Chapter 340

"It's you who should get out now." Xihuang chuckled.

"..." Luo Qianhan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words: "Xihuang, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Yeah." Xihuang nodded as a matter of course: "You don't dare, you don't want to."

"Heh." Luo Qianhan ignored Xihuang's sentimental words, put away his temper and refused to look at the woman in front of him, if Hong Ling saw this scene, he would definitely be puzzled.

When did her sister have such a good temper?
"Xihuang, I'm glad the master once said to let me spare you." Luo Qianhan put away her killing intent, and looked at Lu Ling in her arms tenderly.

"Fortunately, fortunately." Xihuang shook her head, and continued following Luo Qianhan's words: "If I didn't have the protection of my master, I wouldn't dare to be arrogant in front of you."

Xihuang herself didn't realize that she was talking to Luo Qianhan at this time as if she was pampering a child, her tone was full of pampering.

Luo Qianhan didn't appreciate it.

"Master? Master is my master, what are you?"

"Okay, Xiaoxue, let's end this topic." Xihuang changed her sitting position, and put her gaze on Lu Ling who was sleeping soundly: "Is it her?"

"It's my master." Luo Qianhan hugged Lu Ling lightly, looking at her with burning eyes.

"Back then..." Xihuang hesitated and was about to speak.

"Shut up." Luo Qianhan raised his head slightly.


The voice was cold.

"When the master needs you, Xihuang, where are you?" Facing his old friend from the past, Luo Qianhan talked too much.

"You weren't there back then, you weren't there afterwards, what are you doing now?"

"Xiaoxue..." Xihuang was rendered speechless by her few words, she put away her signature smile, and slightly lowered her eyes.

"At that time..."

"..." Luo Qianhan didn't stop Xihuang from continuing, but she didn't intend to listen, she put all her heart on the girl in her arms, and the strength accumulated for so long can be released in such a short time, She hopes to spend more time with her master, even if she just looks at her, she is already very happy.

Xihuang explained to herself.

"During that time, the protagonists of the world were the Sea Clan and the Spirit Clan, and those two were also fighting. Although the relationship between the Human Clan and the Demon Clan was tense, there was no fighting." Xihuang said.

"At that time, I was in a stalemate with Lao Bushi of the Hai Clan. I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't perceive the outside world in the sea tomb. When the battle between the Linghai and Linghai clans ended, I came out of the sea tomb to receive your message..." Xi Huang's voice gradually weakened, falling into bad memories.

It's too late.

At the last moment, the only news she got was the belated, frantic call for help from Luo Qianhan... At that time, Xue Nu was hopeless and passed away.

After Xihuang came out, the news she got was that Xue Nu broke into the place where the demons were sealed by herself, and was seriously injured by the queen after that, she died of serious injuries...

And it's been a while.

At that time, Xihuang would never have thought that such a thing would happen, because the protagonists at that time were not humans and demons. Although there were constant wars on the border of Tianguang Ruins, there was no major struggle. Why did Xuenu enter the demon world alone...

And without any back-up, single-handedly challenging one race plus one longevity species, it was impossible for the Xuenv at the time, and Luo Qianhan was not enough, because Luo Qianhan hadn't grown up at all.

Xihuang had seen the sense of despair that Lihuo Hongling brought to her, and it was not on the same level as Luo Qianhan's coercion.

Even so far, Luo Qianhan has not really matured.

"Then, I found you, Xiaoxue, and found that you were sleeping in Lingshan, with all your spiritual power lost. I probably guessed what happened at that time..." After Xihuang finished speaking, she remained silent.

The reason why she has been staying in Lingshan is actually just to protect Luo Qianhan's body, and it has become a habit over time. Even the original Lingshan was not called Lingshan, it was because of her that she changed its name.

"If you're not here, you're not here. There's nothing to say." Luo Qianhan said casually.

She was really just talking casually.

Does she really blame Xihuang?

In fact, there is no such thing.

Luo Qianhan knew better than anyone else how dangerous Xihuang's situation was at that time, so it was expected that her hopeful plea for help was not answered... She didn't blame Xihuang.

More often, he blamed himself, not because she didn't stop Xue Nu, but because he wasn't strong enough.

There is nothing wrong with the master's decision, even if the result is miserable, but the master is right, she is too weak.

And what kind of sister...

This is the real helpless person. Luo Qianhan and her have long since broken up. Compared with Hongling, Xihuang has done a good job, but the latter is her "rival in love" after all. Let Luo Qianhan give her a good face?Go dreaming.

"Xihuang." Luo Qianhan looked up.


