Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 330 Free Clinic

Chapter 330 Free Clinic
"I won't even die if you die, bitch." Zhao Yingge didn't raise her head.

She hates this woman.

At this time, the woman who taunted Zhao Yingge entered the door.

It's Xifeng.

As always, she was dressed in black and red gauze, her fiery figure was hidden under the gauze, and her phoenix eyes were curved.

Just a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Your mouth is always so dirty, Miss Zhao, you don't mind if I sew it up for you..." Xifeng looked at Zhao Yingge, who was motionless, and bent down, her long hair hanging down in front of her eyes.

"Just try it if you're brave enough, bitch." Zhao Yingge didn't hesitate at all, looking straight into Xifeng's eyes.

"..." Seeing this, Luo Hanyi silently hid behind Zhao Yingge, Xifeng or something...she couldn't afford to offend her, at first she tried to stand up for Zhao Yingge, but when Xifeng glared at her, her legs weakened.

"Okay, can you two rest for a day?" Liu Fufeng was helpless.

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge have never stopped arguing since the first time they met, and for some reason they just dislike each other... as if they were deadly enemies in the previous life.

Liu Fufeng would not understand this kind of class conflict between people, but usually when she speaks out, these two people will give a little face, of course, it is not useful every time.

"Sister Liu is toward you, and I will spare your life today." Xifeng straightened her waist and chuckled lightly.

"Heh." Zhao Yingge raised her head, her tears sinking a little: "You bitch, I hope you can still dance like this when I recover from my injury."

"Let's talk about it when you're better." Xifeng's face darkened, and a dagger appeared in his hand: "It's not about sister Liu's face, you are dead now, shut your stinky mouth, girl."

She didn't like Zhao Yingge's arrogant look.

What Zhao Yingge hates is also a high-ranking young lady like her.

"Old woman." Zhao Yingge looked directly at Xifeng.

"Old woman..." Xifeng gritted her teeth.

She's only in her 30s this year... But Zhao Yingge is only a few years older than Liu Fufeng, she can't even say she's an old woman...

"You really want to die."

"Want to fight? Luo Hanyi, the gun." Zhao Yingge reached out to Luo Hanyi, motioning for her to fetch her spear.

A little injury, but the person is not dead yet.

"Yingge, the wound..." Luo Hanyi looked at the deep red on the gauze on Zhao Yingge's shoulder, and covered his mouth.

"I said, gun." Zhao Yingge glared at Luo Hanyi.

"Enough!" Liu Fufeng came over: "You guys are not finished, are you? Sister Xifeng, go to your front desk and wait, Sister Luo, take Sister Zhao to the back, I will prepare the medicine and go there."



No one moved.

"Don't, let me repeat the second, second, time." Liu Fufeng said word by word.

"Okay, okay, sister Liu, don't be angry." Seeing this, Xifeng's face melted into a smile, and she went to stand at the table in front of the house.

"Sister Luo."

"Oh." Luo Hanyi froze for a moment, then pushed Zhao Yingge down.


"Huh..." Finally calmed down, Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Liu, this girl Zhao has such a bad temper, why are you saving her?" Xifeng asked while lying on the table.

"Sister Xifeng, I am a doctor." Liu Fufeng replied casually.

"So, sister Liu, what is the purpose of you going down to the realm this time? Simply to cure illnesses and save lives?" Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng with interest.

It has been more than ten days, and Xifeng has almost figured out Liu Fufeng, a kind and gentle girl, with outstanding medical skills, and a member of the immortal family... But she did not see Liu Fufeng's purpose, every day for a few civilians in Luoyan City , Tired myself like that...

Xifeng couldn't understand.

But because the people who are being treated are the residents of Luoyan City, Xifeng still has a good impression of Liu Fufeng, of course it is limited to Liu Fufeng, and she still has a very disgusted impression of the Immortal Sect as a whole.

"Probably, I also want to hone my medical skills." Liu Fufeng said while decocting medicine.

Xifeng knew that she was from the fairy sect, but Liu Fufeng didn't think there was anything to be concerned about... This elder sister had a bad attitude at first, but she should be a good person. She is also responsible for registering the patients these days, helping her less busy.

