Chapter 336 Snatch
At this time, Qifeng and Dongfang Lianren held Lu Ling in their arms under the eyes of everyone, intending to suffocate her to death.

"That's it?" Qifeng disciple wondered.

"Who, came out dressed like this? Even if we are all girls, we wouldn't be so exposed."

At this time, many girls were dissatisfied when they saw Dongfang Lianren's red dress and exposed big white legs, whose lower body was completely torn.

"Junior Sister, don't forget that there is another man on the Lingtai."

"You mean the brother from Shushan? I think he's quite handsome."

There was a lot of talk and discussion, but the center of the topic was Dongfang Lianren, because someone recognized her.

"That's Master Dongfang..." Someone was puzzled, at this time Dongfang Lianren held Lu Ling in his arms, unable to see his face clearly.

"It's her!" Someone confirmed.

"It's her." A girl covered her forehead, feeling ashamed and ashamed. She is Dongfang Lianren's direct disciple, and she said that this is a real hammer.

"Is it really Uncle Dongfang?" The group of girls seemed to have heard the name of snake and scorpion, and retreated one after another, fearing that they would be affected by Dongfang Lianren's poisonous gas and contaminate her bad breath.

Dongfang Lianren was notorious in Lingshan, she was covered with poison, and many new disciples became ugly after getting in touch with her. Such things happened endlessly, and Dongfang Lianren's reputation was getting worse every year.

The girl looked at the pink aura around Dongfang Lianren, trembled, and said: "Just cover your nose, this kind of poison is more humane, if the radiant aura turns purple, run immediately and don't look back. "

She has suffered a lot, her back has been sore for several months, and she really can't get out of bed at all, a dark history in her life.

"Purple? Write it down." The girls took out their small notebooks and looked at the girl expectantly: "What else?"

"Also? Don't take a bath with her, so I don't need to say it."

All the disciples nodded repeatedly. I'm afraid I'm tired of taking a bath with Dongfang Lianren. Some people have seen her bath water corrode the fine iron...

The crystal green scares people to death.

"Also, stay away from the central hall when you go to Sanfeng, which is the headquarters of poisonous gas." The girl continued to popularize science.

"Write it down and write it down."

"Senior Sister, where do you live in the main hall? Aren't you a disciple of Sanfeng?" Youmengxin asked.

"Me? I live outside. Sanfeng has his own hut, or he... bah, rent someone else's house." The girl kicked the stone under her feet into the water: "I will live in Qifeng today."


"But why Master Dongfang came to us... and still dressed like this..." A disciple said with a blushing face. Dongfang Lianren has a coquettish appearance. Dressed so boldly, could it be that he set his sights on Qifeng?

All the disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, all shuddering.

"How do I know...she..." Dongfang Lianren's eldest disciple looked ashamed to see others, and lost all face.

"Could it be...for Lu Ling?"

At this time, someone spoke and woke up the dreamer?
"Lu Ling?"


Then he focused his eyes on Lu Ling, swallowed his saliva, and was terrified.

At this time, Lu Ling had softened into a puddle of mud, spreading on Dongfang Lianren's body. Dongfang Lianren held her buttocks and carried her on his shoulders. On Dongfang Lianren's back, her long hair was swaying, and she looked like a prisoner.

"No way, Master Dongfang dressed like this is here to snatch Lu Ling? Is this girl so sought after?"

No matter how you look at it now, Dongfang Lianren looks like a full-fledged hooligan, even more than Shen Canghai. Although Shen Canghai has a bad reputation, he will not dress so obscenely to openly kidnap people. The point is, Dongfang Lianren will give Lu Ling back took that excessive drug...

No one would believe that it was unintentional, after all, Dongfang Lianren's impatience was written all over his face.

"Senior sister, does Uncle Dongfang have that kind of hobby?" Someone asked bluntly, because no matter how you look at Dongfang Lianren, he wants to "eat people". Lu Ling did it.

"Master... I never heard that she likes girls..." The girl was also very puzzled at this time: "Master, she has always wanted to marry herself... But I haven't lived with her for many years, maybe the taste has changed Variety."

As she said that, the girl herself trembled, and subconsciously took a step back.

If Dongfang Lianren, a person who runs around with a good spirit, really awakens that bad idea, it must be a disaster for the girls from Lingshan.

"What should we do now?"

"Uncle Dongfang wants to take Lu Ling away!"

"Where is Senior Sister Qin? What did Senior Sister Qin say?"

Everyone looked at Qin Qin and Tang Keyu, they didn't move from the beginning, because Tang Keyu drew a barrier to keep Qin Qin and Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng five feet away from Dongfang Lianren.

Dongfang Lianren's mood fluctuated too much at this time, and her coquettish energy was overflowing. This is a safe boundary, and if she goes any further, she will become like Lu Ling if she is poisoned.

