Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 357 Settling Nine Peaks and Conflicts

Chapter 357 Settling in Nine Peaks and Conflicts

At this time, a group of women gossiped and talked about business.

Even so, their attention never left that corner of the temple.

Chu Qishui...

She hadn't been out of the Ninth Peak for a long time, this time it was Xihuang who asked her to come out, and everyone wanted to see how she had changed.

After all, she would agree with Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng to live in Jiufeng, which is a very incredible thing in itself.

At the same time, the Lingshan people are also wary of the real Zixu in the distance, for fear that she will go up and strike if she can't hold back. With Zixu's strength, it is estimated that she can hit ten Chu Qishui now.

"Send the latest research results to... Li Wangsheng, about that strange pattern." Seeing Xihuang walking towards Chu Qishui, Master Luanfeng paused, then pretended not to care and continued to order What.

In the corner, a woman in a black and white Taoist robe was leaning against the wall, holding a wine gourd in her hand, which faintly smelled of fruit.

The woman's long hair is scattered and messy on top. She doesn't wear a crown, but there is a crown ribbon that has not been taken off. There are some brown straws mixed in between the black hair. The neckline is a bit loess, and the woman's fair neck can be vaguely seen .

Not very pretty, with only average facial features, and looks a little scruffy.

There are all kinds of women in Lingshan, but there is no one who doesn't like to be clean, and Chu Qishui is also the first one.

Most importantly, she was lifeless and her eyes were dull, as if covered with a layer of dust, making it impossible to see what she was thinking about, or whether she was thinking about anything at all.

Venerable Ye...

When Chu Qishui heard this person's name, his eyes lit up a little, and then quickly dimmed.

I only remember that I was a junior... and now I have come to this step.

She unplugged the wine gourd and took a sip of the fruit wine. While dissatisfied with the taste, she subconsciously avoided the real person Zixu.

She was already ready.

If A Yao wants to kill her, just kill her, she is ready for this since she left the Ninth Peak.

After swallowing a sip of cold wine, the woman's face turned rosy, and she began to get a little drunk, then she looked up and saw a person standing in front of her.

A woman with dazzling blond hair, dazzlingly bright.


If Xihuang scolded Li Zhuzi because she felt that Li Zhuzi had something to do and didn't do well, then she had nothing to say about Chu Qishui.

Just a useless person, no matter in terms of spirit or strength, he is already useless.

The spirit is like tattered brocade clothes, although she can see her previous luxury, but now it is just a rag, the former Supreme Immortal, but now only has the cultivation base of the elementary level of the Void Transformation Realm... In terms of realm alone, it is not as good as Shen Gui , on the same level as Qin Qin...

Xihuang didn't know what Chu Qishui went through, and she didn't want to know, and it didn't have much to do with her. She just felt sorry for the talent of the person in front of her. From the decayed soul, Xihuang felt a strong and terrifying power ...It can only be said that it is worthy of being a human race, a family of the heavenly family.

It's a pity that the family of the celestial family is the family of the celestial family, but Chu Qishui is not a member of the celestial family.

It's not what a waste person is.

But Xihuang didn't say anything. It's okay if Chu Qishui doesn't teach Lu Ling. After all, Li Zhuzi is there, so she won't be needed. She did the right thing by keeping Lu Ling in the Ninth Peak. Xihuang very satisfied.

"Huang..." Opening his mouth softly, Chu Qishui recognized Xihuang. The two of them were not familiar with each other. In Chu Qishui's era, Xihuang was very sleepy. The two of them hadn't met a few times, but they knew each other now.

Because she was pulled up from the bed by this woman last night. It is worth mentioning that her thatched cottage was burned down by Xihuang. It is still a question of where to sleep when she goes back to sleep—if she can go back alive .

"The peak master of Jiufeng is you, right?" Xihuang tilted her head, her blond hair hanging down her ears.


"Lu Ling, is Feng Jiu a disciple?"

"Yes." Chu Qishui continued to nod.

