Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 333 Lu Ling's Distress

Chapter 333 Lu Ling's Distress


Seeing Lu Ling take the small longevity fruit, Shen Gui stood up from the water and put on brocade.

Shen Gui's body was abnormally red at this time, she always looked like this after taking a bath, and at the same time her hair was stuck to her ears, her temperament was very gentle, she was a proper soft girl.

But after she got out of the water, something was different. Shen Gui took a step forward, and the water droplets on the surface of her body froze instantly, and then exploded with a bang, turning into water mist and disappearing, simple and rude.

Putting on his black pajamas, Shen Gui turned around and said, "I'm leaving first, Ann."

"Goodbye, Senior Sister Shen." Lu Ling waved her hand obediently, she would not be fooled by Shen Gui's girlish appearance, this woman is not human at all, so Lu Ling has always "respected" Shen Gui.

"An." Qin Qin nodded, then threw the dry brocade in his hand to Shen Gui.


Shen Gui's body was clean, but his hair was still damp.

"En." Shen Gui took the brocade, casually rubbed it on his head a few times while it was still in the basin beside him, opened the door and went out.

After a moment of silence, Qin Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

"She's gone at last,"

Shen Gui was by the side all the time, she couldn't say many things.

"Aling, it's time for the two of us now."

"En." Lu Ling nodded, holding her own little longevity fruit and eating it bite by bite, chewing slowly, with a gentle look, as if Shen Gui was moving closer.

Seeing that Lu Ling was satisfied after eating the fruit, Qin Qin raised her hand to wipe off the juice from the beauty spot on the corner of her mouth, and said softly.

"A Ling, let me wipe your body for you..."

It's time to take advantage, Shen Gui was inconvenient before, now only she and Lu Ling are left, Qin Qin can think of something bolder.

"Wipe your body?" Lu Ling tilted her head.

During the conversation, Qin Qin kept looking into Lu Ling's eyes. Although they had been living together for half a month, eating together, sleeping together and taking a bath together, Qin Qin had never had such close contact with Lu Ling.

Now Qin Qin felt that it was about time, so she made this request. Given Lu Ling's introvertedness, if she could accept her to help her take a meant that she had really entered Lu Ling's heart.

Although Qin Qin has confidence in herself and feels that it is a very simple matter to attack Lu Ling, she is still a little apprehensive, but obviously, Lu Ling is not as difficult to deal with as she imagined, as long as she is good to her, she will Will let go of all defenses.

"En..." After hesitating for a while, Lu Ling nodded.

Her cultivation base is not that high, and her body is still dirty, and the clothes on Lingshan are rarely engraved with anti-dust spells... Usually, she only wears that kind of clothes when going down the mountain. After all, girls are sensitive and wear a layer of spirit. It is a very uncomfortable thing to use a thin film to clean the dust.

Lu Ling was rather tired today, and she didn't bother to wash it by herself.

Qin Qin was very happy when she heard the words, and then turned Lu Ling's back to her, and stretched out her hand to gently press on Lu Ling's back.

"A Ling, you've been sitting for too long, I'll help you loosen your muscles and bones." Qin Qin suddenly struck Lu Ling's shoulder and the back of her neck several times.

"Crack, crack, crack."

It can be seen that Qin Qin exerted a lot of strength.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling took a breath and trembled.

"How is it? Are you comfortable?" Qin Qin pressed her thumbs on Lu Ling's acupuncture points, with a green light shining between them.


There was a little itching in the slight pain, and at the same time, a warm current emerged from the depths of her body. In an instant, Lu Ling's consciousness was not very clear. Mouth.

It was so comfortable, she couldn't help it.

"It's good if you like it." Qin Qin smiled, and brushed her finger over Lu Ling's big acupoints, leaving behind her own healing power. As a leader in Lingshan culture and soul, Qin Qin's attainments in medicine are no worse than anyone else. In massage, massage, The massager also has her own experience, and Lu Ling is the first person who can enjoy Qin Qin's massage techniques.

Speaking of taking a bath, Qin Qin has actually rubbed Lu Ling's back, neck, and behind her ears. As she moved her fingers, spiritual power penetrated into Lu Ling's body, softening her stiff muscles, and at the same time promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Pat, beat, knead, press, the same amount, cycle back and forth.

Qin Qin used her silk-wrapping strength on Lu Ling, serving Lu Ling comfortably.

She was adjusting Lu Ling's body condition. With this short period of time, Qin Qin adjusted Lu Ling's body to the best condition ever.

Qin Qin put her hand on Lu Ling's back, drew a circle and sucked out some harmful cold air, then threw it aside casually.

