Chapter 349 Purpose
Dongfang Lianren would never have thought that it was Lu Ling who asked her to go to the meeting.

Lu Ling thought very simply, she couldn't delay Master Dongfang's business because of her, and...

She also wanted to see Li Zhuzi. After all, Tang Keyu Academy and Qin Qin's house were on the same line every day. She really didn't have much time to see Li Zhuzi. The latter had to go to class every day, so she didn't have time to come and see her.

Because Liu Fufeng was at the foot of the mountain, I couldn't see her anymore. Now that she finally has a holiday, why don't she go to see her husband?
Since the husband is in a meeting, she will wait in front of the door, and when the husband finishes his work, we will go to dinner together...

Lu Ling took a breath.

She hasn't eaten the food made by her husband for a long time. Although there is such a god as Qin Qin, her appetite can be satisfied, but for Lu Ling, the important thing is not the taste, but the cook.

Of course, Li Zhuzi's food is also recognized as delicious, but she is lazy and unwilling to move, so most of the time she goes to the canteen to get ready-made ones, and she can do it herself. There should be only some pastries, such as bamboo-colored lotus seed cake, There are still a few pieces of food in Qin Qin's room that Lu Ling is not willing to eat, which was given to her by her husband.

She misses her husband.

After going out, Lu Ling turned her head and glanced at Dongfang Lianren.

"Uncle, can you really take me with you?"

"Of course." Dongfang Lianren followed Lu Ling out the door with his hands behind him, and smiled when he saw her questioning.

"But... shouldn't the meeting be a very, um, serious place?" Lu Ling asked.

Dongfang Lianren said that she was fine with taking her to Qifeng, but she always felt that she was not qualified as an ordinary disciple.

"Who do you think you are, don't just go to Qifeng, no one will mind if I take you to the main hall." Dongfang Lianren closed the door and said to Lu Ling after setting a restriction.

"Who am I?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"Oh." Lian Dongfang shook his head, pinched Lu Ling's face, and smiled lightly.

"Xiaoling, you are very powerful... Maybe today's meeting is discussing you, Xiaoling, do you think you can go?"

It is entirely possible to hold a meeting to discuss Lu Ling, because after discovering that Lu Ling is of ice blood, eight out of ten times it has something to do with Lu Ling, and these women really have nothing else to call so many people .

Besides, Lu Ling's cultivation base is not high, but her status and importance in Lingshan are not low at all. Lu Ling has multiple identities, but she doesn't know it.

First of all, Lu Ling is the elder sister of Ninth Peak.

Senior sister Yifeng, this identity alone is enough for her to set foot in the inner circle of Lingshan.

Yifeng's senior sister is basically the next Lingshan Congregation.

In the beginning, the name of Lu Ling, the senior sister, might just be a joke, but since she was recognized by Chu Qishui and all the Lingshan people, she is no longer the ordinary disciple she was before.

Regardless of whether there is one or 1 disciples in the Jiufeng, a senior sister is a senior sister, and Lu Ling and Shen Gui are equal in terms of seniority.

Moreover, Lu Ling's two masters are stronger than the other.

Juexian real person, who bears a huge sin on her body, is hated by many people, but she is still the peak owner of the Ninth Peak, and there are many people supporting her. She is a woman who can make the people of Lingshan fight for her—right and wrong No one can say for sure, but what is certain is that Chu Qishui still has her own background, after all, she was once a ruthless character who could rank among the top three in the Venerable Realm.

Lu Ling is her apprentice, and a recognized apprentice. Based on this, she is also qualified to attend the meeting. She may not be qualified to speak out, but she can certainly attend.

Then there is Li Zhuzi...

Master Bamboo.

This number is enough.

Although Li Zhuzi is not the peak master, and she is lazy at times, but Li Zhuzi is one of the most core members of the Lingshan people. In this era, her words are much more useful than Chu Qishui's.

It goes without saying how much Li Zhuzi likes Lu Ling. The reason why Lu Ling can learn whatever she wants is due to her husband.

Li Zhuzi's attitude was resolute, and others did not dare to persecute Lu Ling.

Adding the above things together, let alone going to a meeting, it is not impossible for everyone to listen to her opinions.

Not to mention, Lu Ling is still possessed by the bloodline of ice, with extraordinary talent, not losing to Xu Xu's innate fire spirit body, and maybe one day Lu Ling awakens and awakens a fairy sword, and Lingshan will also wake up at that time. Can have one more card.

Most of the Lingshan people hold that Lu Ling will not lose money if she is not awakened, and it is up to her to make a lot of money if she awakens.

