Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 351 Blood Meltdown

Chapter 351 Blood Meltdown

The golden flames swept across the sky, illuminating the main hall of Qifeng. The extreme temperature burned a small part of the space, causing some space cracks, and the sound of whistling rang in everyone's ears.

At this time, Xihuang and Li Zhuzi confront each other because of some misunderstandings and the issue of education rights.

Xihuang's temper was originally very good, but because of Lu Ling, she was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger. Just when Li Zhuzi bumped into her, she made a move.

The same goes for Li Zhuzi, she originally had a good impression of this senior Huang, but the latter was really making trouble for no reason.


Li Zhuzi was wrapped in golden flames, and the brown clothes on his body showed signs of burning, while Chu Qishui retreated to the corner early, closed his eyes, and did not watch the "farce" in the field.

The Lingshan crowd also thought it was a farce, because they didn't know why Xihuang was angry from the beginning, and naturally they didn't understand what it was going to do. Probably only Li Zhuzi and a few people could understand.

But for Li Zhuzi, whether he can understand or not is a trivial matter. Since the Immortal Feather in front of him wants her Ah Ling, he can't avoid doing it.

"Xihuang, don't be too self-righteous." Li Zhuzi said.

Now that she has decided to do a fight, Li Zhuzi is not polite. She is a humble person, but since Xihuang wants to snatch Lu Ling from her, there is no reason to continue to be polite and just call her by his first name.

"Self-righteous, huh... the current junior." Xihuang added a phoenix crown, and a golden flame appeared in his hand, narrowing his eyes: "It seems that I have never suffered."

"Let's talk about it once we've done it." Li Zhuzi raised his head.

It is about Lu Ling, there is no room for negotiation.

"Did you do it? Do you want to die?" Xihuang shook her head, kneading the flame in her hand, the Phoenix fire gradually turned from red to white, and finally it was like burning gold.

"Dead?" Li Zhuzi's face was calm, and he couldn't see his thoughts.

Hearing this, Luo Xian froze for a moment.

She didn't know how things turned into this way, but as a member of the spirit clan, she knew Xihuang better, and looked at the blond woman in front of her, feeling a little helpless.

It cannot be stopped.

Luanfeng and the others were also very nervous.

"Death or something, I don't like it very much." As he said that, a touch of bright green appeared on Li Zhuzi's hands, full of vitality, and suddenly the rich vitality filled the hall, diluting the high temperature and chaos in the hall, and making everyone present feel like a spring breeze.

The cultivation base of bamboo has improved a lot.

The Lingshan people looked at each other and nodded.

But even if it was Li Zhuzi, it would be unwise to go up against Xihuang. They never expected that Li Zhuzi, who was always calm and stable, and who put the overall situation first, would be so impulsive this time.

It seems that she really cares about Lu Ling...


"Fortunate Jue, there is a sense of good fortune." Xihuang looked at the strong breath of life around Li Zhuzi, nodded, and then disappeared suddenly.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi's pupils constricted, his body flickered, and he retreated three feet, then his face changed, he turned around and slapped the void.

This palm just hit Xihuang who came out from the void, and the emerald green color met the golden fire, which was quickly burned up.


With the sound of a huge explosion, Li Zhuzi flew back and retreated.

The thick smoke dissipated, and after a simple fight, the situation in the arena became clear.

The tail of Li Zhuzi's long brown dress was slightly scorched, and the high temperature of the Phoenix Fire hurt her through her true energy, but it was just the clothes and did not cause actual harm to her.

Compared to Li Zhuzi's embarrassment, Xihuang was much more relaxed. She walked out of the thick smoke in a gleaming golden feather, and looked at Li Zhuzi playfully.

At this moment, Li Zhuzi looked at Xihuang who was standing in her original position with his hands behind his back, his eyes were serious.

"The Good Fortune Jue is originally a method of the soul, but it can have such lethality. It's a different way. It's true, but it's a wood system." Xihuang snapped his fingers, and a scene of golden flames engulfing the green appeared all over his body.

"Li Zhuzi, obediently do as I said, and hand over Lu Ling to me, otherwise you will suffer." Xihuang squeezed her knuckles and said slowly: "Of course, I just ask, your opinion... unimportant."

As an irresponsible teacher, Xihuang naturally wouldn't give her a good look.

"Interesting." Li Zhuzi's brown dress has some holes, and the fair skin underneath is faintly visible, but her aura has not weakened.

At this moment, the people in Lingshan couldn't stand it any longer.

"I said, there won't be a real fight."

"of course not."

"But...if it's just such a small fight, sister Zhuzi will suffer."