"A Ling, why are you still so weak?" Qin Qin frowned. Lu Ling has serious yin deficiency and is still underdeveloped. It seems that the food these days is useless. She has already put her heart into helping Lu Ling. Aya went to eat supplements.

"Weakness? Is there?" With blurred eyes, Lu Ling whispered, her voice was intermittent. She was too comfortable before, but now she is not very clear.

"...a little bit." Qin Qin didn't say much.

Lu Ling's question is simple and simple, but it is also troublesome. She wants to use spiritual power to help Lu Ling recuperate her body, but she has a yin vein...Qin Qin is not easy to do.

It is estimated that Lu Ling's weakness is caused by this Yin Jue meridian. Lu Ling is now in a sub-healthy state, with yin deficiency, cold hands and feet, lack of energy, and easy fatigue.

If it is treated normally... it will probably take half a year, but Lu Ling will definitely feel better with her help.

Qin Qin also discovered that there was a lot of cold poison accumulated in Lu Ling's body, mainly Yinjue meridians, which spread all over the body. This is the harm brought about by practicing the method of pure yin, Jingyan Jue, but it cannot be removed now, because the cold air It has been fused with Lu Ling's cultivation base, and no one can get rid of it, even Xuechen can't.

The cold air absorbed by the body is cold poison, but even if it cannot be eliminated, it is still possible to reduce some excess cold air.

Before, Chu Qishui used the secret method to help Lu Ling suck out some, and Qin Qin removed some just now, so Lu Ling felt very comfortable. She has not felt this kind of comfort from the bone marrow for a long time... The last time was in Jiufeng When soaking in the hot spring, the method of pulling out the cold air from the Lingquan eyes is much better than Qin Qin's.

But Lu Ling hasn't had a bath for a long time. She knows how embarrassing she is when she takes a bath in Jiufeng. Lu Ling couldn't go to Lingquan.

However, this spiritual spring is really useful. Every time she finishes soaking, she will sleep very comfortably, and she will be very energetic the next day.

"A Ling, get down." Qin Qin said, since she has already made a move, she will spend some spiritual power to make Lu Ling feel better.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, came out of the spring, and lay down beside the water.

Qin Qin put the soft brocade on Lu Ling's body, and a ball of fiery spiritual power rose from his hands, steaming hot.

Concentration formula.

The fiery red spiritual power gradually penetrated into Lu Ling's body, spread all over the body, and finally touched the soul.

The warmth of the fire attribute, blood circulation, all kinds of comfortable feelings superimposed, Lu Ling bit her lower lip tightly, so as not to make an embarrassing sound.

Qin Qin also moved, pushing the formula to the limit, and concentrated the fiery red spiritual power on Lu Ling's back, pulling out the stubborn cold poison in her body bit by bit.

This was a waste of energy, Qin Qin had no time to speak, and at the same time the cold air entered her body, her face gradually turned pale.


Re-experienced the feeling of unraveling, Lu Ling felt that the whole world was blurred...




After a long time.

Qin Qin received the formula. At this time, she was really in a panic, panting violently, her head covered in cold sweat, her hands were tightly covering her abdomen, her upper and lower teeth were shaking from the cold.

But fortunately, it was in the spring, and with a little exercise, the cold air was relieved.

She wasted a lot of energy and did this very worthless thing. As long as Lu Ling is still practicing, the cold poison will not disappear. There is no need to spend so much effort to pull it out, but Qin Qin went I did it, because of this, Lu Ling wouldn't be in so much pain when she slept today.

Lu Ling sleeps poorly, and every time she clings to the people around her, it is also related to the cold poison in her body. When her consciousness is restrained, Lu Ling will feel cold, so she subconsciously clings to others.

It's just that she doesn't know it herself.

Qin Qin wiped off his sweat, sank into the spring to rest, looked sideways at Lu Ling's flushed face, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although it was only for one day, Ah Ling was so tired today, so she spoiled her just once.

"..." Lu Ling was naturally very comfortable. She felt that she was about to go to heaven, and she opened her mouth slightly, lying on the soft cushion, as if she had no bones, and her breathing was weak.

"A Ling, go to sleep when you're sleepy, and I'll take you back to the house later." Qin Qin said, she knew how weak Lu Ling was now, and probably couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Hmm... no, no need." Lu Ling blurted out a word out of her throat, then immediately woke up and shook her head. Under Qin Qin's surprised gaze, Lu Ling endured overwhelming sleepiness, sat up, and continued into the water.

"A Ling?" Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling in puzzlement. This girl was trying to hold on. She couldn't even sit still. She was sitting in the spring with her chin buried in the water.

