Chapter 364 The Past

My name is Liu Yao, I am a disciple of Liufeng, a very ordinary disciple, but I have a very powerful sister.




Today my sister was selected as the senior sister of Liufeng, and I am far behind her.

The elder sister of the sixth peak should be the peak master in the future. With such a sister, I can show off to Han Yi and the others.




My sister won the longevity fruit at the Tianguangxu Martial Arts Competition, and I was hoarse from below, watching my sister beat all the geniuses in the Seven Holy Lands, and she still crushed...

My sister is indeed the most powerful. If there is no accident, she should be the next Lingshan Senior Sister, but I want to remind my sister not to be proud, but to work hard, because Senior Sister Chu is also very good. Xu Huiwu won No.2, second only to her, so she could be regarded as a potential enemy.

As for the others... nothing to worry about.

Looking at the entire Lingshan, there is no one who can compare to my sister... Bamboo is not good, and Shen Canghai is far behind. Compared to my sister, they are nothing.

There was a brother Li in Shushan who was very good, but he still lost to my sister, that's all I can remember.




Sure enough, it didn't take long before my sister had already reached the Void Transformation Realm and became the one with the highest cultivation level among the Lingshan disciples. Surprisingly, that Senior Sister Chu chased after her and fought with her for a day One night, although my sister still won in the end, it was the first time I saw her win so hard...

I still remember that my sister was pale after narrowly defeating Senior Sister Chu, but she was extremely happy. She told me that this Senior Sister Chu was very powerful, and she was very happy because she was finally not alone.

I am also very happy for her.

Then, I started to pay attention to Senior Sister Chu, and I wanted to know why she could catch up with my sister, the person who I thought I would never touch the corner of her skirt.

It took me a long time to find out that Senior Sister Chu likes to practice swords on the Ninth Peak, which is very strange, because the Ninth Peak is not developed, it is just a barren mountain.

Then, every night I would sneak up to Jiufeng to watch Senior Sister Chu practice sword.

This is probably the most important decision I have made in my life. I also use a sword, but I never thought that a person can use a sword like that.

I think I will never forget Senior Sister Chu dancing her sword under the bright moon. The sword is like a brush, the sword is like frost and snow, and the whole body is silvery.

She was like the most peaceful lake, the moment the breeze blew by, she only became more and more beautiful.

For a moment, I wanted to worship her as my teacher... Although I knew that I was a disciple of the same generation as her, but the difference was too far, it was a hopeless chasm.

Since then, I have been fascinated by that sister Chu who is not dusty and as light as a cloud. When she dances the sword, she looks like a fairy in the sky, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

She is very powerful, really very powerful, just looking at the shadow of her dancing sword, my kendo level is constantly improving... Senior sister Chu must have been born for the sword.

Why is there such a great person in the world? Sometimes I think this way. God not only gave her top talent, but also gave her a unparalleled appearance.

Senior Sister Chu is very beautiful, countless times more beautiful than me. I only secretly saw a profile of Senior Sister Chu in the distance.

Breathtaking beauty.

This appearance must drive those men crazy.

Thinking of this, I feel uncomfortable, I seem... I seem to like her a little bit.



From then on, I was not satisfied with peeping, I started to find a way to get close to Senior Sister Chu.

"Sister, Senior Sister Chu talked to me today."

Sometimes I will show off to my sister like this.

Not long after, after unremitting efforts, I finally got to know this senior sister who I had been spying on for a long time.

Senior Sister Chu is very indifferent to me, but I am still very happy, because I know that Senior Sister is like this to everyone, she has swords in her eyes, and only swords, otherwise her cultivation would not be able to progress so fast.

But I am also a little worried, because Senior Sister Chu is too "cold" and has no feelings...

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but with such a state of mind, Senior Sister Chu's cultivation has progressed very fast, unimaginably fast... It seems that she only has cultivation in her eyes, only higher realms...

But I like this senior sister Chu even more, she is so handsome.

Thinking, even if she could be a maid for her, she should be very happy.



A few years later, there was another martial arts meeting in Tianguang Market, with the same group of people.

There is no doubt that my sister won the first place easily, followed by Senior Sister Chu, which is similar to the last result... As for who is third... who cares.

On that day, the title of Lingshan Qingjue started, and the whole world knew that Lingshan had a rare double lotus in ten thousand years.

[Qing] refers to my elder sister, and [Jue] refers to Senior Sister Chu, I think this is very suitable for her, Juexian... No one is more suitable for this dao name than her, she is beautiful in the world, with a fairy appearance and jade quality.

It's just a little bad.

