew little, but now... she can understand a lot of words, but it is still a bit whimsical to ask her to practice independently.

So when Tang Keyu asked Tang Zheng, she also pricked up her ears.


Got such an answer.

Tang Sheng also said the same below, but what is Wenhun?Is it a realm or something else?

Lu Ling didn't know this at all, so she answered that she didn't know, instead of following Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng's words about Wenhun.

Thinking about it now, she doesn't even know what the next step of cultivation is, she has no direction at all, and her life so far has been arranged for her by Li Zhuzi or Liu Fufeng...

There is nothing bad either.

"I don't know." Lu Ling raised her head and said firmly, "I want to know."

"En." Seeing this, Tang Keyu raised the corner of his mouth, and then patted Lu Ling's shoulder to comfort her.

Master is very satisfied...

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng looked at each other, came to such a conclusion, and looked at each other.

"I like Lu Ling's answer." Tang Keyu walked up to Er Tang, and said to them, "Look at you sister Lu, and then look at you."

"Tang Zheng, do you know what a literary soul is?"

Tang Zheng: "..."

She really doesn't know... It's just that the little girls say that after the Qi Condensation state is the soul-dividing state, what you need to learn is the literary soul... But she really can't say what is the literary soul.

"Tang Sheng, do you know?"

"Master, I don't know, but I want to know." Tang Sheng hesitated for a moment, raised his head carefully and said.

"Call me teacher." Tang Keyu tapped the ruler lightly on Tang Sheng's head, then shook his head: "You girl can use what you have learned."

"Okay, today's first lesson, don't rush to break through the Qi Condensation Realm, let me explain to you first, what is a literary soul." Tang Keyu's white jade ruler slammed in front of Lu Ling, making a sharp sound.

Then, pictures appeared in the surrounding void, accompanied by Tang Keyu's slow voice.

"Lingshan disciples, one piece of paper and one piece of martial arts."

At this time, two groups of light spots appeared on the left and right of Lu Ling, one red and one blue.

"This is Wen." Tang Keyu clicked on the blue light, and then a picture unfolded in an instant.

This is a withered garden, the garden is full of brown weeds, lifeless at all, and then a young girl appeared in the garden, I saw a green light appeared on her hand, emitting bright green continuously, and at the same time the The time in the barren land seems to be speeding up. The dilapidated land is wiped out, and a little green sprout emerges from the ground. In just 1 minute, the green color covers the entire yard, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is completely different from the dilapidated one before.

"It's amazing..." Tang Sheng was stunned. Is such a miraculous power the literary soul?

Lu Ling also looked at it seriously, and at the same time thought about the role of this power.


protect environment?

"This is the most basic usage. Reviving all things is the power of Lingshan Wenhun." Tang Keyu wiped away the garden with his hand, and the picture changed. An injured person was lying on a wooden frame. It could be seen that he had lost his lower body, but some It was foggy so the wound couldn't be seen clearly.

"Well..." Tang Sheng covered his mouth, his eyes were full of fear and sympathy: "He was seriously injured, he won't die, right?"

Tang Zheng didn't speak, but she still avoided her eyes.

Lu Ling looked at it very seriously. Teacher Tang was still very considerate and didn't forget to code.

"Similarly, the spiritual power of Lingshan can be used to heal wounds on the body or the soul, because you haven't studied medicine yet, it's too bloody here, so I'll cover part of it." Tang Keyu said.

"The next step is to heal."

Following Tang Keyu's words, a young girl appeared in front of the wounded. After the same green light, the wounded's body continued to grow, and finally the entire waist down seemed to be reborn, until the toes appeared. The wounded put on clothes, walked on the ground, and then fencing Leaving, there can be seen the slightest serious injury.

"It's amazing..." Tang Sheng opened his mouth wide, and looked at the girl on the screen without blinking his eyes: "Is this the soul of literature? I want to learn this..."

"Cut." Tang Keyu obviously has no interest in healing or anything, magic is magic, but she doesn't want to learn.

"Wenhun..." Lu Ling frowned.

The so-called Wenhun should only be a part of the Lingshan branch, which is often referred to as a nanny... It wasn't because of this study that she almost forgot that she had joined a nanny sect.

So this red ball of light is Wu Po?

This setting of Wen and Wu is very innovative. I think her junior sister must be Wenhun, after all, she has read medical books for so long.

"Do you understand, what is Wenhun?" Tang Keyu accepted the illusion.

"Understood, it is the means of healing." Tang Sheng answered quickly.

Lu Ling nodded upon hearing this.

"That's right." Tang Keyu said: "The Wenhun represents a branch of Lingshan, and the most important duty of our Lingshan is the power of this Wenhun, to heal those injured fellow humans on the battlefield."

