Chapter 332 Pets
Naturally, Lu Ling saw Shen Gui, she walked to the opposite side of Shen Gui with small steps, jumped into the spring, and sat quietly.

I'm a little tired today...

Lu Ling was not very interested. At this moment, the warmth around her made her tired.

Today, Teacher Tang taught a lot of things, but as before, it still conflicts with her physique, and she can't use it on people. Anyway, no matter what spiritual means, she uses it to cut blood, and then add various weird negative states.

Lu Ling was very tired from studying, and Qin Qin also taught some important things when she was learning piano at night, she felt that she couldn't put her head down.

Cultivation is really a matter of physical and mental energy.

take a break... just take a break...

Lu Ling closed her eyes.


On the opposite side, Shen Gui, who was resting with his eyes closed, heard a slight snoring sound, and opened his eyes.

This girl... fell asleep?
Are you that tired?
Probably there are.

Shen Gui breathed out a mouthful of hot air, his cheeks flushed a little.

Speaking of which, she and Lu Ling have lived together for a long time, and she has always noticed the changes in this girl.

For Lu Ling's progress, Shen Gui expressed his appreciation.

Although she was timid at the beginning, although she is not very courageous now, at least she is not afraid of her anymore, and she has seen some positive things in Lu Ling.

As expected of the person she likes, she always has her own shining point.

Shen Gui also knew about Lu Ling's recent affairs. There was a problem with her cultural soul... The matter was quite serious. After all, Lu Ling was the only girl in Lingshan who would have accidents when she practiced the Heart Condensation Art. If you're not interested, you can just practice martial arts at best, but Lu Ling is different. Her problem is fundamental.

She thought that with Lu Ling's personality, she would definitely panic, get scared, cry, and even get tired of studying...

The Lu Ling that Shen Gui knew was like this.

But she didn't expect Lu Ling to give her a surprise.

She is continuing to study, and she is more serious than before... Now Lu Ling can't even put down her books when eating, Qin Qin has told her many times.

Not in a hurry or in a hurry, this girl can be regarded as a bit like a senior sister of Jiufeng.

Then, Shen Gui picked up the wooden basin at the side, filled some hot water, and poured it on his head.

The hot water flowed into the spring along his hair, and Shen Gui let out a long sigh of relief. His black hair was tightly pressed against his cheeks, but soon, the temperature of the hot water dropped rapidly, and at the same time, Shen Gui's face turned even redder.

Her physique is very similar to Lu Ling's, she is very sensitive to temperature, and she is also very comfortable when taking a bath, so for Shen Gui, besides practicing swords, taking a bath is a must every day...

As long as they are young girls, hot water is the best way to heal them. They don't have any femininity in their bodies, and they only look more like a girl at this time.

The reason why Lu Ling was not so afraid of Shen Gui was because she saw her like this.

"Huh..." Shen Gui narrowed his eyes and looked at the dozing girl with her little head shaking, thinking of something.

Maybe I shouldn't praise this girl too much.

Shen Gui stared at Lu Ling's exquisite face.

After all, Lu Ling is also a student of Master Li. Isn't it natural to make such a choice?

Liu Fufeng is not here, Master Li should be the spiritual pillar of this girl, she must have something to do with her if she can persevere.

Shen Gui didn't need to be sure about this kind of thing, she knew Li Zhuzi too well.

"Speaking of..." Shen Gui took a deep breath and sank a little.

She hadn't seen Li Zhuzi for a long time. Master Li said that she should not go to her if there is nothing to do, let alone if there is something to do... I miss her very much.

I miss it very much.

Looking at Lu Ling, I felt a little jealous unconsciously.

Shen Gui could feel that Li Zhuzi was very special to Lu Ling, completely different from her and Xu Xu, a little more intimate.

Is it because I am not as stupid as her?

Shen Gui thought so.


Put away the jealousy.

This girl will always grow up, how long can she enjoy Master Li's favor?

Shen Gui shook his head, not looking at Lu Ling.

She began to look forward to what Lu Ling would look like when she was able to learn the sword.


