Chapter 343
Lu Ling played with the dancing golden flame in her hand, raised her head and smiled, with the corners of her mouth raised, her beauty mark was very attractive—the expression was more attractive, full of greed, if her body was not too small and plump, Lu Ling would definitely be more attractive than her. Dongfang Lianren is more like a witch.

After all, Dongfang Lianren just looks like a prostitute, but she is actually a good woman.

At this time, Lu Ling couldn't see any trace of innocence. Apart from desire, there was lust in her eyes, and they were also crazy, like a lunatic.

"Let her come, I want her." Lu Ling said.

"Yes, master." Luo Qianhan nodded.

She doesn't care what her master looks like, whether she's greedy or crazy, she just needs to follow his master's orders.

"Xihuang, come here." At this moment, Luo Qianhan completely forgot why she recruited Xihuang to die before, and Lu Ling asked her to call her.

not far away.

Xihuang: "..."

Although she knew that Luo Qianhan listened to Xue Nu very much, she never expected to be so obedient...

Of course she couldn't understand what Luo Qianhan was thinking.

When Xue Nu was on the verge of death, she abandoned Luo Qianhan...the latter almost died of grief.

Now how dare you do something that makes Lu Ling unhappy, as long as it is the master's order, you must resolutely carry it out.

"Master, the concubine has informed Xihuang, and she will come right away." Luo Qianhan quietly walked to Lu Ling's side, and stood beside her like a maid.

"Okay." Lu Ling nodded, leaned on the Flame Throne with her cheeks half propped up, and narrowed her eyes.

At this time, a drop of blood flowed down the corner of Lu Ling's mouth. She seemed to have bitten off a piece of meat with too much force before, but now the blood is flowing non-stop, but Lu Ling doesn't feel the pain, so it doesn't matter.


The blood splashed in the flames of the throne and turned into a small ice flower.

Not to mention Lu Ling's body, but her blood, the phoenix fire didn't burn it even a bit. She was more like the owner of the phoenix fire than Xihuang, and even the flames tended to crawl towards Lu Ling's cheeks. To help her heal her wounds.

Phoenix Nirvana Fire, naturally cannot only have destructive power.

But when Lu Ling had a thought, the flames retreated to her chest, quietly turning into a little golden skirt.

"Master..." Luo Qianhan felt a little distressed.

She didn't care about the phoenix fire, these things couldn't hurt her master, of course it was because her master was powerful and blessed by the heavens, it was Lu Ling's wound that made Luo Qianhan worry.

Lu Ling's recovery ability is not strong, and she deliberately does not go for treatment, the blood on her lower lip still looks very embarrassing - it looks distressing on the soft and cute Lu Ling, but in this body now The queenly Lu Ling's body is not only not embarrassing, but also very coquettish, which makes people unconsciously feel ashamed.

Luo Qianhan wanted to stretch out his hands to squeeze Lu Ling's shoulders, but found that she suddenly turned around, immediately withdrew her hands, and put her back behind her, not daring to look at Lu Ling.

"It's okay." Lu Ling waved her hand, leaned forward, lazily with a little impatience: "Where's that Xihuang man?"

She doesn't want to waste too much time.

"Soon." Luo Qianhan nodded, then his eyes became sharper, and he stomped his feet: "Xihuang."

Luo Qianhan was very dissatisfied, the master even dared to neglect her when she was asked to come.

"Here we come..." With a sigh, a space crack opened in front of Lu Ling, and a gentle voice came out, with a little helplessness.

"Oh?" Lu Ling looked at the crack as huge as an abyss, very curious.

What came out of the crack was a somewhat plain figure, dressed in dark yellow, with an ordinary appearance. If it wasn't for the short golden hair and a touch of coercion, she would be an ordinary woman.

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment when she saw this outfit, and then sat upright, a little disappointed.

She thought how noble a woman who could sit on this throne would be, but what she saw with her own eyes was not as good as she thought.

With golden wings and a phoenix crown and colorful wings, isn't that the dignity of being an auspicious phoenix?Looking at the current Xihuang, she is even more plainly dressed than Lingshan's disciples, not even half of her Xuechen's.

The long dress with long sleeves on Luo Qianhan was exquisitely crafted, with some beautiful snowflakes on the cuffs, making her look like a fairy.

However, Lu Ling would not underestimate Xihuang, after all, according to Xuechen, this world that is about to collapse is the result of the struggle between the two of them.

"..." Luo Qianhan looked at Xihuang's plain attire with dangerous eyes.

She said why this guy came over so slowly, it turned out that he was going to change clothes... But unfortunately, the current owner doesn't care about the clothes.