Then what appeared on the screen was the fighting scene of three or five small teams, four or five in pairs, spears sweeping across, sword qi crisscrossing, and standing in the middle was the Lingshan disciple, who had been standing in the safest place, moving from inch to inch, leaving a trail behind. At the same time, under her care, the young man wielding the gun in front has been at his peak and was not injured at all.

"Teacher Tang, I understand what a literary soul is, but what about a martial soul?" Tang Zheng asked, rather than hiding behind to heal or something, she prefers to go forward and kill the enemy, so as to protect her sister.

Lu Ling was also curious about this question.

"Wu Soul..." Tang Keyu clicked on the red light ball, hesitated to put it away: "The Wu Soul of Lingshan is all kinds of offensive methods. I don't know much about it, so I won't tell you, but you can You’ve seen the battle between Xu Xu and Shen Gui, it’s the martial spirit of Lingshan, who guards people with martial arts and establishes life with martial arts.”

"We are all guarded by them." Tang Keyu smiled: "Similarly, we are also guarding them."

"Oh..." Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng nodded half-understood.

Lu Ling now understood everything.

This is probably the so-called bond between nurses and warriors... and battle angels.

Then, Tang Keyu continued to give them the necessary knowledge for popular science.

"You should be clear about Wenhun and Wuhu. There is one thing you must understand. As a disciple of Lingshan, you can only practice one of these two paths. Once you choose the road of Wenhun, then the soul belongs to Wuhu. Part of the soul will be closed forever." Tang Keyu said.

"But Master, don't we have to learn Wen Hun next? Doesn't that mean we can't learn Wu Po?" Hearing what Tang Keyu said, Tang Zheng became anxious.

"I told you to call me teacher here, but I won't tell you to call you now." Tang Keyu curled his lips, and continued: "Since you asked Tang Zheng, I will explain it to you."

"The realm cultivation is generally common among the entire human race, but the names are different. The initial cultivation of Lingshan is very simple. The first three realms are the basic realm, which are——

"Concentrate Qi, Divide Soul, Unite Soul."

"The condensing state is the primary state for accumulating spiritual power and opening the spiritual gate. You are now in this state."

"Dividing the soul state, the initial contact with the power of the soul. In this state, the disciples of Lingshan will carry out the basic cultivation of the soul, which is what you will learn next."

"Advancement in the soul-integrating state and soul-dividing state. In this state, you will temporarily give up the aspect of literary and soul and concentrate on cultivating the power of martial soul. When it reaches the middle stage of the soul-forming state, disciples of Lingshan will face what every disciple will experience. Something... choose your own future path.

"Wen Hun, or Wu Po." Tang Keyu said solemnly: "This choice is very important."

"I see... That means let's try each of them before deciding, right?" Tang Sheng asked.

"Yes." Tang Keyu nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start, Teacher Tang!" Tang Zheng was full of energy at this time, wishing he could go through this kind of cultural soul training immediately and learn her favorite martial soul.

Lu Ling didn't care, she was very interested in the next training...

"What's the rush?" Tang Keyu sat on Li Zhuzi's chair of the same style, the silver earrings shook violently, and at the same time shook the ruler in his hand: "Let's go back to the first question."

"You all know that the next thing to learn is Wenhun, so what is Wenhun?" Tang Keyu raised this question, then narrowed his eyes, looked at the three girls in front of him, and carefully observed their expressions.

Tang Zheng had no idea, Tang Sheng was a little confused and flustered, Lu Ling... what was she thinking about.

"Tang Zheng, what is Wenhun?" Tang Keyu asked.

"What is it, teacher, didn't you explain everything clearly? It's a road." Tang Zheng said the most standard answer, but didn't say a word at the same time. This is a road she doesn't like.

"Lu?" Tang Keyu froze for a moment, then shook his head lightly: "Tang Sheng, what do you think? What is Wenhun."

"I think..." Tang Sheng thought for a while: "Probably it's the feeling of a doctor... Teacher Li often talks about medical things... Although I can't do what the teacher said about self-sacrifice, but if I can help someone, I will be very happy."

"It's your temper." Tang Keyu nodded in satisfaction.

"Lu Ling, what do you think? What is the literary soul in your heart?"

"I..." Lu Ling took a deep breath. She probably understood what this teacher Tang wanted to say. She didn't understand at first, but after recalling Tang Keyu's words, she had the answer in her heart.

"Wen Hun and Wu Po are actually no different." She said so.

"Oh? How should I say it?" Tang Keyu's eyes lit up.