The smell of medicine overflowed, Xifeng frowned, she still couldn't accept the smell after so long.

"Sister Liu." Xifeng leaned forward and lowered her voice.

"What?" Liu Fufeng lifted his side hair, and carefully added four or five medicine stoves, preparing for the coming patients.

"Are all the people in Xianmen as kind as you?"

"Am I kind? It's okay." Liu Fufeng didn't feel it, she was just fulfilling the responsibility of a doctor.

"of course."

Xifeng thinks that Liu Fufeng is kind and a little naive, she completely subverts Xifeng's previous imaginary fairy appearance.

"By the way, sister Liu, we have known each other for a while, tell me, what is your status in the fairy gate?" Xifeng asked directly: "Shangxian? Or a servant?"

"I... probably the lowest." Liu Fufeng was grabbing medicine at this time, and he couldn't make a mistake, so he replied casually.

She and Lu Ling belonged to the newest disciples, so it was not wrong to say that they had the lowest status.

"Minimum...well..." Xifeng nodded and stopped talking.

Sure enough, Liu Fufeng's temperament can't survive in the fairy world, and the lowest level is normal. This is in line with her understanding of the fairy world. After all, in the secular world, the strong are respected, and the law of the jungle is followed. How can a fairy world full of immortals be possible? Peace, kindness or something should be wrong.

"Sister Liu, if your status is not important, otherwise don't go back, isn't Luoyan City pretty good?" Xifeng looked at the busy Liu Fufeng and raised a question.

"Ah?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, but she didn't hear clearly, but now she has other things to do: "Sister Xifeng, someone is here, ready to register."

Looking outside the door, Xifeng sighed helplessly as the old woman staggered across the threshold.


Then said.

"Old man, what's the date? How long have you been here?" Xi Feng asked as he flipped through the book in his hand.

"I, ten...four, I've been here for four days..." the old woman stammered.

"Fourteen, accumulating disease, swelling..." After finding the information, Xifeng followed the book: "30 grams of Taizishen, 15 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 12 grams of Chushizi, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, 15 grams of Yunling..."

Then he walked to Liu Fufeng and pointed to one of the medicine furnaces: "12 grams of dodder, 10 grams of wood beetle, 6 grams of licorice, 18 grams of salvia miltiorrhiza, 30 grams of turtle shell... Sister Liu, this is it..."

"Yes." Liu Fufeng said as he was adding medicinal ingredients.

"Okay, I'll remember, old man, go in first and wait." Xifeng returned to the front desk, swiped a pen to tick off Fourteen, and asked the old woman to go backstage.

"Thank you, daughter, thank you, daughter." The old woman entered the house gratefully.

Then, the second patient and the third patient came one after another, Xifeng and Liu Fufeng started a busy day.


Mr. Zhao stood in front of the door after finishing the medicinal materials, recruiting these commoners from outside the city like a servant, helping old people with bad legs and feet, and hugging the threshold when there were children.

Dressed plainly, it is not at all obvious that he is the flamboyant dude he was before.

"Qianjin..." Mr. Zhao looked at the sweaty Xifeng who was busy at this time, with a calm expression.

It is inconceivable that this future mistress of Luoyan City is doing a lowly job at this time.

Of course, Mr. Zhao didn't feel that this job was cheap, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to be Liu Fufeng's servant. Of course, if Liu Fufeng could look at him more, he would be cheap.

As for Xifeng, the future mistress of Luoyan City...he has nothing to say, and he doesn't want to watch more if he doesn't care about it. Liu Fufeng had the impression that he was very frivolous, so he basically didn't see anyone in the store except Liu Fufeng.

Therefore, he almost forgot about the mission given to Mr. Zhao by the family, but the Zhao family is very satisfied with Mr. Zhao. Being able to break into the hospital with such a posture shows that this youngest son is not so useless... Maybe The choice of the next head of the Zhao family may change...

If Mr. Zhao can get Xifeng's favor, then he is basically guaranteed to be the next Patriarch, but now his mind is full of Liu Fufeng, so how can he think about other things.