At this time, the door of the bathroom was opened, and another girl came in. Like Lu Ling, she had a layer of brocade wrapped around the door first, but when she came in, she was still holding a plate of fruit.

This is the small longevity fruit that Tang Keyu gave her.

Into the water.

"Senior sister...she..." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling.

"Asleep." Shen Gui said calmly.

"Maybe I'm tired..." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling: "I prepared some fruit for Ah Ling to relieve her fatigue."

Seeing that Lu Ling was a little tired today, Qin Qin took out the small longevity fruit given by Tang Keyu... She was usually reluctant to eat it, because it was only useful to take it once a month, and she and Lu Ling had eaten it before, but now If you eat it, you can only satisfy your appetite, and the problem of cold air has not been solved yet, so this small longevity fruit is eaten one less.

Qin Qin also knew that Lu Ling liked it, so she reluctantly peeled three fruits.

"Give it to me." Shen Gui bent his fingers.

Shen Gui has eaten this fruit naturally, it is very suitable for her taste, and she is of the ice type, this fruit can improve her more than ordinary people, but for Shen Gui... it just tastes delicious. On the contrary, I don't like it very much.

She never relied on external forces, and she believed in the spiritual power she cultivated step by step.

"It's cheap for you." Qin Qin's face darkened, and he threw the fruit plate to Shen Gui.

She would have a stomachache if she ate this fruit, and she would have to waste spiritual power to digest it. Qin Qin is not the kind of girl with a good appetite, so she didn't plan to eat it.

" tastes good."

Shen Gui picked up the fruit and took a bite, then swallowed it.

It's a great pleasure to take a mouthful of ice cold in a stuffy bathroom. As for the strong cold air in the fruit... this is a great tonic for Shen Gui. Her body will naturally prey on this spiritual energy, so it won't be wasted, and it won't cause stomach pains .

Shen Gui ate the fruit, looked at Qin Qin who was opposite, the latter's eyes had been on the sleeping Lu Ling, she was silent for a while and spoke.


"What's wrong?" Qin Qin said casually.

"You like Lu Ling very much?" Shen Gui looked into Qin Qin's eyes, she had long felt that her junior sister was very special to Lu Ling.

It's weird, very weird.

Shen Gui knew Qin Qin well, her junior sister had no friends, or no friends at all.

Tang Keyu is her teacher, not a real girlfriend.

It's strange, Qin Qin is so popular in Lingshan, but there is no honey friend who can sit down and chat for an afternoon, not a single one.

In Lingshan, Qin Qin's word of mouth is undeniable. When mentioning Senior Sister Qin, everyone's first reaction is that she is a passionate person, but then there is a sigh. The enthusiasm is only superficial, and the ice is wrapped under the flames. , it's okay to ask her to help, but Qin Qin's attitude is also obvious, not heart-to-heart.

Just like she helped Liu Fufeng at that time, if Lu Ling didn't come out to make trouble at the Qin meeting, the relationship between Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin would stop here.

Shen Gui could see clearly that the seniors and sisters who grew up with Qin Qin at the same time, Qin Qin usually did not interact with them.

To describe Qin Qin's character on the outside, he has always used arrogant and withdrawn.

This is a very unscientific thing for this chatterbox, Shen Gui feels that she is already very withdrawn...but she also has friends.


Although she didn't want to admit it, this senior sister was indeed her good friend, and the flowers on Moshang were blooming, but waiting for her to return home was not empty talk.

Qin Qin didn't have such friends at all, and Shen Gui didn't know why, because it was her junior who never responded to the thoughts of those girls, and became a loner over time.

As her senior sister, Shen Gui is fully aware of how indifferent her seemingly talkative senior sister is actually in her heart.

Shen Gui believed that the tall and cold fairy who regarded everything as an ant on the zither stage was her junior sister's original appearance.

That's why it's strange.

Because Qin Qin treats Lu Ling differently from everyone else, it can be seen that she likes this girl from the bottom of her heart... She can even let Lu Ling play her Fengming Qin...