Tang Sheng lay on the glass-like barrier, waving her small fist and calling her sister Lu.

Tang Zheng didn't say a word in the back, rather watching the excitement.

Qin Qin is in a dilemma.

"Uncle, where are you taking Ah Ling?" Qin Qin asked.

Dongfang Lianren didn't want to talk too much at first, but she recognized Qin Qin, this is Shen Canghai's apprentice, if you don't give face to anyone, you have to give Shen Canghai face, otherwise something big will happen when this crazy woman gets out of customs.

"Qin Qin, right? I'll take Xiaoling home." Dongfang Lianren said generously.

At this time, Lu Ling was held on her shoulders by her, her head was hanging behind Dongfang Lianren's back, and it was very uncomfortable to face her head down. Now Lu Ling began to miss Shen Gui's princess hug, although it was embarrassing, but at least it was better than now, Not only is it embarrassing, it's also uncomfortable.

At this time Lu Ling struggled with the last of her strength, waved her hand softly and slapped Dongfang Lianren's small waist, panting heavily: "Senior me..."

After a sentence, the eyes completely lost their sobriety, and all that was left was confusion and bad desires.

To save, of course it is necessary to save.

Qin Qin couldn't bear it, even if the other party was her uncle, she couldn't let Lu Ling be brought home by such a dangerous woman. It would be fine if Dongfang Lianren was normal, but she was dressed so revealingly, as if deliberately showing off her figure Same, even more shameless than the girl in Goulan, she wants to take her A Ling away with a look of hunger... How is that possible.

Qin Qin broke Tang Keyu's barrier, took a step forward, and stared.

"Uncle, you can't take Ah Ling away!"


"Look, I said that Senior Sister Qin will not let it go, because Lu Ling contradicted Master Dongfang, the relationship between her and Lu Ling must not be simple." The disciple was very proud.

"If you look at it this way, is Lu Ling Senior Sister Qin's favorite pet? Then what is Master Dongfang doing now, taking love with a knife?" The girl was incredulous.

"This scene is beautiful." The girl with the sword threw a dried fruit and chewed it with great interest.

Dongfang Lianren pinched Lu Ling's hot face, very satisfied, then turned around, not very happy: "Why?"

No matter what, she is also an elder, Shen Gui and Shen Canghai are so similar, she is not just ordering around casually, when Shen Canghai was in seclusion, Dongfang Lianren asked Shen Gui to do a lot of things for her.

"...It just won't work." Qin Qin took a step forward excitedly and was dragged back by Tang Keyu, who pointed at the beauty in the field and shook his head.

"You can't stop me." Dongfang Lianren licked his lower lip, then tilted his head and kissed Lu Ling's bare waist, as if deliberately provoking Qin Qin.

Qin Qin was indeed stimulated.

At the same time, a group of melon-eating people around were also stimulated.

"Wife, wife, you are bold..." The underage girl covered her eyes, ashamed.

"Well, it looks good." The girl with the sword continued to eat the fruit.

"Master..." The girl twitched the corners of her mouth, wishing she could find a crack to get in. As Dongfang Lianren's direct disciple, she felt that she had lost all face.

what is this?Robbing women with juniors?Still using her power to overwhelm others, dressing like this to provoke Senior Sister Qin face to face...

This man lost a lot.

The girl can imagine that this matter will spread throughout Lingshan by tomorrow morning at the most. God knows how boring these Lingshan disciples are who sleep all day except eating.

Now the faces of all the disciples of the three peaks have been completely humiliated by Dongfang Lianren, which makes her say that she is Dongfang Lianren's disciple in the future...

The girl covered her face and disappeared into the shadows.

Can't wait for this place.


Qin Qin was stimulated, her nails were embedded in her flesh, she clenched her fists, trembling with anger.

It’s over.

Tang Keyu sighed and shook his head. If such a thing came out, it would be that girl Lu Ling who was unlucky at that time. Qin Qin didn't care what other people thought, and Dongfang Lianren didn't even care. Oh, what a coquettish bitch, how can you be called a coquettish bitch if you don't steal someone's lover.

In front of two dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water, Lu Ling really suffers. I hope that this thin-skinned girl will not cry out in embarrassment.

Of course, Tang Keyu still wants to prevent Dongfang Lianren from taking Lu Ling away at this moment. After all, Dongfang Lianren is really strange at this time. It is impossible for Tang Keyu to let Dongfang Lianren take Lu Ling away. Ling's body, how will she explain to Li Zhuzi when the time comes.

"Master, save Sister Lu." Tang Sheng didn't know so much, she only saw Lu Ling being carried away by a disheveled bad woman, how could she bear it.

