Poison Formation
Night, Sanfeng.

Sanfeng is not as magnificent and majestic as Erfeng's sea of ​​clouds, nor is it as small and antique as Qifeng.

But it is also special, the three peaks under the moon are full of breath of life, the trees are overgrown, the grass is luxuriant, and delicate flowers grow on both sides of the road, showing their delicate figure, the soil mixed with the fragrance of flowers floats in the air, It's refreshing.


Light green fluorescence flutters up and down along the road, surrounding each and every one of the disciples of the three peaks, like a little bodyguard. There are few houses here with white jade. The three or two wooden houses are located among the flowers, enjoying the sound of insects and butterflies and infinite vitality.

There are more tree houses here, with spiral entangled vines blooming in mid-air like flowers, propping up exquisite rooms.

The last quarter moon is in the sky, and the girls are chasing and playing in the jungle, or jumping around the tree houses flexibly, visiting and visiting, a harmonious scene.

But if you look down, you will find that the third peak of Lingshan Mountain is not as harmonious as imagined, and the polarization is extremely serious. The cross section of the huge mountain peak is like a circle, half of which is full of trees and full of vitality, and the other half is dead and withered. The red ground is like purgatory .

Five points for heaven, five points for hell.

This is the third peak of Lingshan.

Vitality and death have reached a delicate balance point, and they do not invade each other. On the one hand, vitality gradually dies, and on the other side, green shoots emerge from death.

Under balance, it looks a bit like a picture of Tai Chi, where you live from death, and come back from death. The principle of yin and yang is vividly displayed here. If Li Wangsheng sees such a scene, he will definitely understand a lot. The mastery will also be improved to a higher level.

[Yin and yang are mutually generated and restrained, and everything goes round and round. 】

This principle is exactly what has been difficult for Li Wangsheng recently. In fact, it will be very simple if he understands it, but now he is a person who is at the forefront of the times, and there are many things to consider. At this time, Li Wangsheng is staying in his hut In the middle, studying his weak Tai Chi power.

Li Wangsheng had no reason to go to the third peak, so he could only continue to suffer from headaches alone.

Sanfeng's Dao map was not formed naturally, but because of one person.

And the culprit who turned Sanfeng into this yin and yang face actually doesn't understand anything, even if she is given Tai Chi, she can't see the rules.

Dongfang Lianren is not a kind-hearted woman.

The reason why the three peaks withered like this is because she often leaked poisonous gas when she was practicing poison kung fu before. Under the rotten poison, everything could not survive, so most of the Lingshan disciples moved out of the main hall and went to The other part lived, and many years later, Dongfang Lianren was able to control the poison on his body, and all the deadly things were hidden, leaving only the qi outside the body, but it was too late.

It's been too long, and no one will approach her hall at that time... Dongfang Lianren didn't bother to deal with it, which seemed like breaking the pot.

As the angle of view zooms in, the road of singing birds and flowers gradually becomes dilapidated, and then turns into broken branches and leaves with a strange green light. These are all poisons produced under the influence of the poisonous gas of the East, and grow in a place where yin and yang are balanced. These poisons are all poisonous. The unattainable things are the treasures of the poor people in the East.

If you go deeper, you will find a bare green land without a trace of vitality. Under the strong rot, even the poison has no room to survive.


At this time, Sanfeng's huge white jade hall was different from the barren outside, the inside of the hall was extremely gorgeous and brilliant.

It's just a little deserted.

At this time, a red light fell from the sky into the palace.


Stretching his waist, Lian Dongfang twisted his neck.

"Finally home...you can relax."

Holding Lu Ling in his arms for protection, Dongfang Lianren let out a hot breath.

In an instant, as if some switch was turned on, countless terrifying auras rushed out from her body, her faces were terrifying, all of them looked like hell ghosts, and there was a little aura that changed from pink to purple in the middle. The "big brother" could only tremble in front of him, being squeezed by many poisonous gases and walking forward.

It took several minutes for the terrifying poisonous gas to dissipate, covering half of the barren three peaks.

This is what Dongfang Lianren has been suppressing in his body. At this time, when he returns home, Dongfang Lianren, who knows that no one will visit him, can finally relax completely, without having to suppress himself all the time.

"Comfortable!" Dongfang Lianren seemed to have broken the seal, walked through the empty hall and walked to the backyard.

The yard has been protected, and there are barely some vegetation, but obviously Dongfang Lianren can't completely guarantee that the land will not be eroded, and most of the flowers are broken, but compared to the purgatory-like scenery outside, this place is already a beautiful place on earth .

