Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 341 Fear and Struggle

Chapter 341 Fear and Struggle

"This is... where?"

Lu Ling came down from the throne, with snow under her feet and a huge flaming mountain in the distance.

Looking at the golden flame, Lu Ling's instinct told her that it's better not to run around now, she hasn't been burned yet because the Frozen Throne is protecting her.

Lu Ling closed her eyes and tried hard to think. There seemed to be a gap in her memory. She should be in Teacher Tang's school...why...

Lu Ling secretly opened her eyes, then closed them tightly with a shiver.

It wasn't that she was timid, but that the scene at this time was terrifying.

In the dark night, the last quarter moon hung in the sky flickeringly, like a bloody smile, and at the same time, eye-like slits were scattered in the void. Lu Ling felt that she was being watched by someone, and she was very scared. Goosebumps all over the neck.

Think carefully, think carefully——

what happened? ?

Lu Ling curled up on the Frozen Throne, trying her best to ignore the terrifying and destructive doomsday scene outside, and kept talking to herself.


She remembered that she was walking on the road with Qin Qin, Tang Keyu, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng when get out of class was over, and then...


Then I don't know anything.

At this moment, Lu Ling completely forgot about her being poisoned. She should have had some impressions, but under the influence of long-term sensuality, those vague memories completely disappeared.

What is this place?
Seeing the destruction all around, Lu Ling could only close her eyes again. No matter how you look at it, this weird place is no longer in Lingshan, and it doesn't even look like the world.

She won't die again.

Lu Ling suddenly had a somewhat frightening thought.

Otherwise, how to explain her sudden appearance in this terrifying place, the huge mountain peak is half ice, half golden flame, and Lu Ling's face illuminated by the fire is golden paper-colored.

There are so many scary "eyes" around...

Lu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and bit her lower lip fiercely.

Blood splattered.

Lu Ling panicked instantly.

Because it doesn't hurt.

Usually she is most afraid of pain, but at this time there is no pain at all... Lu Ling reached out and wiped her chin, her fingers were stained red.


No pain, but bleeding...

Lu Ling was a little confused.

What she didn't know was that now she only temporarily lost her sense of pain, and the culprit was Dongfang Lianren's sensuality. This terrible poison was also a kind of anesthetic in a sense.

Lu Ling took a deep breath, wiped her chin clean, squeezed the wound on her lips, and let the blood enter her throat. Lu Ling, whose lips were dyed red, looked a bit seductive at this moment, and this feeling was at the corner of her mouth. Against the backdrop of being infinitely magnified.

[Snow dust?snow dust?Xuechen, are you there? 】Lu Ling frantically called her little pet in her heart.

No one responded.

"Xuechen? Xuechen?" Lu Ling shouted in vain.

Still no response.

A gust of wind blew past, and Lu Ling felt a little cold.

This was the second time in my memory that Xuechen didn't respond to her words. The first time was when her sister was there, but that time Xuechen was right in front of her eyes... and this time, she was alone.

She lost contact?

Lu Ling was getting colder and colder.

She also wanted to be strong and find a way to leave here, but at this moment she couldn't calm down at all, and the panic in her heart gradually increased.

She obviously felt that her life had just been a little more comfortable, her studies had progressed, and her junior sister would be back in a few days...but now such a thing suddenly happened.

Lu Ling didn't know whether she died or was thrown here, but neither was a good thing.

Lu Ling was alone at this time, when she was in extreme panic and fear, she finally remembered the goodness of Lingshan.

It's not that she didn't get lost when she was in Lingshan. After all, she is a little confused and often goes the wrong way, but every time she goes the wrong way and is in a daze, the first time there is a senior sister who will enthusiastically come up to help...

Before she knew it, Lu Ling's affection for Lingshan had reached a height that she couldn't even believe.

For Lu Ling, it is not Lingshan that she relies on, but that group of people, Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi, Qin Qin, Shen Gui, Tang Keyu, Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, and even Shen Canghai, whom she has only met a few times, and countless others. sisters.

These people gave her a feeling of home that no one had given her before. She didn't like Lingshan, but these people were in Lingshan, so she liked Lingshan.

It's that simple.

"Sir... junior sister..." Lu Ling curled up in the corner of the throne, trembling slightly.

An inexplicable smell gradually appeared on her body. Lu Ling, whose negative emotions exploded, was about to break free from something that had been suppressed for a long time.




Under Hong Ling's interference, neither Luo Qianhan nor Xihuang felt that Lu Ling was awake, they thought Lu Ling was asleep there.

