Chapter 328

Qin Qin's smile froze on her face, and blood dripped from the corner of her mouth to her chest, staining the new dress she just put on red.

"Qin, Senior Sister Qin, are you okay..."

Seeing this, Lu Ling panicked instantly. She got up from the bed and walked around Qin Qin a few times, wanting to bang but not daring.

Qin Qin ignored Lu Ling, still maintaining a dull expression.

Lu Ling almost burst into tears.

isn't it...

Is it because of her Concentration Art just now?But this one is for replenishing blood... It wouldn't be because of too much replenishing blood before throwing up.

【Master, don't panic, you're not dead yet. 】 Xuechen glanced at Qin Qin, her face full of indifference. From her angle, she could clearly see that Qin Qin's qi and blood were wiped out by [-]% in an instant. It is considered a serious injury, of course death is unlikely, and with this woman's resilience, it is estimated that she can recover after a meal.

Xuechen focused on Lu Ling.

Now my master doesn't seem to be suitable for cultivating Wenhun, obviously...

Somewhat puzzled.

Obviously, Xuechen's consolation was completely useless to Lu Ling, she didn't really believe what this little thing said, she was still running around anxiously.

"Senior Sister Shen...Senior Sister Shen..." Lu Ling suddenly remembered something, as if grabbing the last straw, she stumbled out the door.

Immediately, I felt that I had bumped into a soft body, and what came out of my nostrils was a fresh scent of saponins.

"What are you panicking about?"

A familiar voice came to my ears.

Lu Ling raised her head and saw Shen Gui in a black Taoist robe, she was instantly sure, and instantly felt at ease.

"Senior Sister Shen, Senior Sister Qin..." Before Lu Ling finished speaking, Shen Gui threw her away and strode into the door.

As soon as Shen Gui came back from Lun Taoist Temple, he felt that Lu Ling was calling her, and at the same time, there was an unusual smell of blood in Qin Qin's room, so he teleported over.

"This is..." Shen Gui frowned, then slapped Qin Qin on the back, knocking her staggering.

Lu Ling was taken aback when she saw this, but unlike what she thought, Qin Qin regained consciousness instantly after taking a slap.

"Puff—cough cough..."

A mouthful of blood was spat on the ground, and she kept coughing. At this time, her face was pale, and her white teeth were stained red with blood. She had another kind of glamorous feeling, and her lips seemed to be covered with a layer of rouge.

"Junior Sister, what happened?" Shen Gui grasped the sword, his spiritual consciousness instantly dissipated, and he observed the surroundings.

"It's okay." Qin Qin waved his hand to stop Shen Gui's movement: "It's Ah Ling."

"Lu Ling?" Shen Gui put away his consciousness, waved to Lu Ling, motioning for her to come over.

"Senior Sister Qin, I... I'm sorry." Lu Ling held back for a long time and didn't know what to say, so she could only bow her head and apologize.

"I don't blame you, and don't worry, I'll be fine later, it was many years before you wanted to hurt me... Cough, cough." Qin Qin put on a forced smile and nodded to Lu Ling with a smile. head.

"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling felt more at ease. Indeed, it was too early for her to think about hurting Senior Sister Qin.

It's fine.

"Let me adjust my breath, Senior Sister, don't leave yet." Qin Qin went to bed cross-legged, and practiced exercises to repair her body. Before she finished her breath adjustment, she had to wait for a while to return safely.

"it is good."

Shen Gui stood aside, her eyes were covered by her broken hair, but it could be seen that she was puzzled.

Her junior sister's injury was not a minor injury, it was a soul injury, or a more serious one. At that time, Qin Qin was seriously injured, and her entire body function was temporarily shut down to protect her spirit, so she had that frozen appearance.

But since she didn't die, it was indeed a minor injury to her junior sister.

As she said, Qin Qin had only been in meditation for ten seconds, and her face turned red, and her complexion gradually improved. Seeing this, Lu Ling's heart was in her stomach.