"A Ling, you are the first person to come here in these years, please be happy." Dong Fang Lian held Lu Ling in his arms, kissed her hard, and then pushed open the door.

Different from the luxury of the main hall, Dongfang Lianren's boudoir is very ordinary, without all kinds of extravagant pendant jewelry, some are just some beautiful clothes and cute decorations that her daughter's family likes.

The bed is also a soft reddish color.

"Go to bed!" Dongfang Lianren put Lu Ling on the bed and continued to meditate.

If Lu Ling is to wake up, the first thing is to detoxify her...

His eyes were on Lu Ling's glowing red cheeks, the latter opened his mouth slightly, exhaling hot breath on her face, Dongfang Lianren's breathing became a little rough in an instant.


Such a Ling is so cute, she is not willing to let Lu Ling return to normal.

Dongfang Lianren rolled onto the bed, threw off her shoes, rolled Lu Ling in her arms, like hugging a doll.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling groaned in pain.

The Oriental pity overwhelmed her hair.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoling, I didn't mean it." Dongfang Lianren straightened Lu Ling's hair, and stared at her blankly.

"Xiaoling, it's not that I don't want to detoxify you. If you're sober, you won't be willing to sleep with someone like me..." Dongfang Lianren said and nodded Lu Ling's side face, watching the soft flesh being poked Go down a little bit, giggling unconsciously.

She also likes girls very much, she has always liked them, her elder sister likes her younger sister's.

She is not young anymore, and she also wants... a child.

Next, Dongfang Lianren seemed to be talking to himself, and comforted: "Besides, it's getting late now, Xiaoling, you have to sleep when you wake up... There is no way to do research at all, right? Wait until tomorrow, well, that's it."

Her initial craving for poison has disappeared since returning to this empty home. For the Eastern pity, there are more important things to do.

Dongfang Lianren glanced at his lower body and shook his head.

What does this dress look like.

"I'm going to change clothes, wait for me." Possessed and kissed Lu Ling, Dongfang Lianren went to change clothes.

【Master...forget it, leave her alone. 】Xuechen thought for a while about the reasons for coming out to resist Dongfang Lianren, and found that there was no reason at all, and she couldn't really do anything to Dongfang Lianren. There's no need to fight, the love for Lu Ling is written on the face of this poor man from the East.

She doesn't hate people who like her master.

【Master, I'm here to find you...】The cat's body disappeared completely, turning into a blushing young girl into Lu Ling's dream.

The reason why she is shy is that if Lu Ling is poisoned, her appearance in the dream is very aggressive. Xuechen has encountered it once before... Such a master is still very attractive.

In fact, Xuechen still felt a little grateful to Dongfang Lianren from the bottom of her heart... After all, she couldn't be so close to Lu Ling in normal times.


After a while, Dongfang Lianren changed her clothes, and the clothes that could stretch a woman's body to the fullest disappeared, and she changed into a cute pajamas with a floral skirt, the color is not blood red, but pink.

Wearing this kind of cute clothes on Dongfang Lianren, who has a charming and seductive face, is naturally out of harmony, but Dongfang Lianren didn't seem to notice, she smiled happily, turned on the bed, and put Lu Ling hugged her tightly in her arms, feeling the girl's cold and soft body, raised the corners of her mouth, took a strong sniff on Lu Ling's neck, and then closed her eyes.

"Good night."

Speak slowly.

With the sound of blowing, the seal was opened, the door was closed, and the bed curtain fell.

There is only the sound of quiet breathing in the house, and the words outside the house...

Half of the three peaks are filled with a strange aura of emerald green, tearing each other together, fighting fiercely, the space cracks wherever they go, and black space cracks like thin lines spread all over the entire area, like pairs of strange eyes, making people shudder .

However, although these poisonous gases are rampant, they will not get close to other places in Sanfeng. Dongfang Lianren said that he is relaxing, but in fact he still has some control. Otherwise, it would be a matter of an instant to swallow the entire Sanfeng, and the mountain protection array would not be able to stop it. she.

Dongfang Lianren broke away from Lingshan's literary soul and martial soul, and broke out his own path, but this cultivation method has not risen to the level of rules...but it is not worse than any system, and even stronger.

In terms of attack, she is much more terrifying than everyone in Lingshan, including Shen Canghai, after all, the attack range is not on the same level.

The name of witch, poisonous lady is frightening.

Come to think of it, I will never find a suitable man in this life.



After a long time, Sanfeng ushered in a guest, dressed in tan clothes, short ponytail, wearing a red fire glass on her chest, the most eye-catching thing is her unusually hot figure.

