Chapter 339
Climb to Lingtai.

Ten thousand zhang high in the sky, one person looks down on everything below as if walking on the ground.

She didn't intend to hide at all, the wind was so fierce, the woman didn't resist, her golden hair fluttered in the wind.

"This Lingshan...hasn't changed much." Xihuang glanced at it with a calm expression, but when passing by Jiufeng, his eyes fluctuated a bit.

An old friend was sleeping there.

Probably a friend?
Xihuang squinted her eyes and said they were friends, but when they met they were tit for tat.

Maybe it was an enemy originally, but after so much time, if she is still alive, it can only be a friend.

Then look at the third peak.

"It's really sober..." Xihuang was very happy, then frowned: "I don't want to meet in this unlucky place for the first time..."


Xihuang took a deep breath, and the fire element between heaven and earth became restless.

"How many years... Thousands of years are like running water, I can't remember clearly." Xihuang closed her eyes, listened to the howling wind in her ears, and spoke softly.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when we would meet again."


"I've been waiting for so many years, no hurry, no hurry..."


Opening her eyes again, Xihuang collected all the gorgeous things on her body, the phoenix hairpin, the wings, the pendant of the blood feather, the scales of climbing to the sky...

All the top-level magic weapons were put away, and the golden feathers were dark yellow. In a short period of time, Xihuang changed from a high-ranking empress to a somewhat simple woman. If it wasn't for her blond hair and natural majesty, she would really look like a secular woman. women.

Satisfied with her attire, Xihuang stared at Sanfeng with burning eyes.


Deng Lingtai, Li Zhuzi's small yard.

At this time, in the bamboo forest, Li Zhuzi looked at the "little sun" in the sky and frowned.

How did this one come out...

Then, Li Zhuzi set off for the first peak. It was not a trivial matter for Xihuang to go out of the mountain, and he still had to ask Luanfeng about this matter.

At the same time, beside a cliff, there is not even a house, only a simple wooden table. A nun is reading at night with a light on. The night is very windy, but it does not affect the interest of the nun.

What she was reading was the biography of a hero, a biography of a secular character, that is, a novel.

The Taoist nun read it with great interest, as if there was only the story in front of her in the world.

Then the fire element became restless and burned the footer of her book.

Panicked, protecting the book, Taoist nun got up from the small stool by the cliff and looked towards the sky.


With a question, Taoist raised her eyebrows, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then appeared in the sky ten thousand feet high, blocking Xihuang.

"Sister Huang, what are you?"

"Idiot, don't block me." Xihuang looked at the nerdy Taoist nun in front of her, with a characteristic smile on her face.

"Sister Huang, you still remember me." The nerdy Taoist nun seemed a little happy, but she still refused to budge: "Sister Huang, what are you going to do?"

With a flash, Xihuang appeared in front of the nerdy Taoist nun. Under her surprised gaze, she raised her hand and struck a spark in front of her eyes.

"I haven't seen you for many years, you idiot dare to block my sister's way?"

"...Don't dare, Sister Huang, how dare I say anything wrong to you..." The nun sighed: "At my level, I still can't see through you..."

"I didn't expect that among those girls, the one with the highest achievement would be you, you idiot." Xihuang recalled some past events, the corners of his mouth rose, and then he waved his hand to push the Taoist nun away.

"Okay, let's talk about the old things later, I have something to do now."

The nun blocked Xihuang again.

"Sister Huang, I don't feel at ease if you don't tell me. Tell me something, and I'll pass it on, so that the girls below can rest assured." Taoist nun shook her head: "I also want to hurry back and read the book, the story is reaching its climax."

"..." Xihuang was a little helpless, but she could also understand Taoist nun's difficulties, after all, her current status in Lingshan was very sensitive.

Xihuang knocked Taoist nun on the head, and then said: "You just think that I have cultivated enough, come out to get some air."


"By the way, I won't go back to Yifeng for the time being. When the time comes, I'll find a place to live on the mountain and I've decided to tell you." Xihuang said.

"...Okay, I have an explanation." Taoist nun nodded. Although she didn't understand what happened, she didn't want to continue asking, so she took a step back.

"Sister Huang, please, since you are not going to sleep, come to me when you are free..."

"No problem." Xihuang nodded and left.


"Trouble, trouble, trouble—" The nerdy Taoist nun had a headache. Too many things happened in Lingshan recently, but fortunately, she didn't have to deal with it, and left it to the little girls below. She just had to look after her book.

[Don't worry, sister Huang's words are mine, she can do whatever she wants. 】

The Taoist nun opened her mouth, and the order has been issued, and all the senior officials of Lingshan have received the message.