Sure enough, as Luo Qianhan thought, as soon as Xihuang appeared, Lu Ling stared at her, the possessiveness in her eyes made Xihuang very uncomfortable.

It was the first time in my life to be looked at by such an explicit gaze...

"Xuechen, I can't beat her." Lu Ling looked back at the girl beside her.

"The concubine is here, what the master wants to do, just let the concubine come." Luo Qianhan stood in front of Lu Ling knowingly, and pulled out Xueluo Qianhan's body, holding the slender fairy sword in the cold girl's hand, the coldness was overwhelming, It seemed that Xihuang was about to be frozen.

"What is this...?" Xihuang watched as Luo Qianhan pointed his sword at her again, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Xiaoxue, if you keep fighting, this place will really collapse..."

Lu Ling didn't speak, and Luo Qianhan didn't respond, just holding the sword.

In fact, her strength is almost exhausted... Now she is just standing upright, but the master uses her, how can she back down.

"The space collapsed?" Lu Ling licked the corner of her mouth, stood up, and the golden stream turned into a short skirt, gorgeous and noble.

Looking up, looking at the starry sky like broken glass that may collapse at any time, the weird crescent moon that scared her so much that she almost cried was so beautiful in Lu Ling's eyes at this moment.

If it collapses... that's fine.

I want to see how the world collapses...

Then shook his head.

Now is not the time to think about such things, Lu Ling returned to the throne, raised her legs, her smooth white feet were covered with a layer of golden flames, and finally turned into a pair of combat boots.

He raised his head and glanced at Xihuang.

"Xihuang, right? If you don't want to fight, you can."

"Don't fight." During Xihuang's speech, she just looked into Lu Ling's eyes like this, with excitement, tenderness, a little nostalgia and complexity.

The most is calm.

She didn't want to fight Luo Qianhan anymore, let alone Lu Ling - it was even more impossible.

Xihuang was thinking about how to talk to Lu Ling, but before she could figure it out, Lu Ling took the initiative to speak.

"Xihuang, if you don't want to fight, do you want to gamble?" Lu Ling's voice trembled, and she hooked up her little fingers, looking very excited.

Gambling, or this way can make her excited, calmly wandering the edge of life and death, is the greatest happiness in life.

"Gambling?" Xihuang was taken aback for a moment.

Why gamble?
Because Lu Ling didn't understand the relationship between Xihuang and Luo Qianhan, she subconsciously placed the two of them in a hostile position, so she thought she made a condition that Xihuang could not refuse.

"For the bet, I will add her." Lu Ling pointed to herself, and then pointed to Xuechen who was holding a sword beside her: "If you win, Xuechen's life will be yours. As for can pay for it." You ask for a period of time."

Lu Ling was a little disappointed: "Although I really want to put my life on the gambling table, but unfortunately, I can't do it now."

"Ah?" Xihuang frowned, what a mess.

The snow girl in this very strange.

"Xiaoxue, don't you want to say anything?" Xihuang said.

"...You win, I'm yours." Luo Qianhan said little, expressing his full support for Lu Ling's idea, but it was obvious that she was not very happy.

"Gambling is bad, and it's such a big game." Xihuang frowned, teaching Lu Ling with an old mother's tone.

"..." Lu Ling was silent for a moment, and she lost her mind for a moment. Just now, she suddenly thought that if Liu Fufeng or Li Zhuzi saw her current appearance, she would definitely die a miserable death.

Butt itch.

But such a thought was just a flash, and was directly suppressed by Lu Ling.

Next, her temper became even more irritable, because such thoughts appeared, indicating that her time was running out.

"Why? Why do you want to gamble? Because it's fun?" Xihuang asked after seeing Lu Ling's determination.

This snow girl made her feel a little bad.

"Because..." Lu Ling grinned, "Because I want you."

"Want, want me?" Hearing this, Xihuang blushed for an instant, her eyes were absent for a few seconds, and then she came to her senses.

"You want, you want me or's not good..."

Even that domineering Xuenv back then never said such a thing.

"Yes, I just want you, your life, everything about you." Lu Ling said greedily, not caring about Xihuang's thoughts at all: "In order not to let you suffer, I have put two people on my side, why? Sample?"

"How do you want to bet?" Lu Ling took out two spiritual power dice from nowhere, and played with them in her palm.

She didn't give Xihuang a chance to refuse, and directly started discussing how to play.

[Xiaoxue, she... what's wrong?Did something happen during the soul reincarnation? ] Xihuang looked at the weird Lu Ling, and sent a voice transmission to Luo Qianhan.

"..." Luo Qianhan ignored her.

