Chapter 361 Apologize
While Lu Ling looked at Master Zixu trembling, Master Zixu was also looking at Lu Ling.

This girl... She entered the Lingshan Mountain through her hands at that time, thanks to her choice to believe in Han Xue, she didn't really send Lu Ling down the mountain, well, it doesn't matter if she sends her down the mountain. Aya came back from the mountain.

It's just that this time, she will inevitably lose face...

At this time, Lu Ling was leaning against the purple enchantment. The enchantment that was soft as cotton when she came in was as hard as ice.



Lu Ling thought of the vibration in the circular space accompanied by the sound of the sonic boom in the sky, and the scene where her master fell to the ground like a pop... and she was a little afraid of this neatly dressed Taoist nun who looked like a teaching director.

"Lu Ling..." Master Zixu looked at the girl in front of him, thinking.

"Yes!" Lu Ling was excited, and agreed very quickly, but the real Zixu didn't continue to say anything to her, which made Lu Ling a little embarrassed, and could only look at Chu Qishui who was half propped up in the distance from the corner of his eye.

What should I do now...

Lu Ling's head is getting bigger. She had a hotheaded speech before, but in the end she had to act on her words... She thought that it would be great if her husband would come to help her, but Li Zhuzi's attitude was so obvious that it made her feel uncomfortable. She is alone.

She secretly glanced at the black-clothed nun in front of her, and found that the latter was thinking about something, so she moved her steps, trying to get close to Chu Qishui.

Impossible that real Zixu didn't see such a "ridiculous" little move, she looked at the stupid and cute Lu Ling, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

This she out of her mind?

Inexplicably, because of Lu Ling, the hatred and anger in her heart eased a little.

Sometimes, unintentionally being stupid is also a skill.

Lu Ling's foolishness was seamless, and Zixu pretended not to see it.

Speaking of which, although it was the first time for her and Lu Ling to meet, it was to Lu Ling that no one in Lingshan knew about the matter of the ice blood, not to mention that she was the one who sent the ninth girl to her. peak.

As for why such a disciple was sent to Chu Qishui, one was to save her face, and was also related to Liu Fufeng.

The two people she personally sent up now are Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

She has some regrets...

Master Zixu likes Liu Fufeng very much, her first impression of Liu Fufeng is very good, she fell in love with that weak but strong girl when she first saw her.

Liu Fufeng's natural aptitude is also the type she likes, but the inspiration is too bad, according to the rules, he is not allowed to stay on Lingshan Mountain, but at that time, Master Zixu forced Liu Fufeng to stay and temporarily placed her in Jiufeng...

It was just a coincidence that Liu Fufeng caught up with Zixu who was in a bad mood for a few days, and was sent to the Nine Peaks to suffer a few days of indiscriminate disaster—being beaten by Chu Qishui as a ball.

Then, Liu Fufeng's performance made Master Zixu very satisfied. She originally wanted to send someone to bring Liu Fufeng to Liufeng, but at that time, the girl's strength was written on her face, and she went to Chu Qishui's every day to run into a wall, so she postponed this idea up.

One is to test Liu Fufeng, and the other is to disgust Chu Qishui. The latter has been afraid to see her, which makes Zixu very angry, and finally his emotions turned into hatred.

And Lu Ling...

In fact, she was sent by Zixu to accompany Liu Fufeng up the mountain, and then to test Liu Fufeng's character. Zixu originally thought that as long as Liu Fufeng showed his attitude, it would be fine. If Chu Qishui didn't care about Lu Ling's injury, she would personally shot.

Although she looked very fierce, she would not let such a young girl get hurt, not to mention that Lu Ling was a pitiful little girl with bruises all over her body.

She doesn't have a direct disciple, she... also likes children very much.

Liu Fufeng did not let her down, he took care of Lu Ling wholeheartedly, and put Lu Ling first when he was exhausted mentally and physically.

Master Zixu was very satisfied with all this, but an accident happened the next day.

Lu Ling's illness suddenly recovered. Although she was still weak, she was not fatal. She thought it was Chu Qishui who made the move, but after investigation, she found out that it was not. Now she thinks it can only be attributed to the ice blood.

Then the two even settled down in Jiufeng, and went about their daily life, Lu Ling was in charge of showing cuteness, Liu Fufeng went to Chu Qishui's place to meet a wall, and then went home to cook.

Eat in the same vessel, sleep in the same bed.

The relationship between the two girls heated up sharply, which Zixu Zhenren didn't expect.

At that time, Zixu was really waiting for news from Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling every day. At that time, she wanted to receive Liu Fufeng to her six peaks.