Senior Sister Chu is getting colder and colder, she can't bring up emotional fluctuations to anyone now... only the realm of cultivation is in her eyes.

I still like her very much.



Time flies, many, many years have passed, I don't know how many years, I just remember that everyone has grown up, and there is... blood on their hands.

I am no longer a child. At that age, in the eyes of the younger generation, I was also an old monster.

I still like Senior Sister Chu very much.

Another point, I didn't expect that I would also become a member of the Lingshan Congregation... While watching Senior Sister Chu's back, my cultivation base was also improving rapidly, probably because I was unwilling to be pulled too far by her and wanted to Stand closer to her.

As for my sister... I dare not think about it, she is simply a monster, Senior Sister Chu is so powerful, but she is always suppressed by her sister.

I know that because my sister is too powerful, the gap between me and her is like the gap between heaven and earth, so I yearn for Senior Sister Chu, at least she can see and feel it.

[Lingshan Qingjue], now represents an era.

This is the era of Lingshan.

All Lingshan disciples are very proud. The two strongest people in the world of cultivating immortals are both from Lingshan.

Everyone can only look at their backs, I am, Shen Canghai is, and Senior Sister Feng is too.

So do other holy places.

The elder brother of Shushan, Li Wangsheng likes my sister very much, they are teammates, teammates who fought together on the front line of Tianguangxu.


Many years later, my elder sister's identity as a senior elder sister was confirmed, and she ascended to the position of the peak master of the first peak. As for Senior Sister Chu...she only has cultivation in her eyes, and she is unwilling to be the peak master of the second peak.

I think it's no wonder Senior Sister Chu is so powerful. Apart from cultivation, she never cares about other things.

So my confession... I won't mention it.

I still like her.



And then... a large number of demon kings appeared inexplicably in the world of cultivating immortals, causing chaos in the world, and all the disciples of the Seven Great Holy Lands went out to eliminate demons.

With Lingshan clear, it is naturally invincible. The boundary of Lingshan was cleared quickly, and Xiangdong and Shushan reunited.

In the end, the turmoil was suppressed like this.

This is also the last time Lingshan Qingjue appeared in the world of cultivating immortals...

Not long after that, Shushan Li Wangsheng was expelled from the school.

My sister died without even leaving her body, her soul was gone.

Brother Li used his sister's secret method to get rid of the powerful demon king, and he himself was cursed.

I don't know what happened, but others said it was because of Senior Sister Chu. At that time, I watched Senior Sister Chu come back covered in blood from a distance. She was no longer as cold as before, and her face was full of self-blame.

It's the first time I saw such a senior sister.

I told myself that people will always die in the world of cultivating immortals. My sister is gone, but I still have Senior Sister Chu, and she will not intentionally kill my sister as others have said.

Although someone told me that the three of them could barely take down the Demon King, but because Senior Sister Chu forced a breakthrough before the battle, she overestimated her own cultivation in the end.

I don't believe in this matter.

Senior Sister Chu is so powerful, how could she do such a thing, with her venerable strength, she can break through steadily, is it necessary to use the enemy to break through in the battle of life and death?
That is irresponsible for the lives of her teammates, I believe Senior Sister Chu will not do this.


At that time, I still liked Senior Sister Chu.



But I was wrong, Senior Sister Chu never appeared in front of my eyes again, it's ridiculous that I'm still waiting for her explanation, in fact, I can accept it even if she lied to me...

Not even a single lie was received.

Ninth Peak ordered the mountain to be closed, and I couldn't go up.

So be it.


Nothing exists, it is an illusion, it is not real.

My name is Zixu, and I am the deputy peak master of the Sixth Peak. The peak master is my sister, and I will reserve this seat for her.

As for that damned woman, I don't think I like her anymore.

Why doesn't she die?


"Senior sister, once you die, there is no such good thing in the world." Zixu said: "If you want to die, I will do it. I have wanted you to die for a long time."



Master Zixu stepped on Chu Qishui's stomach, leaving a purple mark there, and his true energy exploded.

Chu Qishui's meridians all over his body were broken nine out of ten times.

With black air in his eyes, Master Zixu said coldly: "I told you, don't call me that."

Then he bowed his head and said: "Look, Senior Sister, it's useless for you to harm yourself, now it's me who did it... I've let down your good intentions..."

Chu Qishui closed his eyes upon hearing this.

It's her fault.




Lu Ling opened her eyes in a daze, and got up abruptly after being dazed for a while.

His face was pale.

She just felt like she was going to die.

Not dead?

Lu Ling touched her body and found that apart from being a little dirty, there was no scar at all.

