Chapter 358 Rolling
A shadow was shot down from a high altitude and hit the bluestone. The huge impact made Lu Ling unable to stand still for a while.

Lu Ling subconsciously closed her eyes.

All she has seen are small fights and being shot down from a high altitude... For her, such a scene is too cruel.

If the person who fell was not strong enough, she would have fallen into a pile of meat sauce long ago, and she would definitely have a shadow in her heart by then.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief when she found that the person who landed was not dead and the scene was not too bloody
"Cough..." The woman's face was as white as paper, and she tried to stand up, but it was obvious that she was injured more seriously than she imagined. Her body seemed to have no bones. She struggled and fell to the ground. piece.

After doing this, most of her bones were broken.

Lu Ling looked at the people on the ground and was stunned.

She didn't recognize Chu Qishui at first because most of her face was covered by Chu Qishui's hair, and she was not a very distinctive person... But when Lu Ling smelled the strong aroma of wine, her expression changed drastically.

The taste of this fruit wine was given to her "master" by her...

Then Lu Ling looked at the figure on the ground—even though it was so miserable, she was still protecting her wine gourd... It was her irresponsible master who was so vile.

"Sir, Mr. Save!"

Although she recognized her master, she didn't think too much about it. In Lu Ling's heart, no matter whether she recognized this person on the ground or not, she must save him, because she was wearing Lingshan's clothes.

"..." Li Zhuzi's face was not very good-looking, she ignored Lu Ling, but Chu Qishui on the ground heard Lu Ling's voice and tried to open his eyes.

Her eyes were blood red, and then she fell into pitch blackness. Obviously, the previous violent impact had damaged the meridians of her eyes, and the corners of her eyes overflowed with blood, and she couldn't see anything.

Forget it, if you can’t see it, you can’t see it.

Chu Qishui's face didn't show much emotional fluctuations, even a little indifferent, as if the broken muscles and bones didn't bring her any pain.

"It's, it's really...unlucky." Chu Qishui spat out a few words with all his strength, his voice was hoarse, and Lu Ling didn't understand it well.

Although Chu Qishui didn't say it, she was still very satisfied with her apprentice...and even liked it a little.

It was very unfortunate for her to see this ugly appearance by her apprentice today.

"I-I thought I a little more respectable...cough cough..." As she spoke, the woman tilted her head and another mouthful of blood came out, her face turned a little rosy, and she actually lifted her spirits.

"Stop talking..." Lu Ling was taken aback. Looking at this scene, she didn't know if it was a flashback scene, and she was eager to reach out to help her, but her hand stopped halfway.

It is written in the book that people who are seriously injured should not move casually. They may be fine, and they will die after being hugged.

what to do...

There was no way, Lu Ling could only look back at her husband with a pleading gaze, but found that Li Zhuzi took two steps back and looked at the sky.

Lu Ling also looked up, and then saw a figure, a woman also wearing a black and white Taoist robe.

"Who is that?"

Then, the figure of the woman in the air fell, and Lu Ling took a few steps back after being startled, to make room for her.

After falling down, Lu Ling could clearly see the face of the person in front of her. She looked about 40 years old, neatly wearing a crown, there was not even a trace of mess on her body, and her figure was tall and straight.

The woman has pale eyebrows and thin lips. Lu Ling trembles when she looks at her. She is also serious and serious. Her husband gives people a gentle and generous feeling, but the woman in front of her is different, mean and ruthless. Lu Ling just glanced at her Look away.

"Aren't you dead?" Master Zixu looked coldly at Chu Qishui on the ground, and frowned: "I didn't use the body-protecting true it because the spiritual power that broke through at the beginning merged into the physical body, forging the body in disguise?"

"Yes." Chu Qishui closed her eyes, the gaps in her eyes were filled with blood, and after hearing Zixu's words, she hummed with a smile.

"You can still laugh out loud, aren't you afraid of death? You, the self-sealed soul, are dead now, and you are really dead." Zixu's eyes flickered coldly.

Chu Qishui is now equivalent to a mortal. If his body falls and his soul and spirit power are gone, he will be sucked into the wheel of heaven and earth in a blink of an eye, and he can't die anymore.

"...It seems that I am not afraid." Zixu looked at the miserable woman on the ground, raised his foot, and stepped on her stomach fiercely.

"Hmm..." Chu Qishui just vomited blood without making a sound.

"Forbearance, you can bear it." Zixu's hands behind his back trembled, and at the same time he exerted force on his feet: "I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of seeing me, and I have been shrinking in the ninth peak... You should hide again!!!"

