Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 344 Misunderstanding

Chapter 344 Misunderstanding
After Lu Ling was depressed, she just lay down on the chair and fell asleep.

what is this?
Xihuang was a little helpless: "Xiaoxue, she is asleep."

"..." Luo Qianhan didn't speak, but just looked at Xihuang with a little resentment in his eyes.

"Xiaoxue, don't look at me like that. I didn't want to appear in front of her, but you forced me to come here." Xihuang shrugged.

"Hmph." Luo Qianhan opened the space and threw the fairy sword into it: "The master is asleep, let's go back to the mountain."

"That's good, it's so late." Xihuang nodded, and then muttered to herself: "For this reunion, I deliberately picked a snow mountain with a nice view... I remember she likes snow so much."

Xihuang looked at the hell-like sky of ice and fire around her, then glanced at Lu Ling who was lying in the flames, and shook her head.

She would never have imagined that Xue Nu would become so bad. To be honest, she didn't like this Xue Nu very much, but Xihuang believed that it was her responsibility as a concubine to lead Lu Ling to the right path.

Although this concubine's name came from a bad background, Xihuang still felt that it was time for her to be Lu Ling's teacher. Such a greedy, crazy and willful Xue Nu was not the woman who made her flustered.

It is not required for Lu Ling to be as talented as Xuenv, at least not to be as coquettish and bitch as she is now.

As for why her concubine's name was not right, it was because Xue Nu didn't recognize her like she recognized Luo Qianhan back then.

When Luo Qianhan called her a concubine in person, Xue Nu would respond, but not to her.

And it can also be seen from the name, Luo Qianhan's full name is Xue Luo Qianhan, Xihuang is not called Xue Xihuang, the Xuenu at that time also knew Xihuang's status, she just thought she was joking and didn't take it seriously.

In fact, if Xihuang hadn't run away in the past, Xuenv would definitely not have run away if she knew what she was thinking, and maybe this concubine's status as a concubine would be confirmed.


Looking at Lu Ling who was curled up and asleep on the throne, Xihuang shook her head.

This girl really doesn't have the habits of a snow girl... It's normal, she has been trained in the wheel of heaven and earth, she is no longer the snow girl before, and both she and Luo Qianhan know this clearly.

It's just that the dead let go, but the living are still dragging her legs, not letting her leave.

For example, Luo Qianhan...

At this time, Luo Qianhan had reached his limit, his body was flickering faintly, and he might disappear from this world at any time, and return to his previous appearance as a young girl.

Being able to come out for such a long time this time is also thanks to Tang Keyu's blessing. The latter has been studying the issue of the ice system, and she has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from Tang Keyu.

But in less than half an hour today, everything was completely spent.

"Xiaoxue, are you going back?" Xihuang saw through Luo Qianhan's state, the latter was exhausted and started to degenerate.

"En." Luo Qianhan nodded, then looked at the woman beside him, a little unwilling.

In the end, she still didn't drive this woman away from her master... But since she couldn't be driven away, she could only accept it.

"Xihuang." Luo Qianhan called Xihuang's name, but without looking at her, he went straight to the sleeping Lu Ling, lowered his head and kissed her, then leaned over Lu Ling, and snuggled up to her.

- stick to the chest.

Xuechen's thoughts still affected her to some extent.

"Tell me." Xihuang said as she watched Luo Qianhan wrap around Lu Ling.

"I'm still in my infancy now, you'd better not insult me ​​with your strength, or I will kill you next time." Luo Qianhan hugged Lu Ling's hair and held it tightly in his palm, breathing heavily.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." The golden light flashed, and Xihuang Xiayu wrapped her body.

"That's the best. I'll go first. I hope you will do what a concubine should do." Luo Qianhan said the last sentence, his figure flickered violently, and the phantom of the girl threw herself on Lu Ling's body and kissed her. around her neck.

With a blurred look in his eyes, he entangled him.

Seeing this, a little jealousy flashed in Xihuang's eyes, and she turned her back to the two of them.

What should a concubine do?
thought for a moment.

Protecting her well and educating her well, is this what concubines should do?
Who knows.

But in this life with her, anyone who wants to hurt Lu Ling has to pass her test first.

She once failed to protect Xuenv well, and she will not repeat the same mistakes in this life.

Behind her, Luo Qianhan's lingering phantom gradually penetrated into Lu Ling's body, leaving the last of her strength in Lu Ling's dantian, helping her open up the fine meridians.

Lu Ling broke through the cultivation barrier in an instant and reached the mid-stage of the soul-dividing state. Her spiritual power reserve was already sufficient, so there would be no hidden dangers left.