Sanfeng, the moment Dongfang Lianren received the message, he opened his eyes and immediately went to see Lu Ling in his arms.

The girl was sleeping soundly at this time, but because she was poisoned, she was not very honest and her face was very red.

The saliva was wiped on her chest, and it was wet.

"Relax." Dongfang Lianren lowered his head and kissed Lu Ling, then narrowed his eyes.

The information just now means...

Xihuang came out of the mountain?Most of the night.

Dongfang Lianren didn't take this matter too seriously, and Xihuang was not an outsider. She also met her at the back of Yifeng when she was a child, and she was a very kind woman.

Because Xihuang is actually a high-ranking person in Lingshan, so this sentence is equivalent to saying nothing. No one would block Xihuang in the first place. In fact, this woman is the one with the highest seniority in Lingshan.

"It has nothing to do with me, sleep and sleep..."

Dongfang Lianren closed his eyes.


At this time, besides the three peaks, Xihuang looked at the poison formation in front of him with great interest.

If it was her in the past, this little poisonous gas would be ignored directly, but now she also has the intention to stop and take a good look.

The reason, Xihuang herself, is very clear, the reason why she is not in a hurry to see her old friend is just delaying time, so that she can be more psychologically prepared.

She was actually a little scared...

Fear that it will all be nothing.

But, when will she be so indecisive?

Xihuang shook her head and walked into the poison formation.

The moment Xihuang entered, those rampant rotten people fled backward like crazy, they didn't even dare to look at the people in front of them, the poisonous skeletons accidentally glanced at Xihuang, and they were directly incinerated on the spot , and even that piece of space turned into a black hole.

In the face of the Phoenix Phoenix, some methods are futile.

"This poison is not bad." Xihuang didn't look down on these poisonous gases because they retreated. On the contrary, she had the courage to look at her, which showed that the owner of this poisonous gas had a certain method. Still a bit ruthless.

In front of the supreme being, everything was like ants, Xihuang walked into the hall smoothly, then she pondered for a while, and then made a movement.

Open your palms and make a fist.

In an instant, the golden flame spread out, and a huge shock wave covered the entire hall.

Time stood still.

She didn't want to wake up Dongfang Lianren, because size was also a problem.

Xihuang continued to walk, and walked to Dongfang Lianren's courtyard, stopped her hands in mid-air, paused and pushed them away.

inside the house.

Time sealed the barrier, Dongfang Lianren was sound asleep, completely unaware that someone had entered.

Xihuang walked to the bed and looked at Lu Ling in Dongfang Lianren's arms with a calm expression.

This taste...

Xihuang was a little confused.

She wasn't sure if it was the person she thought, yes and no.

Enduring her excitement, Xihuang reached out to hold Lu Ling in her arms, turned and left.



I don't know how long later, on top of a snow mountain.

Lu Ling lay on the stone bench and fell into a deep sleep, the pink color on her face was gone, the poison was easily removed by Xihuang.

Turning over, smacking her lips, Lu Ling gritted her teeth.

At this moment, not far away, Xihuang was leaning against a tree, with a yawning phantom cat standing in front of her.

"Long time no see." Xihuang looked very happy: "Why did you become like this?"

"Meow?" Xuechen froze for a moment, looked up at Xihuang, her heart stopped for half a beat, and then a feeling of palpitation spread.

"Meow? What do you mean?" Xihuang tilted her head and imitated.

"You—" Xuechen woke up instantly, turned to look at Lu Ling, and was relieved to find that she was safe and sound.

"who are you?"

A blue light flashed, and Xuechen turned into a young girl, asking questions.

"Where is this place, what do you want to do to my master?"

"Master?" Hearing this, Xihuang's body shone with golden light, and then suppressed her beating heart: "You don't know me?"

Luo Qianhan doesn't know her?
"I don't know... but it looks familiar..." Xuechen's exquisite face was filled with pain: "I can't remember..."

There are always blank areas in her memory.

"I really don't know me. It seems that I am still in the stage of degeneration, no, it should be the stage of growth now." Xihuang pondered, and then said: "But if it is you, you must know what to do. Without memory, instinct is still Here I am."


Xuechen squatted down in pain. At this time, she touched some memories, and her head was about to explode.

Xihuang just looked at her without saying a word.

Afterwards, a blue light flashed, Xuechen stood up from the ground, her hair gradually grew longer... her body also grew rapidly.

Xihuang looked at everything in front of her, took a deep breath, and could see that she was very excited.

As Xuechen's body gradually grew, he finally transformed into a noble girl.

