Chapter 350

Although Xihuang's status as a concubine came from a bad background, and Lu Ling's personality in this life was extremely bad, but since she said she was a concubine and went to grab it with Luo Qianhan, it showed that she cared about Lu Ling.

As a concubine, her master was bullied, so she naturally wanted to stand out.

Lu Ling's old wounds were left by mortals, and now they are gradually repairing with the continuous progress of her cultivation base, Xihuang looked so distressed that she was dying.

There were many hidden wounds on Lu Ling's body, and because she was too young at that time, the scars left behind could not be repaired. If it weren't for the help of Jiufeng Lingquan and Xuechen, it would be difficult for Lu Ling to step into the door of cultivation.

Although the human race majored in the soul, but without the body as a medium in the early stage, it was naturally difficult to move forward.

But it is clear that Xue Nu is Xue Nu, even if she is reincarnated, she has her own magical powers. Lu Ling's body automatically seals some fatal wounds, concentrating on her calves.

This is her Yinjuemai, Lu Ling's memory is correct, her leg was indeed broken by an accident.

The instigators of the accident... were also a group of mortals, but they couldn't catch up at this time.

Xihuang was very helpless, everyone in the world, she wanted to avenge Lu Ling but couldn't find it, so she could only hold back her anger, including Xuechen, when she shot and killed those boys who once regarded Lu Ling as playthings, it was because they themselves said I have seen Lu Ling, otherwise I really can't find it. After all, these painful memories have been sealed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness after Lu Ling awakened. No one can see them without her permission.

Lu Ling doesn't know how to show it to others, and sometimes she thinks, it's a good thing she was in a foolish state at the time, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to hold on, and maybe she would go crazy if she hadn't suffered.

Before she awakened, no old person could find her, she was in Luoyan City, Luo Qianhan and Xihuang didn't feel anything.

But that's all in the past, and now Lu Ling can be regarded as the toughest woman in the backstage of the world of cultivating immortals. Li Zhuzi stands behind her, and having Li Zhuzi means that behind her are Shen Canghai and Venerable Ye...

This lineup is nothing short of luxurious.

Then Xihuang is one of the three most powerful, and Xueluo Qianhan is the judge of the world...

Hidden as Lu Ling's backstage is Dong Shenhai. If these old guys find the ice blood, they will naturally confess her as an ancestor. These people know what the ice blood represents better than Lingshan. What Lu Ling represents is not a reincarnation, but the opportunity for the rise of the Eastern Shenhai, the strong man who suppressed the demons back then.

The reason why Eastern Shenhai and Shushan did not deal with each other is actually related to Xuenv...

At this time, this little girl who has just divided the soul realm is already the most terrifying person in the world of cultivating immortals, but she doesn't know it.


Lu Ling also has a hidden backer - Li Huo Hong Ling.

This current hostess of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion is the biggest bug in the world, not to mention her own calculations, she will not let Lu Ling ignore the point of Xueluo Qianhan alone.

Lingshan, Eastern Divine Sea, Snow Falling Thousands of Cold, Lihuo Hongling, Immortal Feather——

Such a terrifying harem group, if someone really offends Lu Ling to death... That picture is too beautiful, but with Lu Ling's soft personality, it is estimated that she will not conflict with others. If there is a conflict, she should also Quick to apologize.

This is Lu Ling, a little girl.

It is difficult to make her angry, because she can bear no matter what others do to her, but it is also very easy to make her angry. Lu Ling doesn't care about herself, but the little girl also has her own backlash.

For example, Liu Fufeng.

Whoever touches her junior sister will die.

Lu Ling will not kill, nor will she kill, but [Lu Ling] can kill, and is willing to kill.

It's not killing, it's nothing.

At this time, Xihuang had already had a small conflict with Li Zhuzi.

Xihuang couldn't care about Lu Ling's old wounds, but for the new wounds on her body, she had to ask these women how they took care of their apprentices.

"Senior Huang, when did Ah Ling get hurt?" Li Zhuzi looked at the aggressive Xihuang who was different from the usual gentleness, and said calmly.

She didn't believe that anyone would hurt Lu Ling on this spiritual mountain.

Shen Gui couldn't, Qin Qin couldn't, and Tang Keyu couldn't.

"When?" Xihuang Jin's pupils narrowed: "You teacher...heh."

Then said.

"About three days ago, Zhongdantian, Tianfu, and Zixue were hit, and [-]% of the body's blood was cut off." Xihuang said with a stern look on his face: "Although he was healed soon, but he still stayed. A trace of clues can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from my eyes."

Although it was well hidden, Xihuang still saw it. She subconsciously thought that Lu Ling had been treated unfairly in Lingshan.