"Senior Sister." Lu Ling's voice was like a mosquito yelling, "You used the Concentration Art at first, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Qin nodded, the blood of the fire element, as the first step to drive out the cold, has no problem: "But Ah Ling, you can know that this is the heart concentrating formula?"

"That feeling is written like this in the book..." Lu Ling's voice became smaller and smaller, and then suddenly raised her tone at the end: "After the Concentration Art, there is the Jingshen... and then Qi Gathering, Transforming the Spirit...returning the essence ..."

Under Qin Qin's astonished eyes, Lu Ling said all the methods she had used before, but only about one-third of them, and Lu Ling didn't know each other later.

"The back is... the back is..." Lu Ling's eyes glistened, "I don't know the back."

"Behind is white snow from nothingness, and the form is deified." Qin Qin touched Lu Ling's head and smiled: "This is not something you should learn now. You can only learn it after you have determined your soul."

Qin Qin praised Lu Ling.

"It's very powerful, you know all these basic methods, Ling?"

Lu Ling nodded: "I have learned it all."

The methods she said can be used now, but she has never used them on anyone because there is no way.

"Aling? Are you in a bad mood?" Qin Qin asked knowingly.

"En." Lu Ling nodded disappointedly: "I don't need any of these things."

Lu Ling once thought that the reason why she couldn't use the Concentration Art was because she conflicted with her ice physique, but the following facts gave her a heavy blow. She couldn't use all the attributes of the art.

The Concentration Jue uses blood-cutting and fire poison to people, and the Jingshen Jue not only cannot concentrate, but also has a mental impact. The Qi-gathering Jue cannot use one's own spiritual power to help restore physical strength, but can only deprive others of their vitality.

These life-saving things are all reversed in her body, there is no vitality, and there is only death.

Lu Ling once wondered if she was an ominous incarnation... Otherwise, why couldn't she learn any good tricks.

"Hmm..." Looking at Lu Ling who was obviously very sad, Qin Qin was silent for a while, and gave Lu Ling a smile.

"Don't worry, Master Li will definitely find a solution."

To be honest, Qin Qin can't comfort others, and she doesn't know how to solve Lu Ling's problems.

"But... Senior Sister, I can't use anything, I can't use anything." After speaking, Lu Ling buried herself in the water and shrunk into a ball, leaving only a string of gas bubbling up from the water.

She dared not use it on others, but she was not reconciled.

The reason why she was so abnormal and weak tonight was because she used a condensing formula on herself.

In fact, Lu Ling has tried not only the Concentration Art, but basically everything on herself. The conclusion is that none of the art is good. It has all kinds of negative effects like the ones tested in the school, but there are several methods. It didn't work on her body, and Lu Ling found out after being happy that those methods were aimed at the spirit and soul...

And she is immune to all psychiatric anomalies.

Today I vomited a few mouthfuls of blood after using the Heart Condensation Art, so I was not energetic all night.

No one told this matter, Lu Ling didn't dare to tell, and Qin Qin didn't see it, only thought that Lu Ling was weak.

"Aling, who said you can't use it anymore, it's just for different purposes." Qin Qin fished Lu Ling out of the water and put it in his arms.

"Being different from others, isn't that what many people dream of? It's not like you can't learn it."

Qin Qin knew that she couldn't comfort others, but she went to comfort Lu Ling anyway.

"Besides, if you are not interested in martial arts, Ah Ling, you can protect me by only learning literary souls. I practice literary souls, but I am very fragile..." Qin Qin lifted Lu Ling's long hair. she whispered.

"What do you mean?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"You can protect me." Qin Qin said, "A direct attack on the soul is very powerful."

"But, who is it for?" Lu Ling looked around, and what she saw was either senior sisters or junior sisters, or senior uncles and ancestors.

"Enemy." Qin Qin said.


"Didn't you say that both Wen Hun and Wu Po are guardians? I'm waiting for you to protect me." Qin Qin pinched Lu Ling's nose and said.

"Guardian..." Lu Ling froze for a moment, then blushed a little.

That kind of embarrassing remarks was actually heard by Senior Sister Qin... But it seems to have some truth...

In the world of cultivating immortals, there must be enemies.

Lu Ling was entangled in the fact that she couldn't protect her junior sister if she didn't learn the soul of literature, and felt that she was useless, but after Qin Qin reminded her, she came to her senses, what's wrong with poison, poison can also be used to protect people, Lu Ling thinks Now that she is a character of the "obstruction" type, if an enemy tries to take advantage of her in front of her, Lu Ling can guarantee that his strength will be reduced by at least 80.00%.

I don't seem to be useless at all?
She is an assistant in disguise. Although it is not a milk, it is still useful.