At that time, she didn't have any feelings for Lu Ling, she just thought she was a little drag.

In the end, things went beyond her expectations. Liu Fufeng went out with the order of the master of the nine peaks...

She was swayed by Chu Qishui, and it was her own fault. With Liu Fufeng's personality, it was naturally impossible for her to leave Jiufeng. Regarding this news, Master Zixu could only sigh.

In fact, she had thought about accepting Liu Fufeng as her personal disciple, but of course it was too late to say anything now, it was impossible for her to bow her head and ask Chu Qishui's dignitary.

The rest of the matter was very simple. Because she blamed herself, she deliberately did not pay attention to Feng Jiu. Suddenly, one day, she learned about the news of the Frost Bloodline. In the end, Lu Ling showed an amazing talent. She condensed her energy within ten days. , worshiped under Li Zhuzi's sect... From then on, she also secretly paid attention to this girl.

For Lu Ling, naturally the more I get to know her, the more I like her. The Lu Ling in Zixu's heart is the kind of girl who is usually lazy, but knows right from wrong, knows what to do and what not to do, and respects her teacher.

The point is that she is very kind, and a timid girl will always arouse other people's desire to protect, especially her kind who likes children.

On the other hand, Liu Fufeng, whom she liked at the beginning, was unknown, and basically no one knew her name. Most of the people in Lingshan knew that there was this person, but they didn't know her name.

Zixu knew very well that with Liu Fufeng's inspiration, it would be very difficult to condense her energy...just looking at her cultivation speed, compared to Lu Ling, she is indeed a heaven and an earth.

But the spatial talent will definitely not remain unknown forever, Zixu is still optimistic about Liu Fufeng until now, and recently she paid special attention to Liu Fufeng's news.

She was even more satisfied when she saw the young girl who practiced medicine and preached in Luoyan City for free consultation.

Under the love of the house and the black, she will only like Liu Fufeng's beloved Lu Ling more and more.

Of course, Lu Ling would not know about this kind of thing at all. Lu Ling only felt that the old woman in black in front of her was very scary, and she was afraid.

Now she was glad that the real Zixu was in a daze suddenly, allowing her to take the initiative to approach her master, but she didn't know that the old woman who was terrified in her heart was looking at her tiptoeing, and sneered with her mouth curled up.

Lu Ling walked up to Chu Qishui, looking at the strange but familiar woman in front of her, at a loss.

She was injured too badly, the Taoist robe on her back was shattered into pieces the moment it fell to the ground, her fair skin was covered with bloody scratches, and it was obvious that she had undergone some abuse, her body was covered with blood stains, and there was a large bruise on her lower abdomen.

What scares her the most is that her master's eyes... the corners of the eyes are dried blood, and the pupils are like glass beads with cracks. Lu Ling is afraid that it may shatter at any time...

It seems that under the huge impact, Chu Qishui has reached the limit that her body can bear. In fact, if it was not for the accidental loss of kung fu, some spiritual energy strengthened her body. With the fragility of Lingshan female cultivator's body, the impact of the fall alone Enough for her to die ten times.

Self-sealed soul power, dead is really dead.

"Master, master..." Lu Ling looked at Chu Qishui who was supporting half of her body with one arm, her tone was a little anxious.

This was the first time she called someone that.

Master... It's a very distant word, she thought she wouldn't be able to call a person that way, but after understanding Chu Qishui, all the previous grievances disappeared.

Lu Ling has never been an unreasonable and impulsive little girl. To say that she is knowledgeable and reasonable is flattering, but she is sensible and sensible, and Lu Ling will definitely do her part.

"Ahem,'s you again." Chu Qishui's hoarse voice was full of helplessness: "Master...what's wrong with you girl today? Pity me? Cough cough..."

Although he was seriously injured, Chu Qishui's spirit did not show any signs of sluggishness, and he was even more kind than the dull gourd that Lu Ling knew before, who only knew how to drink, and could joke around.

It's just that Lu Ling can't laugh now.

At this time, Chu Qishui's long hair was scattered, covering most of her face, only a delicate nose and pale lips were exposed, but the moment she spoke, Lu Ling suddenly felt that the person in front of her should be very beautiful...

After all, even if you only look at half of the face, you can tell that the person in front of you is an all-powerful beauty.

Still a sick beauty.

Then Lu Ling woke up immediately, now is not the time to talk about this.

"Master, what should I do can I rescue you..." Lu Ling glanced at Zixu's back and whispered.

"..." Chu Qishui was obviously taken aback when he heard the words.

It was unexpected that Lu Ling would say this.

It's also funny.