First of all, this girl has such a weird and flamboyant personality, she must be unpopular in Lingshan, and then she checked, and found that Lu Ling's inspiration is not high, her bones are mediocre, her vitality is scarce, and she can barely be regarded as a middle-level talent.

This point is a fact, Lu Ling's fast cultivation speed is only due to her special blood, and her natural talent is average, which is also the result measured by the real Zixu back then.

The talent is not high, the personality is not pleasing, and there is a possibility of being bullied.

Even Shushan disciples who are based on righteousness will inevitably gossip and sarcasm when facing Lezheng Luoting, not to mention a large group of women in Lingshan.

And Xihuang gathered this group of people this time to remind everyone in Lingshan that not everyone can bully Lu Ling.

But what she didn't expect was that things were not what she thought at all.

The Lingshan people on the side were all stunned, and their expressions were a little strange after they recovered.

Xihuang is looking after Li Zhuzi for his incompetence...

But others don't know, they, the Lingshan people, know very well that Li Zhuzi doesn't like Lu Ling a little bit.

The group of women who said that Lu Ling was her illegitimate daughter believed it, because Li Zhuzi was really kind to Lu Ling, and it was she who suppressed different voices and created the free environment for Lu Ling...

Sister Huang has misunderstood something, and what is the relationship between her and Lu Ling, there is no need to be so angry.

"Is Xiaoling really injured so badly? Tianfu, the purple acupoints are all big acupoints all over the body, and I remember that Xiaoling is cultivating Wenhun... The most important thing in the soul-dividing state is the middle dantian... If the middle dantian is hit... ..." The girl-like nun covered her lips, frightened.

If that's the case, he might die.

"I think the [-]% of the blood is more terrible." The black-clothed Taoist thought for a while: "Don't forget how weak that timid girl is."

"Yeah, she's so weak, I'm a little scared by what Sister Huang said..."

"But, hasn't she been on Lingshan all the time? How could it be... Oh my god, triple energy, nothing will happen to this girl, right?"

"Bah, bah, with Sister Huang here, what can happen."

"Quick, quick, sense where the little girl is."

Many consciousnesses spread out and retracted.

"Can't find it."

"Me too, I can't find it."

"Where did the little girl go? Why isn't she on Lingshan."

At this time, Lu Ling was staying in Dongfang Lianren's arms, blending with her aura, coupled with the existence of the enchantment, no one in this hall could find Lu Ling except Xihuang.

"Why not..." Taoist swallowed.

"Seeing that Sister Huang is so angry, it can't be..."

Everyone's face changed greatly.

Lu Ling couldn't be... dead.

If this is the case, Xihuang's hatred of iron can't be made into steel can be understood.

"Shut up." The nun in black frowned and cursed.

"What are you thinking, bad luck." Luanfeng waved his hand, and everyone remained silent.

"Let's see what Sister Huang said, I just want to know who hurt Lu Ling." Luanfeng's face was not very good-looking.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on Zixu who had been pale from the beginning.

Ever since she saw Chu Qishui, she looked like she was going to eat people, and she believed that if it wasn't for Xihuang, she would have already done it.

If there is anyone who doesn't like Lu Ling, Zixu should be counted as one. After all, she was slapped in the face by Lu Ling, and the grievances between Liufeng and Jiufeng are "undying". Nothing to do.

Master Zixu is the sister of the elder sister...

"Ahem." Seeing that everyone was looking at Zixu, Luanfeng coughed twice.

Everyone looked away.

It should not be her.

Back then, even though A Yao dressed herself up in such an old-fashioned way, as if she was a perverted old woman, they believed that human nature is not convenient.

Who would that be?
The gang of Lingshan people know Lu Ling's character, such a cute girl, it's too late to protect her, who would bully her madly, and even hit her so hard, this injury is hard for Shen Gui to control Rescue Lu Ling, let alone hide her injuries.

Cutting down [-]% of Qi and blood, hitting the big acupoint without dying, this kind of control is really beyond the reach of ordinary juniors.

So some people's suspicion target returned to Zixu real person.

"..." Master Zixu ignored all of this, and her eyes were always on the sloppy alcoholic in front of Xihuang.

Murder spreads.



Xihuang suddenly sensed Lu Ling's aura, not far away, she did not expect her to come here.

At this time, Li Zhuzi also reacted like most people, she was not only not angry when she heard Xihuang's words, but panicked.

" she really injured? It's still this serious."

Thirty percent of the blood, basically can be regarded as a serious injury, Lu Ling's age is so young...

"I know she has a bad personality, but you don't want to go too far, understand." Xihuang warned Li Zhuzi.

"I... I don't know about this matter." Li Zhuzi was a little worried about Lu Ling at this time, and Xihuang said it was so serious that she had no idea.


