Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 359 4 Fang Yundong

Chapter 359
How big is the Lingtai?

Ordinary Lingshan disciples really can't answer this question. They only know that ascending to the ninth level is like ascending to the sky.

Each floor of the altar has its own function and audience. For example, the first floor where Li Zhuzi is located, the people who come and go are low-level female cultivators, or girls who have just started.

On the first floor of the Lingtai, there is a vast white jade road in the middle. There are climbing stone steps in front of the door. After climbing the stone steps, there is the Tianmen.

It can be said that Lingshan disciples will go to the Lingtai after leaving the Disciple Peak. Except for those disciples who like to squat at home, there are probably [-]% of Lingshan girls gathered here, distributed at all levels.

And the first floor of Lingtai is the floor with the most female cultivators. Although there is no large-scale seminary or various entertainment venues here, it is just a place for little girls to learn knowledge, but there is a very important point on the first floor—— It is the gate of Lingshan, and disciples must first register on the first floor before going up or returning to the mountain.

So there are a lot of people here.

And once something happens, there are more people.

Like now.

Master Baiyu Dao was crowded with people, and there were rainbow lights flashing in the sky from time to time. In the sky, many disciples were stranded in the air, and on the ground, you could also see young girls gathering towards the center like a tide.

"What happened?" On the ground, a girl came out of the house, looking at the huge purple enchantment in the distance, very surprised.

"I don't know, junior sister, let's go and have a look together." The nun dragged the girl out of the house.


"There shouldn't be much activity today... That was the sound of breaking the air just now, someone did something? Go and see—"

At this time, everyone on the first floor sensed the huge enchantment in the center, and the undisguised energy fluctuation before touched the curiosity of these women.

Those who can stay on the first floor are relatively free, just refer to Xu Xu.

That's why I heard a little movement, which caused such a big commotion in front of me. It was originally just a trivial matter, but because of people pulling people, it turned into an inexplicable grand event like going to a market. Most of the disciples have returned to the mountain to recharge their batteries, and the number of idlers has increased greatly.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of disciples on the first floor of Lingshan.

In the book garden, a girl in a beige embroidered dress with two buns on her head put down her medical books, looked at the many impetuous little junior sisters, and frowned.

Just a little movement...

"Senior Sister Xu, Senior Sister Xu..." A girl broke in.

"Junior Sister Fang, what happened?" Xu Xu tilted his head, his fluffy bun swaying slightly.

"I don't know, there is a huge enchantment appearing next to Nanyuan, and some junior sisters said that they heard the sound of breaking the sky—"

"Duan Kong?" Xu Xu froze for a moment, could it be that someone started fighting?
No way, how irrational people would do such a thing, and set up a barrier.

"Senior Sister Xu, let's go and have a look together."

"Me?" Xu Xu paused, glanced at the medical book in his hand, then looked at the restless girls in the garden, and nodded helplessly.

If she doesn't go, these little girls probably won't dare to leave either.

"Then let's go and have a look together." Xu Xu chuckled, and after closing the medical book, a little fire lotus supported the medical book and put it back to its original position.

"Great, with you here, Senior Sister, I feel much more at ease."

"En." Nodded slowly, after going out, he saw the enchantment energy shooting into the sky in the distance at a glance, and a little dignified flashed in his eyes.

Hope someone doesn't do it.

Then walk slowly towards the center.

The reason why she agreed so quickly was not because she wanted to join in the fun, but because the incident happened next to Nanyuan.

Li Zhuzi, her teacher Li lives in Nanyuan, she must go to see it no matter what.

Li Zhuzi also had reasons for her insistence on staying in the Shuyuan on the first floor.



Even Xu Xu, a quiet house girl with a gentle personality, went out to check, let alone other people.

In the corner of the Lingtai, the door of a wooden house was pushed open, revealing a tall and straight figure in white clothes. This is a man, although he looks very handsome, but he has a lot of alcohol on his body, which can be seen through the gap There are piles of wine gourds in the house.

It was Li Wangsheng, who had adapted to living on Lingshan.


Looking at the familiar energy in the distance, Li Wangsheng tidied up his robe, avoiding many female cultivators, and took a small path out the door.



At this time, a peak that does not belong to the nine peaks of Lingshan Mountain, a spiritual power vortex covering the vast sky above the mountain peak, forcibly sucked many spiritual energy into the mountain.