"..." Chu Qishui didn't respond, probably out of strength.

In fact, she wanted to die a long time ago, and she had such thoughts many, many years ago.

The reason why I survived until today is not because I want to live, but because I can’t die. She will come out today. Xihuang is one of the reasons, but it’s not the main reason. She just happened to catch up. In fact, there is no request from Xihuang, a week at most She will also take the initiative to meet Zixu real person.

She wore hemp to pray for the soul of her senior sister, and this year happened to be the last year... Now that the sacrificial ceremony is over, she doesn't miss it anymore.

She could finally face A Yao's resentment directly.

Chu Qishui opened her eyes, wanting to see the face of the person stepping on her, but her eyes were dull and she couldn't see anything.

Some are glad that she can't see anything... She doesn't want to see that resentful look.

"If you can't hide, go die... No, you can't die too easily." Immortal Zixu changed his usual seriousness, his body exploded with anger, and his legs glowed red.


"Sir." Seeing the cruel scene in front of her, Lu Ling grabbed Li Zhuzi's sleeve subconsciously. Although she didn't know why the two women in Lingshan Taoist robes fought, but in Lu Ling's mind, her husband would definitely save him. her.

"let's go."

To Lu Ling's surprise, Li Zhuzi took her hand and walked towards Nanyuan without even looking at Zixu.

"Sir? Sir..." Lu Ling was dragged by Li Zhuzi for half a street before realizing it. She tried her best to get rid of Li Zhuzi and looked at her puzzled.

"A Ling, this matter is very troublesome." Li Zhuzi looked into Lu Ling's eyes, showing a little helplessness.

This matter is very troublesome, very troublesome, and she is most afraid of trouble.

Li Zhuzi's principle of doing things is not to participate if he can not participate, and one thing more is worse than one thing less.She can tell from the fact that she didn't go to the elder sister's ceremony this year.

On Lingshan, Li Zhuzi belonged to the lineage that neither sympathized with Chu Qishui nor hated her. Unlike Dongfang Lianren, even under her influence, Shen Canghai never expressed his opinion on this matter.

Chu Qishui was wrong, everything should be resolved by the two of them.

She doesn't want to get involved in such troublesome things.

This matter involved too much, no matter what the result was, it was the choice of Chu Qishui and Zixu, and others were not qualified to intervene.

Lu Ling didn't understand Li Zhuzi's difficulties, she looked at Li Zhuzi in disbelief.

Mr. Myself... Doomed?


"Trouble... sir, she is dying soon." Lu Ling emphasized the word death.

"This matter... can't be dealt with, let's go." Li Zhuzi shook his head. The real Zixu just looked ruthless, but actually kept his hand. Otherwise, Chu Qishui would be killed directly by the sonic boom in the sky. A half-waste in the Void Transformation Realm, even if he was once a venerable, can't be the opponent of the Lingshan people now.

But even though he kept his hand, the murderous intent that erupted was real.Li Zhuzi can't guarantee that Zixu won't kill him, after all, the latter is already a little distorted at this time.

"..." Lu Ling was silent for a moment, her feet seemed to have taken root, and she couldn't take this step no matter what.

"Let's go." Li Zhuzi said word by word.

If it was the past, hearing her tone like this, Lu Ling would immediately become an obedient little rabbit. She said that she would never go west if she went east.

But it's different now.

Lu Ling didn't seem to hear.

"Aling, let's go." Li Zhuzi repeated.

This time Lu Ling responded. She looked at her husband and took a step back: "I won't leave."

This was the first time she had disobeyed Li Zhuzi's "order", and it was still under the circumstances that Li Zhuzi had repeatedly emphasized.

"Sir, I don't know if she will die. Mister is not wrong, but I think I must be wrong when I look at it this way." After Lu Ling said something, she limped towards Zixu. side went.


Is this... have you been educated?

She naturally has her own ideas for not coming out. Li Zhuzi, as the only venerable in this year's Lingshan congregation, her status can be imagined. She has never expressed any opinion on Chu Qishui's matter, and it should be the same today.

She can't help her just because Chu Qishui seems to be on the weak side now, because once Li Zhuzi speaks, it means that her position is on Chu Qishui's side, and the balance will be broken...

It will be very troublesome.

But looking at Lu Ling like this, Li Zhuzi lowered his eyes, very helpless, and when he raised his head again, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"...Forget it, girl."

Who told her to spoil Lu Ling?

