Chapter 335 Rumors
"Bamboo, you called me..."

After the words were finished, a woman in red stopped in front of Li Zhuzi, picked up the teacup on the stone table and poured herself a cup of hot tea.

"Dongfang, sit down." Li Zhuzi said pitifully to Dongfang.

"En." Dongfang Lianren sat down and took a sip of hot tea.

"Dongfang, you've been very busy recently. It's been more than ten days before you thought of coming to me." Li Zhuzi asked.

She said half a month ago that she had something to do with Dongfang Lianren, but this guy has been dragging on until now, and there is no one in sight.

"Me? Don't mention it." Dongfang Lianren put on a decadent look, then stretched his waist, and his graceful figure was unobstructed: "I've been exhausted for the past few days, and I haven't slept for several days... Look, it's all wrinkled."

Dongfang Lianren pointed to his fair and tender face and said.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Seeing that Li Zhuzi didn't speak but just looked at her, Dongfang Lianren's play couldn't go on anymore, so he waved his hand: "Didn't that girl in Hanyi go to Luoyan City recently? I was worried and stayed by her side for a while, by the way, Bamboo, do you still remember Mo Qing? I saw him when I went down the mountain, but he probably didn’t recognize me.”

"Mo Qing? Eastern God Hainan Territory Master, right?" Li Zhuzi nodded. She didn't remember this Mo Qing at first, but now everyone mentions this name in front of her, so she can't remember it.

"En..." Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi's appearance, and immediately understood that Mo Qing must have been forgotten by Zhuzi, and felt a little sympathetic to the Southern Region Venerable. That's right, the point is, she doesn't bother at all, and looks like a seed of infatuation.

"Zhuzi, why are you surrounded by such good men, give me one." Dongfang Lianren's eyes were full of jealousy, let alone men, she didn't even have a woman around her.

A lonely family... There is an apprentice who doesn't get close to her, because seeing her now, no one wants to learn poison from her.

The heartthrob who envies and envies Li Zhuzi.

"..." Hearing this, Li Zhuzi took a deep breath and picked up the teacup.

"Stop, I'm joking." Dongfang Lianren immediately apologized, then lay down on the stone table, and changed the subject: "I came back from the mountain after I received your news, but after I went up the mountain, I was called away by the master, saying yes Let me look at the picture of Wangsheng, how can I understand that, so I told them about Xiaoling's performance at that time, and then they asked me to look at the little longevity fruit..."

"A Ling?" Li Zhuzi nodded, she also knew a little about the rules: "What about the little longevity fruit, what does my uncle say?"

"How do you say? Let's try one by one, but I mentioned something about the ice blood... Master seems to have this intention, Zhuzi, don't you mind?" Dongfang Lianren asked cautiously.

"I don't mind. There aren't many longevity fruits on the mountain. If I need it, I have another one here." Li Zhuzi shook his head. Everyone in Lingshan knew about Lu Ling's icy blood, so there was no need to hide it. If the small longevity fruit can be cultivated, it will be a blessing for Yu Lingshan and the human race.

"It's enough, I don't dare to worry about yours, if Shen Canghai finds out that your longevity fruit has been passed through my hands..." Dongfang Lianren shivered: "No, I'm still a girl with a yellow flower, and I want to get married Yes, and last time..."

After speaking, Dongfang Lianren kept silent.

She had offended Shen Canghai before, so she could only avoid her, for fear that after meeting Shen Canghai, she would think of her and deal with her. Before the elder sister's sacrifice ceremony, she was always on tenterhooks, so she went down the mountain as soon as the sacrifice ceremony was over.

"En... just such a small matter so that it won't be delayed until now..." Li Zhuzi frowned, and then remembered something: "Cang Hai retreats today, Dongfang, you come here today... avoid her?"

"Hehehe, there is nothing, there is nothing." Dongfang Lianren laughed awkwardly, waved his hands again and again, with a guilty conscience.

The fact is what Li Zhuzi said, Dongfang Lianren is hiding from Shen Canghai.

Question, when Shen Canghai leaves the customs, where is the most dangerous place?
Second peak?No, no, it's Li Zhuzi's small bamboo courtyard, Shen Canghai will definitely stay here with Li Zhuzi all the time, that's why Dongfang Lianren didn't come over when Li Zhuzi called her, and only dared to come forward when he heard that that wicked woman was in seclusion again today.

Up to now, Li Zhuzi still can't see Dongfang Lianren's thoughts, but if he sees it clearly, there are many people avoiding Shen Canghai on this Lingshan, not bad for her, but Dongfang Lianren has not been around, and Lu Ling's matter It has been delayed until now.

