Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 329 Liu Fufeng's Recent Situation

Chapter 329 Liu Fufeng's Recent Situation

Under Tang Keyu's and Li Zhuzi's puzzled eyes, Lu Ling pressed the fire spirit power in her hand on the Baiyun platform, like a stone sinking into the sea, without even a splash.

this is normal.

If there was no damage, there would be no abnormality in this Baiyutai.

But neither Tang Keyu nor Li Zhuzi raised any doubts, they had already discovered something was wrong.

"Aling's spiritual problematic." Li Zhuzi frowned.

The moment her voice fell, the gentle spiritual power revealed its original hideous face, frantically devouring everything they could see.

In a short period of time, the Baiyu Terrace in the late stage of the Soul Realm dimmed by one-fifth, and there was a layer of dark green glow on his body, which lasted for a few minutes before disappearing.

At this time, the Baiyu Terrace was dilapidated and dilapidated, and might fall apart at any time.

"Bamboo... this..." Tang Keyu looked at the Baiyu Terrace in front of him, and took a breath, the silver earrings were shaking, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Where is Lingshan's Concentration Art?

"The qi and blood have been reduced by [-]%, paralyzing the soul, and added a soul-devouring poison for a while, which is somewhat similar to Dongfang Lianren's, but the destructive power is much worse, but it spreads faster and is more fierce." Li Zhuzi After reaching the conclusion, the frowning eyebrows were loosened, as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Qin looked at Li Zhuzi very puzzled, and didn't understand why Master Li looked relieved, obviously the matter was serious, wasn't it?
"Bamboo, this kind of thing is still unheard of." Tang Keyu thinks there is a lot of room for investigation.

"It's very strange, but if it's like this, I'm relieved." Li Zhuzi pulled Lu Ling, who had her head down, over and rubbed her hair into a mess.

"I thought, Ah Ling, you couldn't even learn the art of concentrating your heart, but now it seems that you are very smart."

"Sir..." Lu Ling's small body was staggering with Li Zhuzi's rubbing, but now she was more puzzled.

Don't you think she's dangerous?
"It's fine if you're not stupid. As for other things, don't worry, it's not necessarily a bad thing." Li Zhuzi raised his hand and gave Lu Ling a reassuring look.

She could tell that the student's interest was very low, probably due to lack of self-confidence. As Lu Ling's husband, Li Zhuzi naturally wanted to become the source of her student's confidence.

"I won't tie your hair, you know I'm not good at it." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's messy hair and said so.

"Yes, sir." Lu Ling felt a sore nose for some reason, and then raised her hand to continue her ponytail.


During this period, Li Zhuzi walked up to Qin Qin and said coldly, "What else?"

Qin Qin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, facing Li Zhuzi she was unnaturally nervous.

"Master Li, it is the method of the demons to directly attack the soul by ignoring the true energy of the body protection. Of course, I am not saying that Ah Ling is a demon, but..."

As he spoke, Qin Qin explained.

"Can it hurt you?" After listening, both Tang Keyu and Li Zhuzi were stunned.

"That's really interesting." Li Zhuzi pondered for a while, and asked Tang Keyu: "Keyu, what did you see?"

Shaking his head, Tang Keyu couldn't understand: "I can't say it either, the Heart Concentration Art is extremely gentle, and logically speaking, this kind of problem won't happen."

This matter is actually very serious, and Qin Qin has never made a fuss over a molehill.

It is no longer Lu Ling's business alone, but has risen to a severe height.

First of all, there is absolutely no problem with Lu Ling's exercise method, then it is the problem of Concentrating Heart Jue, which has hidden dangers - even if it conflicts with Lu Ling's physique, it is also a problem with the book.

Imagine if the disciples of Lingshan used their spirit to save people, but put them to death directly...

No one wants to see this happen.

The Heart Concentration Jue is the foundation of the soul, and it can be used many times. Even Shen Gui and Lu Ling can use it to know its importance.

"It shouldn't be a problem with the Concentration Art." Li Zhuzi glanced at the collapsed Baiyu Terrace: "A Ling's Concentration Art just now carried a severe cold, no, cold poison."

Although it was only for a moment, Li Zhuzi did capture it.

"Cold poison..." Tang Keyu nodded.

"It's not about the Condensing Heart Jue, but even if it's cold poison, it doesn't mean that the Concentrating Heart Jue and ice-type physique..." Qin Qin was interrupted by Li Zhuzi in the middle of his sentence.

"Ah Ling is different." Li Zhuzi stared at Qin Qin: "You girl, you've been thinking about her for so long, didn't you even realize this?"