At the beginning, her original intention was to keep Liu Fufeng first, and Lu Ling just got Liu Fufeng's favor. She originally wanted to wait until things stabilized so that the two of them could find a better place...

Who knew that the little girl had a bloodline in the legend, and was even related to the Jiufeng Immortal Sword... After observing for a while, she let the two of them stay at Jiufeng.

Chu Qishui was not afraid that Lu Ling's talent would be delayed without a master, because this was Lingshan.

The truth is, without her, everyone in Lingshan could be Lu Ling's teacher. She has already asked Lu Ling to tell Li Zhuzi, feel free to teach whatever you want, and don't worry about her ideas.

The previous scene also fully demonstrated that her idea was correct.

Li Zhuzi is [-] times stronger than her. At least now Lu Ling is very dependent on Li Zhuzi, and her cultivation is progressing very fast. I remember the last time I met Lu Ling was a little girl in the Qi Condensation Realm, and now she has broken through to the middle stage of the Soul Separation Realm.

Terrible talent.

That's don't need her.

Chu Qishui narrowed his eyes, not in a good state of mind.

"Since she is in Jiufeng...then from tomorrow, I will live in Jiufeng." Xihuang thought for a while and said.


Everyone present could hear Xihuang's words clearly, and they were all surprised.

Sister live in must be because of Lu Ling, and it can only be because of Lu Ling.

But they didn't plan to say anything, one is that there are instructions from above, let Xihuang do whatever she wants, and the other is that Chu Qishui is the master of Jiufeng, she has the final say on whether to agree or not, no one can control it she.

Although the Lingshan people agreed to let Lu Ling live in the Ninth Peak, it was actually Liu Fufeng who moved Chu Qishui and won her favor, otherwise the two of them would have been driven down the mountain long ago.

"Jiu Feng..." Chu Qishui raised her head upon hearing this, her forehead bangs covered her eyes, making it impossible to see her emotions clearly.

"No." She shook her head.

"No? Why?" Hearing this, Xihuang frowned.

"No, I can't make up my mind about this matter." Chu Qishui said softly, this was the first time she uttered a fluent sentence, the slightly neutral and hoarse female voice was indescribably magnetic, and one couldn't help but feel excited. Look at her more often.

"Can't be the master?"

"There are only two girls living on the mountain now. For me, it doesn't count..." Chu Qishui yawned: "If you live in, you still have to consider them. The peak master's order is now in the hands of the big girl. If she doesn't If you have an opinion... I have no opinion."

What Chu Qishui said was the truth, she really didn't care if someone lived in, but Liu Fufeng might mind, that's why she said this.

"It's fine if you don't want to make a decision." Xihuang nodded.

She likes what Chu Qishui is doing now. Although she is the peak master of Nine Peaks, she didn't arrange anything for Lu Ling. Everything was handed over to that girl named Liu Fufeng.

"Big girl... Liu Fufeng?" Xihuang took a deep look at Chu Qishui, walked aside, and ignored her.

Liu Fufeng... the girl mainly mentioned in yesterday's information is Lu Ling's junior sister on the surface, but she is actually more like a senior sister, and from the words of the Lingshan people before, it can be known that she dotes on Lu Ling even more than Li Zhuzi .

A concubine in this life?

That really needs to get along well. Lu Ling is immature now, so it is a good thing for someone to pamper her.

But I heard that Liu Fufeng is at the foot of the mountain now, and she needs to come back as soon as possible.

"You guys finished talking, then I'll say it." Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her, Xihuang stepped out, and the rosy clothes on her body gradually dimmed, turning into dark yellow clothes.

"From now on, I will live in Jiufeng, for Lu Ling."


"Strange, isn't it? It's nothing strange. I like this girl. Of course, it's only on behalf of me, and it has nothing to do with the Spirit Race." Speaking of this, Xihuang looked at Luo Xian and paused.

"Of course, if the Spirit Race likes her, then it has nothing to do with me."