"Lu Ling..." Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling, who was shocked, and immediately stood up straight.


"What did you do?" Shen Gui asked.

"I..." When Lu Ling heard this, her small face collapsed in an instant, and she shook the Concentration Art next to her.

"???" Several question marks flashed in Shen Gui's eyes.

She has also learned the Concentration Art, she used it once to repair Lu Ling's arm last time, it was used to activate blood...

What, the bloody soul was injured?No matter what, her junior sister is also ranked first on this Lingshan Mountain, a leader in literary and soul, who can't even use the Concentration Art?
"Huh..." In a short time, Qin Qin's complexion returned to normal, and she got up from the bed, no longer feeling weak.

"Okay, don't worry." Qin Qin gave Lu Ling a reassuring look, and then looked at the blood on the skirt, feeling a little unhappy.

"The clothes I just changed... oops..."

Speaking in front of Shen Gui and Lu Ling, he untied the waistband, revealing a slim and plump figure, then bent down to find something in the cabinet.

Shen Gui just waited for her to finish changing clothes, and dawdled for a while before opening his mouth.


"Why are you so fierce?" Qin Qin sat beside Lu Ling in a black gauze, her face gradually turned cold from smiling.

"I don't know, but there is something wrong with Ah Ling's Concentration Art..."

Qin Qin is very unhappy now, very unhappy, because if there is something wrong with Lu Ling's literary spirit, how can she argue with Shen Gui.

"Concentration formula?"

"Aling, use me again." Qin Qin said.

"Yes." As Qin Qin wished, Lu Ling circulated her meridians, and raised a light red spiritual light ball in her hand.

This time, Qin Qin looked carefully, her eyes were shining brightly, she didn't even miss Lu Ling's spiritual power route this time.

"It's done." Lu Ling said.

"No problem." Qin Qin frowned: "Try facing me again."

"But..." Lu Ling hesitated, the clump of spiritual power in her hand just now caused Senior Sister Qin to vomit blood... It's still quite scary to look at.

"It's okay, I wasn't prepared before, so just come." Qin Qin said it's okay.

"Alright then." Lu Ling had no choice but to listen to Qin Qin.

As Qin Qin absorbed the Concentration Art, her complexion gradually changed from solemn to puzzled.

The warmth that enters the body is the art of concentrating the heart, that's right...

However, just when this mass of spiritual power dissipated and began to show its repairing effect on the soul, the angel's face instantly turned into a demon, and he opened his bloody mouth like a tarsal maggot and went towards Qin Qin's soul. There is the meaning of completely erasing it.

That kind of warm spiritual power also transformed into extreme cold, like ice from hell, with a greedy face attached to Qin Qin's soul, even more aggressive than Dongfang Lianren's soul-eating poison.


Qin Qin groaned.

Although she made preparations this time, she was still cut off some blood, but this time the damage was very small, only about one percent of the previous reduction in blood, and it was repaired with just one breath.

The devouring time is extremely short, and it disappears in a flash. Qin Qin will find it difficult to catch these little tails.

"Huh..." Qin Qin opened his eyes, his face full of seriousness.

This strange power... what is it?
"Senior Sister Qin, are you okay..." Lu Ling asked cautiously.

"It's okay, I said you wanted to hurt me 20 years too early." Qin Qin smiled at Lu Ling.

In fact, the heart has sunk underwater.

This kind of unknown power... She seems to have seen it in a book... But it shouldn't be, her A Ling doesn't have a trace of magic energy, so how can she have such a strange power.

The demons have all sorts of strange methods on the soul. In addition to seizing the body, this method of ignoring the aura of body protection and directly attacking the soul is notorious, because this method is only used by demon king-level demons. The reason why it is troublesome is because once When it is deployed, even her master's hidden sword can only resist forcefully, and it cannot be defended.

How could Ah Ling have anything to do with the Demon Race?

Qin Qin took a deep breath and put away this appalling thought.