"It's different..." Qin Qin nodded awkwardly.

Lu Ling was really different, she didn't even respond to eating the little longevity fruit raw, and thinking of the heavy snow in Lingshan before, she would be a fool if she didn't understand what Li Zhuzi meant.

"It means that Lu Ling's physique is unique?" Tang Keyu didn't know about the ice blood, but she understood Li Zhuzi's thoughts.

"It's the only one." Li Zhuzi said firmly, then looked at Lu Ling who had tied up her ponytail, and shook her head: "It's the first time I've seen some physique conflict with the soul..."

"Conflict?" Lu Ling's expression changed, what did Mr. see?

"Heh, you girl." Li Zhuzi noticed Lu Ling's expression, and after a moment of stupefaction, he smiled helplessly.

It seems that this stupid girl doesn't know anything...

But she didn't intend to ask more questions.

"First, sir, what's going on?" Lu Ling walked over, a little guilty.

In fact, she knew exactly what was going on, but it was difficult to say it to the outside world. It would be best if the husband could see it... She also wanted Li Zhuzi to help solve this problem.

"Your physique may not be suitable for spiritual cultivation in Lingshan." Li Zhuzi took out the ruler and tapped on Lu Ling's head.


"It's not a bad thing..." Li Zhuzi thought for a while, she had been struggling with how to let Lu Ling choose. Now that Lu Ling's soul has become what it is now, it is also a new attempt.

"You can continue to learn with Teacher Tang first, and see how the other attributes of the exercises are. I will make a decision at that time." Li Zhuzi said, after all, the Concentration Art is of the fire attribute, and it is certain that it will conflict with the ice blood.

But isn't this ice bloodline a bit too domineering?

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's limp look and shook his head.

It is also necessary to tell Master about this matter... After all, things about the Frost Bloodline are not trivial matters.

"Continue to study? En." Lu Ling nodded vigorously. She didn't know what to do at first, but now that her husband asked her to continue to study, then continue to study.

Sure enough, the husband would not find her troublesome or dangerous.

The more Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi, the more she liked him.

"By the way, you use it on me once." Li Zhuzi remembered something and said.

When she returned home, she checked the classics to see if she could find any clues in the books, but for the sake of caution, she still wanted to experience for herself what the power of the conflict between the icy blood and the Heart Concentration Jue looked like.

"Sir, I..." Lu Ling backed away while shaking her head.

This kind of method that would hurt people, she absolutely didn't want to use it against Li Zhuzi, absolutely not, and it was absolutely not allowed to hurt Mr. or something.

She knew that her cultivation base was low, but ignoring defense was ignoring defense. If Li Zhuzi was really injured, Lu Ling would never forgive herself.

Only Liu Fufeng and Li Zhuzi could not be injured, not at all.

"A Ling, you don't think you can hurt Master Li, do you..." Qin Qin came to do Lu Ling's ideological work, but no matter what Qin Qin said, Lu Ling's attitude was always firm.

It's okay if you don't know that this is a way to harm people, but if you know Lu Ling, you can't agree to such a thing.

Besides, the Baiyutai hadn't tried everything.

"But, try Master Li to help you solve it..." Qin Qin said.

"No." Lu Ling closed her eyes, shook her head, neither listening nor looking at anything.

"Master Li..." Qin Qin stood up and looked at Li Zhuzi with a look of helplessness on his face.

"This girl's temperament is also..." Tang Keyu looked at Li Zhuzi, and gave her a slap. It wasn't kind, but she was really likable.

"That's fine, that's fine, it's fine if she doesn't want to." Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth, and walked to Lu Ling's side: "Look at me."

"..." Hearing Li Zhuzi's voice, Lu Ling obediently opened her eyes.

"Don't think too much, and study hard with Teacher Tang. There is nothing wrong with your body, so don't be unconfident, understand?" Li Zhuzi said seriously.

"Yes." Hearing this, Lu Ling felt warm in her heart.

Although she also knew that she should be very powerful, but when Li Zhuzi said this, she felt very at ease.

"Cold poison..." Li Zhuzi stood up and said, "Aling, do you still have any memories of Master Dongfang?"

"Uncle Dongfang?" Lu Ling tilted her head, not understanding.

She will definitely recognize Dongfang Lianren when she sees him, but she doesn't know his name.

"Well... I'll go to Dongfang first, she should be familiar with the cold poison." Li Zhuzi and Tang Keyu explained some things and left.