A group of old women live here.

Of course, if someone dares to say that in person, these old women will definitely show him what real hell is.

In a simple wooden house, there are several women sitting around the table. They don't look very old, the little one has cardamom, and the biggest one is plump in his thirties.

There are people doing everything, some are fiddling with needlework, some are reading, some are cleaning swords, and some are doing makeup.

It can be seen that one by one is very leisurely. If you give them a pair of mahjong, it is estimated that they can play for a long time.

"What do you think?" someone asked.

"Close your eyes and look at it." A woman in red said, she was somewhat similar to Dongfang Lianren, but she lacked that kind of charm and was more charming.

"Xihuang came out of the mountain, as expected, don't worry about it, the snow is falling and it's's okay to give it to her." Polishing the sword in her hand, the woman in white put the sword back into its sheath: "The sword can be given to her, but Lu Ling can't, in principle question."

"I agree."

"I also agree, the girl is ours, no one should try to abduct her."

"Of course I can't give it to you, but Shushan... didn't you agree to send Lu Ling there to study..."

A somewhat frivolous Taoist nun reached out and touched the face of the woman in red: "This is fine, after all, you are here, I believe Feng Zhan would not dare to do anything to the little girl."

"Hehe..." The woman in red twitched the corners of her mouth, but said nothing.

She is Dongfang Lianren's master, the Taoist companion of the white-bearded old man Fengzhan in Shushan...

She is the only one who has a Taoist partner, and she is used to being molested by her sisters all day long.

After all, if you leave the singles, you must be prepared to be ridiculed by the single dogs around you.

"Then look at our sister Huang... what do you want, take your time." The woman in red held the hand that was still trying to move on her body, and said calmly: "There is a small longevity fruit. Yu wanted to try Lu Ling's ice blood, and I agreed."


"Then there is Li Wangsheng's yin-yang fish. I don't have any idea about this, so I will continue to study it."


"Speaking of Li Wangsheng..." The woman in white with the sword in her arms glanced into the distance: "The two of them... what should we do?"

"What can I do? What do you think can be done?" Someone asked back.

They can't help it, the elder sister with the greatest potential in Lingshan has fallen, and none of the people present feel good, but they can't express their opinions, can't take revenge, and can't even comfort their disciples, so they can only let it go.

"I just didn't expect Ayao to be so impatient, after all, the ceremony has only passed for a few days."

"Don't you think it's a good idea to pay homage to Miss Chu's blood?"

"Don't make trouble, A Yao won't do this." A woman in black said, her face was full of worry: "I'm thinking now, if A Yao really makes a move, what should I do?"

"Such a large enchantment, how do you deal with it." The girl rolled her eyes.

The woman in white drew her sword out of its sheath and waved it casually. Looking at the sharp sword energy, she sat down in satisfaction and said in a deep voice.

"According to the rules, this is a matter of principle."

The woman in black hesitated for a moment and said, "...but..."

"Remove yes." The woman in white withdrew her sword.

"..." The woman in black shook her head helplessly.

"Yes, follow the rules."



Climb to a cliff on the Lingtai, a sword energy passed over the top, splitting the sea of ​​clouds in the sky into two halves.

Beside the simple desk is a young Taoist nun who is reading a book.

As always, she doesn't read cheat books or medical books, and still has a copy of "XX Heroes" in her hand that she doesn't know is reliable

The young nun put down the book in her hand, glanced at the purple enchantment in the distance, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Girl Ayao, I hope you don't make it too difficult for me, or don't blame me for being merciless."

As she spoke, Taoist glanced at the latest chapter of the novel in her hand, which told the story of a disobedient chivalrous woman being spanked by the protagonist.



At this time, more and more people gathered. On the ground and in the air, countless people were testing the barrier, and some even couldn't help but draw their swords at the barrier, but it was completely useless.

Not only can't get in, but you can't see what happened inside.

The same is true for Lu Ling, she lay on the glass-like enchantment, grinning.

"It can't be hit at all." Lu Ling rubbed her sore shoulder.

【Master, give up, even if you bump into a barrier of this level for a day and a night, don't even think about hitting a splash. 】Seeing that her master was about to run, Xuechen stopped her.


[There are more and more people here. ] Xuechen reminded me.

The implication is that if Lu Ling is being stupid, it will be embarrassing.

