Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 354 The Dust Settles

Chapter 354 The Dust Settles

Seeing that Li Zhuzi was angry, Lu Ling could only stretch out her hand, the palm of which was covered with water.

I remember that my husband hasn't hit her for a long time, and I can't remember why I took a ruler last time...

"Straighten it! Why, how long have you forgotten my words?" Li Zhuzi sternly said, while holding Lu Ling's ear a little harder, the base of Lu Ling's ear was ripped red, and she was in so much pain. She had to work hard to step on her feet, and at the same time, she couldn't cry. The louder she cried, the worse she would be beaten, and she knew this.

It's just that this kind of Lu Ling looks very pitiful, her mouth is flattened and she feels wronged, tears are rolling in her eyes, the tip of her nose is red, and the pear blossoms are raining.

But Li Zhuzi didn't seem to see it, and even tried a little harder.

She had never been so rude to Lu Ling, and it was even the first time in her life that she had pulled a girl's ears.

It was because Lu Ling really angered her.

"I said straighten your hands, didn't you hear me!" Seeing that Lu Ling's hands were still slightly bent, Li Zhuzi gave her a cold look, which made Lu Ling tremble.

Li Zhuzi specially taught Lu Ling to keep her hands straight and not to bend when she was beaten, otherwise she might be injured if she hit her with a ruler. Although the palm of the hand was intended to punish her, she would feel distressed if her fingers were broken.

"Yes, yes..." Lu Ling trembled when she heard the words, her small hands were straight, with a little blush in her white skin, very cute, it's hard to imagine who would do something rude to such a cute hand.

Her hands were trembling, because she was still being carried by Li Zhuzi at this time, it was very painful, miserable, like a rabbit being pulled by its ears... How pitiful it is, even Dongfang Lianren, Luanfeng and others can not watch anymore.

Before Lu Ling cried like that because of Li Zhuzi, now she was bullied by her in a blink of an eye, and they also felt that Li Zhuzi was a little too much.

If the people in Lingshan were like this, let alone Xihuang, the latter looked at Li Zhuzi with a gleam of fire in his eyes.

After all, she is also Lu Ling's concubine... If she bullies her master in front of a concubine, if she doesn't say something, she will not be punished to death when Luo Qianhan regains consciousness.

[…] In the sea of ​​consciousness, the young girl looked at her master's weak appearance, and after being speechless for a moment, her face flushed.

Although this kind of master is useless, but it's really cute... If possible, she wants to hug her master tightly right now.

As for being dissatisfied with Li Zhuzi... she would not think so.

She knows the importance of Li Zhuzi to Lu Ling better than anyone else, and it is estimated that if she is really dissatisfied with Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling will be the first to let her go, so Xuechen is very open, as long as her master is happy, others It doesn't matter.

Crying... is barely happy, after all, Lu Ling chose it herself.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...】The young girl is about to go crazy when she sees Lu Ling's cute appearance rolling around on the ground.


"Sir, can gentle..." Lu Ling sobbed softly and begged for mercy. Her ears are really hurting now, and seeing her husband's appearance, she trembled for a while. She felt the palm of her hand before Li Zhuzi hit him. Burning pain.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Ling to beg for mercy, but this time, she didn't know where she was wrong, and felt wronged, so she said that.

"Easy? Huh." Li Zhuzi shook his head, exerting a little force on his hands.

"Hiss..." Under the severe pain, the tears that Lu Ling had just suppressed came out again.

"It seems that you don't even know where you are wrong."

"..." Lu Ling's head was twisted aside by Li Zhuzi, and she met Li Zhuzi's eyes straight. She was instantly killed by her husband's sight. She closed her eyes and dared not look at them, only tears were still pattering fall down.

"Look at me!" Li Zhuzi suddenly raised his voice when Lu Ling closed her eyes to escape.

"...Yes." So Lu Ling obediently opened her eyes, not even intending to resist.

It can only be said that Li Zhuzi's training of Lu Ling was very successful.

Li Zhuzi sighed, and continued: "Forget it, let me teach you a lesson first."

Then, amidst Lu Ling's tearful eyes, she raised the white jade ruler.

"..." Lu Ling obediently did not close her eyes, she just shrank her neck, waiting for Li Zhuzi to "lucky" her with a frightened look.

The ruler fell, and Lu Ling lost consciousness.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

The imagined pain did not appear.

"First, sir?" Sniffing, Lu Ling squeezed out the last tears and looked at Li Zhuzi.