Lu Ling is now used to learning nothing, but Li Zhuzi is not used to it. She needs to deal with this matter as soon as possible, and make a decision early if she is sure that it cannot be reversed.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"Business? By the way, I'm still wondering, Zhuzi, what do you need to find me?" Dongfang Lianren looked curious: "Let me think... the last time you came to me was decades ago, forging Soul Eater When nailing..."

Then he was startled, and he covered his chest, there were some Soul Eater Gu hidden there.

"Bamboo, the Soul-eating Nail is already a vicious hidden weapon, you can just use it, don't think about anything more ruthless, my little baby doesn't have so much poison for you to use, forge a Soul-eating Nail The little guy will have to recover for several years."

"What are you thinking about?" Li Zhuzi shook her head helplessly seeing Dongfang Lianren protecting the calf, let alone forging a new hidden weapon, she has used this soul-eating nail more than ten times in total, and most of the time it was used to scare Shen Canghai of.

"It's Aya."

"Xiaoling?" Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment: "What happened to her?"

Also, this word is used very well, and something happened to Lu Ling again, from Frost Bloodline to Shushan Mountain to Tai Chi Diagram to Little Longevity Fruit...

Dongfang Lianren felt that she hadn't been this busy in the past ten years, and now she had something to do with Lu Ling.

"Yes, there is something wrong with Ah Ling's body again, you can see for yourself." Li Zhuzi threw a recording crystal over, which recorded a video of Lu Ling using the Concentration Art on Bai Yutai, and this recording crystal is advanced, Even the spiritual power fluctuations at that time were imitated clearly.

"Nethering Qi Jue...what's so interesting about this..." Dongfang Lianren curled his lips, then looked back, and then his eyes suddenly widened.

"What kind of poison is this?"

"You don't know?" Li Zhuzi frowned.

"I don't know, it's strange, there are poisons in this world that I can't should be cold poison, but how can normal cold poison have such a strong aggressiveness...Although the toxicity is far worse than that of the little guy, But this weird feeling..." As he spoke, Dongfang Lianren became excited.

"Where's Xiaoling? I'm going to see her."

Dongfang Lianren hated the fierce poison on her body, but she liked the way of poison very much, no less obsessed with the way of medicine than Lingshan disciples. Now that there is a new cold poison that she has never seen before, she can't sit still.

"Calm down." Li Zhuzi pressed Dongfang Lianren down: "Dongfang, you use poison, can you analyze why such a problem occurs in the Concentration Art."

"Me?" Dongfang Lianren licked his red lips, spread his hands and pretended to be helpless: "Zhuzi, I don't know anything about research, you don't know, I can only see that it is poisonous, how did I know how it came about, I should be with Han Is it related to the ice bloodline, after all, the Heart Concentration Art is of the fire element? Forget it, I’m just talking casually, should you ask Tang Keyu about this kind of thing? Don’t you have a good relationship with her?”

"Ke Yu..." Li Zhuzi shook his head, Tang Keyu had no choice but now Li Zhuzi also saw that it was a mistake to place expectations on Dongfang Lianren, and she was not a reliable person.

"No, I can't help it anymore, where is Xiaoling, I'll go find her." Dongfang Lianren couldn't wait to see the poison that was very similar to her Soul Devouring Gu.

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't want to speak, because there wasn't a single reliable person among the Lingshan crowd.

"Ignore me? Forget it. I'll look for it myself." At this moment, Shen Canghai was in seclusion, and Dongfang Lianren was not afraid of anyone, so he naturally made a show of it, closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness instantly spread, covering the entire Lingshan Mountain.

Open your eyes.

"found it."

Then his body turned into a rainbow, and he was about to go towards Lu Ling.

"Hello." Just when Dongfang Lianren was about to disappear, Li Zhuzi stretched out two fingers to pinch the red Changhong in the air, and pulled her back.

Staggering, Dongfang Lianren fell from the sky, tugging on his bright red dress with dissatisfaction: "Zhuzi, what are you doing?"


At this time, a large part of her skirt was torn off, and the entire right thigh was exposed to the air, and the tight roundness was set off by the rags, making it charming and moving.

"Zhuzi, I don't mind if it's you, but it's still broad daylight." Dongfang Lianren let go of the hand that was pressing the corner of her skirt, and looked at Li Zhuzi provocatively.

"Cough." Li Zhuzi hid the red gauze in his hand behind his back, coughed twice and said seriously: "Dongfang, I want to tell you, don't go too far."

"Excessive? Can it be more excessive than you tearing my clothes? Don't worry, I won't do anything to Xiaoling." Dongfang Lian waved his hands, and then swallowed: "I just study her, bamboo, what do you want? Isn't that what it is?"


"Okay, I'm leaving." The pity Dongfang Huahong left, this time she kept an eye out and didn't give Li Zhuzi the chance to catch her little tail.

"..." After being silent for a while, Li Zhuzi sighed and poured tea, sweating for Lu Ling in his heart.