Feng Mingqin, it is something more important than Qin Qin's life, even she can't touch it, but Lu Ling can play with it at will.

In the past half a month, Lu Ling was basically spoiled by Qin Qin all the way at home... Shen Gui has been holding back for a long time, but today he couldn't help it.

She also wanted to know where the charm of this little girl came from, first Shi Li, then Qin Qin, each of them doted on her so much.

"Like?" Qin Qin froze for a moment, then his face turned cold, and his tone was unusually calm.

"Senior sister, what do you want to ask?"

"Literally." Shen Gui grinned and gave Qin Qin a smile.

Qin Qin was on alert, alerted that she might try to rob Lu Ling.

But Shen Gui never felt that she needed to rob anything, she didn't need to rob Lu Ling at all, if she wanted Lu Ling, no one's ideas would work, Shen Canghai wouldn't help if she came forward.

So from the beginning to the end, Shen Gui never regarded Qin Qin as a competitor. She asked Lu Ling to learn swords from her. This was the rule set from the beginning.

Shen rules.

"Oh." Qin Qin was expressionless. She didn't want to quarrel with Shen Gui now, so she slowly put her long hair up and leaned against Lu Ling, her voice was a little ethereal.

"Like it? I probably like it... I can't tell." Qin Qin was a little weak: "Senior sister, do you think the person I'm waiting for is Ah Ling?"

"Who are you waiting for?" Shen Gui didn't understand.

"You won't understand." Qin Qin was a little disappointed: "A bosom friend? Do I want Ah Ling to become my bosom friend?"

she was asking herself.

"Maybe." Qin Qin's voice gradually calmed down: "A Ling's talent is very good, she can definitely be more perfect than me, she can definitely, she is better than me, this Fengming Qin is more suitable for her... You must have gone farther than me..."

After a few of them settled down, Qin Qin was even more confused.

What does she want?
Cultivation is not important, friends are not important, Feng Mingqin is not important, to Qin Qin, everything is not important.

All she wants is temperament and piano skills, but she has reached the limit of this road, at least for now.

She wanted to take a look at what a higher level of melody looks like, but she couldn't do it by herself. Qin Qin was lucky. She was lucky enough to enter the fairy gate and have a long life, but at the same time, pain also came.

A long life does not help her understanding of rhythm. Yes, her piano skills are improving, but the fundamental things are stagnant.

When she was less than fifty years old, she entered a bottleneck period just like the woman who adopted her back then.

The woman back then sat alone in the secluded hut day and night, until she died alone... However, she did not take that step to a higher level after all. Before Qin Qin buried her with her own hands when she was a child, she was entrusted with something.

Fengmingqin, half of the piano score, and a sentence.

"Live well, take a look for me, what's on it."

As promised, she lived a good life. She struggled in the secular world in her teens, and was fortunate enough to be led to Lingshan by Shen Canghai. From then on, she followed the rhythm of music like her life and made rapid progress.

As the woman said, she is a musical genius.

After the rapid development, there was a bottleneck. I found that my level had dropped, and I began to cater to the preferences of my juniors... Finally, I was taught by Lu Ling to calm down.

Then he stabilized Qin Xin, but that was all. Qin Qin couldn't see a way forward, and she had reached the end of her potential in classical music.

And what the woman said, she is not qualified to peek at the things on it... It is very painful.

Qin Qin has never dared to look at the piano score left by that woman. It contains the essence of her life's rhythm, because Qin Qin always felt that she was improving, so she didn't read it, but recently she felt that she had reached the end of her potential, so she opened it. .

Qin Qin thought that he should be better than her, but later found that he was dreaming.

It's just half a catty.

Mother... I can't see it.

Qin Qin wanted to say that.

Until she met Lu Ling.

Just like that woman was ecstatic when she found her back then, wishing to give her all the knowledge she had learned in her life...

Qin Qin's face gradually calmed down.

Recently, Qin Qin gained a lot from the contact with Lu Ling.

She is very envious of Lu Ling's liking for rhythm, everything starts from interest, which is something she can't do now.