At this time, Luo Qianhan and Xihuang were fighting in the dark, under the power of yin and yang at the regular level, the river of time in this area collapsed, the rules were reorganized, gravity surged up, and there were broken rocks and giant trees floating in the air.

Luo Qianhan, who entered the fighting state, obviously lost her previous aloofness. In this regard, she is very similar to Xuenv, both of whom are fighting madmen. Although they represent the law of ice, they are a little crazy when they enter the battle. on the contrary.

Lihuo Hongya is not a belligerent, which can be seen from her low-key appearance. Today, Hongya probably hates fighting, and she doesn't want to fulfill the so-called duty of a judge.

"Xihuang, are you good at it? You haven't worked in vain all these years. I take back what you said that you didn't improve." Luo Qianhan's long blue hair was a little messy, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not as good as you." Xihuang shook her head, a crack on the phoenix crown was slowly repairing, she felt a little palpitation at this moment, this phoenix crown helped her avoid Xueluo Qianhan's fatal sword, if that sword hit her face , it is estimated that she will peel off her skin if she is not dead.

"Xiaoxue, you really don't feel sorry for me at all, isn't it a bit too much to make a move in my face?"

In fact, even though the two had a [-]/[-] split, it doesn't mean that Luo Qianhan really has Xihuang's strength, it's just because Xihuang couldn't hurt her. Just think about the time when they fought against the queen, the latter directly confronted Xue Nu Luo Qianhan had no choice but to make a move.

"Excessive?" Luo Qianhan held the thin sword in his hand, a layer of mysterious runes flowed on the bamboo-like ice, and at the same time, a layer of ice formed on the sky, completely sealing off this space.

"Then there will be even more extreme things." Luo Qianhan imitated Lu Ling's appearance and held a sword flower: "Master, it's better not to see this face."

"I'm not pretty, there's no need for that." Xihuang felt a little helpless, her appearance could only be regarded as average, let alone compared with the ice beauty Luo Qianhan, even Qin Qin was ten thousand times prettier than her, She still has this self-knowledge.

"Who knows." Luo Qianhan gently wiped the thin sword in his hand, the blade trembled slightly, and the cold air continued to overflow.

"Xihuang, I warn you, stay away from my master." Luo Qianhan held Xueluo Qianhan tightly, and warned again.

Xihuang posed a great threat to her, even greater than Liu Fufeng. After all, Liu Fufeng was liked by Lu Ling, and she couldn't control her as a concubine. What about Fufeng?

But Xihuang is different, this woman Lu Ling doesn't know her at all now, so Luo Qianhan feels that he can block some external obstacles, and most importantly, Luo Qianhan knows better than anyone else what her master wants what.

Xihuang's appearance is average, but the maternity brilliance that emanates from her unconsciously is a big threat... She can't pretend that she didn't see it. Maternity is a foul.

And with her master's character as a little girl, it is estimated that Xihuang treats her better, and she is about to fall.

Luo Qianhan absolutely didn't want to see this kind of scene, that's why she left Lu Ling and Xihuang to fight, Zhaozhao killed her, not to kill her, but to show her determination to let Xihuang Huang knew it was difficult and retreated.

"I just want to see her. It's not necessary. Besides, she is also a disciple of Lingshan, and I am also in Lingshan... I will see her sooner or later." Xihuang said, "What do you want from me?" Xihuang said.

"No, you leave Lingshan." Luo Qianhan didn't back down, but she didn't feel at ease letting Xihuang stay in Lingshan, because once she turned back into the appearance of a young girl, Xihuang's mind would definitely be understood by Xihuang, so now she wants to take advantage of it. When he is in the mood, drive Xihuang away from Lu Ling.

"Leave?" Xihuang shook her head: "I can't go. If I want to leave, those girls in Lingshan will be blown away. Besides, if that old guy from the Hai clan knows that I have left Lingshan, she will definitely come out to find me at all costs. mine……"

These two people are old grudges, and they want each other to die. After all, Lingshan is the most important holy place of the human race. Not only the old enemy Spirit Race, but also the now powerful Human Race, but it will be different once Xihuang leaves. Linghai is an enemy in the first place, and the relationship is similar to that of humans and demons, so they won't care if they fight.

"As for the one from the Demon Realm..." Xihuang thought about it for a while. In fact, she didn't have any ill feelings towards the Queen of the Demon Realm.