"What's the situation?" Shen Gui was also very surprised at this time, what kind of cultivation was Lu Ling, what was Qin Qin's cultivation, and now her junior sister was slightly injured when she was preparing... It's a bit shocking.

"It looks like it's the Heart Concentration Art, it can play a role in promoting blood circulation and repairing." Qin Qin said, but changed the topic: "But Ah Ling, your Heart Concentration Art still has a small gift..."

"Small gift?" Lu Ling was a little confused.

"That is to say, let's stop studying for a while." Qin Qin reminded: "Aling, don't use the Concentration Art on other people, do you understand?"

Not everyone is as self-healing as she is.

"I see." Lu Ling was a little disappointed, she still couldn't do things well.

"Junior Sister..." Shen Gui was about to speak when he was interrupted by Qin Qin.

"Senior sister, I still can't figure it out. I'll go see Ke Yu sister tomorrow. If you don't know much about Wenhun, go back and rest."

Now that Lu Ling has a problem in cultivating her soul, Qin Qin is more anxious than Lu Ling. Facing her biggest enemy, Shen Gui, she naturally can't put a good face on it.

"..." Shen Gui was silent for a moment, nodded, and turned to leave.

"A Ling, don't worry too much, Sister Ke Yu will always find a solution... Let's take a bath and relax..." Qin Qin saw Lu Ling's loss, put on a smile and pulled Lu Ling to the bathroom .



At night, Lu Ling was sleeping peacefully on Qin Qin's big bed in her pajamas. Qin Qin seemed to be asleep with her back to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling couldn't sleep.

At this time, the moonlight outside the window shone on the Fengming Qin, reflecting silver light.

It was rare for Lu Ling to not look bad when she was on the bed. At this time, she was lying flat, her long hair neatly spread under her body, and her big eyes were full of water, which was very obvious at night.

[Xuechen, are you asleep? ] Lu Ling called out.

[No, how can I sleep if the master doesn't sleep. ] Xuechen was lying next to Lu Ling's ear at this time, and when she saw Lu Ling calling her, she rubbed her ear.

[Xuechen, do you think I can't do anything well? 】Lu Ling turned her head to the side, looking at the bright moon outside the window, her expression was a little cold.

【Master, what are you talking about?The hosts are the best. 】 Xuechen said firmly.

[But this text soul is the most basic thing. Teacher Tang said that every Lingshan disciple knows it, but I couldn’t do it well, and I almost hurt Senior Sister Qin...] Lu Ling took a deep breath, and the sound of breathing was heard in the silent night very clear.

【Master, actually...】 Xuechen thought for a while, but still didn't say it, because today she didn't understand why her master had problems in cultivating the soul.

Qin Qin suspected that her master was a demon, and she was also blind. So who was the snow girl who created that snowstorm?Demon traitor?

[It’s just a group of ignorant human races. Even if the master doesn’t learn this kind of soul, he is still very powerful. Besides, isn’t there such a system...] Xuechen can’t comfort people, he can only think of what to say.

【system?I don't have any system, as you said, it's just my own thing. 】Having known each other for so long, Lu Ling has already dug out what she wants to know from Xuechen's mouth, so what talent, deletion and appearance are all under her control.



Lu Ling suddenly remembered that she hadn't read her profile for a long time, so she closed her eyes and meditated in her heart.

Then, a panel unfolded in front of her, at the same time Xuechen also closed his eyes, watching with Lu Ling.


Name: Lu Ling

Road number: none
Gender: Female
Vitality: 90%
Spirit power: 100%
Realm: split soul


[Royal Sword Riding the Wind]: Sword system final settlement damage +20%, movement technique final settlement +20%
Special (1): Yujian rides the wind to eliminate demons between heaven and earth.

Special (2): Nourish the awe-inspiring righteousness of the world.

【Bright Wrist Frost Snow】

The final settlement damage of the ice system is +50%, and all attributes are enhanced.