She herself didn't know why her master became like this, and even if she knew, she wouldn't tell Xihuang.

"Okay, let's make a decision." Lu Ling got up, and walked in front of Xihuang dressed in golden flowing fire.

She was relatively short, reaching to Xihuang's chest, but she still walked over, put her hands on Xihuang's body, felt the same feeling as the flames on her body, and clamped her legs tightly.

"You are very powerful... Your life should be very valuable..." Lu Ling's voice trembled.

"I'm curious, why you can ignore my Phoenix Fire." Xihuang stared at the golden flowing fire skirt on Lu Ling, her eyes full of doubts.

"If you want to know, if you beat me, I will give you everything." Lu Ling opened her arms and showed herself: "Research how you want."

"..." Xihuang was very helpless. Although she was a Xuenv in her previous life, she still looked like a teenager. Although she had flaws on her body, she would not have matured into this appearance...

"Okay, I can't play with you." Xihuang shook her head, she didn't want to talk to Lu Ling anymore, she couldn't bet on her life or something.

"No, why." Hearing this, Lu Ling's eyes darkened instantly: "My bet is not enough? I still have..."

"It's not about the bet." Xihuang raised her hand and imprisoned Lu Ling for an instant.

Luo Qianhan reacted immediately, a sword energy broke the barrier, but it was too late, Xihuang reached out and flicked Lu Ling's forehead hard.


Lu Ling shook her body in a panic, and then her eyes were a little dazed, but she quickly became firm.

"Stop." Lu Ling stopped the angry Luo Qianhan, then looked at Xihuang, waiting for her explanation.

"Girl, be more reserved. Besides, I'm very disappointed to bet my body and Xiaoxue." Xihuang shook her head: "But who made you young, correct it later."

"Are you looking for death?" Lu Ling's eyes turned cold, what does this woman think of her?Just as she was about to call Luo Qianhan to do something, Xihuang's next sentence made her shut up.

"Besides, I, no, the concubine's life is yours in the first place, so there's nothing to gamble about." A trace of tenderness flashed in Xihuang's eyes, and she held Lu Ling in her arms.

"It was originally mine?" Lu Ling struggled on her chest, and after finding that she couldn't push it away, she resigned herself to sticking to her body.

"What do you mean."

"It's not interesting." Xihuang put her arms around Lu Ling: "The concubine's life is already yours, so what's the point of betting, it's so boring to bet with your own things."

Xihuang's tone of coaxing children made Lu Ling stunned for a moment.

"Let go of me." Lu Ling said with a cold face.

Hearing this, Luo Qianhan raised his sword.

"Yes yes yes." Xihuang let go of Lu Ling, then stood behind Lu Ling, smiling softly.

It could be seen that she was very happy.

Lu Ling pondered for a while, then raised her head and said, "Xihuang, are you the same as Xuechen? It used to be mine..."

"Concubine." Xihuang said first, but her tone of coaxing children was not convincing.

"Xuechen, tell me." Lu Ling asked Luo Qianhan.

"Back to the master, yes." Luo Qianhan was even more unhappy, but when Lu Ling asked her, she had to answer truthfully: "This woman said for a while that she was the master's concubine, but it was all because..."

"Okay." Hearing this, Lu Ling interrupted Luo Qianhan.

"...Yes." Luo Qianhan shut up obediently.

"Cut..." Lu Ling looked at the two women in front of her, very upset.

It's really her concubine, what's the situation... I picked up two super thugs for nothing on the walk... It stands to reason that she should be happy, but Lu Ling couldn't be happy anyway.

This is too boring.

"Concubine, concubine, both are concubines, so what are you two doing?" Lu Ling's body was on fire, and she was a little not sober at this time. Lu Ling, who thought she could have as much fun as last time, was very happy. disappointment.

She covets Xihuang's strength very much, but now the latter is hers, so betting left and right is a waste of time.

"I don't want to fight either, but Xiaoxue is jealous." Xihuang shrugged.

"Jealous?" Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, and then looked at Luo Qianhan. The latter blushed and turned her head away. She would not lie after facing Lu Ling.

"Forget it, forget it..."

The gamble she expected was in vain, and the things that supported Lu Ling until now were instantly shattered. Her eyes dimmed, and she stumbled back to the throne, muttering to herself.

"It's boring, it's boring... What a concubine, I don't like women... I won't take care of this mess anymore."

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became. Finally, Lu Ling leaned sideways on the throne and did not move.

With a touch, the golden flowing fire skirt dissipated instantly, and the girl's body was exposed to the air again.

Then there was a small snore.

Fell asleep.

 Thanks to Xuesheng on the run, Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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