As they said, even though they have made a move, they naturally have to restrain themselves a little, and it is impossible to do it with all their strength.

At this time, when Xihuang was unable to fully display the power of the Phoenix Fire, anyone except Chu Qishui could easily fight Xihuang, except Li Zhuzi.

She is the only wood-type top-level talent present, and her practice is also the "Fortune Art" of wood aura.

When the wood aura met Xihuang's golden flame, it was completely restrained.

"It's a loss... there's nothing I can do about it, so what should I do now?"

"There's no way, Bamboo won't let us intervene, let's watch first, they won't do anything to death, have they suppressed their cultivation if they didn't see it?"


A little troublesome.

Li Zhuzi took a deep breath and raised his spiritual power.

Her own cultivation level is far behind Xihuang's, and her spiritual energy is still restrained. Before that, the phoenix fire approached her body without encountering any obstacles, and the protective energy she planted was easily suppressed. Burn out.

This is bad.

If Xihuang's phoenix fire had pure fire attribute, Li Zhuzi wouldn't be so passive, but when he punched out, Li Zhuzi knew that this fight couldn't be fought.

Xihuang's flame has dual attributes of gold and fire.

Jin overcomes wood and fire—to a certain extent, it also restrains the aura of wood.

The attributes are inferior, and the cultivation base is also suppressed... It is difficult to fight.

Li Zhuzi put one hand behind his back, his palm was scorched black, and the green aura was slowly repairing, but he was defeated by the residual fire and gold aura as soon as it was repaired, and the recovery was very slow.

"Are you still coming?" Xihuang shrugged as she watched Li Zhuzi whose clothes were getting bigger and bigger.

She didn't expect it to be so simple.

Li Zhuzi's aura was devoured to death by her.

"Phoenix Fire lives up to its reputation." Li Zhuzi let out a foul breath: "But..."

Li Zhuzi didn't go on, trying to take Lu Ling away from her like this is simply a dream.

"Girl, you..." Xihuang sighed, and when she was about to say something, her expression changed and she looked at her left hand.

The moment she lost her mind, a green seed took root in her palm, instantly destroying some of her tissues, and it was getting worse.

It is Li Zhuzi's "Good Fortune Jue".

The spirit race is born with all kinds of powerful supernatural powers, and at the same time, its physical body is also extremely powerful. At Xihuang's level, her body is already comparable to the top defensive magic weapon in the world of cultivating immortals. Even some old monsters of the human race want to hurt her. difficulty.

And one of Li Zhuzi's life seeds destroyed her palm...

The wood aura of the life system is really tyrannical, planting seeds with the intention of good fortune, and then destroying them from the inside...

It's just a pity that although the wood spirit energy could hurt her, the wood spirit energy was restrained too badly. Once Xihuang reacted, Li Zhuzi would have no chance.

"I underestimated you." Xihuang clenched his fist, and a golden flame ignited on the white palm, burning the green seeds completely: "It's a great skill to leave a life seed when I didn't notice it."

"It's far worse than you." Li Zhuzi regained his indifferent face.

Xihuang looked at Li Zhuzi and nodded.

That is to say, Xihuang can get rid of this seed of life so easily, but no one can do it. Xihuang is not a human being. cleared away.

If they change to human race, their entire physical body will be ruined at once. After all, human race and spirit race are completely different. Human race does not train their bodies, but only cultivates their souls, so their bodies are very fragile, and all their defenses come from their own body-protecting qi.

Once the true energy is broken through, the physical body will be destroyed in an instant. However, because they don't exercise their bodies, the human race is not very dependent on the physical body. If so, it can basically be declared dead.

Pros and cons.

"Senior Huang, I'm Ah Ling's husband. If there's anything you can sit down and talk about." Li Zhuzi didn't understand what Xihuang was thinking, so he was going to ask clearly.

"Talk? Forget it." Xihuang shook her head. Since she has already done it, she will settle the matter today.

"That's a pity."

After the negotiation failed, Li Zhuzi took out a white jade ruler and got a little more serious.

The golden flame restarts.

After the test is over, if you still want to make a move this time, it will be a winner.

The people in Lingshan were extremely nervous.

They knew that even if Xihuang and Li Zhuzi did something, it would be impossible for them to be serious, otherwise the seven peaks would turn into steam in a second, and with the mountain guards, they couldn't use too much power.

The current Xihuang and Li Zhuzi have both suppressed their cultivation bases to around the Hesoul Realm, fighting for an understanding of themselves.

The soul-forming state is already the limit. With their means, if they use the cultivation base of the virtual transformation state, it is estimated that this hall will not be able to keep.

