Chapter 353 Lessons
"You did it! Who are you!"

Lu Ling looked at the gorgeously dressed woman in front of her, frowning, very vigilant.

A little familiar, but only familiar, Lu Ling did not recognize who Xihuang was.

One is that she thought what happened yesterday was just a "dream", and she almost forgot about it on purpose.

The second is that yesterday's Xihuang was in a dark yellow gown, which was completely different from the glittering and luxurious appearance now, and Lu Ling didn't connect it for a while.

"I..." Seeing Lu Ling's hostile eyes, Xihuang said a word, but seemed to be stuck, faltering.

She has a calm temperament, but now she took the initiative to make trouble once but met Li Zhuzi, the result was beyond her expectation, even Xihuang was a little at a loss.

"I, I..." Seeing Lu Ling's red eyes and vigilant expression, Xihuang's momentum became weaker and weaker, and finally even Xia Yu on her body became dim and dazed. She opened her mouth and uttered a few syllables .

"Luo, Luo Qianhan... Xiaoxue, are you there? I came out to help..."

She couldn't hold on to this situation, and others were fine, thinking that it was Xue Nu who hated her now, Xihuang couldn't calm down, and then threw the blame on Luo Qianhan.

If there is such a thing, tell yourself early.

Yesterday's Lu Ling, who was obedient to Luo Qianhan's training, every word and deed of Lu Ling is a monster, and no one is allowed to say a word, she is more like a queen than her - but now she is crying into tears, She was three points softer than most girls. When she met Lu Ling like this, she felt like she was bullying others, and she committed a heinous crime...

Xihuang was very difficult to do, and she didn't hide anything when she spoke, so everyone present could hear clearly.

"Luo... Qianhan?" The people in Lingshan in the hall looked at each other.

"Is the snow falling so cold?" Master Luanfeng looked in the direction of Chu Qishui, thoughtful.

At the same time, call Chu Qishui and Li Zhuzi together...

Xihuang's coming out of the mountain is indeed related to the fairy sword, but she doesn't know what she wants to do.

"Luo Qianhan?" Li Zhuzi was also taken aback when he heard that.

She had only heard this name in one place, and that was the name of the fairy sword [Xueluoqianhan] in ancient books, but she could be sure that Xihuang was not talking about Xueluoqianhan, but a person's name.

Li Zhuzi thought of many things in an instant.

For example, Xihuang's purpose, such as why she said such things to Lu Ling, what is the relationship between Lu Ling and Luo Qianhan, what is the relationship with Xianjian, and the question of Luo's surname.

Li Zhuzi turned his head and glanced at Luo Xian who was bowing his head in front of the peak leader, thinking about something in his heart, then raised his head to stare at Xihuang.

It seems that this senior Huang still has a lot of things hidden, but she can also understand, after all, Xihuang has no obligation to share information about the fairy sword with Lingshan.


Li Zhuzi probably could guess a little bit of what the Lingshan people were thinking, and it would be a good thing if Lu Ling could dig out some information about the fairy sword from Xihuang.

But Li Zhuzi didn't like to do this. At this time, she searched in her mind for things related to the surname [Luo] in ancient books, to see if she could find some useful information.

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling eagerly.

"Luo, Luo Qianhan?" Lu Ling looked at the somewhat weak Xihuang, and her own aura also weakened by three points.

If others don't know the name, how can she not know it?
Before, her Xuechen transformed into that noble and glamorous woman like a magical girl. Isn't her name Luo Qianhan?
Lu Ling still remembered that when Xuechen introduced herself, the first words she said were "Concubine, Luo Qianhan, I am very frightened."

From then on, Lu Ling knew that she was Xuenv in one life, and her Xuechen had a name of Luo Qianhan, which was her... no, it was Xuenv's concubine.

Knowing Luo Qianhan's name and being so powerful means that the woman in front of her is at least from the same era as her previous life.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lu Ling did not give in. If Xihuang came to Li Zhuzi because of her, then she would not be able to run away.

It can't be my enemy.

Lu Ling heard from Xuechen that the Xuenv made three thousand enemies back then...

[So what if you make three thousand enemies, the master doesn't care about this, it's just a bunch of ants, ha~~] Hearing Lu Ling's voice, Xuechen woke up, and a yawning young girl appeared in Lu Ling's mind.

At this time, Xuechen stayed in Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, very comfortable.

[For the master, there is no such thing as an enemy or a friend. The master did not fight for the human race back then, but simply disliked the demons. In fact, many holy places now are the master's enemies. 】

Xuechen sensed Lu Ling's thoughts after waking up, and said.

【Master, why did you suddenly mention your previous name? ] Xuechen asked curiously, this is the first time that Lu Ling mentioned Xue Nu, in the past she wanted to say that Lu Ling would not listen.

【kindness. 】Lu Ling was silent for a while, she didn't know how much she had done in her previous life, she just wanted to know who the blond woman in front of her was.

【Xuechen, Luo Qianhan is you, right? 】

【…】The young girl was stunned when she heard the words, and then shrank her head.