I've seen her a few times, she is a very gentle woman, in Xihuang's opinion, it's just a different standpoint, but after knowing that she killed Xue Nu, everything is different, the impression directly jumps from a good demon to a deadly enemy.

"The one from the Demon Realm can sleep better than me, and no one has seen her since the last attack... But who knows if she will come out to make trouble." Xihuang said.

This is also a very serious problem. If she leaves Lingshan for too long, these long-lived species will definitely feel it. At that time, the three races and the demons will be involved, and it will be another world war.

The battle of the spiritual sea was just a trivial matter, and the battle between humans and demons had happened countless times, but the world war involving all four clans had only happened twice... The first time was Lihuo Hongling's strong suppression, without too many casualties... The second time was really a disaster, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Luo Qianhan also only knew that Xihuang was not making a fuss over a molehill, because at this time the world of cultivating immortals only seemed to be peaceful, but in fact the relationship between the four clans had reached a very sensitive moment. arrived.

She is not afraid of any world wars, she just doesn't want the peaceful life her master likes to be broken.

Three clans...

"Those who are worried about this and that, just kill them." Luo Qianhan raised his head.

"... Xiaoxue, are you... serious?" Xihuang froze for a moment, then twitched the corners of her mouth.

"What do you think?" Luo Qianhan had no expression on his face, and snowflakes fell from his long icy blue hair: "I'm alone now, if I break the seal, I can do it."

"Xiaoxue, you..." Xihuang was dazed for a while, and finally could only sigh helplessly.

That's why she felt that the so-called judge was a little sister, an immature girl, and at the level of Xihuang, she naturally understood what the fairy sword represented...

But now it's all messed up.

It was too much for Huo Hongling to stand on the side of the human race and protect the human race for nearly ten thousand years. Now the other judge went too far and wanted to kill people...

"Show off." Xihuang walked up to Luo Qianhan, she was taller than Luo Qianhan.

"Hmph." Luo Qianhan looked away.

As Xihuang said, she was just trying to show off her abilities, Lihuo Hongling could say this, but she couldn't.

Back then, Luo Qianhan couldn't defeat the queen with the Snow Girl, and now he can't do it when his spiritual power is deficient, but she is also Lu Ling's "representative", and she can't be recognized as cowardly.

"Your temperament of being aggressive is really exactly the same as hers." Xihuang said, her complexion not very good-looking.

"So what?" Luo Qianhan was still arrogant.

What Xihuang said was right, Xuenv back then was just trying to be brave, if she could calm down a bit, she wouldn't end up like this now.

But Xuenv is Xuenv, if she can't be beaten, she has to fight, that's not bragging, that's her way, as for Luo Qianhan... just imitating her master, her clothes, appearance, character, everything is a copy of Xuenv.

"Okay, let's discuss this matter later." Xihuang said: "Go back first, and then fight again, this small world is really about to collapse completely."

"..." Luo Qianhan didn't speak, but exerted a little force on the hand holding the sword.

"Forget it..." Seeing this, Xihuang sighed: "After I return to Lingshan, I will find a place to retreat. It's fine if I don't come out to see her."

She always dotes on Luo Qianhan a little bit, the latter is impulsive, and it can be seen from the fact that he is always looking for death.

"That's it." Luo Qianhan withdrew his sword.

This is the best way.

But she wouldn't admit that it was Xihuang who was letting her go. After years of not seeing her, this woman is still so... annoying.

"Let's go..." After speaking, Xihuang's expression changed, and the words that followed were stuck in his throat.

At this time, Hong Ling's enchantment was untied, and she and Luo Qianhan instantly felt that something was wrong—time in Lu Ling's place had moved, and she was not sleeping peacefully now, but was walking towards Xi Xi step by step. Phoenix's Throne of Fire has gone.

what happened?
Luo Qianhan didn't think so much, she disappeared in a flash, opened the space, and returned to Lu Ling's side in one step, then saluted, her voice trembling.

"Master, my concubine is in a panic... Please punish this concubine..."

She felt that Lu Ling woke up and she was not there, and she was very negligent. After all, the current master's character must be very frightening.

"Concubine?" Lu Ling tilted her neck, raised the snow-white chin of the girl in front of her, and looked at each other: "I have wanted to ask for a long time, what does concubine mean?"

"Master, master..." Luo Qianhan paused.

What she saw was a pair of greedy eyes.

 Thank you for the 6500 rewards from Xuesheng in the escape, and the rewards from Qingtian Biyun and Yunzhong Xiaoge!By the way, I suddenly found that my update is relatively stable. No one praised me.

(End of this chapter)

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