Shen Gui could destroy a Daoist temple with all his ruthlessness, let alone Li Zhuzi and Xihuang.

The atmosphere gradually sharpened, just like before, Xihuang's body suddenly disappeared.

At this time, all the Lingshan people watched with trepidation.

None of them were as good as Li Zhuzi's in cultivation, and the most powerful Luanfeng hadn't broken through to the Venerable Realm, so once Xihuang disappeared, those present couldn't feel her aura at all.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi closed his eyes to feel Xihuang's aura, and opened them suddenly after a while.

"found it."

Facing the void, he slapped out with a ruler. The previous life seed absorbed Xihuang's breath, and this blow locked onto her soul. It was a sure hit. No matter where Xihuang went, she couldn't escape.

But Xihuang didn't intend to hide at all.

If you can't avoid it, then quickly defeat Li Zhuzi.

At the corresponding position, a golden figure flashed out.

"The perceptual power is good, it's rare to come by, but it's a pity that the wood-type aura in front of me is really..."

"Too weak."

She easily broke through to Li Zhuzi's side.

Seeing this, everyone in Lingshan held their breath.

The previous scene has already shown that Li Zhuzi's body protection is just a decoration in front of Xihuang, and as a person, without the protection of the real energy, the body is extremely fragile.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xihuang forcibly took a ruler from Li Zhuzi, and then slapped her on the waist with his backhand.


This time Xihuang didn't hold back, as an elder, she felt that she had to teach Li Zhuzi a lesson.

With a muffled sound, accompanied by a slight painful groan, a figure flew out quickly.


Li Zhuzi's body smashed into the pillar in front of the main hall, breaking the white jade pillar and splashing smoke and dust.

"Cough cough."

Li Zhuzi sat up, and immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood on the ground.

She was a little sluggish, her lower lip was stained red with blood.

"Okay, admit defeat, she's here." Xihuang waved the smoke and dust, and walked in front of Li Zhuzi.

"...She? Cough."

Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, and then saw two red figures, one big and one small.

The older one is Dongfang Lianren, and the younger one is naturally Lu Ling.

At this time, Lu Ling's face was full of horror, obviously frightened.

"A...Ling...cough cough, why are you here?" Li Zhuzi was too focused before, obviously not paying attention to Lu Ling, then she gave a wry smile, spat out a mouthful of blood and then held her forehead.


Xihuang didn't understand why Li Zhuzi was like this, she was about to walk up to Li Zhuzi and explain to her clearly in front of Lu Ling, but just as she took a step, Lu Ling screamed and threw herself on Li Zhuzi, making her just The moving steps stopped in place.

"Sir, sir, what's wrong with you..." Lu Ling knelt beside Li Zhuzi, with a tear in her voice.

As soon as Lu Ling walked outside the hall, she saw a familiar figure smashing a half-meter-wide jade pillar and fell to the ground. Now she saw that it was Li Zhuzi...

It was like a nightmare scene.

"Sir, blood... a lot of blood..." Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi's body and the blood-stained chest, her voice trembling, she reached out her hand to wipe it off, but she didn't dare to touch it.

"Blood... Sir, are you okay..."

Lu Ling breathed heavily, her tears fell on the ground as if she didn't want money, splashing water.

She had never cried so hard, but now seeing Li Zhuzi vomiting blood and being weak, she felt like the sky was falling.

"It's okay, it's okay, cough." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling crying into tears, feeling helpless, relieved, and even a little happy.

"Mister is lying..." Lu Ling did not dare to look at the blood on Li Zhuzi's body, and cried, "Doctor, let's go to the doctor..."

At this time, because Li Zhuzi was in front of the door and the Lingshan people were in the hall, Lu Ling did not see them.

Ignoring Xihuang who was standing stupidly by the side, Lu Ling yelled at Dongfang Lianren behind her, asking her to come and help, her voice broke.

"...Zhuzi, what's wrong with you, you're in such a mess." Dongfang Lianren was stunned when he saw Xihuang standing beside him.

"..." Xihuang was also a little dazed now, she looked at Lu Ling who was throwing herself into Li Zhuzi's arms, crying like a little tabby cat, and lost her mind.

She was not like this yesterday...

 Thanks to Hanyu Angiine for tipping 30000 starting coins, thank you!Thanks for the reward of the seven-color melody of Zero Realm pq, thank you! ! ! !The rhythm is so slow, I write slowly... I went to the hospital today, and my temperature has dropped recently. Everyone pay attention to your health, don't be like me.

(End of this chapter)

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