This was the first time Lu Ling asked her about this name, but she knew that her master didn't like the name Luo Qianhan, so Xuechen never mentioned it, for fear of making Lu Ling unhappy.

【Master, my name is Xuechen...Master, you named it to me. It means that the clouds on the top of the mountain are like clouds, and the snow is like dust on the rocks...】The young girl tentatively opened her mouth, but she didn't expect to be directly called by Lu. Ling interrupted rudely, causing her to crouch down and tremble in fright.

[Just say if it's you. ] Lu Ling glanced at Xihuang and asked.

[Yes, it's me. 】The young girl nodded fiercely. Once upon a time, the name Luo Qianhan was the only thing she remembered related to her master, but now she is so confused by Lu Ling that she dare not admit it.

[It's fine if it's you, look at the woman in front, do you know her?She seems to know you... no, she knows Luo Qianhan. ] Lu Ling asked.

【well? 】The young girl froze for a moment, then stood up and looked out through Lu Ling's gaze.

know her?How could it be possible, besides Li Huo Hongling, does anyone in this world know this name?

Then she saw Xihuang, the young girl looked dazed.

[Master, looks familiar... yesterday... yesterday...] The young girl said, but there was no more to say.

Her memory was only before the transformation, so she couldn't remember it at all. After Luo Qianhan degenerated, those memory gaps appeared again, and she couldn't remember anything.

[Should be familiar...but I don't know now. ] Xuechen came to a conclusion and reminded at the same time: [Master, be careful, this woman is very strong, very strong, I can't feel where her limit is...]

The young girl in Lu Ling's knowledge of the sea has a serious face, she is startled if she doesn't look at it, the blond woman in front of her is like a sun, her body is full of terrifying golden fire energy, Xuechen can feel it better as a fairy sword of ice That hopelessness.

I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, Xuechen has a hunch that Xihuang is not an enemy, but it's better to be careful.

If this woman came here to trouble her master, she really might not be an opponent, and she might not even be able to keep her master.

Fortunately, she has accumulated a lot of spiritual power recently, and she can awaken a wave at critical times, and run away with Lu Ling. If it is really dangerous, it doesn't matter whether Lu Ling hates Luo Qianhan or not, the most important thing is to save her life.

In fact, the Xuenv back then was the same. She couldn't beat the queen, and she had no problem running, but with her character, she never tried to escape, so she fell.

【Master, we are always ready to escape...】 The young girl froze as she spoke, looking at her palm in doubt.

Power, where is her power?

She saved up for half a month, frugal in food and expenses, and the cold air she absorbed from the master, and now there is nothing left.

This is the power she used to wake up and increase her sensitivity. Why is it gone?

Because it wasn't the reason for voluntary awakening, Xuechen didn't remember that he had used up his power and was still in a daze.

Little Loli turned around in a hurry, and finally found that all the power was missing, so she sat on the ground.

[Forget it, I can protect the master without strength, just a little tired...] Xuechen has a blue silk thread linked to his hand, ready to wake up his body at any time: [Master, let's get ready to run. 】

【run?Where are you going? 】Lu Ling looked at her useless pet, shook her head, then cut off contact with her, clenched her fist and looked at Xihuang: "Why did you hurt my husband, bad guy."

"Bad guy..." Xihuang was dazed enough at this moment, she twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Lu Ling.

"I'm not."

Then he looked into Lu Ling's eyes.

"Xiaoxue, you..."

Hearing this, Xuechen's hair stood on end for an instant, she felt that Xihuang had seen her.

"Forget it, you don't know anything now, so it's useless to ask." Xihuang shook her head, and then said to Lu Ling: "Lu Ling, I'm really not a bad person, and there is... concubine, I am ..."

Xihuang's face turned slightly red at this time.

She didn't know how to explain, let her say in front of so many people that she did this for Lu Ling's good...she couldn't say it.

Although she intentionally said that she was Lu Ling's concubine, there were still dozens of pairs of eyes looking at this place. Xihuang just said the word "concubine" and stopped talking, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

Speaking of which, she is the one who is the most confused. Up to now, I don't know if Lu Ling was really abused, and I don't know if she really misunderstood Li Zhuzi. Why does Aya have two can't be pretending...

Others didn't hear the word "concubine" in Xihuang clearly, and they didn't think too much when they heard it. After all, many women would call themselves this way now. Only Luo Xian looked up at Lu Ling in disbelief after hearing the word "concubine", as if he saw it. something scary.

With Xihuang's status in the spirit clan, the patriarch would always call her sister when he saw her.

The word "concubine" popped out of such Xihuang's mouth, she didn't believe it was a slip of the tongue.

In the past, Luo Xian just thought that Lu Ling was cute and the music was nice...

But starting today, she has to pay more attention to this Lu Ling.

Similarly, Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard the word concubine. She wouldn't have cared if it was before, but with Luo Qianhan as an example, she couldn't help but think a little more.

And this tone was exactly the same as Luo Qianhan at that time. won't be another love debt that I caused before.