"Choose whichever suits you, because I think the two are essentially the same." Lu Ling said, thinking of her junior sister, and the medical knowledge that her junior sister talked about all day long.

"In my opinion, Wenhun is guardianship, and martial soul is also guardianship, but the way of guardianship is different." At this time, Lu Ling's thoughts rose in the middle two, and her voice became louder and louder.

"Guard people with words, and establish life with martial arts."

"The soul of the text that I can think of is the way of protection."

She wanted to protect Liu Fufeng, that's why she wanted to practice.

She wants to protect Xuechen and face the unknown enemy, so she wants to practice.


She wanted to protect Tang Zheng, so she wanted to practice.

After so many days, Lu Ling can also understand how unnatural her talent is. It is said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and she will always grow up.

"Guardian..." Tang Keyu repeated Lu Ling's words, and chuckled: "You are right."

She knew that Lu Ling was thin-skinned, so it was really amazing to say such a thing...Another person would definitely be ashamed.

Then, Tang Keyu got up, put away his smile, and put on a serious look: "Lu Ling is right, the purpose of practicing in Lingshan is to protect it."

With a wave of his hand, the picture of the ancient times appeared in front of the three of them.

It was a small sect with only women, and it was very barren. Occasionally, powerful monks would come to ask for Lingbao, or bully, or even snatch people from the sect.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng looked at it, the expression on their faces gradually changed from confusion to anger, they had already realized something.

Day by day, this small sect was getting weaker and weaker, and it stopped accepting disciples, and gradually withered.

Later, this sect disappeared from the world. I don't know if it was destroyed or hidden. We can only see many monks looking for something on the ruins.

Thousands of years of cloud and smoke.

Humans and demons are fighting, the world is barren, and then a group of girls are active on the battlefield, which can exorcise demons and heal them, which is the most beautiful scenery.

Then in a blink of an eye, the nine peaks of Lingshan rose from the ground, and they were also female sects, flying swords in the sky, and red lotus bathing in fire, not losing to anyone.

No more enemies.


The screen stops and finally returns to calm.

The three of them were in different moods.

"Only with martial arts can one survive and control one's own destiny. In the final analysis, martial soul is to protect oneself." Tang Keyu reminded: "Cultivation is to protect yourself, and only after you become stronger can you protect the people you want to protect."

"Then it's about protecting those who stand shoulder to shoulder in times of racial peril."

"This is Lingshan."

Tang Keyu stopped talking and gave the three girls some time to think.



"Okay, that's all for the long-term, let's start practicing next." Tang Keyu said when the three of them gradually came back to their senses.

"Yes." The three nodded, all serious.

"The first step is to break through the Qi Condensation Realm, mobilize the spiritual energy in your lower dantian, and open up your middle dantian..." Tang Keyu began his teaching.


Tang Keyu's words had to be said, she wanted to let these girls understand what they were cultivating for, instead of just knowing how to move forward like a task.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng should be able to understand that Lingshan is home to them.

But Lu Ling is different.

Lingshan is not home.

Liu Fufeng and Li Zhuzi are home.

At least so far.

So Lu Ling has no feeling at all about Lingshan being bullied, but she still has her own reasons to practice. If she doesn’t become stronger, she can’t protect the people she wants to protect. For her naive, having such a goal is enough .

Once upon a time, she was just floating in the sea of ​​clouds, thinking about the meaning of her existence, but now she also found the meaning of life and the motivation to practice.

Follow your heart, live with the situation, and interest, these things will not change, but she must also become stronger, so that she is qualified to live with the situation.

At this time, Lu Ling, who became serious, carefully mobilized her spiritual power, and transferred it from the lower dantian to the middle dantian, and it was a matter of course.

After completing this step, the aura on Lu Ling's body changed instantly, as if some barrier had been broken, a gust of cold air enveloped her, and then shattered, ice slag fell to the ground, and the cold air overflowed, making Tang Zheng next to her unconsciously I shivered.

She broke through.

In an instant, Lu Ling felt that the world was clear, and her ears were more sensitive than before...

Then, according to what Tang Keyu said, stabilize the realm.


In the pocket, Xuechen looked at Lu Ling obsessively.

She likes such a master, a serious master, especially attractive.


Outside the door, Qin Qin listened to Lu Ling's speech about guardianship, smiled lightly, and then flew away and disappeared.

Cultivation has already started, she should have nothing to do in a short time, so take this time to go and play with Luo Xian and increase their relationship.


Once you start practicing, your life will be the same for the rest of your life.

In a flash, half a month passed.

In the past half a month, Lu Ling's cultivation has been completely stabilized in the soul-dividing state, and her middle dantian has been developed, and her talent is so good that she can master it within half an hour after Tang Keyu's teaching. It would be much worse to recruit Tang Sheng, so most of the time in the school was Lu Ling who was reading books, learning some characters and waiting for them.