Contributing the last strength, Luo Qianhan's aura disappeared, and turned into a little phantom cat again. The beautiful cat was sleeping at this time, so it just melted into Lu Ling's body and disappeared.

In essence, Xuechen is a sword spirit, and Lu Ling's Sea of ​​Consciousness is her home, and she can recover better if she stays there. With her body, she could feel the sense of peace that the master brought her.



The old friend disappeared, the girl fell asleep, Xihuang returned to her throne, carefully hugged Lu Ling in her arms, and let her head rest on her shoulder.

The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily.

The Snow Girl in this life is very mysterious, just holding her, Xihuang can feel at least three strange energies, the ice element is the Snow Girl's origin, and the heat she doesn't know, it is this heat that makes her Phoenix Fire surrender.

The strangest thing is that huge awe-inspiring righteousness.

Xihuang didn't know why there was such a huge aura of grandeur on Lu Ling's body. Righteousness can be hidden in the chest, but the aura of grandeur is hidden in the vast world, and it can only be extracted a little bit with formations, such as the grandeur sword formation in Shushan.

But Lu Ling is so upright in her chest.

Haoran, like the flow of water, cannot stop, and those who have integrity must be indomitable and amazingly talented.

And Lu Ling...

She really didn't understand how the previous Lu Ling, who was greedy and crazy, and all his actions were for stimulation, who easily put Luo Qianhan's life on the gambling table, kept his arrogance in his chest.

Not to mention, the snow girl in this life has a flat chest.

Lu Ling took off her previous clothes and gave them to Luo Qianhan, but now Luo Qianhan disappeared with Lu Ling's clothes, so she can only be naked like this now.

Fortunately, Xihuang didn't have any thoughts about her, he just held her in his arms and remained motionless.

Now that Luo Qianhan is not here, Lu Ling belongs to her, so let her get to know the Xuenv in this life well.


As time passed, Xihuang's complexion became more and more ugly. She just checked Lu Ling's body, and she didn't spare an inch from head to toe.

Lu Ling's health is very bad.

The cold talent hadn't been fully awakened, and it was conflicting with that scorching ability, messing up her spiritual attributes.

Don't mention Yin Jue's veins, don't mention her frail body, thinking that when Xue Nu was taken to Lingshan in this life, she didn't live comfortably, and Xihuang couldn't see a smile on her face at the end.

She found a hidden wound in Lu Ling's relatively private place...


The sound of glass breaking.

He didn't control his power for a while, and in the silence, the invisible force spread out, shattering the space bit by bit.

The flames were set on fire, and space debris fell from the sky like broken glass, but Lu Ling was not hurt at all, and she still slept soundly.

After a while, the phoenix power dissipated, and the northwest corner of this world was completely destroyed. Looking around, there was nothing left, only endless and terrifying voids and void worms.

Under the power of Xihuang, the snow mountain completely disappeared, leaving only a Throne of Flames in the void, and on the throne was a woman hugging a sleeping girl.

Xihuang, who was originally gentle into the water, had a ruthless face, and his golden eyes were full of austerity, much more terrifying than Luo Qianhan.

Gentle people generally don't get angry.


Do not provoke the meek to anger.

Back then, Xihuang dared to break into the tomb of the Sea Clan by herself, which showed that she was not only gentle, but also domineering and ruthless. Once she was angered, unless she was the strongest, the best ending would be death. .

"..." Xihuang's complexion was cold, with her plume and phoenix crown, she was supposed to represent the fire of heaven and earth, but at this time she gave people the feeling of being as cold and terrifying as the high priest of the sea clan.

Xihuang took a deep breath.

Don't let her know who bullied her "master". If she knows, even if it is an old monster of the human race, Xihuang will definitely make her disappear and never enter reincarnation.

"Xue... No, girl." Xihuang put away her killing intent, looked at Lu Ling's eyes softened, she lowered her head and kissed Lu Ling's forehead, her face was full of distress.

Perhaps the reason why Lu Ling has such a crazy personality and precocity is because she has been hurt before, so her psychology is so distorted.

It's a good thing she's still young, otherwise Xihuang couldn't imagine how Lu Ling would be treated...

"Human Race..."

Because of Lu Ling's hidden wounds, Xihuang's favor towards the human race is infinitely declining.

"I don't know your name yet... no, Luo Xian said before... your name is——Lu Ling." Xihuang remembered something, with a calm expression: "Wait, I will go to seek justice tomorrow. I can't find them, but—”

Xihuang clenched her fist, and a terrifying space beast instantly dismembered and burned into ashes.

"Someone is going to pay the price."