Could it be that the husband loves her so much that he stops beating her?
Then, what Lu Ling saw was Li Zhuzi's ruler was grabbed by someone and stopped in the air.

It's Xihuang.

"Zhuzi, there's no need to hit her, she's not wrong..." Xihuang said.

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't say anything, but just glanced at Lu Ling.

This look made Lu Ling's hair stand on end, and then she was squeezed in front of Xihuang by Li Zhuzi's ear, and without crying, he pushed her vigorously, and said while pushing.

"Go away go away."

"Who are you? You... stay away from my husband."

"..." Xihuang was also stunned, holding the ruler still, she was helping Lu Ling, why was she being blamed instead.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs, who do you think you are..." Lu Ling pushed Xihuang's hand holding Li Zhuzi's ruler hard, but she pulled her ear again.

"Hiss..." It hurts to death.

"Sir..." Lu Ling waited to look at Li Zhuzi with pitiful eyes, and the latter sighed, then let go.

"Thank you sir!" Lu Ling smiled, rubbed her bloodshot left ear, breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xihuang's hand holding Li Zhuzi's arm, and pinched her fingers: "I don't know you, Bad guy, don't touch my husband."

Although she knew that Xihuang would not hurt her, Lu Ling was still very displeased that this woman hurt her husband.

"Go away, don't be too self-righteous." Lu Ling said something her husband said before, which made Xihuang's face twitch.

Self-righteous, is she self-righteous?

"If you don't let go, I'll bite you." Lu Ling wiped away the tears on her face, then bit down on Xihuang's golden feather coat.

In order not to break Lu Ling's small silver teeth, Xihuang had no choice but to let go of Li Zhuzi's hand, at this time her expression was very strange.

"That's right, go, don't hinder my husband." After pushing Xihuang a few steps away, Lu Ling stood in front of Li Zhuzi again, and changed into a different person in an instant, and said timidly, "Sir..."

"...You girl." Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth.

"Apologize to Senior Huang, it's too rude."

"Ah?" Lu Ling froze for a moment, then nodded, "I'm sorry."

Xihuang: "..."

This is too obedient...

Xihuang looked at Lu Ling. If she didn't know that this girl's sea of ​​consciousness was extremely strong, she would have thought that Lu Ling was controlled by Li Zhuzi. Lu Ling was more obedient than her daughter, like a pet, and knew how to protect the master.

Xihuang looked down at the tooth marks on her feather coat... She was right.

Her feathers were all transformed by the Phoenix fire. Ordinary people would have turned to ashes long ago, but Lu Ling could leave a tooth mark on it. This has already changed the form of the fire, just like last night, Lu Ling Turn the flame of the throne into your feathers.

Unexpectedly, the girl yesterday was actually such an obedient and obedient baby... For the first time, Xihuang felt that his head was not enough.

She decided not to do anything, just watched, to see how Li Zhuzi explained, and now she can see that Li Zhuzi said that Lu Ling would not and did not dare to say.

I hate myself...

"Sister Huang, Ah Ling is rude." Li Zhuzi walked over and nodded.

As a gentleman, it is natural to apologize for his students.

"It's nothing." Seeing Lu Ling looking over dissatisfied, Xihuang immediately shook her head, "You should educate..."

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"Aya, come here."

"Yes, sir." Lu Ling walked over obediently, then consciously stretched out her left hand, spread it out, and stretched it straight.





Four times in a row, the crisp voice echoed in the hall.

Some people in Lingshan closed their eyes, and Li Zhuzi really didn't hesitate at all when he moved his hands, and even used his spiritual power.

Really cruel.

Lu Ling's hands became swollen the second time, and the back became heavier every time.

She really wanted to teach Lu Ling a lesson.

Undoubtedly, Lu Ling was beaten and cried. This was the first time her husband hit her so hard. The first hit was okay, but the second time Lu Ling felt a heartache, and the pain went along her numb body. Climb up with your left hand.

Lu Ling just bit her lower lip and endured.

Then at the third time, she couldn't help it anymore, and burst into tears after a bit of a groan. At that time, he directly bit off a piece of meat, and the wound from yesterday was torn, and blood dripped down.

The Dongfang Lianren clenched his fists tightly, his heart ached to death.

Xihuang resisted and went up to stop Li Zhuzi.

Xuechen also looked dumbfounded, this time Li Zhuzi was unexpectedly cruel, in the past when her master cried, Li Zhuzi would soften her heart, but this time she beat her so hard.

