Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 362 Uncle, take it easy.

Chapter 362 Uncle, take it easy.

Lu Ling on the side looked at Zixu real person covering his mouth and laughing, suddenly a little strange.

As my uncle, he was obviously not happy at all, and he laughed so loudly.

[The human race is really strange. 】 Xuechen said in Lu Ling's mind, the woman in front of her clearly has no killing intent, but she still abuses Chu Qishui, which is really awkward.

[Other races of human race, I am not human race. ] Lu Ling replied.

【Hmm...Master, I said something wrong. 】In the sea of ​​consciousness, the young girl in the blue skirt was stunned for a moment, and said something in a low voice, then the young girl sat on the ground, rolled around and then stood up, her light blue hair was messy.

Speaking of it, she has never regarded Xue Nu as a human being... If the master finds out, she will probably try to repair her, but this is the truth, Xue Nu does not have the awkward feelings of the human race, she is very pure, like it or not Just don't like it, bring it with you if you like it, and come to the door with a sword if you hate it, the character is too pure, maybe for Snow Girl, only the white and crystal snowflakes can make her lose her mind.

Even if she said that she was a fairy sword, all she got in exchange was Xue Nu's simple sentence "I know".

Taking Xue as her first name and her surname was her master's only hobby at that time. What kind of emotions can such a Xuenv be expected to have.

Compared with the previously flawed Xuenv, it is obvious that her current master is more like a person, and she has the experience that a normal person should have. She has relatives and teachers. Although she still likes snow, she still likes rhythm and delicious food.

Such a change is certainly a good thing.

There are also disadvantages, such as her master's personality that will come out at some point... Xuechen has no choice, after all, he is her master no matter what.

At this moment, Master Zixu had had enough of laughing, and after wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, hatred climbed up his face again, and he squatted down to whisper something to Chu Qishui.

Lu Ling on the side wanted to listen hard, but couldn't hear anything, Zixu didn't want her to hear, she couldn't even hear a single syllable.

【Well, let's think about how to rescue my master while my uncle is not doing anything...】Looking at Zixu's appearance of "bullying" her master, Lu Ling used her brain.

Lu Ling herself didn't realize that after contacting real Zixu, she no longer had the fear at the beginning, and she relaxed a lot in this enchantment that she thought was a dead end at the beginning.

The real Zixu is much "better" than she imagined. Although she is still afraid, when Lu Ling approaches her, she can naturally let go of her guard against Zixu... because of Zixu's eyes.

This is a nice guy.

So Lu Ling felt that Zixu would not kill people, let alone his master, and she seemed to be venting something now.

But even venting is too much, the one lying on the ground is her master after all, if Liu Fufeng knows that the master is being bullied, and she looks on indifferently...

Lu Ling trembled.

She is very clear about the position of her master in the hearts of her junior sisters. At that time, because she was unwilling to go down the mountain to buy wine for Chu Qishui, Liu Fufeng almost got angry with her just a little bit.

Maybe my junior sister knew about my master earlier than myself, and could understand her difficulties a little bit.

For Liu Fufeng, every day when he was close to the thatched cottage, he was knocked into the air, and then crashed into the cliff. The cruel and ruthless Chu Qishui in the eyes of outsiders has a different image in Liu Fufeng's heart. After all, only she can feel that sense of protection. How gentle is her strength.

In addition to the following peak master's orders... Liu Fufeng recognized his master from the bottom of his heart. Lu Ling felt that in the hearts of her junior sister, besides herself, Chu Qishui should be the most important.

Liu Fufeng's attitude is also an important reason for Lu Ling's change of attitude towards Chu Qishui.

If her junior sister knew that she stood by and watched, she might be blackened... The blackened Liu Fufeng is very scary.

A man of one city...

Lu Ling strangled the thought to death.

Her junior sister has a flawed personality, and she herself is not much different, so she can't laugh at half a hundred steps.

【Xuechen, do you think I can beat my uncle? ] Lu Ling asked suddenly.

[...Master, are you serious? 】The young girl blinked her big eyes, her expression unbearable.

【No, what I meant, plus your words...】 Lu Ling tentatively said.

With the understanding of Lingshan, Lu Ling has almost completely trusted Lingshan. With Li Zhuzi around, she felt that it would be fine even if her strength was displayed, and if her strength could be valued, would she be able to have more leverage? ...

If there is no accident, her junior sister will go back to the mountain.

However, Lu Ling still remembered that her junior sister's talent was not good, so if she had bargaining chips, she might be able to get some benefits for her junior sister... If you want to try the sword, maybe the woman in front of you is a good choice.