Then, Xihuang brought Lu Ling back to the mountain, put her back on Dongfang Lianren's bed, and went to collect information about Lu Ling.


The reason why Xihuang suddenly wanted to find someone to settle the score was because after she discovered Lu Ling's secret injury, she also discovered that Lu Ling had been injured recently.

The hidden injury before practicing was due to being insulted, which made Xihuang violently murderous, but she didn't know who did it, the latter was different, it was a new injury.

Although the signs were very faint, they still couldn't hide from Xihuang's eyes.

Lu Ling's qi and blood are very thin, and she has definitely been injured recently, and it was the kind of serious injury where her qi and blood were reduced.

Instead, she wanted to ask how the group of Lingshan people protected their disciples.

The new injury can only be caused by Lingshan people.


Time passed and dawn came.

Unlike usual, Feng Ming did not wake up everyone today, and a dignified atmosphere enveloped the entire Lingshan Mountain.

three peaks.

Dongfang Lianren still slept very deeply, and she didn't even know that someone had forced her way in - all her poisonous poisons were obediently staying in a corner at this time. These poisonous poisons were frightened by the angry Xihuang at night. very.

"Uncle, uncle..."

A shout came from far and near.

"En~~" Dongfang Lianren turned over, a little confused, because she was imprisoned by time yesterday, so she was not very awake yet.

The shouting was ineffective, and the voices outside the house became more and more impatient, and finally had no choice but to venture into Dongfang Lianren's small courtyard.

"Uncle Dongfang, Uncle Dongfang!!" Outside the door, the Taoist robed girl knocked on the door anxiously, but at the same time she was a little scared.

If possible, she really didn't want to get close to Dongfang Lianren's residence, but there was no way, no one could contact her now, so she could only call her directly.

"...Come in." Hearing the knock on the door, Dongfang Lianren opened her eyes in a daze. No one has been here for a long time...why is it so early in the morning...

and many more.

Dongfang Lianren woke up instantly.

How did she sleep so deeply?There was something wrong...but before he had time to think, Dongfang Lianren looked at him and was stunned.

At this time, under the quilt, a cold and soft person was entwining her. It was a young girl with disheveled hair, a sweet sleeping face, fluttering eye hair, and a blush on her cheeks, like a seductive red apple. Can't help but go up and take a bite.

It's Lu Ling.

This girl is still so cute.

A few thoughts flashed across Dongfang Lianren's mind, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

She is still lying down now, wearing a long pajama skirt, but now that the long skirt has been lifted up completely, the friction of the clothes is gone, and the only thing on her legs is the slippery skin of a girl.

Lift the quilt.

Dongfang Lianren was dumbfounded.

Lu Ling——

No clothes.

She was completely naked and wrapped around her body in an extremely ambiguous posture.

Half a second later, Dongfang Lianren remembered something, but it was too late.

The door was pushed open, and the Taoist robed girl entered the room.

"Uncle Dongfang, master... yelling..." The girl was speaking when she saw the scene on the bed, and she was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a moment.

"Lu Lu Lu..." The girl pointed at Lu Ling lying in Dongfang Lianren's arms, her voice trembling.

Obviously, she recognized Lu Ling, and she was one of the people who watched Dongfang Lian "take" Lu Ling with her own eyes yesterday.

At this time, the girl was at a loss for a moment, she would never have imagined that Dongfang Lianren really "eat" Lu Ling... No, she is not yet an adult, Dongfang Shishu is too ghostly.

As for other reasons, the girl would never believe it. Looking at the entanglement between the two of them, it would be strange if they were innocent.

"Uncle Dongfang, Master told you to go to Qifeng Hall to discuss important matters, that's all."

After speaking, the girl ran away in a panic.

She was afraid that Dongfang Lianren would "silence" her, or directly poison her and eat her...

"It's too scary... It's too scary..." The girl left Sanfeng at a speed of escape...

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dongfang was the scariest one.

Although Shen Canghai went too far, he never forced others. Dongfang Lianren snatched Lu Ling away in front of thousands of people yesterday.

And now Lu Ling has been stripped into a little white sheep, Dongfang Lianren said before that she wants to find a man to marry... It's all a cover.

The girl decided to spread the news as soon as possible, otherwise the junior sisters would definitely suffer from a woman full of sensuality.



three peaks.

Dongfang Lianren looked at the girl who was running away, and then at the naked Lu Ling wrapped around her body, speechless.

what happened last night?
She remembers that she didn't do anything...

Could it be that she ate Xiao Ling in her sleep?

God, something big happened.

 Thank you Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip!

(End of this chapter)

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