Lu Ling twitched the corner of her mouth.

He clearly heard Xuechen say that he used to be a woman...why did all the people who came out were women... Could it be that he was a pervert before?
[This...] Xuechen also looked confused, she thought about it carefully, she didn't like Xihuang the first time she saw it, maybe she really had something to do with her master.

However, she clearly remembered that she was always the only one by the master's side...


Feeling the memory gap in his mind, he rolled on the ground childishly.

At this time, everyone present had different thoughts, Lu Ling was a little guilty, and everyone in Lingshan wanted to know Xihuang's purpose.

There is one thing that everyone has forgotten, only Li Zhuzi still remembers, she opened her eyes and looked at Xihuang.

I didn't think of anything related to Luo's surname, but for Li Zhuzi, there were more important things to do.

"A Ling, come here." Li Zhuzi said to Lu Ling who was standing in front of her.

"En." Lu Ling obediently stood beside Li Zhuzi.

"Sister Huang, I apologize. You are right. Ah Ling was indeed injured recently. It was my fault." Li Zhuzi bowed his head and apologized.

This action made the other people who were watching pause for a moment, and then they remembered what Xihuang was attacking in the first place.

"..." Chu Qishui took a deep look at Li Zhuzi after hearing the words, then bowed his head.

Obviously, Li Zhuzi is more suitable to be Lu Ling's teacher than her. In this case, the first thing that comes to mind is Lu Ling's safety.

"Zhuzi, do you know who hurt her?" At this time, Xihuang regained her serious expression. She came here to vent her anger on Lu Ling from the beginning. She wanted to know who was so bold as to hurt Lu Ling. Do you want to kill her with [-]% of your blood?
At this time, Xihuang's attitude towards Li Zhuzi improved a lot. First, it was because of Lu Ling's dependence on her, and second, because of Li Zhuzi's resolute apology, and Li Zhuzi didn't rashly help Lu Ling to restore her vitality, which meant that she He still has some brains, at least he has a good understanding of Lu Ling's physique, so he didn't keep Lu Ling in stock.

If it could be recovered, Xihuang would have done it a long time ago, so he still has to wait until now.

Lu Ling's physique is very special. The qi and blood of the ice blood is different from others. It is best to rely on Lu Ling to recover in the early stage. If others "add blood" to her, it will not be well integrated with her own qi and blood.

Moreover, letting Lu Ling recover by herself can also exercise her physique.

Li Zhuzi who can think of this is definitely not an irresponsible person.

So Xihuang took aim at the person who hurt Lu Ling.

"Sister Huang, this matter..." Hearing this, Li Zhuzi shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

She stretched out her hand to grab Lu Ling and slapped her down.



This blow was very heavy, Lu Ling staggered from the beating, she became dizzy and stared at her.

Seeing this, Xihuang frowned, and her good feelings just fell to freezing point. If Li Zhuzi beat Lu Ling in front of her like this, if she didn't have a good explanation, don't blame her for bullying the junior.

Lu Ling was wondering why her husband apologized, but she was stunned by Li Zhuzi. After recovering, Lu Ling felt a burning pain in the back of her head, and she burst into tears.

This was the first time that the husband hit her with such a heavy hand.

"First, sir..." Lu Ling raised her head, tears continued to well in her eyes, not only from pain, but also from grievance.

"What? Wronged?" Li Zhuzi said coldly, lifting Lu Ling up by the ear like a bunny.

In order to relieve the pain, Lu Ling could only stand on tiptoes, leaned forward, and looked at Li Zhuzi weakly.


Being scolded by Li Zhuzi like this, Lu Ling groaned a few times, then sobbed again.

This time it wasn't frightening or painful, but really wronged.

Lu Ling doesn't think she made a mistake. She wanted her husband to praise her today. She recently studied hard, went to bed early and woke up early, and lived a regular life... Even Teacher Tang praised her for being great. She really didn't know what was wrong. up.

At this time, the development of the matter made melon-eating people puzzled. Only Dongfang Lianren guessed some of the reasons for Li Zhuzi's anger. After all, Li Zhuzi told her about the special nature of Lu Ling's literary soul and asked her to investigate. But there are too many things today, and I haven't had time to check.

She glanced at Lu Ling with pity. If it was true, with Zhuzi's character, Lu Ling's beating was inevitable.

However, Lu Ling was very wronged, her big tears fell to the ground, and she didn't dare to cry loudly, so she could only sob softly, which made people feel distressed.

But obviously Li Zhuzi didn't feel distressed at all, she was still serious, took out a white jade ruler, and sternly said to Lu Ling.


Hearing this, Lu Ling shook violently, and the sobbing stopped for a moment, but she was still obedient.

He bit his lower lip tightly, stretched out his small fist, opened it, and his palm was full of water stains.

 Thank you for the rewards from Xuesheng, Setting Sun Shuying, Matcha 丨 Cake, Qingtian Biyun, book friends 150520193433960, and Murong, who are at large, thank you!By the way, the extra episode is still in the work related ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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