The clinic was very busy throughout the morning.

Liu Fufeng was busy with taking pulse, dispensing medicine, decocting medicine and many other things, Xifeng couldn't use his brain at the counter, Mr. Zhao was in front of the door to guide the new patients, and even Luo Hanyi helped The patient delivered the medicine, although she was clumsy and afraid of men, knocked over a lot of soup and medicine, and was scolded by Zhao Yingge, but she still helped.

While busy, seeing the grateful faces of these patients, Liu Fufeng was very satisfied, and temporarily forgot about her Ah Ling.

Although it is a free clinic, there are some who insist on giving money, Liu Fufeng is determined not to accept it, saying that it is a free clinic is a free clinic, even if it is just her heart, she will not accept it, because she has to take into account everyone's feelings, not everyone has it. There are also a few old ladies who are poor and can't eat in that economic condition.

Luoyan City respects daughters, but it is not so friendly to these old people... Even if they have the household registration of Luoyan City and have no children, life is still very difficult.

Xifeng also noticed it, but there was nothing she could do... It was the best thing she could do for these old people to receive some money every month with their household registration. After all, she couldn't really make the inner city people pay too much. many.

A back room full of strong medicinal smells.

"Liu Qianjin is really a good person..."

"He's so handsome, but he has a good heart..."

"Medical skills, the key point is medical skills. No one can cure my decades-old ailments. Liu Qianjin let me go to the ground in a few days. What a miracle doctor..."

Zhao Yingge sat in the corner and watched all the patients in the room praising Liu Fufeng, without any expression on his face.

This little sister Liu is indeed very powerful... At that time, she thought that she should die, with five gunshot wounds, three sword wounds, and countless tortures...

It's almost fine now.

Normal trauma is fine, but a gash was torn on her lower abdomen... Now it is as smooth as a newborn's skin...

She looked at the busy Luo Hanyi and narrowed her eyes.

This young lady's acupuncture technique was also very good at that time... That is to say, Liu Fufeng was what she called "a member of the family".

What a mystery...

Shaking his head, these miscellaneous thoughts were thrown out of his mind.


Zhao Yingge's eyes were full of coldness.

Since she is not dead, this matter is not over.

"Luoyan City." Zhao Yingge closed her eyes.

Her enemy is here in Luoyan City...

Most of Luoyan City has hidden guards everywhere. For a woman like her who is not very skilled in martial arts, if she wants to assassinate, she will basically die.

But death is death, revenge must be avenged.

Did he think it would be safe to hide in the metropolis?


"Hey, little girl, do you know Liu Qianjin?"

At this time, the woman next to Zhao Yingge approached Zhao Yingge and asked, the reason why she was called Miss Zhao Yingge was because it was obvious that Zhao Yingge did not have that so-called aristocratic temperament, just like a tomboy.

"Not very familiar." Zhao Yingge was unwilling to speak after saying one sentence.

This room is full of people from the outer city, and none of them came to the inner city to see a doctor.

No one dares.

Mr. Zhao is a servant, and no one dares to come and try before he knows the basics, so the people in the inner city have minor illnesses and injuries, and they go to their own medical center in the inner city, and Liu Fufeng receives all the people from the outer city. patient.

But sometimes, people in the inner city have good eyesight, but people in the outer city may not have it, especially some "upper class people" in the outer city who have little money and suddenly become rich recently, commonly known as nouveau riche.

Such a person is arrogant and stupid.

For example, now, a new carriage arrived outside the medical hall, and Mr. Zhao stopped it ten meters away.

"Please get out of the car." Mr. Zhao bent over and said softly: "A thousand pieces of gold have rules, no carriage or horse can pass through this place."

"My family..." the groom was about to speak.

"No, be polite." A middle-aged man lifted the curtain of the car, his face was sallow, and he must be sick.

But when the middle-aged man saw Mr. Zhao's clothes as a handyman, which was still dirty, his face turned dark immediately, and then he glanced at Liu Fufeng's simple medical clinic and the poor people who went in and out of it, his face became more and more gloomy.