Although she was afraid, she couldn't really watch her master being pushed to the ground and beaten, killing two birds with one stone.

【Master, including me... can't do it either. 】The young girl is also very helpless. No matter how powerful she is, Lu Ling is just a little girl in the soul-dividing state. If she can become Luo Qianhan, she may still have a chance, but her power disappeared overnight.

[No chance at all? 】

[If you work hard, you can. 】 Xuechen thought about his own body, then nodded.

【ah?Forget it, I just think about it, think about it casually. ] Lu Ling was scared.

At this moment, Lu Ling suddenly heard a syllable leaked by Master Zixu, which was the word [death]. As soon as she raised her head, she saw Master Zixu turning his fist into a palm and going towards Chu Qishui's chest.

Lu Ling was so frightened that she wanted to tear her eyes apart, did she agree that she wouldn't kill her?


Lu Ling screamed, then got up, but she couldn't stand still and staggered into Zixu's waist.

Oops, I forgot I was still a lame...

Feeling the softness she bumped into, Lu Ling unconsciously took a deep breath.

It was a mild scent like orchids.

Is it this horrible woman?
Lu Ling raised her head, and met Zixu's gaze, the latter's eyes were all cold, she was going to give Chu Qishui a hard time, but was interrupted by Lu Ling.

"Why, do I smell good?"

Looking at Zixu's serious face, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva and said repeatedly.

"No, no, no, no, no, it's not that it's not delicious, it's just..." After getting confused, Lu Ling lost her temper, and honestly hugged Zixu's waist, and put her face on it, with a trembling voice.

"Uncle, I'm sorry."

She didn't mean to be cute to please Zixu, but now she couldn't stand still. Her only moving foot was sprained just now.

Master Zixu: "..."

Chu Qishui: "..."

Chu Qishui was very helpless, took a sip of wine and lay down obediently, just now she made up her mind and said something that shouldn't have been said, which angered Master Zixu and made her raise her hand—it wasn't for Master Zixu to kill him Instead, let her vent her anger.

Just venting...

If Zixu's depression doesn't dissipate, the next venerable Jieji will be very sad... That's why Chu Qishui didn't commit suicide, and directed and acted today's "accident" by himself.

This depression was caused by her, so naturally it should be dispelled by her, but she can't die in Zixu's hands, because it will give her even greater demons, but it's okay to just vent her anger...

A Yao's inner demons are gone, and she can leave with peace of mind.

In the end, he ran into such a treasure as Lu Ling. Obviously, the real Zixu's anger was dissipated by Lu Ling at once, and he missed the best opportunity. Exasperated.

As far as Zixu real person is concerned, Chu Qishui wants her to be good, but she refuses to listen to her, as long as it can cause trouble for her, she is willing to do anything.

No one would believe that Lingshan Zixu, who was serious and vigorous in the world of cultivating immortals, would have such a willful side.


Lu Ling buried her face in Zixu's waist, smelling the fresh orchid fragrance, and waited quietly.

The imaginary anger did not come, but Zixu Daoist reached out to straighten her up.

"Lu Ling, why are you defending her so much?" Zixu looked at this stupid girl and asked doubts in his heart: "I remember, you probably don't like this woman that much... and she is not good to you, is she?" ?”

She wanted to know why Chu Qishui was so protected by Lu Ling.

"That, uncle, she is my master." Lu Ling thought for a while and answered truthfully.

"And, even if it's not Master, you can't..." Lu Ling didn't finish her sentence, but she glanced at the blood stains on the ground, and it was clear what she wanted to say.

"Interesting, you girl is quite bold." Master Zixu froze for a moment, then chuckled.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, even Chu Qishui's dull eyes lit up.

"Awe-inspiring spirit, awe-inspiring spirit..." Master Zixu looked at Lu Ling's small body, thoughtfully: "I can't see the awe-inspiring nature in the picture of Mount Shu, but there is a bit of righteousness in it, but you are still a fledgling, so you can't see it enough. "

"En..." Lu Ling nodded.

Then Zixu Zhenren suddenly spoke.

"It's just that I don't know how much you can score for respecting the teacher and sticking to the road."

"Master, I don't understand what you mean." Lu Ling wanted to walk, but before she could take a step, there was a burst of tearing pain in her ankle, which made her fall on Zixu Zhenren's body with an ouch.

What Lu Ling didn't know was that there was a sealing power inside the enchantment of Zixu Zhenren, which sealed spiritual power.