She never thought about letting Lu Ling save her, and there was no need to save her. If she really wanted to save her, it wouldn't be from A Yao's men... From the very beginning, she was the one who wanted her to die, not Zixu.

This stupid girl wouldn't really think that A Yao was in a daze, right? Chu Qishui sensed it a little bit, and knew that the real Zixu was "talking" with Li Zhuzi now.

Zixu asked Li Zhuzi, she wanted to throw Lu Ling out directly.

Li Zhuzi's answer is——【Anything】.

"Save what...cough cough..." Chu Qishui spat out a mouthful of blood without saying a word, then turned to Lu Ling and said, "Give me the wine gourd."

Although her arms can still move, her lower body has completely lost consciousness, and when she loses all her spiritual power, she can't touch the wine gourd three feet away.

Even though she fell to the ground from the sky, she still firmly protected her wine gourd.

You can die, but you can't live without alcohol... It will be very painful to die sober.

"Wine... gourd?" Lu Ling subconsciously picked up the gourd when she heard the words, shook it and found that there was still more than half of the fruit wine in it, and when she walked to Chu Qishui's side, she suddenly remembered something.

"No, master, you can't..."

"Give it to me." At that moment, Chu Qishui seemed to return to normal, snatched the gourd from Lu Ling's hand, raised her head and took a few big gulps, the light yellow fruit wine mixed with blood stains flowed onto the black and white Taoist robe, washing her mouth The blood on her side made her look less embarrassed.

Chu Qishui lay down on the ground contentedly after drinking half a gourd of wine, smacking his lips.

"Shu... Tan..."

There was indescribable satisfaction and freedom in his tone, completely different from the woman who was so drunk every day before.

"you you you!"

Lu Ling looked at her master, but couldn't say a word, and finally, under the anxiety, there was a hint of crying again.

"You can't drink now, you will die!"

"..." Chu Qishui ignored her.

At this time, a hand grabbed Lu Ling's neck, causing her to pause for a moment. She turned her head stiffly, and found that it was the terrifying woman from before.

"Have you said enough? Girl." Master Zixu looked at Lu Ling with red eyes, and didn't give her a good look.

"Master, I..." Lu Ling thought about what Xuechen said to her just now in her mind, and began to get close to Zixu.

"Oh? Uncle?" Master Zixu closed his eyes, and then exerted force on his hands. Lu Ling was thrown, and she staggered and fell to the ground.

"If you don't want to be thrown out by me, just stay on the sidelines." Zixu gave Lu Ling a cold look, which made her nod repeatedly in fright.

Obviously, she almost failed in this trick, and even angered Zixu, which Xuechen didn't expect at all... She thought that with her master's beauty, she should be able to win this woman with a little cuteness, after all, Xuechen It can be seen that Zixu likes Lu Ling very much, and she has no killing intent on her body.

On the contrary, the neighbor on the ground who has lived with her for many years is not in a good condition at this time. On the surface, she looks calm and free and easy, but in fact her body is dead from top to bottom, which is very dangerous.

[It's all your fault. 】Lu Ling sat on the ground, breathing in dissatisfaction, her cheeks were bulging, and the beauty spot on the corner of her mouth sank.

[I don't know what's going on, it stands to reason that it's okay for Master to call her Shishu... Should it be Shibo?Forget it, let's read on, this woman has no killing intent, the master can rest assured. 】 Xuechen gave Lu Ling a clue.

【kindness. 】Lu Ling nodded, then wiped away the overflowing tears, and listened attentively.


"Master uncle?" Master Zixu looked at Chu Qishui who smelled of alcohol on the ground. Is such a person qualified to be her senior sister?
The answer is obvious.

"Senior are really worthless." Master Zixu squatted down, wiped off the wine stains from the corner of Chu Qishui's mouth, his tone was strangely gentle and murderous.


"Senior Sister, answer my previous question, am I scary? Why do you keep avoiding me." Zixu Zhenren exerted force on his hand.

"Why, why, why have you been hiding in Feng Jiu for so many years...haven't even said a word to me..."

"Not a word." Zixu suppressed murderous intent in his tone, but his face was still calm: "I was waiting for an explanation from my senior sister at the beginning... but I didn't expect to wait for this sentence for a hundred years."

Perhaps, this woman explained clearly back then, and with her temperament, she would not be suppressed like this, and finally twisted to this point.

"I'm sorry." Chu Qishui lowered his eyes, not looking at the woman in front of him.

An apology made Master Zixu burst into laughter.

"Chu Qishui, I'm sorry for being so flirtatious, did you come too early? Are you trying to laugh me to death?"

Leaning forward and backward, laughing until tears came out.

 Thanks to Murong and Qingtian Biyun for their rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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