Lu Ling also understood almost everything, and also memorized the running route of the meridians, and also remembered the cycle of big and small circles during daily meditation. Knowing which route the spiritual power runs on can produce the unique power of the soul.

In the middle, she went to see Li Zhuzi once, and the latter was also very satisfied after passing Lu Ling's exams.

Lu Ling didn't think she was smart, she could only say that Teacher Tang taught her very well, and she always gave her pointers to the point.

Gradually, Lu Ling's interest in cultivation was aroused, because during cultivation, the feeling of ecstasy is very charming, and every time after meditation, there is a feeling of being filled in the body... She feels that she can't stop.

It has become a habit to live in Shen Gui's house. Now that Lu Ling sees Shen Gui, she will respectfully say "Senior Sister Shen".

Generally speaking, her changes this month are not big, but there must be some.



After dinner.

Lu Ling was sitting on the edge of Qin Qin's bed, holding a book and studying it carefully. There were a few words "Concentrating Heart Jue" written on it.

Today, Teacher Tang sent each of them a copy of this book, saying that they were asked to go home and practice on their own. This is the most basic healing spell in Lingshan.

That is to say, if there is no accident, Lu Ling will be able to master the skills of the first milkman today.

She is about to take the first step on her way to becoming a nanny.

"Qi sinks to the dantian, turns from the middle to the upper side, and the left merges into the sun..." Lu Ling used the method written in the book to run her spiritual power, and at the same time absorbed the free elements in the air. This book needs a small amount of fire spirit energy to make Lingshan spirit The combination of force and fire aura can have a healing effect.

Although her inspiration is not very good, it is still very easy to find some fire aura.

"...Guo Chengfeng, turn soft..."

Lu Ling muttered to herself.

She can understand the meaning of these complicated books now.

After a while.

"It's done!"

Lu Ling saw that the aura in her palm, which should have been light blue, was dyed red, and exuded a feeling of warmth, showing surprise on her face.

If you are right, this is the so-called Heart Concentration Jue. According to the book, the Concentration Heart Jue nourishes qi and blood, and also dispels the cold. It can get twice the result with half the effort when healing cold wounds.

Do you use it for yourself?
Lu Ling thought so, but she was not injured, how could she know if it was all right...

Make a fist and extinguish this fire spiritual power.

At this moment, the door opened, and Qin Qin walked in with Xuechen on her shoulders—in her soft and hard palate, Lu Ling's ears were covered with calluses, so she would occasionally order Xuechen to accompany her for a while.

【Owner. 】When Xuechen entered the room, he threw himself into Lu Ling's arms and rolled.

"Senior Sister Qin, you are back." Lu Ling closed the book and stood up.

"En." Qin Qin took off her Taoist robe, put on a Baishui skirt, and moved her nose: "Aling, have you practiced the method of Wenshun? Why did I smell the smell of Concentrating Heart Art?"

Then he walked over, looked at the book in Lu Ling's hand, and showed such an expression.

"Heart Concentration Jue, I miss it so much... This is also the first time I learned the method of Wenhun." Qin Qin sat next to Lu Ling: "This should be quite simple, Ah Ling, you can learn it by yourself."

"En." Lu Ling nodded, opened her palm, and a ball of light red spiritual power floated up.

"It's the Heart Concentration Art, but I don't know how pure it is. It's a pity that I don't have a test stone for schools at home..." Qin Qin thought for a while and came up with an idea. She closed her eyes and said.

"A Ling, you have to try it on me, so that I can feel how well you have cultivated."


Lu Ling was worrying that there was no place to take the test, and it was best if Qin Qin was willing to help her.

So, Lu Ling circulated her spiritual energy, and then the spiritual energy flew to three inches above Qin Qin's head, spinning slowly, and at the same time, a spot of light gradually fell on Qin Qin's body and was absorbed by her.

In about ten seconds, the aura completely disappeared.

Qin Qin opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Aling, you are very powerful. The purity of your aura is almost comparable to mine. You are indeed a natural genius..."

The word "genius" stopped abruptly before he finished speaking, and Qin Qin's smile froze on his face.

In Lu Ling's horrified sight, a stream of blood flowed down from the corner of Qin Qin's mouth, staining the light green Baishui skirt red.

 Thanks for the reward of 4000 starting coins from Xuesheng on the run, and 2000 starting coins from Qingtian Biyun!I finally have a name^_^, by the way, why do you still say that I have an update... Isn't it good to have 6000 words for an update?Do you want me to break it into three chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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