Chapter 352 Trend
Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

In the water town of Qifeng, Lu Ling and Dongfang Lianren fell to the foot of Wuya Peak.

In the center is a towering mountain peak, and there is a huge palace on the cliff. There are scattered female cultivators on the winding path, and few of them use the technique of turning the rainbow to climb the summit. This is the rule of the Seven Peaks, and the East is pitiful. No exception, she took Lu Ling up the mountain.

Lu Ling could feel that many people were looking at her and pointing at her, but she just lowered her head, didn't say anything, didn't look at anything.

The weird look in her eyes made her feel ashamed.

Because she has to go to school, she often travels to and from Qifeng, and she looks familiar with many young ladies here. Although she would be looked at in the past, it is definitely not the look in today's eyes.

It's like watching a tortured animal...

Lu Ling didn't understand why this happened, she just felt like a light was on her back.

Dongfang Lianren pulled Lu Ling and raised his spiritual power. The two of them walked like flying, as if shrinking the ground into an inch. One step is a hundred meters. The figure flickered in the space, but such a fast speed could not let Lu Ling get rid of those sights.

"That's her?"

"Is she Lu Ling..."

"The one next to him is Senior Master Dongfang..."

"Sure enough... last night..."

"Senior Sister Qin lost."

"I feel sorry for the little girl... Master Dongfang is too much."

"Shh... don't provoke Master Dongfang."

Lu Ling listened to the words in her ear, and the more she listened, the more panicked she became. Now that she remembered, Dongfang Lianren "snatched" her home in front of many people, and the news must have spread.

While flustered, there is also a little peace of mind.

Fortunately, I just saw this... As long as others don't know what happened in the morning...

For Lu Ling, today is really a bad day.

In the morning, I found myself naked on a woman's bed, and then I was hungry and criticized by so many people...

Now Lu Ling just wants to go up the mountain as soon as possible, and after her husband finishes his work, go to have a good meal with him, act like a baby to her or something, then the mood will definitely improve, and then show off the recent learning results, if If the husband compliments her a few more times, Lu Ling will feel that all these days of hard work are worthwhile.

However, Lu Ling did not expect that there were worse things.

Just as she was going up the mountain in high spirits, just as she saw the gate, she saw a figure in a brown-yellow gown flying out from the depths and hitting the white jade pillar with a deafening sound.

The white jade collapsed, and the fine stones fell on the man.

Lu Ling was stunned for an instant, she had never seen such a violent scene.

What's more, after living in Lingshan for so long, only her husband can wear this kind of dark skirt, and that back view...

Lu Ling panicked, shook off Dongfang Lianren's hand, limped into the hall, and then fell in front of Li Zhuzi without standing still.

It was indeed her husband.

"Sir... blood, a lot of blood... blood...

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi leaning against the stone pedestal, her chest was blood red, and tremblingly threw the broken jade on her body.

At that moment, countless pictures flashed in Lu Ling's mind, and then a sour feeling rushed to the tip of her nose, tears instantly blurred her vision.

"Why are you crying, I'm fine, cough cough."

Sir's voice is very weak.

Lu Ling wiped away her tears and looked at Li Zhuzi. The latter was no longer calm and breezy, his lips were stained red with blood, his face was as pale as paper, and his clothes were full of holes, as if he had been burned by flames. A little bit of fair skin is exposed under the burnt yellow.

This white jade pillar is broken, and she vomited so much blood, how could she be fine...

"Liar..." Lu Ling cried, and then raised her spiritual power, wanting to use the method of Wenhun she had learned, and then Lu Ling thought of something, and the spiritual power she had just gathered dispersed.

Yes, her technique is useless.


Thinking of Dongfang Lianren in a panic, he turned to her and said he was looking for a doctor.

Dongfang Lianren saw Xihuang at the side, and was taken aback for a moment: "Sister Huang, why are you here..."

She is not worried about Li Zhuzi, it is just a small injury, it looks like he vomits blood or something is quite serious, but don't forget who Li Zhuzi is, this small injury waits for her to recuperate, and it will only take a moment to recover.

The problem now is that Li Zhuzi can't slow down for the time being... Dongfang Lianren can feel that Li Zhuzi has a layer of golden fire attached to him, and the latter is constantly destroying Li Zhuzi's vitality...

Bamboo was restrained so miserably... As expected, only this person in front of him could do it.

But why?
Seeing the smell of plum and bamboo on Xihuang's body, Dongfang Lianren frowned.