Including Dongfang Lianren, after all, Lu Ling's cultivation talent is very good, but Dongfang Lianren is different from what they think, that is, with such a cute little girl, no matter what Lu Ling's talent is, she will naturally make money.

So Dongfang Lianren regrets it now, she should not have made any agreement with those bad old men in Shushan at that time, she is not willing to send her little girl to that poor place in Shushan to train.



After leaving the yard, Lu Ling looked at the hell-like desolation around her, but didn't react for a while.

Lu Ling has seen the beautiful scenery of Lingshan many times, such as the sea of ​​clouds as magnificent as the second peak, as colorful as the seven peaks, and even the ninth peak where her home is located. Just like a forest.

But this place in front of her made Lu Ling completely understand what barrenness is. The bright green soil and bare vegetation gave people a strong sense of death.

Looking around, except for this small courtyard behind him, other places are no different from hell.

Is this really Lingshan?

Lu Ling glanced at Dongfang Lianren and trembled.

No wonder the uncle said that the road is not easy to walk... If she was left alone in such a place, she really wouldn't dare to trespass...

"Xiao Ling, let's fly over directly." Dongfang Lianren didn't seem to see Lu Ling's surprise, or had already guessed Lu Ling's reaction, and skipped the topic.

"Fly? Uncle, I... am afraid of heights." Lu Ling swallowed and said.

"It's fine, as long as you don't look down." Unable to explain, Dongfang Lian held Lu Ling's waist, and the figures of the two disappeared instantly, and when they reappeared, they were in the sky.

Feeling that her feet were off the ground, Lu Ling subconsciously closed her eyes.

Then she could feel the softness of Dongfang Lianren's body even more.

"Master Uncle, you smell...very good." Lu Ling whispered.

Lu Ling didn't know why she said such words, but she was suddenly fascinated by the ghost, and the delicate fragrance like musk deer and orchid made her breathe a little harder unconsciously.

"..." Obviously, Dongfang Lianren did not expect that Lu Ling would suddenly "confess" to her, her figure flickered, and then she stood firm.

"It's just the smell of sex, it's nothing to smell. Xiaoling, you are temporarily immune to sex, I hope you can say such things in the future." Lian Dongfang shook his head and said indifferently, but the corners of his mouth were already exposed broke her mind.

"En..." Lu Ling didn't understand what she said, so she could only nod her head.

Hearing the whistling in her ear and the violent heartbeat from Dongfang Lianren, Lu Ling had an illusion——this Master Dongfang seems to be easy to coax...

Then Lu Ling secretly opened her eyes.

The surrounding scenery was retreating rapidly, a layer of red light wrapped around her and Dongfang Lianren as they flew.

She raised her head, glanced at Dongfang Lianren, who was full of happiness, and said nothing.

This uncle is a very good person.

Lu Ling came to a conclusion.

Then, the two fell to the ground.

This is the seven peaks.



Seven Peaks Hall.

The atmosphere has changed from the serious and inexplicable at the beginning to a little weird.

All the people in Lingshan looked at each other in dismay at this moment, looking at the blonde short-haired woman above, their eyes were filled with doubt and disbelief.

【What exactly does Sister Huang want to say? 】

【do not know……】

Even Daoist Luanfeng is in a state of bewilderment right now. Seeing Xihuang reprimanding him, Li Zhuzi and Chu Qishui being scolded with their heads down, she always felt that the style of painting was not quite right.

Isn't there business?

Luanfeng originally thought that Xihuang's gathering them together was a big deal, not necessarily a big deal about the two races of humans and spirits, but at least it was something worthy of Xihuang's presence.

For Xihuang to mention Lu Ling, Luanfeng was not surprised. This ice bloodline appeared in the world. If Xihuang said she didn't know, it would be an accident.

As the owner of a peak, Luanfeng always knows a little more than others, such as the character of this Immortal Feather. In fact, Xihuang is more like the guardian of the fairy sword...

Fire-type Supreme Guardian Ice Sword...

It sounds unbelievable, but many seniors in Lingshan think so, because there is only one thing on Lingshan that can attract Xihuang, and in the original records, this supreme fire element is sleeping next to the fairy sword.

All indications showed that the Lingzu knew a lot about the Immortal Sword. Although they had a good relationship, Lingshan had a tacit understanding and didn't ask about Xihuangxueluoqianhan, because they couldn't ask.

It's better to ask Dong Shenhai directly than to ask her.

It is certain that Xihuang has an idea about Immortal Sword, the only thing that is uncertain is the depth of this idea.