Special (1): Frost Body.

Special (2): Ice affinity.

【Thirteen Emblems of Five Tones and Six Rhythms】

The upper limit of the temperament department is doubled, and you can freely switch between the soul of the soul and the soul of martial arts when using musical instruments.

Special: Immune to psychiatric abnormalities.

Status: ①The meridian is damaged, combined with yang, bearing tendon, and flying blockage.

②Aura body protection: counterattack when receiving a fatal attack, the number of times [1/20]



It was alright at first, but later on Lu Ling looked more and more frightened, that she was so strong... Lu Ling, who had a certain understanding of this world, found that several of her talents were top-notch. Very powerful type, and the one [Five Tones and Six Rhythms and Thirteen Emblems] that I didn't understand before, now I understand its function.

Wen Hun and Wu Po... No wonder I thought I heard this name before in class... It is also a talent against the sky. Teacher Tang said that a person can only walk one way.

When using a musical instrument, you can freely switch between the soul of the soul and the soul of the martial arts...

That means she can double cultivate, right?

Lu Ling was a little happy, and her depressed mood was relieved, which showed that she could not only be a nanny, but also go out to fight the enemy, so that she could better protect her junior sister.

There is no change in the status bar, but the status of [Ice on the Fire] is gone. Lu Ling remembers that it can counterattack once and restore vitality. The fire glass with this status seems to be given to Mr....

If it's gone, it's gone, she doesn't care, and that state has an ice damage reduction, Lu Ling remembers clearly.

Although she didn't know what ice damage was, the panel she hadn't seen for a long time did surprise her.

Lu Ling continued to look down, and then froze.


Cultivation method: Shocking Rock Jue (in practice): Ice element training speed +30%, ice element power increased by 10%.


Concentrating Heart Jue (Elementary): Restores 20% of the target's maximum HP, expels primary cold poison, adds the status of [Activating Blood], and continuously restores Qi and blood.

Note: The current state of the soul of the soul conflicts with [Hao Wrist Frost Snow], and the attribute increases——

Concentrating Heart Jue (Poison): In the state of invigorating blood, reduce the target's current HP by 20%, receive the bonus of Martial Soul, and add the state of [Soul Devouring Cold Poison].

Status: Senior Sister of the Ninth Peak of Lingshan.

Great World Prestige: 15 [Cultivation speed increased by 1.5%]

Prestige of Lingshan: 100 [Healing of the soul of the soul increases by 1%, and the calculation of the damage of the martial soul ignores the increase of the defense by 1%]

Rating: Nobody


When she first saw the Concentrating Heart Jue, Lu Lingxin mentioned it, and the following attributes were no problem, as written in the book, but the bloody red "note" below surprised her.

Conflicting with her ice talent, the recovery of qi and blood has been reduced, and a terrifying-sounding [Soul Devouring Cold Poison] is added.

The skills of a good milkman have changed so much.

After reading it, Lu Ling opened her mouth wide and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Xuechen suddenly realized.

【I said how could the master not even learn such a small thing, look, this cold poison is much more powerful than any concentrating heart formula. 】Xuechen said happily: 【No wonder that woman surnamed Qin is on guard, Master, you can still hurt her. It turns out that there is such a martial soul attached to the damage calculation that ignores defense...】

She doesn't quite understand what it means to ignore defense, but it should be directly affecting the soul.

【Master, the prestige of this Lingshan is so powerful, it directly affects the soul. We can definitely add a lot of trouble in Lingshan, and then [-]% ignore defense or something...] Xuechen is very excited, Lu Ling has added a lot of powerful things , she was even happier than Lu Ling.

【Shut up. 】Lu Ling's voice was a little low, obviously, she was not happy at all.

The cat shuddered and stopped talking.

She is very good at seeing Lu Ling's expression now.

[What kind of poison is this... I don't like it. ] Lu Ling shook her head. She is now learning the soul of the text, and the task given by Teacher Tang has not yet been completed. Moreover, this ability is very dangerous. The means of saving people has now become a murderous thing.