"En." Tang Zheng followed suit. Even if she didn't like Lu Ling, Lu Ling was "in trouble" at this time, and there was a bottom line for watching the excitement.

"I know." Tang Keyu nodded, then held down the irritable Qin Qin, and took a step forward: "Dongfang, enough is enough."

"Ke Yu?" Dongfang Lian tilted his head: "Why are you out to join in the fun? Is your little longevity fruit in order?"

"Lu Ling is my student." Tang Keyu shook his head. Although she is far behind Dongfang Lianren in terms of position, and she is not a member of Lingshan, she can still say a few words as a scientific researcher. The most important thing is , she is of the same generation as Dongfang Lianren.

"Student? Oh yes, Zhuzi told me." Dongfang Lianren nodded, then sighed, his playfulness dissipated, he stretched out his hand to press down Lu Ling's little skirt that was almost blown up by the wind, and said: "It's no fun for you to intervene, Ke Yu." .”

Dongfang Lian said: "Okay, to tell the truth, I got Zhuzi's consent to take Xiaoling away. If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself."

She really doesn't care about fame, but she is not really so impulsive, but with Li Zhuzi's permission, it is different.

With Li Zhuzi behind her, she is not afraid even if Shen Canghai goes out of customs.


"Master Li?"

Hearing this, Tang Keyu and Qin Qin were both stunned.

Li Zhuzi allowed it?

"..." Qin Qin gradually calmed down, let go of his clenched hand, and took a step back with a dark face: "Uncle Dongfang, I'm going back first, I hope you can solve the problem as soon as possible."

The implication is to return Lu Ling to her as soon as possible.

"I know." Dongfang Lianren nodded, and then Qin Qin Huahong left.

"Zhuzi actually agreed..." Tang Keyu regained his composure, shook his head, and held the hands of the two little girls: "Okay, let's go home."

"But Master, Sister Lu..." Tang Sheng looked at the precarious Lu Ling, unwilling to take a step.

"Let's go." Tang Keyu dragged Tang Sheng all the way, leaving two gullies in the snow: "Your sister Lu is fine, don't worry, that woman is your uncle..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared.



Get in the way and leave.

"Well, the name Zhuzi is more useful." Dongfang Lianren sighed, and no one had any objections when Li Zhuzi's name was mentioned.

Because these people know that she will not lie about Li Zhuzi's name, Li Zhuzi said she agreed, that is, she agreed, and Lu Ling's husband agreed, unless Chu Qishui came forward, otherwise Li Zhuzi could decide Lu Ling It is not an exaggeration to say that everything is an imperial decree.

that is the truth.

"Xiaoling, hehe..." Lifting her bangs, Dongfang Lianren showed a frenzied expression, holding Lu Ling in her arms and kneading her, she was scarier than an idiot, if Lu Ling was still awake, she would probably struggle desperately, But at this time, Lu Ling who was poisoned not only did not struggle, but also tended to cater to her...

At this moment Dongfang Lianren solved the trouble, his complexion turned red again, his eyes looking at Lu Ling were like black holes, if eyes could eat people, Lu Ling would be gone.

"Come home with me...Xiaoling, you are the first guest in these years hahahahaha..." After a series of charming laughter, Dongfang Lianren turned into a rainbow and left under the eyes of everyone, going to the third peak .




All the Sanfeng disciples looked at each other, not understanding what happened, but one thing could be clearly seen, that is, Qin Qin lost.

Dongfang Lianren used power to overwhelm others and rob others of their "favorites".

Sanfeng was ashamed.

Then everyone started a heated discussion on the chaotic relationship between Shen Gui, Qin Qin, Lu Ling and Dongfang Lianren.

The conclusion is that Lu Ling is a troublesome woman.

A group of disciples are envious, jealous, and sympathetic.

In front of these women, Lu Ling will suffer in the days to come.

It's more of a curiosity.

What kind of charm does this little junior sister have...

But no matter which one of the other three people are matched, Lu Ling's "suffering" is correct.

"By the way, I remember that little junior sister is always accompanied by a girl?" Someone suddenly thought that this was the one who had seen Lu Ling before.

"You mean Junior Sister Liu? If you don't tell me, I'd forget about it, yes, Junior Sister Liu has been inseparable in the past." The girl agreed.

"Could it be that she also likes Junior Sister, but she was eliminated early?"

"Probably, with so many opponents on the table, even you can't fight..."



As time passed, the last quarter moon was reflected on the calm water, Qifeng gradually calmed down, only rumors were slowly growing.

Peace is an illusion.

The underwater was already very restless, the dark aquatic spirits gathered together, and the redtail fish lined up, concentrating their strength.

The plan to "save" Lu Ling is underway.

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun and Priestess Palan for their rewards, by the way, I like the character design very much!I looked at changing to use...

(End of this chapter)

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