"You haven't given up on Master? Back then, Master just gave you a step down, did you take it seriously? How dare you call yourself Master's concubine?" Luo Qianhan's eyes were cold, she was the only master's concubine.

"Give up? Why do you have to give up, concubine... Xiaoxue, you can do it, why can't I?" Xihuang's blond hair and red eyes reflected by the flames of the throne formed a sharp contrast with Luo Qianhan, who was covered in cold. Compared.

"But I have a question, Xiaoxue, she is really..." Xihuang frowned: "There are many strange things, the power of ice is fine, but that aura of grandeur..."

"..." Luo Qianhan didn't respond when he heard the words, but just looked up at Xihuang indifferently.

"...I, that's what I said, and I don't mean to question it." Xihuang raised her hand in surrender, she knew that if she said one more bad word about Lu Ling, Luo Qianhan would strike.

"Master..." Luo Qianhan paused, his expression struggling.

"The master is not the previous master."

"Xiaoxue?" Hearing this, Xihuang froze for a moment, her face full of disbelief.

Such words would actually come out of Lu Qianhan's mouth... This made her hair stand on end, she knew Luo Qianhan very well, the Snow Girl was everything to her, although Xihuang knew that even if the Snow Girl squeezed out from the wheel of heaven and earth one day, she would definitely different from before.

But Luo Qianhan will definitely not admit it, she only has the master of the year in her heart, and for Xue Nu, death is just a word.

Now she said that Xue Nu is not Xue Nu... Xihuang narrowed her eyes, her brows and eyes flickering with fire.

"The master is not the master of the past, but he is still the master of the concubine." Luo Qianhan looked at Lu Ling's sleeping face, lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek, the expression on his face seemed sad, happy, and relieved.

With Xuechen's name, he was already very happy to stay by his master's side all the time.

Xihuang just watched Luo Qianhan kiss the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, she knew that Luo Hanyi was offering her loyalty.

Some jealous.

Jealous of Lu Ling, but also of Luo Hanyi.

Xihuang asked herself, the feelings for Xue Nu back then were not inferior to Luo Qianhan's. After all, Xue Nu was the one who dared to point her nose at her and teach her a lesson, and the longer she stayed by her side, the more she could feel that domineering feeling. gentle.

Xihuang admitted that she had fallen into the enemy at that time, that's why she fled in a hurry. She didn't appear in front of Xuenv for 300 years, but only listened to the stories she and Luo Qianhan left in the world of cultivating immortals in the clan.

Later, Xihuang was involved in the struggle between the two clans of Linghai. When she escaped from the center of the vortex, the outside world had changed, and those who cared about both left. The last meeting when they fled in a hurry, but it also became farewell.

Time can smooth everything out, a thousand years is like the past, Xihuang thinks that she can forget everything and don't care about the people who used to be.

But she found she was wrong.

As a long-lived species, the concept of her race is not so deep, and friends are gradually fading away with time, but there is one thing that will always exist.

Just like Hong Ling and Luo Qianhan, the life of the longevity species is endless, like a piece of white paper, so the person who can leave time creases on this paper will never be forgotten. There is no one to come.

In the first hundred years since the death of the deceased, Xihuang was still not like this, sleeping for many years, she was still looking forward to it, looking forward to the day when Luo Qianhan would be by her side when she opened her eyes.

However, it was all in vain. From a certain point on, Xihuang knew that she didn't have to wait any longer. She didn't have to wait for anyone, because no one would come.

After that, Xihuang, who practiced every day besides cultivation, gradually broke through the previous realm and reached a new realm.

But so what?
She doesn't want to wake up from a deep sleep, because when she wakes up, she will find that she is still alone, and she hates being alone.

Because of this, there were rumors among the spirit clan that Xihuang should not be awakened easily, and everyone thought she was a cultivator...

In fact, there is no other way.

"Concubine..." Xihuang looked at Lu Ling's completely unfamiliar face, feeling a little at a loss.

She knew that Lu Ling definitely didn't know her, and would not accept her... At this time, Xihuang's mentality was very similar to that of Luo Qianhan before, worrying about gains and losses.

How can I get her to accept herself... Do I have to be like Luo Qianhan, turning into an inexplicable spirit clan to follow her...

Now Xuenv has become a girl, can she find the shadow of that person back then?Can she be like Luo Qianhan and not mind the current Snow Girl?
Xihuang thought about it, but couldn't calm down.

At this time, Luo Qianhan had already gotten worse, her whole body was pressed against Lu Ling's face, feeling Lu Ling's body temperature, she looked like a real slut.

This is unbearable.