As expected, she was still a little worried about Lu Ling.

At this time, standing on the border of the barren land, Li Zhuzi tried to go in, and waved away a dark green skull that was rushing towards her. Li Zhuzi took a step forward, and instantly countless poisonous gas swarmed up, hitting Li Zhuzi one after another As for the body-protecting zhenqi, every second passed, Li Zhuzi's zhenqi dimmed a bit.

"The poison of the East is getting stronger and stronger..." Li Zhuzi was surprised, no matter what she is, she is also a venerable, and her true energy will dissipate in less than a minute. Although she has been replenishing, it is really exhausting.

These poisonous gases are so rampant, another person would probably have been melted down, and if there is no one to control the poisonous gases at this time, it means that Dongfang Lianren is now... asleep.

Still kind of heavy.

Obviously, Li Zhuzi thought about this point. She knew that if she went forward, she would definitely wake up Dongfang Lianren. After all, there were those infiltrating space cracks, and she couldn't move in through space.

With a sigh, Li Zhuzi retreated quickly, and disappeared in place in a flash.

It is not convenient to spy on the consciousness...

"never mind."

Dongfang Lianren went to bed so early, Lu Ling will be fine, she is also very worried...

Li Zhuzi laughed at himself and left Sanfeng.

No one knew she had been there.



Then, another green-clothed girl appeared in this barren land. Looking at the bleak and howling purgatory in front of her, she gritted her teeth and turned to leave.

Behind the girl in green clothes was a girl with short hair in a black Taoist robe. The latter drew his sword, and a sword light with intense cold air tore through the space, sinking into the dark wind. remain.

The short-haired girl shook her head and went back.



At this time, the third peak wanted to approach Dongfang Lianren without disturbing her. No one could do it, but there was one person who was not human.

The first peak, the back of the mountain.

The huge cliff of flames.

If several places in the world of cultivating immortals were marked as dangerous, the back of the first peak of Lingshan would definitely be ranked in the top three.

The sea clan cemetery, the demon queen's private hall, and the Flame Mountain, regardless of the front or back, if someone breaks in without permission, it is undoubtedly a doom, and the soul will be wiped out.

On the back of the emerald green cliff is a hundred miles of raging flames. The temperature of the flames is extremely high, burning the space, and even distorting the flow of time...

This is the real purgatory.

Flames, the whole world is full of fire, all kinds of red flames, the color is from light to dark, the edge of the back of the mountain is still red flames, and then gradually turns into strange white flames, and then in the center is golden continuous, hundreds of feet high unknown things.

In this center, the concept of time no longer exists, Burning the Sky and Refining the Sun is just a thought, if there is anything stronger than it, only Hong Ling Li Huo of the legendary fairy sword.

But that is something outside the rules, and now the most powerful flame is this golden flame.


The center of the golden flame was not as tragic as imagined. There was a figure cultivating with her eyes closed, and some of the surrounding flames were just weak energy leaked from her cultivation.

This is a woman.

A majestic woman, dressed in luxurious Xia clothes, exudes auspiciousness, just looking at her will give people a huge pressure, it is an extremely terrifying coercion, watching this woman is like watching the supreme queen .

To live for her and to die for her is one's duty.

In the face of this woman's natural majesty, everything in the world is inferior to her.

Looking closely at the woman's face, she didn't have the long hair that reached her waist as expected, and the short, soft blond hair was scattered around her ears. Her facial features were not exquisite, but the combination gave a very serious and grand feeling, which is absolutely true for ordinary women. unseen things.

Around her, time has stopped flowing.

It should have been calm all the time... But at this moment, a piece of information suddenly flew from the sky, with the taste of some water elements.

The woman opens her eyes.

The golden eyes are like rays of light.

In an instant, the fire elements in the entire world of cultivating immortals rioted and became active like courtiers.

At this time, Xu Xu, who was taking a bath, was stunned for a moment, looked at the direction behind her, and tilted her head, her fire spirit power also lost control.

is her?



At this time, many Taoist nuns in Lingshan had noticed the fire-type riot, and they were about to visit when the riot disappeared, and the Taoist nuns calmed down and went to do what they had to do.

The back of the mountain.

The woman appeased the fire element, and the majesty faded, replaced by gentleness and kindness.


The woman was a little puzzled, and waved her hand to open the space, and then one after another redtail fish jumped into her arms along the current.

Just like a child seeing his mother, he acted kindly and coquettishly.

 Thanks for the reward of 10000 starting coins from Xuesheng, who is on the run! ! ! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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