Although I was a little worried that Lu Ling might be bullied by Lianren Dongfang, there was nothing I could do. As Lianren Dongfang said, this research must be done...

I hope Lu Ling can hold on.

Li Zhuzi took out the fire glaze that he had prepared for Lu Ling before, twisted a bamboo rope and put it on next to his body. Before handing it over to Lu Ling, he warmed it up on her body for a while...

It's her compensation for not stopping Dongfang Lianren today.



It was approaching evening, the school was over, Qin Qin picked up Lu Ling, and walked on the path of Qifeng with Tang Keyu, Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng.

At this time, beside the small wooden bridge in the south of the Yangtze River, Lu Ling walked in the front. Every time she took a step, a row of red-tailed fish jumped into the air on the water beside the bridge. They followed Lu Ling's steps closely, trying their best to please her Landing Aya.

Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng followed behind, enjoying the miraculous scene together.

The two adults walked last.

"Ah Ling really pleases these little fellows from the Spirit Race," Qin Qin said.

"The most unbearable thing for the Lingzu is the demonic energy. Seeing that they are so close to Lu Ling, Ruoyan, you should rest assured." Tang Keyu said.

"Sister Ke Yu, what are you talking about? I have never doubted Ah Ling, but the attack on the soul is indeed a method of the demons..." Although Qin Qin knew that Tang Keyu was teasing her, she was still very dissatisfied .

"You really dote on Lu Ling." Tang Keyu looked at Qin Qin: "Now the whole Lingshan knows that you fought with Lu Ling and Shen Gui in the dining hall. Gui's sword qi cut blood all over."

"...I said, I didn't quarrel with my senior sister because of Ah Ling, believe it or not?" Qin Qin sighed.

"I believe it." Tang Keyu nodded, and then pointed to the girls in the black awning boat pointing at Qin Qin: "But they probably don't believe it, after all, Ruoyan, you have always followed Shen Gui... ...Sure enough, the reason is still Lu Ling."

"...I have nothing to say." Qin Qin shrugged. Now the whole Lingshan is rumored that she likes Lu Ling. It's not because the senior sister loves the junior sister. These Lingshan disciples think that if it is not a special emotion, how can she face it for Lu Ling? Resolutely return... It's impossible for anyone to change.

Therefore, it could only be that Qin Qin wants to live with Lu Ling in a fake phoenix weeping virtual phoenix and live together, so he resists Shen Gui. After all, Shen Gui publicly praised Lu Ling before, and they think Qin Qin must be jealous, so now as long as When Qin Qin and Lu Ling appear together at the same time, they will attract the attention of countless people.

The female Shansi, after the rumors spread, there were many versions, but they remained the same, and always revolved around the topic of Lu Ling being Qin Qin's new favorite.

There is also evidence. These days Lu Ling has been living in Qin Qin's house. This senior sister Qin is usually unreasonable and doesn't even have a friend. Suddenly she is so nice to a girl, and she won't believe anyone who says there is no ghost.

In fact, this kind of thing is not a strange thing on Lingshan. The reason why these girls reacted so strongly was because Lu Ling was too young. If Qin Qin had a relationship with Tang Keyu, these people who eat melons would definitely not have it. Such a big response.

A little girl with no hair at all can actually make Qin Qin and Shen Gui fight... This matter itself is a good topic for conversation after dinner.

"Ruoyan, don't you mind their discussion?" Tang Keyu asked.

"What do you care about, what does love think, what does it have to do with me?" Qin Qin pouted, she just did her own thing well, why bother to think about what others think.

"Let me remind you." Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling who was bouncing in front of him: "If rumors spread, although you don't care about Ruoyan, Lu Ling's skin is very thin..."

"Tsk, I forgot about it." Qin Qin rubbed her brows and felt a little headache. If this girl knew what others criticized her, she might be ashamed to sleep in the same bed with her.

"Okay, I'll pay attention to it in the future and try my best to clarify this matter so that the rumors won't be uncontrollable." Qin Qin stopped in the middle of her sentence and watched a red light from afar hit Qifeng like a shooting star.

"What is that?" At this time, the disciples of these Qifeng also raised their heads.

"Huahong? It's used so fast, which uncle is it? Did something happen?"

"She's coming for us!"

There was a lot of discussion in an instant.

Lu Ling also noticed something was wrong, because the fish were all sinking under the water now, as if they were avoiding something.

Looking up, she saw a red figure standing in front of her eyes, and then Lu Ling felt that she had fallen into a gentle land like warm jade.

What comes out is the familiar fragrance.


Lu Ling remembered something, but it was too late.

 Thanks for the reward of 5000 starting coins from Xuesheng, who is on the run!Thanks to Qingtian Biyun for the reward of 4000 starting coins, thank you ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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