The reason why this field is so big is because it is released like this, otherwise Zixu would not be so ostentatious.

As for why the spirit was banned, and even herself was banned, one was because she was afraid that she would kill Chu Qishui on impulse, and the other was that she was afraid that this damn woman would commit suicide.

Also ridiculous.

This indirectly caused Lu Ling to lose her spiritual power and return to her most ordinary appearance. However, Lu Ling's body was extremely weak, and her vitality had not yet recovered. Naturally, she could not move even if she twisted her foot.

"I really don't know how you, a girl, can be rated as high as Shushan. You have a clear heart, don't be a fool." Zixu now has some doubts about whether all the old men in Shushan are old and dim.

Jianxin is transparent, in fact, it should be called Jianxintongming, the heart is like a mirror, and does not attract dust... Those who have this kind of mentality are undoubtedly the lucky ones, the blessed ones.

Because there will be no stagnation, no demons in the whole life, and the future is like a broad road for thousands of miles, as long as you don't fall, you must be a respected party.

Lu Ling's sword heart is transparent and her aura of arrogance is why people in Shushan flock to her.

However, no matter how Master Zixu sees Lu Ling, she is not a material for Jianxin's is not even as good as her Liufeng disciple who has cultivated the Yueming Fengqingjue Meditation Chapter.

Fantastic girl.

Master Zixu helped Lu Ling up again, and looked at her blushing face.

She doesn't know whether to mess with Dust or not, but she can try to see how much Lu Ling can make her like.

She likes to test girls the most, she did it to Liu Fufeng at the beginning, and now she does it to Lu Ling.

"Girl, don't you want to save your master?"

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded repeatedly.

"This slap was originally intended to hit her. Since you want to protect your master, then naturally you have to eat it for her." Master Zixu looked into Lu Ling's eyes: "After the slap, the matter just now is over."

She didn't feel guilty about cheating children, because Lu Ling was old enough to marry in the secular world, so she should have her own ideas.

She knew that Lu Ling would definitely agree, as a disciple of Lingshan, as long as she was not a fool, she would agree, because she was Lu Ling's uncle and not an enemy, Lu Ling should know it in her heart.

But because of this, she won't hold back.

Master Zixu just wants to know what kind of status a master who has never taken care of her and is like a passer-by has in this girl's heart, is it because of the need to respect the teacher, or because he is really kind.

It is not advisable to be as good as the Virgin Mary, but it should never be cast aside.

Unfortunately, Zixu really likes girls like this, and she likes Liu Fufeng because Liu Fufeng is very kind.

"I am willing." Lu Ling did not hesitate at all.

Master Zixu nodded when he heard the words, and was more satisfied with Lu Ling. If Lu Ling hesitated a little bit, she would drop her a lot of points. Looking at it now, it is very good.

Knowing that he can't kill, so he will stand up after suffering a meal of flesh and blood, Zixu really likes it very much.

Especially since the girl was very afraid of pain and couldn't walk when she twisted her foot, Zixu was even more satisfied with Lu Ling.

Lu Ling's choice was unexpected and reasonable.

Li Zhuzi's favorite girl is naturally not nine points, only ten points, Xu Xu, Shen Gui, which one is not ten points, or even fifteen points.

【Master, this woman is not joking, she really knows how to hit hard! ] Xuechen reminded Lu Ling.

[I know, there is nothing to be afraid of if you can't die. 】Lu Ling scolded Xuechen, told her to shut up, and if it hurts a little, it would be the best if this matter could be resolved. Although she didn't know what kind of hatred her master and uncle had, she couldn't stand by and watch, she I can't wait to go up and top Chu Qi's tank with water, anyway, she can't stand it anymore.

[Yes, master. 】 Xuechen stopped talking. Although she felt sorry for her master, she could only be obedient, and she couldn't even feel aggrieved.

Lu Ling will be able to show off her prestige in front of Xuechen, but a girl who often sheds tears can scold Immortal Sword at will.

"Are you ready? I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the girl." Zixu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Lu Ling, bringing her back to life.

She will let Lu Ling know that not everyone can intervene in the matters between the elders.

"Ready." Lu Ling glanced at Chu Qishui, with a look of death as if she were at home, very stubborn.

"That's right, you girl has a bit of backbone." Master Zixu nodded, expressing his appreciation to Lu Ling.

"By the way, Uncle Master..." After being praised, Lu Ling suddenly twitched, nodding her head and whispering.

"Well, can you be a little lighter?"


 Thank you for the 2000 reward from Xuesheng in the escape, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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