Is Lu Ling the one she's waiting for?


She waited for no one, and no one would come.


"Senior sister, I don't want to be alone." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling and said.

"..." Shen Gui didn't speak.

"I'm lucky. Back then, my mother was at my age, and her body was already rotten..." Qin Qin fell into a memory: "But my life has just begun... Now watching Ah Ling grow up, everything is still there. not late."

"En." Shen Gui nodded.

"In the final analysis, I still want a bosom friend." Qin Qin took a long breath and held Lu Ling's hand underwater: "Two people are better than one, right? And Ah Ling is really cute..."

"Why her?"

"I don't care, she is the most suitable. Don't say you didn't notice, the spiritual guide sister at the Qin meeting." Qin Qin returned to her original character: "Don't fight me."

Like a hen guarding its calf.

"Heh." Shen Gui shook her head, she didn't think about it so much, she was only interested in Lu Ling's talent in swordsmanship, now it seems that her junior sister is not a small resistance, but Shen Gui didn't think about letting Lu Ling out.

There is no conflict between learning the sword and learning the qin. There is only one fengmingqin, so using the melody to display the literary soul, only Qin Qin can do it.

She has no conflict with Qin Qin.

After taking a bite of the small longevity fruit, Shen Gui looked at Qin Qin in silence, she didn't understand and didn't want to understand her junior sister's mental journey, and then looked at Lu Ling.

This girl... is also lucky.

So many people dote on her.

Master also said before that this girl is a very good daughter, and Shen Gui also suspected that Lu Ling could not be Shen Canghai's illegitimate daughter.

However, Shen Canghai's immorality is only used on women, so it should not be her daughter, but it cannot be ruled out that it is the daughter of a woman who was poisoned by Shen Canghai, and Shen Canghai also had dinner with Lu Ling once before. She is very polite to Lu Ling even though she is always hands-on, she feels like an elder.

Shen Canghai was jealous of Li Zhuzi's thoughts, so he doted on Lu Ling very much.

What do you think of Lu Ling?

Shen Gui suddenly had an idea, and immediately shook his head.

She is Shen Gui, a sword is enough.

But this girl is now their family's pet, which is unmistakable.



At this time, the domestic pet Lu Ling moved her nose in a daze, and then opened her eyes.

"Um... sorry, I fell asleep..."

In the water, Lu Ling rubbed her eyes and looked at Qin Qin who was holding her hand: "Senior Sister Qin, you are here, how long have I been asleep?"

"It's not long. I just came here. Let's rest for a while. Ah Ling, you've worked hard today." Qin Qin rubbed her arms against Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister Qin, what does it smell like?" Lu Ling sniffed, she could smell a very familiar fragrance, it was this fragrance that woke her up from her sleep.

"Greedy ghost, you have a good nose." Qin Qin pinched Lu Ling's nose, then said to Shen Gui angrily, "Still eating? Is it for you? Take it here."

Shen Gui had already eaten two at this time, and there was one left, so he threw the fruit to Lu Ling.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Shen." Lu Ling took the fruit and was shocked. She remembered this fruit and it was delicious.

【Master, good stuff. 】 Xuechen yawned, and shook her tail on Lu Ling's shoulder. Although her lifespan could not be increased, she could still absorb her spiritual power.

【I know. 】Lu Ling nodded, and was about to open her mouth to bite when Qin Qin stopped her.

"A Ling, I prepared it for you, why do you thank her?" Qin Qin was very dissatisfied.

"Senior Sister..." Lu Ling froze for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'm teasing you, why are you blushing?" Qin Qin said, of course she was joking, but actually she didn't want to be robbed of the limelight by Shen Gui, after all, this belongs to her favorability and cannot be given to Shen Gui.

Child mind.

 Thank you for the 1000 tipping from Lingyiqi, the 1000 tipping from Wawumao, the 2000 tipping from Qingtianbiyun, the 100 tipping from Sin and Punishment and Punishment, the 2000 tipping from Xuesheng at large, thank you ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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