There is a play!

Qin Qin felt that Lu Ling had become more energetic, so she struck while the iron was hot.

"Anyway, I just told Master Li, Ah Ling, you only need to learn, and we will do everything..." After a pause, Qin Qin continued: "If you don't like these weird methods, Ah Ling, then we won't learn them. Girls, I can understand the dislike of dark methods."

"If you don't like it, just bear with it for a while and go to practice martial arts." Qin Qin said pretending to be relaxed.

"..." When Lu Ling heard this, her eyes were a little strange.

Senior Sister Qin actually said something like this...

Lu Ling is not an idiot, she knew from Qin Qin's remarks that this Senior Sister Qin really wanted her to learn literary spirit, but now...

"Well, if you don't want to, Ah Ling, it's not a big deal to learn martial arts, anyway, it doesn't conflict with learning piano." Qin Qin put her arms around Lu Ling: "It's just that, for Wenhun, I can give you Fengmingqin Ah, it is more powerful to use it to display the soul of the text."

Lu Ling froze for a moment, then shook her head.

"Sister, don't make fun of me."

She thought Qin Qin was joking, but Feng Mingqin was very important, besides, Qin Qin was embarrassed to accept it when she gave it to her.

"Heh." Seeing what Lu Ling said, Qin Qin kept silent.

"Senior sister, what you said is reasonable... If you don't cure it, you won't be cured." After a long while, Lu Ling turned around: "But senior sister, is there really an enemy?"

Lu Ling asked this doubt.

Enemy, Lu Ling didn't even see the slightest shadow. Lu Ling always felt that she was surrounded by a group of girls in Lingshan. Not to mention enemies, she didn't even meet one or two bad guys. The worst bad guy she ever met was the bully before Some of her men are gone.

To deal with these people, do you still need to use immortal methods?

"Of course there are." Qin Qin pointed to the north: "The demon clan and the sea clan are all enemies. Of course, the enemy we are talking about refers to the demon clan. At this moment, there are still many sisters fighting on the front line .”

She also stayed at the border for too long and was sent back together with Shen Gui.

"Demons? Enemies..." Lu Ling pondered, then nodded half-understood, Demons, she has seen one...not an enemy, except for the disgust from the bottom of her heart, Lu Ling felt that he was more like a friend .

Lu Ling subconsciously forgot about her weird behavior at that time—her self-loathing had something to do with her performance at that time, and Lu Ling didn't like herself like that.

Qin Qin continued to speak.

"Come closer, the Tianguang Market will host martial arts, and I'll take you there, Ah Ling. With your help, we can definitely win a longevity fruit and come back."

"Longevity fruit? Tianguangxu... know martial arts?" Lu Ling thought of something, it seems that there is such a thing, but can she do it?The cultivation base is so low.

Qin Qin understood Lu Ling's doubts, and tore her face: "A Ling, you look down on yourself too much, I am very jealous of your talent, and there is a way to directly attack the soul... Let me tell you , without precautions, even my senior sister will probably be deflated..."

Qin Qin's voice became smaller and smaller.

"When the time comes for the team competition, Ah Ling, you must be a trump card. I don't think anyone will care about a girl as young as you..." Qin Qin raised the corners of her mouth as she spoke.

This is not to comfort Lu Ling, but she really intends to do this. Lu Ling will definitely be useful, and she will definitely go to the martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu, so how can it be possible to keep Lu Ling at home.

At this time, Xuechen frantically shouted "Yes" and "Go" in Lu Ling's mind, this is the longevity fruit.

"...Then I don't understand." Lu Ling shook her head, ignoring the greedy ghost in her mind: "But if you need me, Senior Sister, I will."

"What do you want? Are you willing to give me a kiss?" Qin Qin felt that Lu Ling's state had returned, and pointed to her cheek.

"..." Lu Ling faltered, struggled to get up from Qin Qin's arms, and said, "Senior sister, I'm sleepy, go back to sleep first..."

He hurriedly put on his clothes and went back to the room.

"Bang." Walking in a hurry, Lu Ling staggered in front of the door, bumped her head against the door frame, and then knelt down with her head covered, tears bursting out of her eyes.

"Aya... are you okay..."

"It's okay!" Lu Ling waved her hands and left the bathroom as if fleeing.

"...This girl." Seeing Lu Ling running away shyly, Qin Qin shook her head, and then gently wiped her body.

"If possible, I don't want you to learn swordsmanship with my senior sister... Well, just be happy."

 Thanks for the reward of 10000 starting coins from Xuesheng, who is on the run!Thanks to Qingtian Biyun for the reward of 2000 starting coins, thank you ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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