Chapter 342

Lu Ling tilted her neck, and her eyes met: "I have wanted to ask for a long time, what does concubine mean?"

"Master, master... concubine means literally." Luo Qianhan paused after speaking.

What she saw was a pair of greedy eyes.

Such a master——

Luo Qianhan's eyes were a little blurred.

She has all the memories of when she was Xuechen, so she naturally knows Lu Ling like this, and has seen it several times.

This kind of emotional change similar to splitting mind was very scary to Xuechen in the state of a young girl, because Lu Ling's attitude towards her at that time was resistance and disgust. When she said she was a pet, her tone was also very contemptuous, Xuechen was afraid Was thrown away by Lu Ling.

But Luo Qianhan was different.

At this time, Lu Ling has a fatal attraction for her.

In memory, her master is domineering and majestic, and has never shown such an expression... Although Luo Qianhan claims to be Xue Nu's concubine, she is actually more like a servant. For a while, Luo Qianhan felt that she was very important to Xue Nu. It is dispensable.

And the truth is pretty much the same. .



At this time, Xihuang stopped in the distance knowingly, and stayed silently without coming over. She had promised Luo Qianhan not to appear in front of Lu Ling.

"She in this life...well..." Xihuang looked at Lu Ling, not knowing how to comment.

When she saw Luo Qianhan holding Lu Ling in her arms like a child, she thought that Lu Ling was an ignorant person, but now that she was ignorant, she was clearly a genius.

Still that bad character.

Seeing Luo Qianhan, who was invincible before, bowed his knees, Xihuang felt helpless in his heart.

She had never met Lu Ling before, didn't know her original character, and thought she was like this.



In Luoyan City, Hong Ling closed her eyes.

Although she won't be jealous, seeing her sister so obedient makes her uncomfortable.

So be it.

It's not like Hong Ling was peeping for no reason, she must pay attention to Xihuang's abnormal movements, and it's related to Lu Ling, so she can't disrupt some of her plans.

Lu Ling's character...

Hong Ling's face was a little uneasy, and then she gradually calmed down.

Still need to keep watching, keep watching.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, and stop looking at the northwest corner.


At this moment, Luo Qianhan was very weak.

"Xuechen, where have you been? What is this place?" Lu Ling asked.

"Master, you are injured..." Luo Qianhan's eyes flashed with panic, and he was about to reach out to touch Lu Ling's face.

"Stop, squat down." Lu Ling frowned.

"Yes, yes." Hearing this, Luo Qianhan squatted down obediently.

The skirt with water sleeves was twirling in the ice, and Luo Qianhan, who had been extremely strong before, couldn't be more obedient when facing Lu Ling. The appearance of being as cold as an ice queen was like an illusion.

But this was completely unattractive to Lu Ling. She bent down slightly, her ponytail fell next to her ear, and at the same time her right hand moved up.

"I said, answer my question." Lu Ling said word by word.

"Yes, master, master—" Luo Qianhan said.

She explained to Lu Ling carefully.

"Master, this is the northwest corner of the world, before it was..."

Then, Luo Qianhan told everything, without any concealment, Lu Ling's order was absolute, she almost told all the conversations with Xihuang.

Luo Qianhan, who was originally unwilling to expose Xihuang's existence, had no reservations at Lu Ling's request.

"Oh, Xihuang? Phoenix? It sounds pretty powerful..." Lu Ling let go of Luo Qianhan's hand, and tore off the red silk at the back of her head. The light has a layer of golden light on it.

At this time, it was hard to come out to breathe. Of course, I had to do a good search. Thinking about it, a trace of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on Lu Ling's face.

"Obviously I got so many good things, but I have to give them to others in the end... I must have lost my mind." Lu Ling looked at her hand, gritted her teeth, wishing she could give her a good beating.

Huoliuzi is a treasure, it's at Li Zhuzi's place.

Bing Liuli is also very miraculous, so it was given to Liu Fufeng.

Tang Keyu sent a pair of obviously magical earrings, and she still wanted to give it to Liu Fufeng.

Although there are few things, Lu Ling knows very well that these things are very precious, and her heart is bleeding. At this time, Lu Ling even wants the blood butterfly for Liu Fufeng, but she has forgotten who it is. paid for.

Focusing on Luo Qianhan: "Xuechen, if I want to give something to others in the future, stop me."

"But master..." Luo Qianhan squatted on the ground, wanting to say something.

After all, no matter which state she is in, she is the master.

"This is an order, be obedient." Lu Ling just stared straight at Luo Qianhan's beautiful face: "Are you listening to me or her?"

"I, I listen to the master..." Luo Qianhan avoided his eyes.

The reason why she dismissed Xuechen last time was because in Lu Ling's eyes at that time, Xuechen was just a cat, a pet, a pet or something, which was of no value to her at all, and it would be okay to throw it away. abandoned.

But Luo Qianhan is different, she is very strong, Lu Ling can feel it, and she asked just now, this Frozen Throne belongs to her, the scene like the end of the world in the sky was also destroyed by the battle between Luo Qianhan and that Xihuang ...

Her mind instantly became active.

She wants Luo Qianhan.

Such a powerful person must be held in his own hands. Lu Ling would not let go of Mo Yuan's daozang, so how could she let go of this mouthful of fat, not to mention, this Luo Qianhan is her little pet.

However, Lu Ling is still not at ease, greedy people are always suspicious.

"Xuechen, you are mine, right?" Lu Ling said.

Of course Luo Qianhan would not hesitate.