"Then, I have no idea about Feng Jiu's Xueluo Qianhan, nor about the so-called ice bloodline..." Xihuang said.

"Jiufeng..." Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Okay, don't be afraid of this one and that one, I want to snatch her away, can you keep me?" Xihuang was a little amused.

"Sister Huang, it's not that we don't worry about you, it's just..." Master Luanfeng stood up: "It's just that for the current Lingshan, the effect of Xueluo Qianhan is not that great, although I don't know if there is any relationship between Luling and Xianjian. Contact, if possible, it's best to let it sleep like this first."

When a celestial sword is born, there must be a vision, and the current Lingshan can't eat a celestial sword.

"Hehe, woman." Xihuang sighed: "Okay, haven't you always wanted to know about Xueluo Qianhan? When Lu Ling has a Void Transformation Realm cultivation, I can tell you some secret things, such as ...Why did Xueluo Qianhan fail?"

When this sentence came out, everyone couldn't sit still.

Lingshan's understanding of Xueluo Qianhan has always been in legends, and he has not conducted systematic research at all. Although he knows Xihuang, he must know something, but the latter has never said anything.

"Sister Huang, compared with what Dong Shenhai knows..."

"Just a little bit more." Xihuang said, squinting her eyes and glanced in the direction of the Eastern Divine Sea.

"Only more or less?"


"Xiao Ling will leave it to you, Sister Huang."

As soon as the group of women heard the news, they sold Lu Ling to Xihuang decisively.

Xihuang won't do anything to Lu Ling, they can all tell that Xihuang likes Lu Ling... Then she can do whatever she wants, anyway, Lingshan won't suffer.

If Xihuang could be Lu Ling's teacher, then Lingshan would make a lot of money.

"Just rest assured." Xihuang smiled, looking very gentle.

In fact, she could stay by Lu Ling's side without promising anything, but that would make many people unhappy, so why not just... make a promise to let them take the initiative to endure while being unhappy.

It's just some information, nothing to say.

Xue Nu is the first and only Master of the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods. This matter is not just a legend, the first master of the Eastern Shen Hai Pavilion is undoubtedly Xue Nu.

In fact, the most suitable place for Lu Ling is not Lingshan, not Shushan, but the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods, where there are secret exercises left by Xuenv, which match 200% with Lu Ling.

It's a pity that she is now a disciple of Lingshan, and she is still a disciple of Lingshan who does not know the method of culture and soul.

I don't know what kind of principle caused Lu Ling's soul to mutate into that appearance. Xihuang didn't tell Li Zhuzi that she couldn't see what was wrong with Lu Ling.

"That's it, I'll go to Jiufeng first." Xihuang said: "By the way, let that Liu Fufeng come back as soon as possible... I'm still quite curious about her."

"Okay." Dongfang Lianren nodded, no need for Xihuang to say that she was going to recall Luo Hanyi, Liu Fufeng would naturally come back with him.

Then, Xihuang's body disappeared, leaving only a scorching phoenix fire in place, indicating that she existed before.

Xihuang is now going to investigate the topography of the Ninth Peak.



After a moment.

"I said, let sister Huang just follow Lu Ling..."

"It's suitable, there's nothing inappropriate." The nun in black stood up: "Do you understand the blood of ice?"

"I don't understand."

"Then let her go."

"It's just... I don't know if Sister Huang can gain Xiaoling's trust." Dongfang Lianren shook her head, she didn't think Lu Ling would accept Xihuang so easily, after all, the latter hurt her favorite husband.

"That's not something we should discuss." Luanfeng Daoist said: "Go and prepare, Dongfang, you go to inform Hanyi, and before Junior Sister Mo goes to pick up the Lord of the Southern Territory, send a letter of apology to Dongshenhai, write Be more serious... Then, Junior Sister Feng continued to stare at Hidden Sword, if she has any news about leaving the customs, pay attention to Lei Jie and protect the second peak at any time."

As the dissolution approached, Master Luanfeng was making the final arrangements.