Don't call her sister anymore, things are beyond Dongfang Lianren's expectations.

Xihuang seemed to be petrified at this time, and ignored Dongfang Lianren.

Say it's a meeting...

Dongfang Lianren thought of something, looked through the space, and saw a group of women in the palace.

"Dongfang, come in first." The Taoist nun in black said.

"This is...?" Dongfang Lianren opened his mouth slightly.

"Come in." Luanfeng nodded.

Dongfang Lianren: "..."

She glanced at Xihuang, who was staring at Lu Ling in a daze, while Lu Ling grabbed her skirt and asked her to take Li Zhuzi to the doctor.

"En..." Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling like this, and didn't want to leave, but seeing the scene in the palace...something must have happened, Senior Sister Feng let her in, maybe she had something to say, maybe she was here Some redundant...

Dongfang Lianren hesitated for a while and then made a decision. She knelt down, wiped away the tears from Lu Ling's face, and whispered.

"Bamboo is fine, don't worry..."

"..." At this time, Lu Ling's eyes seemed to have opened the gates, and the tears she had just wiped away poured out again, and she grabbed the corner of Dongfang Lianren's clothes and did not let go.

Dongfang Lianren sighed, she also knew Lu Ling's temperament, so she pinched Lu Ling's small face.

"En...Xiaoling, wait here for a while, I'll go find someone, and don't cry, Zhuzi is fine, don't worry."


But it can make Lu Ling feel at ease, telling a little lie is not a bad thing, and it is very useful.

At least Lu Ling let go.

"Wait for me." Dongfang Lianren said that the figure flashed, disappeared, and appeared in the hall in a blink of an eye, standing beside Luanfeng.

"Senior Sister Feng, what happened?"

"Dongfang, you're here, let's watch, I don't know too well." Luanfeng shook her head, and then told Dongfang Lianren what happened, and Dongfang Lianren also joined the lineup.



Lu Ling was still waiting anxiously for Dongfang Lianren to come over, but she didn't know that she didn't go to any doctor at all.

Looking for a doctor in Lingshan... still need to look for it?Nine of the ten disciples caught are master doctors, and one is a minor.

In fact, Lu Ling temporarily lost the ability to think because she saw her husband become like this. If she calms down, she should not be worried.

Who is her husband, how could he fall due to a small injury.

But even so, she was still worried about her husband. Lu Ling couldn't calm down when she saw Li Zhuzi closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

Why did Mr. get hurt... Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi panting lightly, and stretched out her hand to wipe off the bright red corner of her mouth, but she stretched out her hand in mid-air and retracted it.

It would be bad if it affects Mr. Qi’s interest rate adjustment.

On the side, Xihuang looked at Lu Ling like this, and was dazed for a while before recovering.

Is this girl the one from last night?

Obviously not.

But whether it's appearance or aura, Xihuang can be sure that Lu Ling is that impetuous and bewitching girl from last night.

She couldn't understand why Lu Ling like that has become so...gentle and lovely now. This is not alone at all. Yesterday's Lu Ling was a selfish and greedy gambler, but today's Lu Ling is completely different. What Huang saw in Lu Ling was tenderness, innocence, and fragility.

The complete opposite of that girl from yesterday.

Seeing Lu Ling wiping her tears, Xihuang's heart throbbed.

Although her personality is completely different from Xuenv's, she obviously likes Lu Ling more like this...

What happened to her last night?Divisive?
Xihuang's pupils gradually disappeared, and the whole pupils turned golden, with Lu Ling's shadow reflected in them.

A girl, and a toddler.

After a while, Xihuang opened his eyes.

"No, not schizophrenia."

Lu Ling's soul was normal and indestructible, Xihuang was surprised to see her congealed sea of ​​consciousness.

With such a powerful mental power, even she can't interfere with Lu Ling's thoughts, which means that Lu Ling can only be influenced by herself, and other people can't control her consciousness.

For Lu Ling to have such a powerful soul power, Xihuang thinks that it has something to do with Xue Nu and Luo Qianhan back then. Lu Ling rushed out from the wheel of heaven and earth with the power of the fairy sword, so there will naturally be something different.

Just, why does she have two personalities?

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling who was crying into a little tabby cat, feeling a little bit distressed in her doubts. With her cultivation and age, she could tell at a glance that Lu Ling was not pretending, she was really worried about Li Zhuzi, The fear of dying at the beginning was even more heartfelt.