Even though everyone felt sorry for Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi didn't stop.

The fourth, and the most forceful one, when it fell, Lu Ling's hands were swollen, her face was pale, her head was covered in cold sweat, and her back was soaked, as if she had been fished out of the water.

The special ruler used by Li Zhuzi, these four strokes are no less than torture. Lu Ling passed out without pain, which is already very severe, but her brain was blank after she survived, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and blood flowed obscenely.

Some are unsteady.

Li Zhuzi likes Lu Ling, but he is merciless in his actions.

"Stand up straight, what are you shaking?" Li Zhuzi put away the ruler and frowned.

Hearing this, Lu Ling wiped the blood from her mouth, with her swollen left hand behind her back, she couldn't do it with her fingers.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Li Zhuzi looked down at Lu Ling.

"..." Tears flowed down Lu Ling's chin. She didn't speak because she didn't know what was wrong with her. If she knew, she wouldn't be so wronged.

"I don't know, I'll tell you." Li Zhuzi pinched Lu Ling's face, making her look at him.

"Is your Concentration Art useful?"

"..." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to catch something.

"Did I tell you not to use your soul on people? Did I?"


"Answer me, have you?" Li Zhuzi said.

"Yes..." Lu Ling sniffed.

"Looks like I still remember." Li Zhuzi passed Lu Ling's blood-stained lower lip with his hand, causing her to grit her teeth in pain: "Since I remember... why, go to Ke Yu to study, I'm not by your side, so you won't listen to me gone?"

"Listen..." Lu Ling's momentum became weaker and weaker, and she didn't feel wronged anymore.

She now knew why her husband was so angry.

"I've repeatedly told you not to use it on people. Aren't you a human?" The more Li Zhuzi spoke, the more flat his voice became: "Thirty percent of your blood, do you want to die?"

With Xihuang's reminder, Li Zhuzi found out how Lu Ling's so-called injury came about after a little inspection. This girl used her own body as an experiment, but due to special reasons, her soul was not poisoned, but her qi and blood were reduced.

Fortunately, it was not poisoned, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Sir... I, I was wrong..." Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi's indifferent look, and begged in a low voice: "Don't be angry..."

"I'm not angry, not at all." Li Zhuzi let go of his hand pinching Lu Ling's small face, and shook his head: "Since you don't listen to me, and don't take your body seriously... I don't need to be angry anymore. "

"Sir, what do you mean..." Lu Ling panicked after hearing this.

"It's not interesting. If you do this kind of thing now, it means that I can't teach well." Li Zhuzi glanced at the thoughtful Xihuang, and then said: "Then change to a teacher who can teach you well. You take your own life as a trifle, with [-]% of your life and blood, you are lucky if you don’t die, but this time it’s [-]%, and next time it’s [-]%... My problem is really serious.”

a bolt from the blue.

Lu Ling stood there blankly, her feet seemed to be nailed, and she couldn't move. After a while, she seemed to see the end of the world, and looked at her husband in fear, as if she had a string in her mouth. Candied haws, woo woo la la did not say anything for a long time.

The people around looked at him with a look of disbelief and sighed.

Li Zhuzi frightened this stupid girl like this...they couldn't stand it anymore.

"First, sir... I, I..." Lu Ling wanted to say that she knew she was wrong, but she couldn't utter a single word, so she could only hold Li Zhuzi's clothes tightly with both hands, expressing her feelings. idea.

Regardless of the swollen hands.

Then it was crying, tearing offensively, and I couldn't say a complete word for a while.

After about 5 minutes, Li Zhuzi sighed.

She really has nothing to do with this girl, and she is committing a crime.

When did she bother so much when teaching Shen Gui and Xu Xu back then... She was indeed angry today. When she found out that Lu Ling was using her body as an experiment, she was first afraid and then angry. She hadn't felt this emotion for a long time. No one is allowed to hurt Lu Ling, including Lu Ling herself.

That's why it's so ruthless.

Even if there were ten hits, it would not be as dangerous as what Lu Ling did to her. Her weird power could corrupt the soul. As long as Lu Ling got hit, her life would be over.

Specifically, refer to Tang Zheng's soul damage. For a little girl who has just started to practice, it will not only affect her cultivation, but also her lifespan.

How could she not be surprised, how could she not be afraid.

So she wants to teach Lu Ling a lesson, so that she will never dare to make fun of her body again for the rest of her life.

 Thanks to Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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