Seeing Luo Qianhan hugging Lu Ling intimately, Xihuang gritted her teeth unconsciously and lost her composure. No one would believe that the most powerful person in the spirit clan, that Xihuang who was as gentle as a mother, was the one who would be so gentle no matter what happened. With a well-thought-out plan, it seems that nothing in the world can trouble her sister Huang——


And Xihuang is worse than the average person, she is double jealous at this time... Luo Qianhan is her first friend, and Xue Nu is her point on the crease of time... These two are the most important people to her now Making out in front of her face...

Xihuang's chest heaved violently.

Can you understand the psychological shadow area of ​​a girlfriend and her boyfriend when they are together?
"Xiaoxue, it's almost done."

Just when Luo Qianhan rushed towards Lu Ling's red lips, Xihuang finally couldn't take it anymore, they were all normal women, if they were loyal, there was no need for kissing.

Liking Xuenv is not what boys like for girls. If Luo Qianhan goes further, it will be too much.

"What's none of your business? Get out, don't let the master see you." Luo Qianhan ignored Xihuang.

"you can not……"

"What can't I do?" Luo Qianhan raised his head: "Xihuang, can't help it? It seems that you haven't made much progress in the past thousand years."

no progress...

Xihuang took a deep breath, golden flames flickered in her eyes.

The only people in this world who can make her lose her composure are the two people in front of her. Luo Qianhan is still the same as before, pissed off.

"Whether you have improved or not, you will know if you beat her." Xihuang stood up, and in an instant, the phoenix crown was added to her body, dazzling golden light flourished, and the dark yellow clothes gradually brightened, and then turned into a noble phoenix robe.

At this time, Xihuang was as noble as an emperor, his body was full of beauty, and the rays of the sun shone brightly. At the same time, the fire elements in the entire world of cultivating immortals rioted, and the flames shot up hundreds of feet high behind him, heading towards Luo Qianhan.

"Do you want to die? Then I will help you." Luo Qianhan put Lu Ling down, got up, and pulled out an ice-blue, thin sword from the air. A balance has been reached, and ice and fire are contending.

Luo Qianhan said that he wanted to kill Xihuang, but in fact he couldn't do it. Xue Nu's order was one thing, but on the other hand, she was not a perfect body, and she was still injured. It was all because of Lu Aya's spiritual power.

The strength of the two is about [-]-[-].

On the surface it's just a [-]-[-] split, but if it's serious, Xihuang will suffer because she can't hurt Luo Qianhan, who lives the same life as the world, but Luo Qianhan can kill her.

Only Lihuo Hongling could stand against Xueluo Qianhan.

"It's been a long time since I fought with anyone, Xiaoxue, it seems that I'm going to teach you a lesson now, and let you know who is the older sister." Xihuang said as she rushed towards the sky.

The battlefield is chosen in the sky.

"Overestimating one's own strength." Luo Qianhan held a fairy sword and climbed into the sky in one step, only to hear a faint sound coming from the sky.

"I don't have a sister, only the master."

Then, there was a terrifying battle, the space was shattered, and the sky, which was originally bright and clear, was now like a rag, with a black hole in the east and a crack in the west, as if the entire northwest corner of the sky was about to shatter.

The collision of fire and ice, this kind of power, casually leaking a little bit is enough to destroy the holy land of the half-human race.

The long-lost reunion of this old man finally started a fight.



Although there was a lot of commotion, no one could watch the battle between Xihuang and Luo Qianhan, except for a certain woman in red in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion of Luoyan City.

"Only the master, no sister..." the woman murmured, her face was bewildered but not sad, she was used to it.

She focused on Lu Ling.

This girl is about to wake up.

After thinking for a while, Hong Ling took the initiative to block the connection between Lu Ling and Luo Qianhan, because at this time Xihuang and Luo Qianhan were fighting fiercely, and a half of the time within a hundred miles was broken. Her sister knew that Lu Ling was awake, so she would definitely be distracted.

This level of fighting is not something you can stop if you want to.

Although her younger sister won't die, she will be in pain, and she doesn't want her sister to suffer.


At this time, Lu Ling sneezed and turned over...

Where is this... so hard... even worse than Mr.'s bamboo bed...

Lu Ling was thinking in a daze.

After three seconds.

Lu Ling suddenly opened her eyes, woke up with a start, and after looking around, she froze in place.

This is - where?
Lu Ling's eyes were filled with fear.

At this time, the heavens and the earth shattered, the ice descended, and the sky was lit up with flames. There were shattered space cracks in the void, like terrifying and deep eyes surrounding the surroundings, densely packed with chills.

Lu Ling's face was ashen-colored, and the flames reflected on her face, revealing a distorted face full of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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