"So it's not a great doctor." After saying that, he lowered the curtain, and could vaguely hear a few murmurs: "I thought it was some kind of doctor."

"My master has been ill recently, so let your doctor come to greet him." Seeing this, the groom said proudly.

"Liu Qianjin said that there are no people here." Mr. Zhao straightened up slightly, still smiling: "Please get out of the car."

Since she came to the medical center, she was a patient. Liu Qianjin had specially instructed her, and she also said that as a doctor, she would meet all kinds of patients, so she had to be patient and put herself in a humble position.

Although Young Master Zhao didn't understand why Liu Fufeng placed his position so low when he was doing good deeds, but he listened to Liu Fufeng's words, so he was very patient at this time.

"Do you not understand human language? My master is not feeling well. What if he catches a cold after getting off the car?" the groom shouted loudly.

"It's summer, so it shouldn't be." Mr. Zhao took a step back.

"Why not, let me say that, quickly let your doctor come out to show my master, if it is not bad, we will let you treat it." The groom said.

"It's precious enough." Mr. Zhao shook his head.

"Don't talk nonsense, you should be from the outer city, do you know who is in this car? Master Guan from the southern city." The groom said triumphantly.

At this time, a new sick father and daughter came over, they came yesterday, so Mr. Zhao greeted with a smile.

"Little Zhao." Glancing at the carriage next to him, the man led his daughter and pulled Mr. Zhao aside, and said in a low voice, "Master Guan is not easy to mess with, his hands are dark, and he just lost his son last month... ...I have a hot temper, and I can't be provoked."

"Lost a son?" Mr. Zhao nodded. He had heard about this incident. After all, with the security of Luoyan City, even if it was an outer city, losing nearly ten little boys at once was considered a big case.

However, the murderer has not been caught yet.

"Yes, let it go if you can, or send it away." The man mentioned.

"Okay, I see." Mr. Zhao nodded, and then patted the girl's head: "You go in and take your daughter to see a doctor first, Liu Qianjin's medicine should be ready."

"it is good."

"Brother, let's go first."

The man glanced at the carriage worriedly, and took his daughter in.

"Master Guan." Mr. Zhao stepped forward.

"What?" The groom was still in good spirits.

"Please get out of the car." Mr. Zhao bent down and made a gesture of invitation.

He still wanted to listen to Liu Fufeng's words.

"You bastard..." The groom was angry, and cursed as soon as he opened his mouth, no matter how unpleasant it was.

Mr. Zhao didn't speak during the period, but just listened.

"Things that don't have eyes, open a medical clinic in the inner city and regard themselves as inner city people? What the hell..."

"Have you scolded enough? Master Guan, do you want to take care of this illness?" Mr. Zhao asked, Master Guan allowed his servants to scold here for so long, and he didn't feel tired.

The curtain was opened, Master Guan was full of impatience, but he still pretended to be sincere: "Young man, I told you to let your doctor come out."

"Master Guan, my daughter also said, don't take the car ahead." Mr. Zhao said slowly, he admired his patience so much once, if he could do the same when facing Xifeng, he wouldn't have lost a piece of money. finger.

"You!" The groom got angry.

"Forget it." Master Guan stopped him: "It's not worth getting angry with a janitor, this small place is not good at first glance, and the doctors are quack doctors, go to the medical center in the inner city."

He is not short of money.

"Yes." The groom snorted coldly, turned around and said, "Master, the famous Burning Medicine Hall in the inner city is just opposite, let's go there..."


"Excuse me."

Mr. Zhao stopped in front of the car, speaking slowly, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Master Guan, you can't go anywhere now."

Mr. Zhao pulled out a sword from nowhere, and with one swing, both of the horse's front legs were cut off.




Neighing, chariots and horses turmoil.


Shouting, the car turned on its back.


Dogs eat shit.

 Thank you Wuhuiwu for the 500 tip, Matsudaira Chihiro for the 1000 tip, the fugitive Xuesheng for the 10000 tip, and Qingtian Biyun for the tip, thank you.By the way, today is so cold, so cold...

(End of this chapter)

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