The girl dressed in ice blue exudes aristocratic aura, does not eat the fireworks of the world, and is beautiful to the extreme, just like a fairy who has stepped into the mortal world, she walked out of the clouds and mists with unsteady steps, her eyes were indifferent, and her emotions and anger were invisible .

The long and slightly curled eyelashes trembled slightly, the bridge of the nose was just right, and the lips were bloodless, making the girl a little pale.

She was dressed in aqua blue clothes, blending with her temperament, as cold as ice.

The girl raised her head and looked at Xihuang in front of her with disdain.

"So it was you." Luo Qianhan said.

"Long time no see." Xihuang waved his hand and greeted again.

"It's better not to see." Luo Qianhan sneered, and then the snowflakes climbed up under her feet, turning into an ice throne. She carefully picked up Lu Ling and sat on the throne.

"It's really indifferent." Xihuang shook her head, a fierce fire flashed in her golden eyes.

This tit-for-tat feeling made her excited, because she hadn't felt it for a long time.

The golden red flames opened up, and the snowflakes on the ten thousand feet snow mountain evaporated instantly. With the three feet in front of Luo Qianhan as the boundary, raging fire rose from the other half of the mountain, and the throne of fire rose. Xihuang sat on it gracefully, looking at Luo Qianhan cold.

Luo Qianhan didn't even look at Xihuang, her eyes were always on her master's face, but she still spoke.

"You're still alive."

"Thanks to you, I'm alive." Xihuang said.

"Here?" Luo Qianhan asked.

"Anyway, it's not Lingshan." Xihuang said and shook his head: "It's impossible to reunite in that unlucky place after not seeing him for many years."

"Be careful, this place is good, the master should like it." Luo Qianhan raised his head, his eyes were full of sharpness: "The place is good, you can get out."

"Hehe." Hearing this, Xihuang was not angry, but laughed even more happily. She leaned forward and lowered her voice: "Let me go, you are not qualified yet."

"It's just a long-lived species. If you want to die, I can help you." Luo Qianhan raised his head: "I have always been the only one around the master, understand?"

"I don't understand." Xihuang looked at Lu Ling in Luo Qianhan's arms, her soul was a little confused at first, she was not sure yet, but judging by Luo Qianhan's attitude at this time, she was undoubtedly Xue Nu.

is her……

Xihuang finally felt at ease. Looking at her friend on the Frozen Throne, she felt completely new, as if reborn, and many dead emotions became active.

"Don't you want to give a warm hug to a friend you haven't seen for many years?"

A blast of icy sword energy rushed towards Xihuang's neck, but she stopped it in time.

"Tsk, still so irritable."

"You're annoying." Luo Qianhan finally opened his eyes and took a look at Xihuang, then hesitated for a moment.

This simple outfit was what Xihuang wore when he saw her and Xuenv.

A mocking smile.

"Master doesn't remember you, this outfit is a waste."

"It's okay, it's the same if you see it." Xihuang shook her head indifferently.

She was happy, never been happier.

Xihuang, who has lived in a daze for so many years, never thought that she could be the same as before, bickering and arguing about Xue Nu and Luo Qianhan...

It's like going back a thousand years ago.

Xihuang felt that she was resurrected from the dead.

Luo Qianhan looked at Xihuang with cold eyes.

She has known this phoenix for many years, so long that she can't remember clearly. Before she met Xuenu, Xihuang was already there.

Afterwards, Luo Qianhan met her predestined master, this hateful Xihuang still haunted her, and even deceived her master, and traveled for some time with Xuenv, who was underage at the time...

His status with the master is naturally lower than hers.

"Master is surrounded by me and only me, Xihuang, I hope you understand this."

"Really?" Xihuang's golden hair shook slightly in the wind.

Luo Qianhan looked at Lu Ling in his arms tenderly, then raised his head, and said indifferently: "I am the one who sent the master to the wheel of heaven and earth, and I am the one who accompanied her all the way. Now, I am still the one who welcomes the master, you... …roll."

"Xiaoxue, you should know what happened to me at that time. This is a bit too much." Xihuang stood up, and a golden fire ignited on his body, distorting the space.

She walked in front of Luo Qianhan, her eyes sparkled with fiery fire, and she met Luo Qianhan's cold gaze.

"Thank you, Xiaoxue, for welcoming her back. Then, it's time for my concubine to meet her." Xihuang leaned forward, glanced at the sleeping Lu Ling, and smiled.

He raised his head and looked at Luo Qianhan.

"The one who should go now is you."

 Thanks for the 3200 reward from Wuhuiwu, the 20171217134445641 reward from book friend 1000, the 500 reward from Wugui Xiaosezhu, and the reward from Qingtian Biyun, thank you,

(End of this chapter)

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