"Goodbye, sir." Lu Ling opened the door, looked at Li Zhuzi's back and waved reluctantly.


"Sister Ke Yu, why is Ah Ling called Mr. Li?" Qin Qin secretly asked Tang Keyu: "If born before her, we are all her husband."

"Who knows, Zhuzi thinks it sounds good, so he called it that." Tang Keyu focused his eyes on Lu Ling: "I didn't expect that this girl's talent is better than I thought... Unique..."

Then he raised his head and looked in the direction of Shuyuan.

"Ruoyan, is your Senior Sister Xu's Innate Fire Spirit Body unique?"

The spirit body of Xiantian fire is already a top-level talent, after all, there is no weak person with the word "innate".

"Sister Ke Yu, do you still need to ask me about this kind of thing?" Qin Qin shrugged.

Therefore, Lu Ling's importance was raised to a higher level.

"It's ice-type, and it's very rare..." Tang Keyu's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, you must know that she had rummaged through all the things related to ice-type in the past half month because of the little longevity fruit , so it is very sensitive to ice-type things.

"Sister Ke Yu, what do you remember?" Qin Qin asked curiously.

"You want to know?" Tang Keyu gave Qin Qin a look.

"...Forget it, pretend I didn't ask." Qin Qin thought about Li Zhuzi's expression before, trembled, and gave up pursuing this matter.

"But sister Ke Yu, why are you suddenly happy?"

"Oh? Is it that obvious?" Tang Keyu prevaricated: "I just think Lu Ling is very cute."

"... Suspicious." Qin Qin didn't believe it.

"Okay, go and wake up Asheng and Azheng, and get ready to go to school." Tang Keyu pushed Qin Qin out the door, then walked up to Lu Ling, and looked at her.

Could it be what she thought?

"A Ling, close your eyes." Tang Keyu said.

"???" Although Lu Ling didn't understand, she still closed her eyes as Tang Keyu said.

Then she felt a itch on her arm, and then it went away.

Tang Keyu looked at the ice in his hand at this moment, excited in surprise.

It's actually a cold bloodline...

It turns out that what is written in the book is not a legend...

She has seen a lot of ice-type things recently, and she has no choice but to focus on the legend. When she saw the snow girl showing her power in the sealed place of the demons, she wondered whether this ice blood would be harmful to the little girl. Long fruit helps.

He memorized the test method written in the book, the spirit walked in the dark, mixed with the blood of the bearer of the ice blood, what flowed out was not blood, but ice.

She just tried it on Lu Ling with the mentality of giving it a try, and it succeeded.

"Snow Girl...Senior..." Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling, crushed the ice in his hands, and his face returned to calm.

Those people from Eastern Shenhai have been looking for the ice bloodline, so it's better to be careful about this matter, Zhuzi should have believed her before revealing it, after all, he is also Lu Ling's teacher.

"A Ling, study hard." Tang Keyu squatted down and kissed Lu Ling's face, and then went to prepare today's lesson plans.

"???" Lu Ling opened her eyes, still confused, why are these sisters so mysterious.

【Xuechen, what did Teacher Tang do just now? ] Lu Ling asked.

[That's why I said that the human race has no knowledge. ] Xuechen's head protruded from Lu Ling's pocket: [But this teacher Tang is quite discerning, so we won't hold her accountable for hurting her master. 】

Xuechen likes to hear about senior Xue Nu.

【 Hurt me?when? 】Lu Ling looked for wounds on her body.

Of course it couldn't be found.

Then, Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng yawned and were led in by Qin Qin.

"Sister Lu, why are you here?" Tang Sheng rushed forward when she saw Lu Ling, and she could see her favorite Sister Lu as soon as she opened her eyes. What could make her happier than this kind of thing.

"Okay, I'll cook, you guys play..." Qin Qin packed up and went to the kitchen.


Then, Tang Sheng pulled Lu Ling and began to talk about yesterday's Concentration Art. She said that she had learned it for a long time, so she was stupid.

"Hehe..." Lu Ling could only laugh awkwardly.

"But my sister is very powerful, you will be able to read it once..." Tang Sheng pulled Tang Zheng, very envious.

"Cut, it's very simple." Tang Zheng didn't take it seriously, and she didn't want to learn any literary spirit, so it's no big deal if she knows it.

The next step is the normal explanation and study. According to Li Zhuzi's explanation, Lu Ling is very serious in learning new knowledge, even if it may not be used, she is still very serious.



At this early morning, at the foot of the mountain, Luoyan City.