Li Zhuzi is still a little happy about Lu Ling's "resisting the decree", because it shows that Lu Ling still has her own beliefs and ideas, and this kind of Lu Ling is the innocent and kind girl she likes. If he left by himself, although he would save a lot of trouble, Li Zhuzi should have doubted whether there was something wrong with his way of educating Lu Ling.

As Lu Ling's husband, she naturally knew that Lu Ling was not so friendly to Chu Qishui...but now she is willing to come forward.

It is commendable, much better than the cold-blooded her.

Li Zhuzi followed without hesitation.


Lu Ling didn't have a green bamboo in her hand, so it was ugly to walk, and because she bumped into Li Zhuzi just now, her body was shaking in panic, and she might fall down at any time.

The reason why she was so anxious was because Lu Ling asked Xuechen [Will she die? ] Such a question.

Although Lu Ling is kind, she is not stupid. She can be rescued even if she loses a hand. As long as the soul is immortal on Lingshan, people will not die.

But the answer Xuechen told her was [will die], because Chu Qishui had already locked up his soul completely...

[This woman wants to die. ] Xuechen said so.

Hearing this answer, Lu Ling couldn't calm down, she couldn't watch her master being stepped on like this... The appearance of Zixu stepping on Chu Qishui reminded Lu Ling of some bad memories, and her pace quickened a bit.

That is her master.

Irresponsible, self righteous, disgusting master...

Lu Ling lowered her head and murmured something, but she was a little bit unconfident.

Does she really hate Chu Qishui?
Lu Ling didn't know.

She said that Chu Qishui was irresponsible, but she didn't believe it.

She entered Lingshan because of her master, and lived in Lingshan because of her master. When her junior sister was in pain, it was this "hateful" master who came to save her.

There are various indications that although their master has no sense of presence, he has always cared about them in his own way.

Just look at the order of the peak master in Liu Fufeng's hand and the token representing Chu Qishui's personal identity. Lu Ling can also understand now what that small token represents. Although it cannot be said that Liu Fufeng is the peak master, but This at least shows that she is trusted.

The reason why Lu Ling hates Master and slanders Master for being irresponsible is simply because Chu Qishui took her sisters into the mountains and never took care of them. But after living for so long, Lu Ling has an idea in her heart.

The reason why my master didn't ask was because he believed in Lingshan.

Looking at it now, she can live well without her master. As for the problem of not teaching exercises, Lu Ling didn't know how to explain it at first, but now she knows.

Her master wanted to die.

If a person does not want to live and still takes the initiative to teach her, whether it is mentally deformed or dies halfway through teaching, it is very irresponsible.

Perhaps entrusting the apprentice to others to teach is the responsible approach.

Hearing Xuechen say that her master didn't want to live anymore, Lu Ling thought about a lot of things in an instant, Lu Ling had been brooding all the time, and the days when Chu Qishui played Liu Fufeng like a [ball] could also be explained pass.

She didn't want to accept apprentices at all.

It was him who caused her trouble.

Although Lu Ling has never been out of the Lingshan area, she is familiar with the dark side of this world and has experienced it herself... She doesn't know what happened to her master, but watching her get drunk must have a story people.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling's footsteps were no longer vain.

No matter what her master thinks, since she is an apprentice, she can't watch others bully her master, and even if the two have nothing to do with each other, Lu Ling will not stand by and watch.


Back at the original spot, Lu Ling looked at the positions of Chu Qishui and Master Zixu before, her mouth widened in surprise.

A huge barrier trapped the Lingshan disciples who had rushed over after hearing the sound outside the barrier.Can't see inside at all.

"What happened? Does any of you know?"

"I don't know, I just heard a loud bang."

"It seems to be Master Zixu..."

Hearing the noise beside her ears, Lu Ling lay on the barrier, hammering the barrier anxiously, then turned around and saw Li Zhuzi, staring at her impatiently.

"...What a big trouble."

Li Zhuzi stroked the barrier, but did not break it immediately.

No matter what decision Master Zixu made, today's incident has already become a big mess. Perhaps the Lingshan people wanted to let Zixu vent, but they are in high positions, and they are all sisters. They have a very good relationship, so they forgot one thing , a very important iron rule that no one remembers.

That is--

In Lingshan, it is forbidden for disciples to [discuss] in any place other than the Dao Discussion Platform. If they violate it, they may be expelled from the teacher's sect depending on the nature of the most serious.

And Zixu this time...was bad.

 Thanks to Infant Yufei and the fugitive の Xuesheng for their support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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