Xihuang is becoming less and less fond of Li Zhuzi now. She clearly remembers that she was a very cute girl a long time ago. Among the many impetuous cultivators who pursue cultivation, Li Zhuzi, who always moves slowly and takes one step at a time, left her Made a deep impression.

Unexpectedly, the girl back then also became irresponsible at this time.

As for Chu Qishui... Xihuang glanced at the sloppy alcoholic beside him, but said nothing.

This person is useless, Xihuang doesn't even have the thought of scolding her.

And as far as Chu Qi's cultivation in the Water Transformation Void Realm...he might not be able to defeat Shen Gui.

have nothing to say.

"Senior Huang, Ah Ling... are you okay?" Li Zhuzi asked worriedly, not finding Lu Ling's aura.

"Isn't it too early for you to ask now?" Xihuang sneered. Lu Ling's injury has been at least three days. Obviously, Li Zhuzi hasn't been close to Lu Ling for three days. It is impossible for Venerable Bamboo, who cultivates the soul of culture, to not notice it.

"You are really a good teacher." Xihuang looked at Li Zhuzi and shook her head.

"I..." Li Zhuzi wanted to defend something, but finally turned into a sigh.

She hasn't been close to Lu Ling recently, and she hasn't found out that this girl has been injured. She recognizes everything Xihuang says.

Wrong is wrong.

"That's enough." Xihuang was like a strict teacher of the people at this moment.

"Teacher, I am very disappointed in you for teaching her like this." Xihuang said.

In Xihuang's mind, Lu Ling has the same crazy personality as before, and Li Zhuzi has a great responsibility as a teacher, a teacher and a guide.

Being able to lure Lu Ling into such a state is also a skill.

Since Lu Ling is not welcome in this Lingshan, then she can teach her in person. Xihuang has already thought about it. She will move to live with Lu Ling when the time comes, and then find a way to slowly adjust her distorted personality.

"A Ling's character..." Li Zhuzi frowned.

Although her Lu Ling is a little timid and soft, but it is not so bad that Xihuang is so disappointed. Li Zhuzi thinks that he is very satisfied with training Lu Ling to be like this, at least Lu Ling's three views are very good. just.

It's just timid, and it's not enough to be so insulted.

Li Zhuzi's face gradually changed from respectful.

What's wrong with Xihuang, Xihuang can't look down on her Ah Ling, besides, what's the relationship with Xihuang, Lu Ling was brought out by her alone, and it's not for others to point fingers.

Especially the Immortal Feather who might be coveting the blood of the ice-except for this, Li Zhuzi couldn't think of anything Lu Ling could attract the person in front of him.

At this time, feeling the change in the atmosphere, the Lingshan people watched the play quietly.

What happened today has left them completely confused.

It's strange for Xihuang, who has changed from her gentle and gentle appearance in the past, and looks like she wants to find someone to settle accounts, like protecting a calf.

"Li Zhuzi, since you don't like Lu Ling and don't want to teach her, then don't teach her, and I will do it in the future." Xihuang sat back on the peak leader's seat, wrapped in Xia Yi, like a queen, Luo Xian Standing aside, I wanted to say something, but finally held back.

"I don't like Ah Ling?" Li Zhuzi smiled. She is usually low-key, likes to teach students, and has nothing to do with the world, but it doesn't mean she has no temper.

Xihuang has a high seniority, but after all, she is not from Lingshan, and it has something to do with Lu Ling, even her master can't bear it.

He wanted to snatch Lu Ling away from her, but there was no way.

Li Zhuzi's lazy temperament faded away in an instant, and he was like a tall and straight green bamboo. He was dressed in a brown teacher's robe, with a strong character, and he did not lose the wind in the face of the imposing Xihuang above him.

Quiet as a pine valley.

"If Ah Ling is really injured, it's my fault, and I will naturally make up for it." Li Zhuzi said seriously: "And you, Xihuang, are you a little... self-righteous."

Li Zhuzi said, and there was silence in the field.


Horrific golden flames erupted, covering the entire Seven Peaks Hall, burning space cracks, the entire void was howling, and might collapse at any time.

Everyone in Lingshan set up a barrier, not daring to face the phoenix fire that can burn time.

But Li Zhuzi still stood calmly.

"Okay, very good." Xihuang smiled lightly and stood in front of her, her blond hair fluttering slightly, and the phoenix circled around her, causing a sharp phoenix cry in the distance.

Li Zhuzi didn't treat Lu Ling well, and he is still unwilling to let go...

Xihuang was really angry now.

"..." Seeing this, Luanfeng and the others looked nervous, and they all raised their spiritual energy.

The scene was a little out of control.

 Thank you for the 10000 reward from Xuesheng in the escape, and the 2000 reward from Qingtian Biyun, thank you! ! !sleepy, exhausted

(End of this chapter)

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