Half a month has passed, and the reputation of Liu Fufeng Medical Center has been established in the entire Luoyan City. Although there is no charge, it makes people feel that she is suspected of showing off, after all, there is no shortage of money in this inner city.

However, since the first day of opening, the young master of the Zhao family has been doing some things like a servant in the store, which made some people who were going to gossip shut their mouths.

Then one day, there was a team of black armor helping to carry the medicinal materials... No one in this inner city dared to chew their tongues.

Including the so-called four major families, they have been trying their best to find out the identity of this girl next door for half a month, but they can't find anything after trying their best.

But the news of the free clinic spread to the outer city, and some people came to try it out, cured the stubborn illness for many years, and spared no effort to help Liu Fufeng publicize it when they returned home, so the flow of people these days is much more than before.

As the sun rose, the door of the medical hall was pushed open, and spies from all sides became active.


Liu Fufeng pushed open the door, breathed in the fresh air, and stretched his waist.

"The weather is nice today, isn't it, Sister Luo, Sister Zhao."


Behind her, Luo Hanyi pushed a short-haired girl out. The latter was sitting on a stool that looked like a wheelchair, wearing plain casual clothes, and the mole at the corner of her eye made her look aloof.

In half a month, Liu Fufeng and Luo Hanyi became very familiar. At the same time, Zhao Yingge also woke up. When she saw Luo Hanyi, she was shocked. She thought she would never see Luo Hanyi again after that night... ... also lamented a lot of good fortune.

"Sister Liu, I'm going to trouble you with your medicine today." Zhao Yingge treated Liu Fufeng very well, after all, he was her savior, and Zhao Yingge never thought that she would be able to save her after being injured like that.

"No trouble, you are all sisters." Luo Hanyi answered.

"Shut up." Zhao Yingge glanced at Luo Hanyi, Liu Fufeng took care of her every day by decocting and changing herbal medicines, and this eldest lady was useless except for crying, causing trouble, and eating.

He only knows to cause trouble for Liu Fufeng.

"Oh." Luo Hanyi shut up obediently when he heard this, and felt aggrieved with his mouth flattened.

"Hehe, the relationship is still so good." Liu Fufeng smiled, until now she still doesn't know how this senior from Lingshan knew Zhao Yingge, and the relationship between the two is very subtle...

She doesn't speak.

It's been half a month, and I don't know if Ah Ling has eaten well recently, whether she has gained weight or lost weight, whether she has encountered problems in her cultivation...

Liu Fufeng looked in the direction of Lingshan, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and then he became completely strong.

You can't always miss Aling, she still has many patients who need help today.

After cheering up, Liu Fufeng opened the door and took out some medicinal materials to remove the mold.

"Let me come." At this time, a man in plain clothes came over.

"Brother Zhao, please." Liu Fufeng nodded.

This person has been helping her in the shop from the first day, he should be a rich man, but because he has no pretensions and is honest, Liu Fufeng has no ill feeling towards him.

"No trouble." After Mr. Zhao gave Liu Fufeng a smile, he went to work.

After getting along for a period of time, Mr. Zhao was deeply attracted by Liu Fufeng. At first, he was undercover in the hospital with the mentality of inquiring for news, but the kind heart and gentle attitude of the girl in front of him, as well as the kindness of saying no The self-confidence that came out... made him want to stop.

Now he is the number one fan under Liu Fufeng.

"Man..." Seeing Mr. Zhao, Luo Hanyi shrank his neck and hid behind Zhao Yingge.

"That's all you've got." Zhao Yingge scolded Luo Hanyi: "You're such a big man, you can't be ashamed."

I didn't expect to see Luo Hanyi again this time. She hasn't changed a little compared to before, but I think it's true. The eldest lady said that she didn't suffer much when she was taken home.

"Yingge, don't be angry... Let me apologize, okay?" Luo Hanyi thumped Zhao Yingge's shoulder as a gesture of flattery.

"Hiss..." Zhao Yingge took a deep breath and cursed.

"I haven't healed yet, do you think I'm dead?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Luo Hanyi apologized in a hurry.

"..." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng shook his head.

This sister Zhao is good at everything, but she is unforgiving and always likes to swear...


"Yo, our eldest lady lost her temper again today? I thought you were going to die, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn."

At this time, a somewhat mean female voice came from outside the door, with a strong sense of ridicule in her tone.

"I won't even die if you die, bitch." Zhao Yingge didn't raise her head.

She hates this woman.

 Thanks to Hanyu Angiine for the 20000 tip, Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, and Demon King Seed for the 2000 tip, happy.

(End of this chapter)

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