"I am the master's, all, all, all."

"Yes, yes, yes." Lu Ling nodded with a smile, and then asked abruptly, "I want your life, is that okay?"

"Yes." Still without hesitation, Luo Qianhan squatted down and said.

"That's right, good girl." Lu Ling raised her hand to touch her snowy hair, playing with the coldness in her hand.

She is satisfied, very satisfied.

Lu Ling actually didn't doubt Luo Qianhan, after all, when they first met, Luo Qianhan was about to commit suicide... But she said it herself, and Lu Ling felt more satisfied.

A Luo Qianhan doesn't know how many Daozangs are comparable to her, but she still wants that Daozang now. It's a pity that Mo Yuan died early at that time, and Lu Ling was very distressed, and the secret method she got was gone.

Then, Lu Ling put away her smile.

"Master, what's the matter?" Sensing Lu Ling's dissatisfaction, Luo Qianhan immediately asked.

"Nothing." Lu Ling narrowed her eyes.

It's really boring to get what you want too easily, and there's no pleasure at all. If Luo Qianhan wins after a lot of gambling, the pleasure she gets will definitely increase ten thousand times.

In essence, she is greedy, but in fact she is mostly crazy. Lu Ling likes excitement, and it is best to confront each other to the death.

However, it was obvious that this too obedient cat could not satisfy her.

"The throne!" Lu Ling's eyes lit up when she saw the noble throne burning with golden flames not far away.

"Master, that's..." Luo Qianhan said anxiously. Although Xihuang's phoenix fire looks noble and beautiful, it is actually the most terrifying thing. A flame that can burn even time and space, it is easy to burn a Lu Ling to death. single.

Not to mention Lu Ling, even Xue Nu is no match at all, and can resist for a few seconds at most.

"Shut up." Lu Ling's eyes widened, Luo Qianhan kept silent, but she was still vigilant, ready to set up an enchantment to protect Lu Ling at all times.

"This flame is interesting." Lu Ling stepped forward, crossing the boundary between ice and fire.

At that moment, Luo Qianhan and Xihuang were both stunned.

They all set up barriers, originally wanting to protect Lu Ling, but at the same time they all found something wrong, approaching the golden flame that burned everything, Lu Ling's soul power did not weaken at all.

This shows that the Phoenix Fire is nothing to Lu Ling.

is it possible?
Luo Qianhan stared at Lu Ling.

Not even a Snow Maiden can do this.

Lu Ling told Luo Qianhan that it was impossible with her actions. She limped forward a few steps, and when she was approaching the Phoenix Throne, she frowned as she looked at the golden flame burning silently on the throne.

She doesn't feel hot, but the clothes should be unbearable...

"Xuechen, continue."

"Master..." Luo Qianhan gripped Lu Ling's clothes, holding back some movement, and at the same time wanted to look at Lu Ling's body, but didn't dare, his eyes flickered.

"What?" Lu Ling turned around and asked.

"But you're a girl, so don't think about it so much. I won't bet you with this. Besides, it's not considered gambling money."

Lu Ling thought of Liu Fufeng and shook her head.

The demon who had the most hope of winning this body at the beginning was already dead.

Hearing Lu Ling's teasing words, Luo Qianhan lowered his head.

It's not that she covets Lu Ling or anything, it's just my concubine's love for her master.

In fact, Lu Ling's hair is long.

At this moment, under the dull eyes of Luo Qianhan and Xihuang, Lu Ling sat on the throne of flowing fire. The burning flames, as flexible as tentacles, wrapped Lu Ling's exposed body and gradually climbed to the top of the throne. The neck formed a flowing fire coat.

This so-called phoenix fire couldn't even ignite a single hair of Lu Ling.

"Master... this... this..." Luo Qianhan was speechless.

Xihuang was also stunned, she didn't understand what happened, the flames wrapped around Lu Ling's body no longer obeyed her orders.

Is Lu Ling really a snow girl?

The answer is yes, that ice breath can't deceive anyone, but what's going on with ignoring the phoenix fire, even the queen of the demon race dare not play like this, let alone the ice element that is naturally restrained by flames.

Besides, Lu Ling just changed her mood at this time, her strength didn't increase at all, and she was still limping when she walked.

That's why Xuechen couldn't understand, and could only guess that Xihuang released the water.

"This fire is very beautiful, and it is more obedient than expected." Lu Ling leaned lazily on the side of the throne, raised her legs, and supported her side face with her arms.

"It's boring. Now, it's not interesting. It's hard to come out once. I feel like I'm at a loss if I don't do anything..." Lu Ling changed her posture and sat in the flames, like a flame princess.

"By the way, Xuechen, come here." Sitting on the throne, Lu Ling hooked her fingers towards Luo Qianhan.

"Yes." Luo Qianhan nodded, and walked to Lu Ling after a salute. At this time, Luo Qianhan who was close to Lu Ling frowned. She could feel how strong the phoenix fire wrapped around her master was. The outer space It has been burnt out, but Lu Ling hasn't damaged even a single hair...

Is that woman Xihuang's ability to control fire already so strong?
"Xuechen, what about phoenix, phoenix, phoenix..."

"Master, Xihuang."

"Yes, Xihuang." Lu Ling nodded, "Can you find her?"

"...Yes." Luo Qianhan nodded, she could feel that Xihuang was not far away.

"Let her come."

 Thanks to book friends 160516161208670, Qingtian Biyun, and Jiang 159 for their rewards! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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