"..." Lu Ling had no choice but to give up, because she knew that with her own ability, it was impossible to get in anyway, so she could only rely on Li Zhuzi.

But her husband ignored her from just now...Maybe he was angry because he contradicted her.

Glancing at Li Zhuzi who was leaning against the tree in the distance, squinting his eyes, Lu Ling hesitated and walked over.

"Sir." Lu Ling said timidly.

"En?" Li Zhuzi gave Lu Ling a weak nasal voice.

"I... I can't get in."

"And then?" Li Zhuzi glanced at the barrier, she could see it, and now the two are still talking, Zixu has no intention of doing anything for the time being, so she is not in a hurry, besides, it is useless for Lu Ling to go in now, It will only irritate Zixu.

"Then... Sir, can you send me..."


Li Zhuzi's words made Lu Ling happy, but the next sentence made her smile freeze.

"It could be, but not now."


"I said, wait."

"Yes." Helpless, Lu Ling could only leave obediently, and lay down on the barrier again, trying to see a little bit of the scene inside.

At this time, there were more and more people around Lu Ling, and finally it was like a bustling market. When Lu Ling noticed that there were more and more people, she was already surrounded by a group of young ladies. She was so short that she could no longer see Own Mr.

In desperation, Lu Ling could only continue lying on the barrier, not looking at the "man-eating beasts" behind her.


Many Taoist nuns studied the huge enchantment, and finally found that no matter what method they could not enter, they lost a little curiosity about this thing.

Bored, they turned their attention to other things.

"Man, senior sister, man!!!"

"Shh, stay away from him, men are not good things..."

After realizing that her junior sister was staring at Li Wangsheng, the girl took the girl away.

Li Wangsheng avoided many girls and found a corner to stay alone. Although he also felt that he was being judged by many people, but these were trivial matters, and he cared more about the enchantment in front of him.

This is A Yao's spiritual power, he can recognize it.

Li Wangsheng had a bad feeling in his heart, but with his strength, he couldn't simply spy on the things inside the barrier, he could only slowly analyze his ability...

This requires a process.

Li Wangsheng closed his eyes, feeling the enchantment with all his heart.

Although a man is a novelty, a boring gourd with his eyes closed is nothing interesting. Compared with Li Wangsheng, whom he doesn't know, Shen Gui and Xu Xu, who are extremely popular in Lingshan, will naturally cause a greater sensation.

"Senior Sister Xu is here, Senior Sister Xu is here!"

"Where is it, let me see..."

Crowded people.

The same is true for Shen Gui, but she is different from where Xu Xu goes and is surrounded by people. Shen Gui has a cold face, and everyone will consciously give way to her.

Then, the two met in front of the barrier.

"Senior Sister." Shen Gui looked at Xu Xu and greeted him coldly.

"Okay, Junior Sister, stop crowding..." Xu Xu dismissed the girls around him, took Shen Gui's hand and pulled her aside.

When Xu Xu touched his hand, Shen Gui frowned, but he didn't say anything.

In the corner, Xu Xu was very happy to see Shen Gui, with a sweet smile on his lips.

"Afu, I knew you would definitely come too."

Shen Gui didn't want to correct anything anymore, she was the only one who could call this name... I just pretended I didn't hear it, she just hummed coldly.

As for why Xu Xu said that, she could guess a little bit.

It is nothing more than because of Nan Yuan and Li Zhuzi.

"I tried it, but I can't open it, and I can't see through it." Xu Xu shared the information.

"Same." Shen Gui nodded.

"When I passed by Nanyuan, I went in and took a look. If Master Li is not inside, could it be in this enchantment?"

"do not know."

"Look around first? Master Li might come out to take a look at such a big matter." Xu Xu made a suggestion.

"it is good."

Then, the two tacitly split into two groups and turned into phantoms.


1 minute later.

"...Huh? That's it?" Xu Xu stopped in one place, looking at the completely wrong number of Lingshan disciples on one side, feeling a little strange.

They seemed to be wrapping something.

Slowly closed his eyes and sensed it, and was taken aback for a moment.

It's Lu Ling.

The little girl was squeezed by a group of girls, her face was very anxious, and of course she was a little frightened, because she was frightened by these enthusiastic senior sisters.

"Well... Afu, come here, I think I found Master Li." Xu Xu sent a sound transmission to Shen Gui.

(End of this chapter)

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