Today is a good opportunity to test it out. When Luanfeng heard Xihuang mention Lu Ling, she was not very surprised, because if the ice blood was really passed from Xuenv, she would not believe that Xihuang would not be tempted.

Both Luan and Phoenix are ready, as long as Xihuang is willing to disclose the information, Lingshan can give up Xueluoqianhan...

Don't get me wrong, I just let go of Xueluo Qianhan, Lu Ling is a disciple of Lingshan, and it is impossible for her family to give up anyway.

It's a good deal.

This fairy sword is of no use to Lingshan, but more like a time bomb. If you give it to Xihuang, Luanfeng will feel at ease. Most importantly, if you can get some information about the ice blood, it will be worth it.

After all, in front of this group of Lingshan people, Lu Ling's own value is much greater than a malfunctioning fairy sword.

Moreover, the daughter's family is not greedy, neither does it have the idea of ​​becoming the leader of the holy place of the human race, nor does it have the idea of ​​fighting for resources, so it does not rely on the fairy sword.

Besides, even if it could be used, they would not know how to use it. The example of Lihuo Hongling was shown in front of them. Those Shushan disciples who wielded swords were all utterly devastated... Women don't like it.

It is enough to have Shushan and Lihuo Hongling.

However, Luanfeng was ready to negotiate with Xihuang, but she didn't expect that Xihuang would not follow the routine.

What fairy sword, what snow falls thousands of cold, what ice blood, not a word is mentioned.

Like the surrounding Lingshan people, Luanfeng looked strange and looked around in a daze.

This sister Huang summoned them, but she kept asking about Lu Ling. At first, it could be understood as collecting information on the bearers of the ice blood, but now the taste has completely changed.

Xihuang was questioning Li Zhuzi and Chu Qishui, annoyed that they did not take good care of Lu Ling and hurt her.

What's happening here?
Seeing those two being reprimanded by Xihuang, Luanfeng was in a daze.

That gentle sister Huang is actually angry...

Because Lu Ling was injured, she was furious.

It can be seen that she cares about Lu Ling very much.

What's happening here?
Luanfeng and Taoist nun in black looked at each other, and they nodded in unison.

Xihuang is not pretending, she really likes Lu Ling, the cannibalistic expression when she talked about Lu Ling's old injury earlier made her feel chills down her spine...

This Supreme Spirit Race cared about Lu Ling very much, and he did not hide his distress and anger when mentioning Lu Ling's new injury.

It is the color of a mother protecting her child.

In layman's terms, it's like a hen protecting a calf.

There was no question about the Immortal Sword and the Ice Bloodline, and all Xihuang's words were directed at Lu Ling.

These Taoist nuns couldn't understand at all, they didn't understand how a little human girl could have anything to do with the phoenix, but Xihuang's concern couldn't be faked, they were very puzzled and held back very hard.

It can't be because Lu Ling is cute that she likes it.

Is it because the ice blood can't be injured or something?

Everyone couldn't help guessing that the Fire Element Supreme in front of him cared about Lu Ling because of some special things.

No way, most people still don't believe that Xihuang cares about Lu Ling, they would rather believe that Xihuang is utilitarian.

These Lingshan people didn't believe that Xihuang was angry because he liked Lu Ling, but there was one person who believed it.

Letter from Li Zhuzi.

The shadow she saw in Xihuang's eyes was herself.

This woman is very similar to her, and she cares about Lu Ling very much. When Li Zhuzi knew that Lu Ling had been injured recently, the first emotions that appeared in Li Zhuzi's heart were anger and distress.

This is exactly the same as Xihuang.

She just didn't understand why this noble immortal feather cared so much about her A Ling...

Compared to Li Zhuzi's feeling when she saw the same kind, Chu Qishui was completely at a loss. She stood lazily, squinting her eyes and said nothing.

At this time, Xihuang's anger had not dissipated.

"I know a little bit about Miss Chu's body, so I won't mention her here." Xihuang raised her golden hair, revealing a golden eye. In an instant, an unparalleled power pressed down on Li Zhuzi, overwhelming the sea of ​​power Li Zhuzi's body tensed instantly.

"Li are Lu Ling's teacher."

"Yes." Li Zhuzi raised his head, not avoiding Xihuang's sight at all.

"Then what you teacher did was really negligent." Xihuang said sternly, she didn't know Li Zhuzi, she just thought that the Snow Girl in this life was just so inspired, and she might be very unpopular in Lingshan, otherwise why would she get hurt?

It's just an injury, and no one has helped her heal.

Xihuang was very angry.

 Thanks to Infant Yufei and Qingtian Biyun for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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