【Master, you just looked scary just now, you have a protective barrier on your body...】

【You mean, Uncle Master scared me?Did I faint from fright? 】Lu Ling blushed.


[Then why didn't you remind me? 】Lu Ling was very dissatisfied that Xuechen didn't remind her that she lost such a big person.

【Master, I reminded you, but you kept screaming, completely...】

【Shut up. 】Lu Ling blushed and said.

I am timid, so it is not up to a pet to teach me a lesson. She is really an ignorant little girl, she can just follow her own way, and she can't speak at all.


[Don't speak! ] Lu Ling said, she just feels ashamed now... Xuechen must also think she is stupid when something like this happens...

【Master, although I want to be obedient, I feel that if I don't tell you, you will be even angrier later. 】 Xuechen's voice was a little aggrieved.

【What's wrong? 】

【Master, your master... is going to die. 】 Xuechen said in a low voice, Zixu Daoist was fine before, but suddenly he took a heavy hand, although he can't die now, but if he doesn't care about it, something will happen.


! ! ! !
Only then did Lu Ling realize that the reason why she lost such a big man was because of her master!How can I forget this matter, is it really a fool?
Before she had time to think about it, Lu Ling hurriedly turned around, and then saw her master was trampled by her uncle, and the Taoist robe was stained red with blood.

The silver light on Zixu's hand is so gorgeous that Lu Ling's eyes are dazzled, if this shot is taken...


As soon as Lu Ling called out a word, she held back.

Because someone is faster than her.

"Stop." A figure grabbed Zixu's hand.

Lu Ling looked at the man in white and was taken aback for a moment.

This person... She knew it, and the process was a little awkward... The point is, this is a man, for a man!

She knew that a man had come to Lingshan, but because she could bypass that place, it was the first time she saw him today...

"Master, Senior Brother!" Obviously, Master Zixu was also taken aback, the blackness in his eyes dissipated in an instant.

Li Wangsheng, who had always been decadent, had a serious expression on his face at this time, and he said something to Master Zixu.

"Ayao, that's enough."

"...I'm sorry, I lost my temper." The appearance of Li Wangsheng completely dissipated the hostility in Zixu's heart, and he was a little nervous. Then he lifted his feet from Chu Qishui's body and left them behind when he stepped on the ground. There was a bloody footprint.

"Senior Sister Chu..." Li Wangsheng looked at the miserable woman on the ground and sighed.

There is still a shadow of the glamorous and stunning immortal back then.

Knowing that Senior Sister Chu must be having a hard time, she didn't expect Chu Qishui to blame herself so far...

"Forget life..." Chu Qishui closed her eyes, her face showing pain, and she recalled bad things again.

"Okay, senior sister, I'll take you to treatment..." Li Wangsheng gave Zixu a cold look, and the latter remained motionless like an obedient child.

Just when Li Wangsheng was about to touch Chu Qishui, a woman appeared.

"Don't touch her."

"Sir!" Lu Ling looked up in surprise.

Li Zhuzi ignored Lu Ling, but walked up to Li Wangsheng: "Wangsheng, I made you worry, but just leave the senior sister to me..."

"it is good."

Then Li Zhuzi hugged Chu Qishui, the latter didn't resist at all, because of Li Wangsheng's appearance, today she couldn't die even if she wanted to... It didn't count to this point.

In fact, Chu Qishui knew that Li Zhuzi would not care about her, not even the Lingshan people, because they respected her choice—any choice.

The reason why Li Zhuzi came forward was Lu Ling, and because today's matter couldn't go on anyway, she didn't expect Zixu to be so impulsive...

"Zixu, get ready." Li Zhuzi walked past Master Zixu with Chu Qishui in his arms, and said coldly.

"Yes." Zixu nodded, since she made the move, she was already prepared for the worst.

"That's it, you talk, remember to remove the barrier later." Li Zhuzi said, and teleported away with Chu Qishui in his arms.


The arena fell silent.

"Farce." Li Wangsheng looked at Zixu real person, scolded, like a brother.

"Brother...I..." Zixu's chest rose and fell violently.


As for Lu Ling, she was a little dazed. Facing the place where Li Zhuzi disappeared, she stretched out a hand to hold it, looking a little helpless.

Sir... Sir, have you forgotten me?
 Thank you for the 2000 tipping from Xuesheng on the run, 100 tipping for the forgotten one, 1000 tipping from Qingtian Biyun, and 10000 tipping from Demon King Seed!Thanks! ! ! !By the way, the plot of these two people will be here first, and the rest of the details will be mentioned later, just a brief mention.

(End of this chapter)

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