"Then I'm going down the mountain recently to collect some elixir that can nourish the soul at Tianguangxu, and I will leave the matter of Yifeng to Xu Xu for the time being..." Luanfeng sighed: "Why do our girls in Lingshan always have Congenital lack of soul, Han Yi at that time was, and now there is Tang Zheng..."

"..." Hearing that, everyone was not very interested. At that time, Luo Hanyi was rescued by a senior sister, and it was a miracle to be able to restore it like this. Now there is another Tang Zheng...

"Pay attention to the things that nourish the soul, and send them to Junior Sister Tang when the time comes."

"That's natural."

"En." Master Luanfeng nodded, and continued: "Finally, Zixu, you make friends with Zhuifengliu and ask them to help collect some ice-type elixir, which can be used to develop small longevity fruits..."


No one responded.

"Zixu?" Reverend Luanfeng raised his head, looked at the shadow on Reverend Zixu's seat, and was stunned for a moment.

It's just a doppelgänger, Zixu Zhenren has already left.

"Not good." Everyone reacted instantly and looked in Chu Qishui's direction.

Sure enough, there was only one clone left.

"When did you leave? I didn't feel it."

"It is estimated that Zixu used some magic weapon..."

"Ayao took Senior Sister Chu away, what should I do now..." Someone was anxious.

"Return to Senior Sister Chu, Senior Sister Chu, haven't you seen what it looks like today? It's best to die."

"That's right, it's best to die. Look at her current appearance, how decent she is." A cold light flashed in Dongfang Lianren's eyes.


"Okay, be quiet." Luanfeng waved her hand: "Let them go, let's go, let's continue."

"Senior Sister Feng..."

"I said continue." Luanfeng glanced at the girl.


"Junior Sister Zhao, Li Wangsheng still wants to trouble you to communicate, and then ask for a sample of yin-yang fish, no, two copies, remember to give Lu Ling a point, and see if she has any clues." Luanfeng was methodical. arranging tasks.

She wasn't worried at all.

The hatred in Zixu's heart has been suppressed for a long time, it's time to vent it once, allowing this kind of emotion to grow will undoubtedly be destructive to Zixu who is about to break through to the Supreme Realm.

The most important thing is that Luanfeng never believed that Zixu would kill Chu Qi underwater, even though she now hates her to the bone.

Zixu can't, and Ayao who once dreamed of the Supreme Immortal won't.



At this time, on the Lingtai.

Lu Ling and Li Zhuzi finished their meal together, her stomach was bulging, and she was walking towards Nanyuan Academy holding Li Zhuzi's hand. The rest of the place is white and clean, and it can't be seen that she has cried into a little cat before.

"Sir, my handwriting is not bad recently...I'll show you when I go back..."

"Okay." Li Zhuzi touched Lu Ling's head, and was about to say something when his face suddenly changed, and he stood in front of Lu Ling.

Almost at the same time, a huge beam of light shot over from a distance with unparalleled momentum, and then a sonic boom appeared in the air.


After the sonic boom, a shadow was like a meteor falling rapidly, as if it wanted to penetrate Baiyutai completely.

There was a huge explosion, and the bluestone shattered.

The bluestones on the ground were smashed and deformed, and the position was right next to Lu Ling's feet, and her face was hurt by the wind splashed when the shadow hit the ground.

"Ahem..." Lu Ling coughed twice and opened her eyes to see the smoke and dust.

"Sir, sir, something has happened! Help!"

After seeing clearly, Lu Ling pointed to the man who fell from the sky on the ground, and said anxiously.

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't speak.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the figure of the woman on the ground appeared.

The black and white standard Taoist robe, with a face like gold paper, is in a state of embarrassment.

The woman held her chest and spat out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with some internal organs.

She was injured much worse than Li Zhuzi that time.

Lu Ling was dumbfounded when she saw this, she knew this person...


 Thank you Qingtian Biyun for the 2000 tip, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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