The current Lu Ling is very simple, naive, and even silly. Xi Huang is aroused by this Lu Ling to have a maternal instinct in her heart - she is a gentle and mature woman.

For a girl like Lu Ling, she must be nice to others when others treat her well. At this time, Li Zhuzi just vomited some blood and Lu Ling panicked like this...

Xihuang felt that she must have misunderstood something.

At this time, after a simple breath adjustment, Li Zhuzi opened his eyes and slapped his left shoulder with a palm. The bright green aura erupted, and then a huge golden shadow was torn off from her back. It was the golden shadow Xihuang left in her body. In a short period of time, Li Zhuzi has decomposed this terrifying Phoenix Qi and can expel it.

"Pfft." Spitting out the last mouthful of blood, Li Zhuzi's face gradually turned from pale to red.

"First, sir..." Lu Ling stood up and stared blankly at Li Zhuzi.

"I made you worry, I told you I'm fine." Li Zhuzi nodded to Lu Ling, then stood up, his body glowed with a bright green light, and with just one breath, Li Zhuzi returned to his previous state, without any scars on his body .

Without Xihuang's phoenix spirit hindering her, it would be easy for her to recover her physical body.

Lu Ling had been studying Wen Hun for so long, but she was startled by the burst of vitality from Li Zhuzi's body. Then she reacted immediately, sucked her nose and began to wipe her tears, wishing to suck back all the water from crying.

She finally came to her senses, how could such a small injury hurt her husband.

This appearance of myself is simply doubting the ability of the husband, and it is embarrassing for her...

Lu Ling wiped her tears on her red sleeves, but unexpectedly, the tears could not be stopped at all, and the cuffs turned deep red.

"Woo, woo... Sir, I'm sorry..." I knew it was not the time to cry, but I just couldn't help it. This time it was not because of fear, but because of joy.

Her husband is all right... all right...

Lu Ling felt like she was alive after a catastrophe, and she couldn't take her eyes off Li Zhuzi for a moment.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling like this, and raised the corners of her mouth. Although she felt sorry for Lu Ling, she was more relieved and happy. Although she knew that she was very important in the little girl's heart, Lu Ling showed that she was really very happy. happy.

"Why are you crying? It doesn't look good." Li Zhuzi knelt down and rubbed Lu Ling's head, and wiped away the water stains accumulated on her nose with the other hand: "A Ling, are you made of water?"

Li Zhuzi originally wanted to be serious as usual, but looking at the girl in front of her with red nose and eyes, she couldn't be serious at all, so she could only pinch her face: "Don't cry, do you hear me?"

"Yes." Lu Ling stopped sobbing and took a deep breath to calm down.

"En, good boy." Li Zhuzi praised her, and then the aura penetrated into Lu Ling's body, and her complexion changed instantly, a little ugly.

She looked up at Xihuang.

If it is true as she said, Lu Ling was injured recently, the little girl's meridians are very fragile now, and her qi and blood are also very thin. Although she has almost recovered, she can still see the seriousness before.

It seems that Xihuang did not deceive her.

"Sister Huang, I lost." Li Zhuzi walked up to Xihuang and said.

"Ah, oh..."

Xihuang looked at Li Zhuzi, who was close at hand, and took a big step back, her footsteps were flimsy, and she seemed a little flustered.

"Thank you sister for showing mercy." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"No, I just... took advantage, that... that... I really wanted to misunderstand you..." Xihuang said intermittently.

The Li Zhuzi in front of her was obviously not what she imagined, and she had this hunch from seeing Lu Ling who was completely different from yesterday.

If this kind of Lu Ling likes Li Zhuzi so much, it means that she is not as irresponsible as she thinks, otherwise, no matter how cowardly Lu Ling is at this time, she will definitely not cry like this because of a small injury .

If possible, she really wanted to pull Luo Qianhan out and ask clearly what happened to Xue Nu yesterday.

But now Luo Qianhan is gone, only Lu Ling and a dazed cat.

After hearing Li Zhuzi's words, Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then her face changed drastically.

The husband lost, and he said that he was merciful... It means that this woman hurt her husband.

Can't stand it anymore.

So Lu Ling rushed over to stand between Xihuang and Li Zhuzi, staring at Xihuang with hatred.

"You did it! Who are you!"

Lu Ling looked at the somewhat familiar woman in front of her and asked.

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun and Bingchuantai Yuling for their rewards, thank you!happy New Year to all!

(End of this chapter)

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