From Qin Qin's instructions to her, telling her not to use it on others casually, Lu Ling knew that Senior Sister Qin felt that she was very dangerous now.

She doesn't like this feeling, she doesn't want to be an outlier.

【Xuechen, what do you think is the reason for this conflict? 】Lu Ling turned her head and looked at the cat.

[I...I don't know...] The girl's voice gradually weakened.

[Sure enough, it's the talent of the ice element. You said if I don't want this so-called bright wrist frost and snow, will there be conflicts? ] Lu Ling seems to have made an opinion.

Hearing this, the cat trembled violently.

This is the proof that the master is a snow girl...

【Kidding. 】Lu Ling turned over, then closed her eyes: 【Let's see what Senior Sister Qin can do tomorrow. 】

As she spoke, her breathing became even and she found the source of the problem, so Lu Ling felt relieved.

The big deal is to not use this literary soul for the time being.


Xuechen didn't recover until Lu Ling fell asleep. Obviously, she was frightened by the ruthlessness in her master's eyes at a certain moment.

Curled up, stuck to Lu Ling's back, and fell asleep.

After a long time, Qin Qin, who had opened his eyes and kept his back to Lu Ling, closed his eyes until the breathing of one person and one cat became weak.

Lu Ling didn't sleep, but she couldn't sleep.


The next day, Qin Qin took Lu Ling to Tang Keyu's house early. At this time, the two little girls were still sleeping, but Qin Qin informed Tang Keyu in advance, so when Lu Ling arrived, Tang Keyu had already followed Qin Qin's instructions. Get everything ready.

There was even one more person, and Li Zhuzi was also there. Hearing that there was something wrong with Lu Ling's Wenhun, Tang Keyu notified Li Zhuzi immediately, and the latter rushed over as soon as he got the news.

"Hello, Teacher Tang." Lu Ling opened the door and entered the room, said something subconsciously, and then saw Li Zhuzi standing beside her, and was taken aback for a moment.

"First, sir."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Li Zhuzi saw Lu Ling's nervousness and uneasiness, and said lightly.

"Yes, sir." Hearing this, Lu Ling nodded fiercely.

Originally, Qin Qin was panicked when she said early in the morning that she was going to take her for a test, but now that Li Zhuzi was by her side, she was not afraid of anything.

"Master Li, sister Ke Yu." Qin Qin walked to the two of them.

"Qin Qin, what's wrong with Ah Ling?" Li Zhuzi asked seriously. Tang Keyu told her how could there be a problem with a small basic exercise that she learned yesterday.

"I can't say, Mr. Li, you can see for yourself." Qin Qin said, leading Lu Ling to a white jade platform.

This is the equipment used by Lingshan to test the power of Wenhun.

"A Ling, put your Concentration Art on it." Qin Qin said.

"Yes." Lu Ling put her hand on the warm white jade, urging her spiritual power - she didn't have any pressure to use poison on a dead object.

With the appearance of the red spirit ball, a layer of bright green appeared on the white jade platform, and then several numbers appeared.

Tang Keyu and Li Zhuzi both came to see it.

"Twenty percent of the recovery amount, and the effect of continuous blood circulation is also correct..." Tang Keyu looked at the indicators, and nodded to indicate that there is no problem.

"anything else."

Speaking of which, Qin Qin took Lu Ling to another Baiyu Terrace, which was used to test the lethality of primary martial souls, which was roughly equivalent to the defense power of late-stage martial souls.


"En." Lu Ling understood what she meant, and stretched out her hand to continue.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu looked at each other, puzzled.

The method of Lu Ling's kung fu is Concentration Art, what exactly is Qin Qin trying to test...

 Thank you Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, Escape の Xuesheng for the 1000 tip, and Wuguiwu for the tip. This panel appears once in hundreds of chapters, but there is no water.

(End of this chapter)

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